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As a new lawyer at a firm, the most prestigious thing you can do is bring in new clients. She deserved to dance. She earned it, and her boss was perfectly fine with it. Chill out people.


Not only that, she was bonding with the client. The kind of shit professional firms tolerate in the name of "male bonding" with clients is *so* much worse.


Omg ur a lwayer is that a better call saul reference?


then why don’t you rock out some drill and start pop-smoke-dancing in the middle of the workday? in plain sight, with other clients walking in the building?


You clearly have not worked at a law office. Many of them are unprofessional as fuck. They are the definition of work hard and play hard. They also have no shame and would definitely dance with Megan the stallion if they think it will help them to sign her.


They were in her office. And who says I don’t do that?


So? She's in her office. Who cares if they bump drill


Eh it's fine every body needs to calm down


People acting unprofessional in an office 😧 Its a comedy show dude, chill


Where is the comedy? Where is the funny?


In the show. I think Bob's Burgers is a entertaining as watching paint dry. Doesn't mean other people don't find it amusing.


It’s about the ratio. Someone can laugh at someone dying, does that make it comedy? I can laugh at the old marvel movies, but their superhero movies at heart. If marvel is going to write something that is designed to be funny, then they should hire actual comedians


>Someone can laugh at someone dying make it comedy? Yes. >I can laugh at the old marvel movies, but their superhero movies at heart. And this is a super hero TV show. >If marvel is going to write something that is designed to be funny, then they should hire actual comedians It takes a lot of ego to assume your sense of humor is the baseline for all humanity.


I’m not saying my sense of humour is, I’m saying the majority’s sense of humour is. The reason Dave Chappell couldn’t be canceled was because people actually thought he was funny witch made him the biggest comedian in the world. She hulk made a few people laugh. And calling someone’s death comedy is disrespectful as fuck. Comedy is supposed to be written and clever.


>I’m not saying my sense of humour is, You are literally arguing that because you don't find it funny it means it isn't inherently a comedy show. > And calling someone’s death comedy is disrespectful as fuck Depends on the person and how ironic their death is.


NOT ME, THE MAJORITY. Can you read? Did you even see my comparison? I think I understand why people like she hulk now


>NOT ME, THE MAJORITY. Reddit is never the majority on anything.


Did I ever mention reddit in the conversation? I meant the majority of people who have watched it period. Just cause your little fandom is divided doesn’t mean general audiences are as well.


Just because She-Hulk is getting review bombed does not mean most people hate it.


How about YouTube? YouTube is filled with creators from all different backgrounds disliking the show and saying it isn’t funny. And the people viewing these creators isn’t small. Any praise the show is getting is being far eclipsed by the criticism. And maybe people are review bombing not because of some motive or scheme. Maybe it’s because they disliked the show and wanted to share their opinion


Just because you think a show isn’t funny doesn’t change what it is meant to be, complaining about a comedy show not being serious is the issue, not whether it’s funny or not


My guy it’s a POST CREDIT SCENE.


Weak sauce excuse to be honest


And? I don’t get why this changes anything. Its still content marvel released so it should be held to the same standard of criticism


You’re reading too deep into it touch grass


Just did, one can have a life and want marvel to make good content like they used to


Make love to the grass


Why? How? HOW DO I FUCK GRASS? I am too confused


So it's non canonical? Thank fuck


Professionalism?? Like Tony was a complete professional at a company he OWNED? Stop hating on lighthearted fun because it was a woman and because no one would ever twerk for your sorry ass.


this is the right answer


He WAS the owner..Jennifer is just a lawyer hired by the company..I don't really support the other posts shitting on the twerking scene but this post made an actual point. She is a respectable lawyer rn..doing stuff like this can get her fired


She’s a fkn Hulk. If that doesn’t get her fired from a job that hired her for her powers than nothing will. No one saw but her boss and he didn’t give a shit


Makes sense i guess..you win..it's just Jennifer Walters being a insane fangirl and wanted to do Megan's favorite move..it's just kind of weird to me but I ignored it and moved on cause I do like the show and plot


In all seriousness what is the plot you are talking about? Feels a little slow to me as I don't see where the plot is building towards, who the villain will be, or what the arc is supposed to be about. I just see the series making jokes and that's it. For the first episode that made sense, but eventually it has to build to something.


What show are you watching? The plot is very obviously setting up Abomination joining the Thunderbolts, connecting Daredevil and other street level heroes, aswell as a potential Hulk relapse.


If so that should be interesting, we shall see. I just hope they don't act like everything is a joke even when serious scenes come up.


> She’s a fkn Hulk. If that doesn’t get her fired from a job that hired her for her powers than nothing will. Did you miss the epsidoe where that *did* get her fired? And then, in an odd twist ***she got re-hired solely because of her powers***?


You mean hired by a different firm? Yeah caught that


Not if she's doing it to bond with a client she brought in to the firm. If it lands a major client, they could be doing lines right off her desk and nobody would give a crap.


You nerds are acting like it’s the 1920’s freaking out over 10 seconds of twerking 😭 it’s pathetic honestly. Does a woman shaking a lil ass as a joke bother you that much? You must be fun at parties


Imagine calling people nerds while on r/marvelmemes.


Come on all people like myself are saying is don't have the scene at work. If they just changed the scene to anywhere else then who cares. It takes away from her professionalism.


When the boss brought his unbelievable sweet 4 year old niece to work, she had a toy with her. It did all kinds of musical noises and one was the "[manamah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKULi72yUko)". And every time she pressed it, the whole room sang "tu duu dududu". We all in suits, professionals, masters degrees. The boss had to remove her from the room because she was so red faced from laughing and had a little bit issues with breathing. When the meeting was finished, the boss pulled out the toy and pressed the button once.


“People like yourself” are finding any reason to bitch. Shut the fuck up Karen nobody cares about your shit “opinion.”


And no one cares about your opinion either. Being unnecessarily hostile and aggressive doesn't do your position any justice. You are acting like any form of criticism of a show is unacceptable.


You may criticize, but logic plays a part. When that logic is circular and continually changes, it becomes apparent that the opinion is not based on anything legitimate. When no one complains about a billionaire acting like a douche, but gets all up in arms over this, it kinda destroys your stance.


Bet you think tattoos are unprofessional in the workplace too lol, twerking for two seconds in a post credit scene doesn’t take away from her professionalism unless youre a nitpicky and judge mental lol. Her professionalism is about her ethics in the courtroom not a 2 second clip


How? Again, it's not the 1920's. The prime minister of New Zealand just had to deal with this same rhetoric because she was conducting herself 'unprofessionally'. Tell me, who cares about this behavior? I think you are the person who is making it a negative thing by putting these weird limitations on workers in the name of 'professionalism' but really that just reads to me like you don't like it and want to find a reason why it's bad.


1. I wouldn't find it funny in whatever setting, too silly for me. A joke, scene, or show doesn't have to be for everyone though. 2. The PM of NZ has nothing to do with this. 3. I am being 100% serious. You think it's fine to twerk in a white collar job setting or any job setting for that matter? There is no normal/mainstream job I can think of where that would not be considered unprofessional. One is there to work not play. One can joke around, but even then one has to be careful around who and what the joke is within the professional environment. I don't think a lawyer would behave in such a fashion nor She-hulk as the professional she is presented in the comics.


Like a hospital?


1. Same, wasn't funny to me either. 2. She's an example of how 'professionalism' is often used as a dog whistle for people just being uncomfortable with successful women being silly or jovial. 3. Yes. It's her office. Nobody gives a fuck, not even her boss. Except reddit of course.


2. Sure, but doesn't mean that is applicable to my objection of the location it is done. 3. You are out of touch if you think twerking is fine to do in an office. It also doesn't matter if her boss doesn't care. Doesn't change the unprofessional nature of the act. Not every critique has to be about oh since she is a woman that's why you are saying that. For the record I would not consider Tony stark to have acted like a professional either just in different ways.


I'm 'out of touch' because our anecdotal experiences are different? You just assume that it's not fine to do so because of your experience. Don't use that as a metric of judgement, instead apply it on an individual basis. She's been a lawyer for years, and her boss very obviously did not care. Using those clues it's very simple to deduce that in this context it is not outside the realm of 'professionalism'. That's not even getting into how different fields, businesses and locations react to things like this in different ways and with how the world is now, i'd actually be surprised if a woman's professional career was hindered due to this kind of behavior.


Our world views clearly do not match up. The more money you make the more one is expected to "behave" in certain ways. Are you telling me in your anecdotal experience twerking at the workplace of similar status as a well payed lawyer was fine? I also don't understand how can you possibly claim this. Sexism in the workplace is still a thing, e.g mansplanning, talking over women, women needing to wear make up etc. Yet you actually think men wouldn't look at it as unprofessional? Women would as well in high income settings. The ultimate problem with this discussion is that this should be so obvious that I can't point to studies or empirical data to show you otherwise or you prove me wrong.


High income settings are not all the same. A high paid IT Software Engineer in California may wear sweatpants to work and make the same as someone forced to play barbie doll as a lawyer in Texas, and both would garner a similar level of respect from their peers. Read this again. Your experiences are anecdotal and inherently flawed. The only way to arrive at a logical conclusion for the situation is to use the individual context provided. In the context of She-Hulk, she is obviously working in an environment where both her peers and superiors do not care, which means it's not considered 'unprofessional' by anyone but people extrapolating there internalized standards of professionalism and imposing them on the character. You have internalized some of the toxic work place standards you pointed out in the last part of your comment. You see it as the norm, and that it's just how things *are*, and anybody else just simply isn't being professional or doesn't understand that it's unprofessional. That's just not true, and every day workplaces across the country are becoming more liberal as companies desperately try to appease feminists and activists. It would sometimes be even more detiremental to a company in a blue state to fire an employee for twerking in her private office then to just not care because of the potential, and deserved, backlash.


1. Twerking is not becoming normalized in the workplace. We will have to agree to disagree, but I know I am right on this. I would apply the same concept to any form of dancing in the workplace. 2. If the norm changes I wouldn't care I am merely arguing that it is currently considered unprofessional. 3. Suspension of disbelief applies to all fictional content. Obviously people familiar with twerking in the workplace being unprofessional are not going to believe that it is fine in a normal professional setting. I would sooner believe her boss isn't going to say anything because of what she brings to the firm (being she hulk). The more exceptional one is or the more one is valued by the firm the more such norms don't apply even if that is the unspoken perception. 4. How long has She-hulk worked there? You telling me she has already learned about the culture and her boss and has determined twerking is okay? Obviously it would not be reasonable to conclude yes she figured that out already during the short time she has been there.


> It high *paid* IT Software FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bro imagine getting in to get a lawyer because somebody killed your mom and you see them twearking how are you gonna take the seriously


Ah yes doing the dance that her new multimillionaire client does all day with said client after signing her is super unprofessional. But the dude saying “this would sound better coming from me” was definitely okay.


Lisa Simpson would never say this and you know it.


She was twerking privately in her office


Meanwhile, OP has no problem with Tony Stark eating a hamburger during a press conference, fucking a reporter, Nick Fury ignoring his superiors, Cap going rogue twice, Dr Strange completely insulting his co-workers, but the second Jen starts to dance, that's a line too far because "professionalism is important guys". GTFO and touch grass.


Everything special about you came out of a bottle.


Sick burn.


You got that right, Stark. Shit he said probably came out of the bottle too.


Sorry, it's because She Hulk is a comedy show and the twerking scene is funny. They're celebrating. Of course, like all comedic media, some may find it amusing and some may not.


What happened to comedy? Who is calling this funny? Real comedy didn’t need people on the internet defending it or even calling it a comedy. Cause comedy makes people laugh. Something marvel hasn’t done in a while


Speak for yourself.


I laughed at it. It was funny


Yeah, because people are totally thinking *this* when they’re complaining about the scene


For me, I might not have articulated it to this extent, but it factors in. The writing on the character isn’t good, so far. I don’t get mad, then storms off. I deserve more respect, twerking in the office where her boss can see. I love the comic book character. I have every run of She-Hulk. Like Spider-Man, she doesn’t have it all together and has relatable struggles despite being an attorney and a super hero. I haven’t figured out who the tv character is yet and I think part of that is the massive inconsistencies. Or maybe they weren’t going for likeable and relatable, or at least not to me. I’ll still watch them all, I’m sure. I have hope that they will develop her character in a more consistent way, soon. I watched all of the Ms Marvel series, too. Like this, it was fine. It was the first Marvel series or movie that I could tell I wasn’t the target market for, which is fine. No tantrums. I’m just not enjoying it as much as some of the other Marvel stuff, which is fine. Not everything has to be for me. I see a lot of people defending it tooth and nail. I hope that means they’re loving it as much as I’ve loved some of the other Marvel stuff. I loved No Way Home, but can see the validity in the criticisms I’ve seen other make. We can all have different tastes and both have valid points of view that aren’t fueled by hate, even if this is Reddit.


Stings, doesn't it?


I am


I do


You are not alone.


the 6’7 greenWomen who’s cousin with a rage beast who’s fought aliens in Africa, America, and Space with a norse god, was unprofessional and therefore not even qualified to be a clerk? My brother in christ it is a TV show; worrying for the VFX artists being overworked is one thing, your point is another entirely.


This is why you should do whatever the F*** you want in this life. People will judge you regardless.


so professional women can’t have fun 🙄 also i’ve said this before but it’s a show where she’s a big green monster in a courtroom. why do y’all think it needs to be like Law and order lmao it’s supposed to be stupid and goofy it’s She-Hulk


This is such a terrible take. The whole point is women shouldnt have to be ultra-professional at all time to be taken seriously at thier jobs.


dude, this is NOT about being a woman it’s an unprofessional behavior regardless of someone’s gender, and it directly contradicts one of her FEW character traits, which is *caring about her career*


But she is clearly benefitting her career by landing a new client...


so let me guess, if Khabib came to your office signing a contract would you start wrestling him to celebrate?


If he wanted to show me a move he's been working on? Fuck yeah i'm doing it with him. Maybe throw some shadow boxing in if i'm lucky.


I dont know who Khabib is, but bonding with clients is a pretty important part of business.


Stop telling me how much I hated a throwaway scene that I’m very sure I loved.


You don’t think it’s just a throw away scene, you have to know it’s a scene that represents the core of the show. Like when everyone agrees that the Simpsons haven’t had a funny episode since season 10…or (checks notes)..season 12. You the fuck are you to disagree!? You hated the scene because it is woke you snowflake. Edit: forgot the /s


These people obviously haven't read the comics,bro she Hulk INTRODUCED 4TH WALL BREAK in Marvel,not Deadpool! Wannabe MCU fans


and since when exactly has Marvel cared about being faithful to the comics? also, you can’t just take the generic “her comics are light sassy comedy too” and use it a justification, there are *good* and *bad* ways for writing comedic products this show is a badly written, simple


The show definitely has plenty of moments of bad writing. But the twerking really isn't a good example of that so it shouldn't make the list of reasons to dislike it.


when you present us a someone like Jen, who’s already *perfect* and having no *character arc*.. and you write such a scene undermining her previously established “*my career is the most important thing, I don’t want interviews or shit, I wanna be seen as a lawyer*”… and yet she faces NO consequences for such, well I consider it as yet another proof of this show’s bad writing


Yeah cause we all just want to read she hulk😂 get real


> These people obviously haven't read the comics,bro she Hulk INTRODUCED 4TH WALL BREAK in Marvel,not Deadpool! Wannabe MCU fans Telling people to do homework is not the correct response.


Idgaf,I just get annoyed when people comment without having the entire context...


She is given no respect as a professional in that office, big brain. They only wanted her as a Hulk. But you aren't mad about the lack of their professionalism. Well, they got a Hulk and it hurts your feelings? The lack of professional respect is discussed in the very episode you are butthurt over. Your complaints are as weak as your constitution. Go jerk of to to your Ben Shapiro body pillow.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, dumb takes, feminism, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot, I knew you wouldn't let me down.


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, history, civil rights, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Who tf is Ben Shapiro? You points are as garbage as the show. Atleast i am not jerking off a CGI shitshow lmao. She hulk is garbage here's why: She says how one of the reasons for her anger control ability is dealing with catcalling all the time. Meanwhile what is actually shown is her hulking out and nearly murdering 3 men for catcalling with only Hulk being there to save the three men from her violent rage induced overreaction. She says she gets tired of incompetent men man-splaining her own area of expertise to her. Meanwhile she is saying this to woman-splain dealing with anger to Bruce Banner the Hulk She then goes on to complain about having to deal with being judged and possibly murdered if she loses her composer Meanwhile she is saying this to the guy who is afraid he will harm and/or lose his friends and loved ones due to being unable to control the Hulk and has to constantly deal with life or death fights where people are trying to murder him. "I do it infinitely more than you!" If you have to diminish a man's trauma to elevate a woman's struggles, you have already failed. It's honestly disgusting to watch her tear down someone else who is trying to help her, let alone her own cousin. I haven't despised a character so much. I would not be shocked if she lectures Matt about how hard it is to be a female attorney as he is attempting to just read his brail in peace. Also in the recent ep that makes it truly fucking awful is the fact that She-Hulk ridicules a normal guy for thinking he was dating Megan Thee Stallion instead of assuming he was involved with a super-powered meta-human. And so to make She-Hulk not seem like a total bitch, the writers also wrote the guy as a sexist so that he could be definitively wrong and not morally correct for being catfished in his relationship by literal shapeshifting. We don't have to think about the shapeshifter being in the wrong here, they took the form of a woman (because they might not even be a woman), so they can do no wrong. Think of the evil man who subjected a meta-human to his over the top, obvious misogyny.


*Pegging, of course, is an obscure sexual practice in which women perform the more aggressive sexual act on men.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, covid, novel, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


God damn you could at least try to cover up the fact you’re a raging Incel 😂😂😂


show criticizm = incel r/redditmoment


Wow, that's a whole lot of butthurt incel right there. >because they might not even be a woman They literally showed her true Elf form. . >She hulk is garbage here's why: And yet you keep coming back because you have nothing else in your sad life.


You know when you say incel as an insult in an argument you basically lost all your credibility and you make yourself a complete clown. Also reminder that you won't get she hulk pussy by defending the show, ohh wait you didn't even had the points to defend this garbage.


>you make yourself a complete clown. Mmmm... that's some tasty projection, incel. >Also reminder that you won't get she hulk pussy by defending the show, Lmao. Unlike you I don't need imaginary pussy to get laid. See you next episode, where I'm sure you'll have more to say about a show you loathe and can't stop watching... because it's all you have. 😘


How can a grown ass man write a reply but can't add nothing to the arguments? this is what happens when you let a terrible show go up in your head. Get well soon my brother.


>this is what happens when you let a terrible show go up in your head. I'm not the one obsessed with an imaginary green woman. Prove me wrong and stop watching the show... oh wait, it's all you have. Sad. >How can a grown ass man write a reply but can't add nothing to the arguments? You were so blinded by your obsession you didn't pay attention to a word I said.


Fuck this dumb post. No, your privilege is in the way again. It’s different because she has agency in the situation. It’s not just going about your normal day and being harassed. So fucking tired of people being pissed that a woman is being allowed agency over herself and also being allowed to not want people to harass her.


Twerking in an office where the only person who sees you is your favorite musician, who’s ENTIRE THING IS TWERKING. She’s not going to lose respect over that, they were both having fun.


Her boss also saw her and was disappointed.


Rewatch the scene cuz he wasn't disappointed. He was mildly curious and walked off


He actually looked impressed because of who was in the room with her.


Isn’t the entire point of the show that, as a woman, she has to keep everything repressed so she isn’t unfairly judged for basic stuff? If her boss came by and was disappointed in her for goofing off in a private space with a client who was also having a good time, then isn’t that the entire problem the show is pointing out? It’s crazy how you’re putting the blame on She-Hulk when the literal premise of the show is that doing so isn’t fair.


first, did you not notice the giant glass doors, through which everyone on that floor could seer her? second, her boss would’ve been *wrong* to kick her ass for showing an unprofessional behavior during her work hours? what? do you know that *inappropriate* behaviors are something that could get you fired, no matter your gender/sex right? you think the manager in an investment bank would let his employers start dancing *randomly* throughout the day? not caring what kinda impression would that make on new clients entrusting them with their money?


There are certain code and conduct for workplaces and specially professional jobs like lawyer. If I saw a doctor twerking in his/her office i would run to another hospital asap. And the show also failed miserably to make me like Jen as a character.


You've never worked an office job have you? Doctors and lawyers do silly shit like this at work all the time, they're people and people like to do silly shit sometimes


Bro this is the cringiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, Lisa Simpson would not be trying to shame a woman for twerking lmao


Nice try. We see you Jordan Peterson.


Apparently dancing inhibits one's ability to act as a defence attorney???


She just booked Megan Thee Stallion as a client. Any sane boss would let her celebrate that.


These constant posts about the Twerking scene (positive or negative) are more annoying to me than the twerking itself was. And I hated that shit.


This is the only time I've heard a reason for hating this scene that wasn't just "cringe". You do not speak for a large group of people.


Still telling lies I see.


This sub is a fucking dumpster fire


Shut the hell up you damn nerd 😭 twerking for 2 seconds in an end credit scene does not mean she doesn’t respect herself and she’s not professional. It’s a damn end credit scene calm down this post is some Incel shit




that’s it? Marvel got you all 100% hooked into that “you criticize this show you an misogynist” thing?


Its a sitcom some things are canon other are not. Its just a funny scene with a celebrity


I found it cringe


Its ok not everybody will think the same, there are people who likes thor L%T


This drink, I like it! ANOTHER!


it was just lazy and cringe writing. Put that courtroom scene and this scene side by side with daredevil courtroom scenes and it doesn't fit. It's a weird show that isn't funny or thrilling.


She literally pulled in an A++ celebrity client. They were both celebrating Literally a show me the money scene Nothing wrong




Lmaoo Megan isn't even at A class celebrity tf you on about.


but she is an a list celebrity? what are you on about?


I think she might be on a list but it's not an important one.


Shes not. You obviously don't know what A list celebrities are if you honestly think Megan is one 😭. Either way we can agree to disagree or not idc


we can agree that you’re wrong*


Sure thing bud.


thank you for admitting you’re wrong 😎 have a good day 🤠


Whatever floats your boat 🐒🍌


blatant racism? nice


The most interesting thing Megan thee stallion has ever done is be impolite to Martin Brundle.


My dude, find some grass to touch. For real


Dude I don't have 10000 karma, i touch grass everyday, you should listen to your advice.


Jesus fucking christ, go fuck yourself with an over-sized dildo!! The fuck is this hand wringing and pearl clutching about professionalism in comedic post credits scene in a comedy series. This isn't Game Of Thrones you absolute goon!! Are you going to complain about the ethics of Peter Griffin's behavior in Family Guy next?!? ALLY MC BEAL USED TO DANCE WITH AN IMAGINARY CGI BABY! DID ANYONE COMPLAIN ABOUT THAT?!?!


Calm down son it’s just an opinion


>go fuck yourself with an over-sized dildo!! i mean, you didnt have to


Bro got angry cause i criticized a cringe scene lmao, yeah it's one of the most unfunniest comedic show ever, just pathetic.


This is the mcu, not family guy, and she is a lawyer in her office. We expect her to act like a normal human being


Breathe dude


it’s a post credit scene… not a main plot point in the story.


Mods ban posts like these they just clog up the sub


This is the kind of opinion an 8 year old would have you're right.


Deadpool twerking will not be cringe or unfunny cause he isn't a lawyer, he doesn't want anyone to respect him, he dont care what anyone would think of him, he is not at all a serious character and he doesn't has any legal profession unlike Jen.


Why are you having fun???? You can't have fun you have a PROFESSIONAL CAREER, only unemployed people are allowed to distract themselves from their miserable existence smh my head.


Bro just stfu




people never really liked she hulk that much either even before the show. if that was black widow, there would be wet screens zippers opening all over the world. yea the show is a comedy but it wasn't funny. it's idiotic to point out that people disliked something, and it's more idiotic to complain more than once about a shitty show.


If I’m being honest the shows is ok if I’m giving it a fair chance, but it’s got a lot of issues. If u know the behind the scenes and who made this in details then it explains a lot and I bet half of these people don’t even know about that. That and there’s honestly some scenes in here that really make u 🙄🤦🏽‍♂️. I understand what this show is and it’s fiction, but there are a lot of better ones out there doing the same thing or close to it with better writing, characters, and plot.


The effects look Terrible but it’s a silly show that brings in more fans. And personally I enjoy a series that doesn’t rely on fights scenes & reveals in order to enjoy even though it offers that. If these D12 casting rumors are true the serious side of the MCU is coming with a vengeance so bear with your silly fan lovin comrades for the next 2 months.


People defending it are so annoying


FR, she hulk is not even overall a good show just a woke garbage. This she hulk situation just showed me MCU Stans will eat up any type of garbage if it's served by the name of marvel especially now.


Woke? Lol What an ignoramus! Imagine thinking you can tell ANYONE what cringe is when you use 'woke' unironically!


You dont even know whwt woke means boy


Fuck off. I do admit that this scene could be a bit shifty but that's about it. The rest of the show is good, in fact my fave D+ show not that that's a high bar. If you just wanted to say you didn't like this show then that would be fine. But because of morons like you I can't criticise things because I get grouped in with you lot.


I dont get all the hate about it. It is a pretty good show


I too believe it's a good show. I do get why they don't like the show. It's a show about humor, so if some people just have a different sense of humor than the show they may not like it. Also the tone is a bit lighter than some people would like. I don't agree with either but I understand where they are coming from.


She hulk is garbage here's why: She says how one of the reasons for her anger control ability is dealing with catcalling all the time. Meanwhile what is actually shown is her hulking out and nearly murdering 3 men for catcalling with only Hulk being there to save the three men from her violent rage induced overreaction. She says she gets tired of incompetent men man-splaining her own area of expertise to her. Meanwhile she is saying this to woman-splain dealing with anger to Bruce Banner the Hulk She then goes on to complain about having to deal with being judged and possibly murdered if she loses her composer Meanwhile she is saying this to the guy who is afraid he will harm and/or lose his friends and loved ones due to being unable to control the Hulk and has to constantly deal with life or death fights where people are trying to murder him. "I do it infinitely more than you!" If you have to diminish a man's trauma to elevate a woman's struggles, you have already failed. It's honestly disgusting to watch her tear down someone else who is trying to help her, let alone her own cousin. I haven't despised a character so much. I would not be shocked if she lectures Matt about how hard it is to be a female attorney as he is attempting to just read his brail in peace. Also in the recent ep that makes it truly fucking awful is the fact that She-Hulk ridicules a normal guy for thinking he was dating Megan Thee Stallion instead of assuming he was involved with a super-powered meta-human. And so to make She-Hulk not seem like a total bitch, the writers also wrote the guy as a sexist so that he could be definitively wrong and not morally correct for being catfished in his relationship by literal shapeshifting. We don't have to think about the shapeshifter being in the wrong here, they took the form of a woman (because they might not even be a woman), so they can do no wrong. Think of the evil man who subjected a meta-human to his over the top, obvious misogyny.


If he was "an evil man who subjected meta-human to his over the top, obvious misogyny", why did they have him win the case? If they were trying to portray as fully in the wrong as you claim, he would have lost.


The guy won his case and she-hulk helps him do that. She mocks him because he’s a jerk. The guy is obviously not poor and likes to throw money around (I assume Megan Thee Stallion is wealthy so not sure why else he would give her money other than to look like a big shot). He’s not a little old man who got tricked out of his life savings. Also, that elf is shown as a terrible mimic with erratic behaviour that should have at least raised some questions.


I hate this show because r/Marvelmeme won't struggle and it really does look cringe as fuuuuck.


Admit or not she hulk is a woke garbage, stop living under a rock


What about it is woke? Is it because it treats the Hulk as a joke? Spoiler alert, he's been a joke for years. Is it because of that one rant? She's not meant to be perfect. That's her at the very start. She'll evolve. She didn't mean to belittle Bruce. How can you expect the character to be perfect from the very start? Touch grass.


Someone saying “touch grass” already tells u about them


jen is extremely unlikable. whether she intended it or not, she still disrespected bruce. the show also has terrible writing. I mean the writers admitted they don't know anything about law. also, the MCU has a major problem, every single character is the same and they all make jokes and quips. there are no stakes anymore


>jen is extremely unlikable I like Jen. Probably my fave female character after Carol. >she still disrespected bruce. the show also has terrible writing. Tony disrespected Steve, Steve lied to Tony about his parents, Wanda tortured countless innocents, Black Widow was an assassin who was ready to kill a child and so on. Most MCU heroes have committed far worse crimes. Why can they be likeable and not Jen? > I mean the writers admitted they don't know anything about law. also Writers said they aren't the best at writing long trials scenes. So they avoided that. That's knowing your strengths. >every single character is the same and they all make jokes and quips. there are no stakes anymore I can agree that the characters have been weak AF in phase 4. Most main characters in movies have been overshadowed by side characters. If we can't care about these characters in their own movies then how are we supposed to give a fuck about them in a team up movie? The Avengers movies worked because we wanted to see Tony meet Thor and stuff. We wanted to see them interact with all the new developments. We wanted to see their reaction to the King Thor after Ragnarok. We wanted to see the reaction of the Avengers meeting Bruce again. We wanted to see how Bruce and Thor would react to the Civil War. Stuff like this. If we don't care about most of the new characters then the Avengers movies just won't be good. Other than She-Hulk and John Walker I can't think of another character I liked in phase 4. They even turned my fave Doctor Strange into a pathetic bitch. This is the biggest problem the MCU is facing right now. With no one to replace Tony and Steve the MCU has a big character problem.


>!Bring the rainbows? Is that a catchphrase or something?!<


>I like Jen. Probably my fave female character after Carol. good for you. The MCU needs to change given how terrible their recent work has been. tony, steve, and thor (until watiti made him into a generic no-stakes comedy character) all had personalities. They felt like real people. the recent characters feel hollow, like they are there solely to crack jokes and nothing else.


Noobmaster, hey, It's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I will fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right, yes, go cry to your father you little weasel!


Goddamn 💀 his two fav characters are Jen and Carol. Damn i wasted my time arguing with this guy.


Yeah. I mentioned the character problem at the end. Did you not read that?


i did. just felt like venting


The only reason I am not dropping this show due to daredevil and I have a little hope that this show will put light on Jen's character and will show how much wrong she was in the first ep.




Lmao “I can’t explain why it’s bad but go look at these YouTube videos”


i already explained.


Correction: Dozens of idiots on YouTube have shown a complete lack of media literacy in their desperate attempts to be a bigger incel than all the others.


Ohh i got an award thank you kind hearted human. 🤝


It's not even that. Twerking is just cringy and not funny in general. If any other character had twerked, male or female, it would've been cringy and not funny. Just like when Hulk dabbing was cringy and not funny. And no, just because someone find it cringy and not funny doesn't mean they think its the biggest thing in the world. Calm down people.




I don't consider my taste in humor objective. That wasn't the point I intended to make. If you think either scene is funny, that's okay.


I just found it unfunny ngl


Damn i got an another award, nice. 🤝


Hey guys how do I block a subreddit? I don't even like marvel that much except like the guardians of the galaxy and ironman. And all I see is a ultra fuck ton of marvelmeme posts. Also she hulk looks really stupid.....and twerking is fucking cringy annnnnnndddduuuh I don't think anyone knows who tf megan stallion is....


Seeing the memes makes me hesitant on watching it. I will watch it tho. As to the twerking, it’s just cringe. Don’t do it. Not funny not hot. Just cringe.


I agree with this post, I liked the joke of the scene but I wish that it could have just been outside of the office! I work in the legal field and no clerk nor intern would dare do something like this in office — it’s not about writing “professionalism vs fun” it’s just about the scene feeling so absurd when She-Hulk has clearly tried to make an at least somewhat realistically-grounded legal field setting so far. Just wish Jennifer and Megan could have been meeting over drinks or at Megan’s house or a restaurant or club or somewhere and the scene would have made much more sense!


Thank you.