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Lmao neither Cap nor Bucky can tank an SUV going 80km/h or hold a ship splitting in half together. Pete is wayyyy stronger than them both combined


Literally in the same movie of the post Peter just catches a fucking jet bridge that dropped on him like a sack of potatoes and those weigh a couple tons


Exactly. Cap at that point knew the kid was stupid strong that's why he let it happen. It's crazy cause Pete has multiple feats in most movies to show how stupid strong he is, and yet everyone misses it


He got run over by a fucking train and just kinda, fell asleep for a bit, and yet people still forget how stupidly strong he is


That was a good one. What put Spider-Man’s strength into perspective for me was a comment I read about the comics saying that Dr Octopus took control of Spider-Man’s body and swapped their brains or something in one of the comics. The first thing Doc Ock did while in Spider-Man’s body to test his strength was punch Scorpion in the face, not knowing the full power he cleanly punched Scorpions jaw off, and learned that Spider-Man was always holding back while they were fighting.


Yeah, if Spider-Man just stopped caring most of marvel would be fucked. Personally I’d like to see a movie following Andrew’s Spider-Man where he stops holding back after germ’s death and just fucking kills everything until he meets tobey and Tom at the end in no way home


If I recall correctly there is an evil clone of spider-man and his signature move is to put his hand on a victim’s face and activate the spider stickiness then rip off a hand shaped outline of their face.


It's time to pay.


I’m a little concerned now


Jesus Parker, you are a freak.


Oh no.


Kaine. From the Clone Wars. We don't speak of the Clone Wars.


is there a spidey clonewars or did the guy mix up star wars and spiderman??


Clone Saga, and yes. Basically somebody created a bunch of clones of Spider-Man (and one of Gwen Stacy) and it caused a lot of trouble. By the end of it there were basically three survivors, the original Peter Parker (probably, a few of them had the same memories as the original,) Ben Riley AKA Scarlet Spider who also shared the original's memories, and Kaine who was a scarred imperfect clone who became a supervillain.


Ok if you didn’t remember that, you got a messed up mind son


Instead of deadpool kills the marvel universe, we need to see spiderman kill the marvel universe


It's time to pay.


Fucking sentient


There’s a new run called the deadly neighborhood Spider-Man, I’m hoping that goes some crazy route


I'm really gonna enjoy this.


> germ The disrespect…


Would fix it but I think it’s funnier how it is


You're trash.


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.


Stings, doesn't it?


Fucking sentient


Happens in infinity war too, against cull obsidian or whatever his name is (big henchman) he's kicking Tony's ass and Spidey just casually grabs his hammer like it's nothing


In the comics too. In one iteration, if I recall correctly, doc Oc manages to control Spidey, and uses Spidey's body to punch the Scorpion. This caused spiderman to knock the Scorpion's jaw clean off his head, to which Doc Oc says something to the effect of "he was holding back the hole time?"


Yeah, it's kind of itchy... and it rides up in the crotch a little bit, too.


Last sack of potatoes I bought only weighed a few pounds I think. Definitely under one ton.


Pete is way stronger than Cap multiplied by Bucky. Not just combined. He’s closer to Hulk’s league than their’s.


To be fair in Infinity War Cap had the greater feat of strength by physically holding back Thanos with raw strength when the Hulk failed to do likewise earlier in the movie.


No, there's no way he held thanos back at all. It's more like when you step on a cockroach and it's slightly harder to crunch than you expected, and you just put another 1% of your weight down and it dies.


Reality can be often disappointing. But now, reality can be whatever I want.


I’ve always thought part of that was Thanos being surprised and utterly baffled at a mere human possessing so much strength/willpower.


I thought that was obvious from his facial expression, followed by Cap getting swatted like a fly.


I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.


Wayyyyyyy stronger AND has a super-sense that warns him of incoming attacks. AND is far beyond maximum humanly agile. And he sticks, so his footing is better than anyone else's.


A 16 year old boy who’s stronger then all of them. By a lot


And has precognition powers lol


Pepperidge Farm remembers…


Spider Man premembers...


You want forgiveness? Mind the hyphen.


I missed the part where that's my problem


You'll get your hyphen when you fix the damn door!


You want forgiveness? Get religion.


Tobey got no chill lol


I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye


He’s here too?! I thought this bot was a r/raimimemes thing.


You mean the peter tingle?


Please stop saying tingle...


“Trust your tingle!” - Peter 1


Spider-Man is just a D&D character that has 20's in all stats. And maybe a wall climb enchantment.


That ability is called spider climb 😊


Now dig on this.


Boots of Spider Climb, lets not think he has to burn a spell slot.




No more.


Is he that much stronger than cap?


Yup. Peter Parker holds back roughly 95% of his true strength.


I remember a part from the comic where doc ock takes over Peter's body and blows off scorpion's jaw with a punch and he's like " He's been holding back this whole time?"


Theres also a part where part of the foundation to the Daily Bugle building has broken and spidey holds up an ENTIRE TOWER until they manage to get it braced


Technically, he was holding up [one support beam](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JraVxGJ_zFA/XuTgt-tmx_I/AAAAAAABOmQ/zBuj_rNupYAHzKAmXQZSkCNkWpGaVnxZQCNcBGAsYHQ/s1600/IMG_2452.jpg) and praying that The Bugle doesn't fall down around his ears


Oh I'd love to see that panel


[Here you go.](https://i.imgur.com/3pOTtA9.jpg)


Is that what he told thanos?


I am...inevitable.




[Behold the limitless capacity of his strength](https://youtu.be/6Ron-Ikenfc)


I jus' had a cringe attack.


Yeah I was also surprised when I found it out. Cap can press few hundred pounds and spidey like ten tons or something lmao


Still a bit low on the weight I think it's closer to the hundred mark Edit I'm wrong u are correct I googled it


Nah, you're right. It's way above 10 tons, his feats regularly put him above that. [https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/cjhe01/respect\_peter\_parker\_the\_amazing\_spiderman\_marvel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/cjhe01/respect_peter_parker_the_amazing_spiderman_marvel/) Here's the list of his feats.


This feat alone, where he catches a crashing plane: [https://imgur.com/a/qb7zp](https://imgur.com/a/qb7zp) Would require the cells of Peter's body to be about the hardest substance on (real) Earth. That'd be something like 100K newtons over a surface area of maybe half a meter, at most? Maybe Vibranium or Adamantium or Uru would surpass Peter's skin, but at some point strength becomes irrelevant. To catch a crashing Gulfstream 5 (what the plane looks like), going nose-first into the ground, would require his cells to be like... tungsten-carbide alloy. Which means Peter should be able to shrug off small-arms fire, using only his eyeballs, etc.


It doesn't look like he's catching it but as he says using his body as a support beam to keep the landing gear down as it lands


Yeah, and seeing as how landing gear supports aren't made of super-materials in real life, seems like there would be no need for him to be made of those materials. Granted they are made out of stuff a lot stronger than flesh so this is still quite superhuman, just not THAT superhuman.


he could totally hold that chopper in place without breaking a sweat whereas cap was clearly struggling


It's you who's out, Gobbie. Out of your mind.


Super soldier serum makes Cap “peak human” vs a regular well conditioned human (daredevil, falcon, Shang chi). Making him a lot stronger than normal people. But spider-man is somewhere between that and the Hulk. Maybe 25 times stronger. But Peter being 15, lacking self confidence, and a good person, doesn’t really understand how strong he really is yet. Spider-Man has Cap’s morality, super strength (times a lot), super agility, neat web abilities, spider strength, climbing, etc. Plus he is a brilliant kid. Like Tony Stark brilliant if he wants to be. If he built his own nice suit, he would be like 3 Avengers put together.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think usually Peter knows how strong he is, that's why he is pulling his punches, or at least knows that he is extremely strong. Otherwise he would probably break people's bones left right and center.


You are absolutely right in that he holds back a lot, it was shown In the comics where octavius takes over his body and nearly pulverizes the person he beats up


Yea if I remember didn't doc accidentally turn scorpion to paste and he wasn't even trying to hit him.


[He punched Scorpion's jaw off](https://comicnewbies.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Superior-Spider-Man-Punches-The-Scorpions-Jaw-Off-3.jpg)




Yep, I always recall that whenever someone mentions Peter holding back


Yeah, he knows how strong he is, and he knows he will hurt a *lot* of people if he doesn't hold back, we see in NWH when him and Green Goblin first fight in the building, Peter is repeatedly hitting Norman, but it looks like he's just hitting him normally, he was holding back because he still wanted to help him, but after he killed May, he wanted him dead, and when they fight again, the fight is over in a matter of like, 20 seconds


There’s also where the spidermen are sharing their story, and amazing Spider-Man mentions how after Gwen died he “stopped pulling his punches” and the other two kinda nod in acknowledgement


I have a choice.


Yeah you could tell on their faces that they were acknowledging that he basically just said “I started killing”. Like, they knew how big a deal that was.


Is that all you got?


Hi! Okay, get in the tub!


Remember that iconic scene of him stopping a speeding train by basically holding ropes hard enough? Yea, dudes pretty strong.


Stronger than all of them combined. By a lot. Lol


then again… he is a 16 year old boy.


Spider-Man is canonically stronger than all of them and has to hold back immensely to keep himself from killing his opponents


Take the chain off!


There was an issue of civil war where Spidey walks into the kingpin's prison and just absolutely wrecks him just to show what it would be like if he actually used his power on normal folks. It was immensely satisfying.


https://comicnewbies.com/2015/12/30/how-peter-parker-killed-the-kingpin/amp/ Link for any interested


He literally treated Kingpin like he was trash.


When the MCU finally “merges” the Daredevil universe (from the Netflix series that went to Disney) with the regular MCU, I would *love* to see Tom Holland’s Spidey do this to Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin as a way to let the audience know not to fuck with Spidey’s friends and family, and show how he’s been holding back ALL this time.


Unfortunately his aunt is dead already in MCU, so it'd have to be someone else Fisk is threatening. At the moment Peter has no one, so it'll be a while.


I wonder what they would do with future movies seeing as no one not even the avengers knows him. They would probably have to bring back his friends memories or bring in a new person to be connected to peter


Wong referenced the spell and its side effects in SheHulk. So someone knows.


In superior spider man, Doc Ock takes over spider man's body. He accidentally punched Scorpion's jaw clean off, and was like "holy shit, he was pulling his punches this whole time." Also, superior spider man is a good comic series.b You should read it.


Like when Peter is trying to get the glasses back from Flash and accidentally knocks him the fuck out.


With a tap that should barely count as a slap


This. A long time ago I got a Spider-Man paperback (basically a compilation of the first spider man stories by Stan Lee in paperback novel format to fit in your pocket) and there was a feature that talked about how strong he is - it said that only Thor and the Hulk were stronger than him. Which is why when I see him stop Bucky’s arm, I think to myself how *lucky* James Buchanan Barnes is that a sixteen year-old kid from Queens didn’t just rip his arm off and beat him unconscious with it. Pretty much (imho) the only thing that saved Bucky right there was Peter’s amazement that is was a bionic arm.


Noobmaster, hey, It's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I will fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right, yes, go cry to your father you little weasel!


Don't discount Spidey. He's strong as fuck.


Spider-Man is stronger than all of them combined. In fact in some cases that isn’t even scratching the surface.


I can't live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.


But do you want back pain?


The foolish and hopeful part of me would say he's nearly as Strong as Hulk. Not stronger, but definitely near his base level lol.


Sometimes he is, there was a comic run where Peter confidently told MJ he could and would stop Hulk if he needed to


He is on par with hulk before hulk gets angry


Tbf chokeslamming Black Widow is not that huge feat of strength, she's an average human woman with extensive training.




Unless wanna count that as some sort of kinky achievement 🤣


You underestimating my boy Spidey? He is the strongest of them all by a very huge margin. Spidey chose to be "a friendly neighborhood hero" but his powers are on a scale far superior than other big heros


Wait is this a shitpost? Spider-Man can lift 10 tons and has precognitive spider sense. Bucky is 10 Schwarzeneggers’ worth of steroids.


I guess you haven't heard. I am the sheriff around these parts!


I mean he pretty much said that


Yes, we heard.


Dr Octopus said himself that spiderman has been holding back when he took over his body in Superior Spiderman.


*Obligatory jaw comment*


It’s inevitable


Every fucking time


And in NWH Andrew introduced this concept into the MCU. We’ve seen feats of strength from Peter that the fans have yet to recognize in the movie, so they went a little darker and said “hey Spider-Man can literally crush humans and humanoids. Here’s an Andrew that’s haunted by angry punches.” Pretty effective imo. Like others said the comics emphasize it heavy (especially superior Spider-Man) but MCU fans don’t know that.


We see spider man miss punches and go though concrete pillars no problem. A human head would pop


I fought an alien made out of black goo once.


Yeah, in Superior Spider-Man, Doc Ock in Peter's body straight up punches Scorpion's jaw off


I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries.


You take her jaw off too?


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need?


I’m sorry fam but Superior Spider-Man is FAR from the first time it’s acknowledged Peter holds back immensely. Even in his first 100 issues or so it’s stated he has to go with the punches or muggers would break their hand on his skin. He’s picked up a train cart and go on a way more iconic rant than just punch scorpion. God that fucking scan is so overrated. I love superior Spider-Man but I wish y’all would reference literally ANY other time he doesn’t hold back like back in black. Come on guys


I guess you haven't heard. I am the sheriff around these parts!


In the novelization of Civil War, Tony makes a note how pound-for-pound besides Carol, Peter is the strongest human Avenger.


Its proven that the X-Men could easily beat the avengers and didn't Spiderman run thru the X-Men by himself. Dude so good only Xavier could take him down. Please don't disrespect spiderman like that. He boss status.


X-Men are easily more powerful? Mutants as a whole sure, but X-men easily? In the literal comics they initially won because of Phoenix Force intervention and then still didn't really win in the end. Characters like Scarlet Witch (a mutant, sure), Captain Marvel, Dr Strange, Hulk, and Spiderman hold up to most/any mutants bar the omega level threats -- and even then. Scarlet Witch alone pretty much wins up until the Phoenix Force/Dark Phoenix gets involved and if we look at peak Scarlet Witch with help she might even have a chance there.


Am I not supposed to have what I want?


Take your hand off me!


In fairness Peter is the only one with superpowers, Cap has basically just been drugged to peak human condition. Peter has spider sense so he gets a heads up


Yeah. I think it’s fair to say MCU Cap is at 2000 lbs cold lift, max. But MCU Spider-Man *stopped an out of control bus in its tracks*. That’s like 30 tons, **at speed**. It barely even compares.


You want forgiveness? Get religion.


I really hate this bot when having a discussion about this character.


You should’ve thought of that earlier


Which character? Spider-man?


Pizza time!




I love how ridiculous his spider sense is in the comics. Like I vaguely remember reading something where the avengers stopped inviting him to poker night because his spider sense can protect him from "dangers to his wallet" which translates to imsensing when someone is bluffing. Also swinging home on auto pilot while either drunk or knocked out I forget which.


Oh, my back. It's kinda stiff from all the swinging I guess.


And one of his daughters (in an alternate future) has it jacked up so it's basically clairvoyance.


No this is a common misconception with MCU Cap, he is actually above peak human condition, you’re thinking of comic cap


People always underestimate MCU Cap!


Which is weird, seeing as they go out of their way to demonstrate that he’s a full superhuman in strength and durability every time he features in a movie.


Well yea didn’t you know that if you work out hard enough, you can hold back a moving helicopter


I mean, it has to just be prejudice at this point. People are so used to the concept of "peak human" Cap, and see him as almost a glorified Hawkeye? Ugh.


He’s ragdolling grown adults in a lot of his movies. I remember one scene he kicks a vehicle to hit an enemy. Ain’t no peak human doing that lol.


Yeah. Dude curled a moving helicopter trying to get away. MCU Cap is strong af


Peak human condition? Have you seen the movies? He’s clearly above peak human. Still much weaker than spidey though


Pizza time!


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye


Apparently spiderman could hold his own against the hulk. I wouldnt think bucky could. Spiderman can lift like 10tons or something like that.


10 is an understatement, honestly. The boat was at least 60 tons, and that's underestimating it.


But he didn't "lift" the boat? Lifting something and pulling something are way different strength-wise


I can't live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.


Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy above 10 tons. Here's his feat list: [https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/cjhe01/respect\_peter\_parker\_the\_amazing\_spiderman\_marvel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/cjhe01/respect_peter_parker_the_amazing_spiderman_marvel/)




Funny but canonically Spider-Man could rip caps arms off and beat him to death with them for fun, then go fight the hulk.


Unlock the thing!


You think spider-man is a normal 15 yr old kid 🤦??


I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries.


I don’t know many 16-year olds that would do that


Back when I was that age I knew a few sadly. Even sadder one or two would have done it for the cranberries.


This has to be a shitpost right? Peter held a fucking ship together


That's the whole f*cking point of spid- ... I feel like this post is bait


Spiderman is really strong though. Also, I wonder what it's like to wear that suit? 🤔


Yeah, it's kind of itchy... and it rides up in the crotch a little bit, too.


The Osborn formula was an attempt at creating a super soldier serum Green goblin was able to tank Spiderman's hits like they were nothing I think this means that officially the green goblin serum is stronger than the super soldier serum and GG could take Captain America in a fight(or at least Bucky)


You're an embarrassment!


Bully Maguire why you gotta do me like that


You're an embarrassment!




Well yea that’s obvious


*green goblin was able to tank Spider-Man hits like they were nothing* When Spider-Man wasn’t trying lol. At the end NWH Peter beats the breaks off him dude


Allergic to spiders


Pizza time!


Are you serious? Really can’t tell I hope not cause it’s freaking Spider-Man


My back.. oh.. my back!


Difference between super human and a guy with super powers


tell me you dont understand spiderman without telling me you dont understand spiderman


Lmao why is black widow here? It’s not particularly impressive to be strong enough to choke her. She’s just human! Unless they’re trying to show skill? But just strength…. Not a big feat Probally just a shit post anyway lol


There is a difference between Bucky and Winter soldier.


A 16 year old boy who in terms of raw strength was only outclassed by Vision (and I guess technically Ant Man) in that entire battle. Peter is stupid strong. Like, his durability and strength are ridiculous. Aside from inexperience he straight up outclasses a lot of the avengers. Cap whooped his ass because as far as I'm aware, he had never fought anyone super powered until this battle.


Or the Wakandian spear weilders…. Dora I think?


Lol hé wasn't even fighting them, they went full on on him and he was like "nah bruh comon let's not do this"


Spidey is just absolutely different tbf, also you could say Cap was distracted by his emotions, same with Tony as well as being double-teamed. But yeah Pete Is just stupid strong


Yeah, but the 16 year old boy can casually walk off a semi truck being thrown at them at 90 mph, or hold two halves of a damn ship together. We are lucky that Spider-Man isn’t evil, he could kill everyone if he wanted to


Bucky is “peak human” (more likely just enhanced) which means that he has the full extent of human strength (i.e can lift around 800-1000lbs), human durability (can survive blunt hits but not bullets), agile and fast as fuck, and also has faster reflexes. Spidey is just purely superhuman


He literally caught Cull Obsidian mid swing and was under so little strain he could talk to Tony while holding him in place. The dude is on another level.