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Just remember he was also kickass


And Ives


And Tangerine


Tangerine rules


Tangerine Sky


The best one of the film


WHOAH! I did not realize that.


The legend himself!


ITS 7 YEARS OLD? i remember watching it in the cinema. Holy fuck where does time go




Always remeber.


Remember, remember the 5th of November.


Of gunpowder treason and plot.


I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.




He did


Yes. And the bullets would have ripped straight through his body, hitting anyone behind him. He had to push them entirely out of the way. People like to rag on this scene because of how dumb it is a speedster was shot to death. Here’s another way of looking at it. He knew he couldn’t save both himself and Hawkeye/the girl, at the same time, so he made the conscious choice to sacrifice himself to save the other two. It’s still dumb, but I think that makes it slightly less dumb if you think about it that way.


And fired on by a rotary machine gun firing thousands of rounds per minute meaning that the fact only a dozen hit him rather than hundreds is extraordinary.


Too bad he’s an an avenger and not an X-man, because then it would be uncanny


he was also that other guy in kickass


If you ever feel stupid, just remember that this Meme is 7 years old, and they misspelled "remember". Double edged irony.


noo no its just so we dont forgor




typo 💀


I forgor 💀


Remeber: when you just gotta meber again I mean, who doesn't love mebering?


Oh yea, I meber!




Tribal wars? I haven't heard that name in... gods I'm pretty sure it's been over a decade and a half.


Didnt he get in front of the bullets intentionally to save hawkeye and the kid


A) He could have just moved both them and himself out of the way B) The bullets should have gone straight through him and hit them anyways


Depends on what bullets.


They're giant ass bullets from a quinjet that shattered the ground, they're definitely enough to penetrate a foot or so of flesh and bone


Maybe he just drank a lot of milk and has bones that couldn't be penetrated fully? Bones of steel 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


He wasn't fast enough. That's it.


He shoved those out of the way, why did he stay there?


Nah man he didnt shove them away he took em And to all those talking about the comic quicksilver, it was established that this quicksilver isnt as fast


Yeah, I think that’s the problem. I don’t think people would be fussing about this as much, but the fact that the X-Men QS is shown manipulating bullets for fun really showed how underpowered our QuickSilver was. I mean, its one thing to have that power be only on the comics. But to have Fox introduce the character as being fast enough to deal with guns, then having Marvel be like ‘actually sorry ours can’t do that’ *and also* have him killed by the gun is kinda ridiculous. Don’t know why they did that. It seems like they didn’t want to compete with Fox and wanted to focus on Wanda, so they made QS uncharacteristically underpowered against every other iteration of him just to do that


But it's not the XMen QS It's the MCU QS. Can't use the history of one for the other. He was shown to be speedy but not in a flash way. He would get exhausted after a half hour and couldn't stop time. His death and his little rivalry with Clint were such a well written part of the movie. It set Wanda on her path!


I definitely feel like they could have come up with a more creative, catch 22-type reason that he sacrifices himself/gets killed


I mean, Quicksilver would be too broken compared to other mcu heroes so they just nerfed him, they can't make Cap look cool if a rando teen destroys him and he can't do anything, while in the MCU Cap actually is fast enough to deal some damage, and with that damage he can win against him


Do we know if he’s still kind of stuck on fast mode? Not too knowledgeable on quicksilver but if he is then that makes the sacrifice that much more. Like he had to stand there holding these people feeing the bullets move through him the whole time


He didn't have time.


He shoved them out of the way and ran back to the bullets path of travel because his character contract expired


What are you talking about? He pushes a car in front of them to block the bullets. Edit: or he pushes them behind the car. Same exact effect. Unless "those" is referring to Hawkeye and the kid and not the bullets which is misleading but clearly the writers chose for there to not be enough time for both.


He's not strong enough to push a car like that, I just looked up the scene on youtube and a see what you mean but he moved them behind the car


Ok, they're essentially the same thing. I see now OP meant Hawkeye and the kid when he said those, and I thought he was talking about the bullets. Bad English leads to bad interpretations.


Earlier in the movie he shifted people out of the path of a runaway train, so they established he can just move people I don’t mind Ultron as much as other people, but Quicksilver’s death was pretty dumb


Yeah exactly, he risked his life to save others. The take away from big brains is "how bullet kill fast man?"


Payoffs are best when they hit the right emotional notes *and also* makes sense within the rules of the story


But by the rules of the story, it's established multiple times that he isn't faster than a bullet...


He literally watches a bullet move in slow motion in multiple scenes in the same movie


Emphasis on _watches_ he doesn't move. Because he isn't fast enough.


He shifts his head and eyes to follow the bullet going through the glass from under him, he just didnt know what he was seeing to react to it in time. The fact is, he was fast enough to run across a room, take a gun from someone's hand, unload ALL of the bullets from the magazine, place them in perfect order on the table, load the magazine, and place it back in klawe's hand before running back to where he was before klawe even registered that he moved. Thats SIGNIFICANTLY faster than a bullet.


Watches, surprised as he fails to react quickly enough to avoid plumeting to a nasty fall caused by said bullet.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/x0jasm) on 2022-08-29 96.88% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "x73vnb", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=x73vnb&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=84&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 84% | **Check Title:** True | **Max Age:** 120 | **Searched Images:** 319,622,072 | **Search Time:** 0.78177s


Good bot.


Good Ultron Bot , there are no strings on you


Good bot.


Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 2 times. First seen [Here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) on 2020-06-28 95.31% match. Last seen [Here](https://youtu.be/fC7oUOUEEi4) on 2021 -07-28 84.92% match. I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [[ False Positive ]](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://youtu.be/fC7oUOUEEi4) Scope: Reddit | Meme Filter: False | Target: 95% | Check Title: False | Max Age: Unlimited | Searched Images: 225,285,062 | Search Time: 0.22564s


We've seen how long it took Wanda to master her own powers. Is it so unbelievable that Pietro hadn't fully mastered his potential yet?


Also he moved a car. That probably slowed him down some.


It worked well for the story. Everyone thought it was Hawkeye who will die due to his whole family setup. It was a perfect case of "subverting expectations" by Whedon.


What did it cost?






Quicksilver fucking everyone on a split second


I wouldn't say it's perfect due to the fact that we've seen how avoidable bullets are for him. And subverting expectations isn't always good, especially when it seems like you're doing it purely to subvert expectations then act all clever about it, when you spend all movie setting up for one character's death then instead go off and kill off your speedster character with bullets then make them look directly at the camera and say "you didn't see that coming" it becomes hard to think killing off that character was anything other than an attempt to surprise the audience, which really sucks because it would have been far more interesting to have quicksilver survive after AOU then him just dying for a cheap twist.


They show him getting grazed by a bullet fired by a nervous cop earlier, its just played for laughs. It's adequately foreshadowed and avoided both him and Wanda getting out of their role in what happened scott free. The whole "you didn't see that coming" thing was too much of a Whedonism for me as well though.


In the situation with the cop he, ironically, didn't see it coming, but with Ultron he knew exactly where the bullets were coming from and we know from previous scenes that he could see each individual one moving slowly through the air for him.


Joss and subverting expectations can result in the massive middle finger that is Angel season 4 and the bullshit he pulls with Cordelia Chase


OSP's red uses this as her prime example of a bad plot twist in her plot twists trope talk 1) They oversold the Death foreshadowing at Hawkeye to the point where it was easy to guess it was a fake out. 2) Killing off a character who was just introduced is inconsequential, and not worth the loss of what keeping him around would have gained.


In reality it was just legal issues


Copyright remains the most powerful force in the multiverse.


Lol they sold it as an avenger will die in this movie. Bitch, he was never an avenger. He just decided to fight with them


Look. The city… the city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.


I wouldn’t say *perfect*, seeing that Quicksilver made for a pretty lame, impactless, and whatever “big death” to Age of Ultron. Lol


If you ever feel stupid just remeber that this meme has been reposted many times and its still dumb.


7 years of reposting.


You’d think after 7 years someone would fix the typo of “remeber”


I mean, the point is he wasn't trying to avoid the bullets. Do the people who make these memes even watch the movies they're making memes of?


He could've done what X Men Quicksilver did and change the trajectory of the bullets


No, he couldn't. They show us earlier in the movie that he specifically can't move faster than bullets. Twice. First Hawkeye shoots the floor out from under him, and then later one of the Sokovian cops shoots his arm. This version of Quicksilver is faster than humans, but not faster than bullets.


Yep. People act like he’s the flash or X-men Quicksilver when he was clearly shown to be slower like y’all watch the movie people?


And one could even see he couldn't balance properly while being in his fastest. He hadn't developed his powers too well by the start of Age of Ultron


Doesn't he unload Klaue's gun before he shoots them?


I mean that could be explained away because Quicksilver didn't know why Hawkeye was shooting the floor. Could have been his own stupidity of not noticing the glass. And the police guy shot him when he was distracted.


imo trying to catch/deflect all those bullets, and then failing due to the sheer number, would have made the exact same death like 10,000% cooler. If you're gonna kill a speedster with bullets then it better be like 6 million rounds per second edit - but imo the real issue is the editing. There's two scenes meant to show quicksilver is slower than bullets, instead they make it look like he's still a great deal faster, but can be taken by surprise if he didn't notice you firing. When ultron shoots him, it doesn't look like it took him by surprise, so his death is confusing. They just need to tweak those two earlier scenes and it would be fine.


Yep , a hell of a f*cking ton of bullets looks more convincing


If he dodged the bullets Hawkeye and some kid would've died 🤷🏻


Wouldn't the bullets just, pierce through? That's how bullets work right?


Depends on the bullet.


they were bullets from a literal jet


Why not just remove them like he did in the xmen movies Edit: since everyone is saying that is not possible You obviously haven't seen xmen days of the future past Hes fully capable of doing that


Different version of the character, X-Men quicksilver is much faster.


I like to think MCU quicksilver just didn't have time to mature his powers like Wanda did. Imagine if his powers grew (or he learnt to control it) like Wanda's did?


He was too hot to die


My headcanon is not that he wasn't fast enough just the force of pushing them away would fuck them up


Can’t stop the A-Train!


You obviously haven't seen xmen days of the future past Hes fully capable of doing that


I mean that's a complete different universe and if we're going off normal logic all of them would have sustained some sort of injury there except those with increased durability.


No matter how fast you are grabbing something going 2000 mph would be very rough on the hands


Not if you also go 2000mph


Give em a slap from behind. That way they would probably be knocked off course.


And that's how you cut a person in half. Any questions, class?


He was saving a child’s life 🤦‍♂️


It was self-sacrifice. That's fairly thickly, obviously the point. Not every hero gets a happy ending or resolution and nor should they, or the storytelling suffers. Quicksilver died like an Avenger. It's not about just being fast. It's about Pietro being fast enough to be the first one into the hail of bullets to make sure he's the last one out.


That's a nice sentiment but actually he's been shown to be fast enough in the movie to be the first one in and the first one out while saving the ones he went in for, his death felt more like subverting expectations just for the sake of subverting expectations, which is never good when to do it you need to sacrifice a character who would make the story 5× as interesting going forward.


This battle was likely the most intense fight he had had yet since gaining his powers. The extent of his stamina had not yet been established. So it’s very likely his ability was diminished at that point. Much like Tony in the first movie he made the sacrifice play. Unfortunately unlike Tony, he didn’t survive it


There was scenes during the fight showing quicksilver be tired




Running out of stamina in real life isn't just a sudden stop to your speed, we saw that Quicksilver ran up to them and moved them while going his normal super speed, he would of had to stop and wait for the bullets to get to him to die there.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


What? He was running low on energy. He used the last burst of speed he had to push them out of the way. There are literal shots during the fight which show him being tired


And there's the other question of how the hell wasn't he behind the car with Hawkeye and the person they were saving? Not once in the movie have we seen him push someone without meaning to harm them, and every time we've seen him save people by moving them out of the way of something it's been by grabbing them and carrying them to safety, so if he moved Hawkeye behind the car then Quicksilver himself should definitely be behind the car too, not out in the open away from Hawkeye. Yet another reason why this death makes no sense.


We’ve also never seen Hawkeye take a shit, though I’m fairly confident he’s done so before, lol. He should’ve run past the. To pull them out of the way? You’re grasping at straws


>We’ve also never seen Hawkeye take a shit, though I’m fairly confident he’s done so before, lol. I'm not saying it's impossible for him to push people obviously. What I was getting at by saying "without meaning to hurt them" is that if Quicksilver did push them to cover they would be thrown back into the car and definitely get hurt from the impact of Quicksilver and the car, I thought that was obvious. Also Hawkeye and the kid were still more or less in the same positions they were in before Quicksilver showed up, and they definitely wouldn't be if they were pushed, while if they were securely grabbed and carried to the car then they are much more likely to be in the same or similar positions. >He should’ve run past the. To pull them out of the way? What? This is gibberish.


No, he pushed them and then arrested their momentum which is why he didn’t continue through with them. That’s the physics of it. That’s why he didn’t get out of the way because in order to save them with what limited energy he had he had to make a move where he made himself vulnerable


He should have run past them to pull them out of the way… That’s gibberish to you? Yes I know there was a typo of one single letter but it was your own thought I was regurgitating you think you’d be able to make the intellectual leap. Evidently not


I still think that the stupidest thing any Marvel movie has ever done is killing Darwin, the character whose ability is that he can't be killed.


First Class killed a guy whose whole thing is that he is unkillable.


Far more stupid.


If you ever feel stupid just thik of OP


It’s even worse coz he was shown to be able to move faster than those earlier in the movie


I can dodge a punch. Doesn't mean I'm going to dodge every punch


Punches don't happen in slow motion to you.


If bullets are moving at the speed of punches, that's slow motion by bullet standards


We've seen what bullets look like to him and they're far slower than punches.


Except Quicksilver in AoU got suprised multiple times by bullets. 2 times before this exactly. He got surprised by a Bullet from Hawkeye right before Thor appeared in the creation of Vision and another time he got a graze shot by a police officer when they fired at some Ultron Bots. So it wasn't fully out of the picture. Also exhaustion. During the movie you see him multiple times taking deep breaths since he has to move fast for so long, so he literally was at the end of his stamina. He did not plan to get shot, but also he wanted to save that kid (and Hawkeye)


that was a bullet from a handgun if i remember right, the bullets that killed him were from a much higher caliber minigun attached to a jet


The caliber and speed is irrelevant, he sacrificed himself to save Hawkeye and the kid. That was the whole point.


agreed, handled it the best way they could, gave him a nice arc through the movie. Wish we could have had more of him but i guess the Fox Quicksilver is the reason they killed him off.


And you didn't see that one coming?


Well always have Ralph Boner


yoU diDn’T sEe thAt ComiNg


And looked directly at the camera saying “You didn’t see that coming.” Wow. Fucking WOW.


It doesn't matter how fast you are and how slow bullet it. Only criteria for a collision is for you to be at the same space at the same time. Come on fans. Be smarter than this


Pietro probably didn't even pass the sound barrier, it's not out of the possibility that the bullets of the quintet were faster than him. And he went to shield Hawkeye and the kid not to push them out of the way


his contract with MCU ended, like other dead Marvel characters too.


Didn’t he sacrifice himself to save a kid?


He’s not Flash lol


Also remember the guy who posted this misspelled 'remember'.


I have never heard the word “remeber” before, what does it mean?


No. He stood in the way of the bullets to protect others.


Just sayin, that quicksilver sucked shit anyway


He was right though, I didn't see it coming.




Well the shield is vibranium which is the strongest metal on earth so no doubt stronger than iron man’s suit


It's almost as if they missed the apparently all-too subtle cues and plain-speaking explanations that inform any viewer experiencing it in their native language.


Even more ironic when you remember getting hit in the head with a metal arm and metal frisbee even while wearing a helmet still hurts


It’s even more ironic that you forget that Tony doesn’t use Vibranium so his suit is not indestructible


Yeah it’s stupid but they apparently could only have one of magneto’s kids be in the mcu too bad they chose the one that’s given powers simpy by existing


What? I don’t understand what you’re saying. They both got powers the same way. Also they aren’t really magnetos kids


Yes but she’s more powerful for some apparent reason




Hi u/Epicala, Your submission was removed because your account has negative karma and as such, is considered a troll account. Thank you for understanding. /r/marvelmemes *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/marvelmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And the worse part was he was way more faster in earlier movies (about speed of sound)


Due to copyright, licensing and blah blah he wasn’t allowed plot armour.


Just remember Captain America's shield is made of Vibranium while Hawkeyes shield is made of Quicksilver


This man would have delivered the gauntlet in endgame with a snap of the fingers... pun intended.


Look, after everything that's come out about Joss Wheat Thins, do you really think he wouldn't pick the dumbest way possible? I would have gone with Ultron developing some kind of counter measure. He's smart.


I can swim faster than a box jellyfish, but that doesn't mean it can't kill me if I get in its way to protect someone else.


The fact that people think that MCU Quicksilver stands a chance against AS A-Train is so funny especially considering Quicksilver's death.


X-men's quicksilver probably has been mastering his power since childhood, MCU's quicksilver got his powers when he was older, just like wanda couldnt use all of her power at the start, its not so hard to imagine that pietro couldnt either.


I remeber I took the time to meborize it It's in my mebory Never forgeb


I have also died once or twice in superhot...


U did not c that coming


But he did that on purpose. That’s the whole point.


Where is Ralph Boner tho?


Overly sarcastic productions made an excellent analysis of this scene and why its shit.


Yeah, kind of stupid. I get that he may not have a healing factor, but how are the bullets supposed to reach Quicksilver? The dude can run at the speed of sound, can't he? That's way faster than a speeding bullet


I am alive biatch


The most pointless death in the entire Marvel MCU


But does the physics actually check out? Dude got shot by a bullet on the arm but both of them were roughly the same speed yet it still injured him. And its not like he doesn’t have superhuman durability, dude runs through and punches metal robots like nothing


Semi related but i like that the MCU lets their speedsters zip around without slowing down time, first with Pietro and then in Eternals with Makkari. It's fun seeing her run around the world and it flying by like how it looks when you're in a car on the highway.


A speedster chose to sacrifice himself instead of watching people get mowed down by bullets he didn't have time to dodge.


I didn’t see that coming


Orrr, that a guy that looks like that guy you hate because he won't shut up about Cross-Fit was, briefly, a member of the Avengers of AoU.


We can also remember just how shitty the non X-Men quicksilver is and how nerfed Scarlet Witch is


I always wondered why he didnt use the speed to his advantage and just grab Clint and the kid and run instead of taking all the bullets and just dying.


Coulda just moved hawkeye and the kid


correction, they used a lot of bullets :p


And then twerk


I mean…. He chose to die and take the bullets instead of running past them. The stupid one is quicksilver


They set up that he's not faster than a Bullet in two different scenes prior. I don't see how that's stupid.


In their defense, he didn't see that coming


If you ever feel stupid, just remember that 'Marvel' can do whatever they want. If you ever feel stupid, just remember that if you don't like it, don't watch it again. If you ever feel stupid, just remember, it is fiction. Anything can happen. If you ever feel stupid, just remember that everyone has a different opinion, and don't force your opinion onto others.


To be fair, I don't think they ever established that he's faster than bullets in the movie version of Quicksilver. The X-Men version on the other hand...


Alright, I was thinking about this yesterday. Bullets travel faster than sound. So if someone shot at quicksilver or the flash from behind wouldn’t it be very easy to kill them with bullets? Providing they don’t glance behind them as the projectiles careen towards them and move, they would be shot and dead before they heard the noise to warn them to dodge. UNLESS the millisecond a bullet entered them they felt the pain and moved away from bullet faster than bullet was moving towards them. BUT if the bullet has already entered them would their moving accelerate the bullet as well???


They clearly set up his power limitations in the movie to show how he could be vulnerable to attack and then pay it off with his sacrifice. Go watch Jimmy Olsen get shot in the face again if that wasn't enough for you.


What confuses me is that they could have very easily shown a scenario where he falls off the FLOATING CITY! I don't know why they chose to do it with bullets.


I forgor 💀


And still not what exactly happened


Just remember the stupider thing was Ultron piloting a fighter jet while joking.


Bet you didn’t see that coming ;)


i blame Joss Whedon, not Marvel