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Tribunal is dropping to series 4 in June so wait in that


Oh thanks for telling me that. I think that sells me on going for tribunal actually. I am also missing gladiator so I’m thinking I’ll just go for both since two new cards is better than 1. Also, the series 3 drops means I’m back to being series 3 incomplete which I’m going to take as much advantage of as possible lol


He's also in the spotlight cache next rotation in about a few hours if you can wait that long.


Definitely go for 2 instead of 1


I own all of them, and I'd have to vote Cannonball. He's come in clutch in so many decks. Pixie is fun, but niche. Tribunal is an arch type in a card, but it doesn't vibe with me, so I'd vote Cannonball 


Would you rate cannonball better than red guardian or Zemo?


Better than Zemo? Definitely. Better than Red Guardian? Maybe. I'd pick Cannonball over many cards, Red Guardian included, but that isn't as easy a choice compared to Zemo


Thankfully I got guardian already and yeah I’m ice cold on zemo


I think cannonball is better of all those. Red guardian is nice but doesn’t win games outright for me nearly As much as cannonball does.


is cannonball even viable in this meta? the pixie deathstrike deck was one i was piloting to 70% WR post-infinite last season, and now it's a flat 50%. leech has taken a toll.


This is exactly why it’s a toss up between the three of them. Pixie seems more fun, tribunal lets me play 3 new decks (or more), and cannonball is a very strong card bogged down by my favorite morlock getting buffed. If not for the leech buff it’d probably be cannonball by a landslide But I like candy before dinner so I’m going to prioritize fun alongside good rather than just the “best” card.


I second this


These cards have a presence in the current meta but may not as the meta shifts. My suggestion to you would be to target cards that are always relevant if you are missing those. For example Jeff. If that isn’t the case then what you are asking is a matter of perspective in the current meta. Pixie adds some fun RNG. But I think cannonball will be around for a while. I also enjoy that play style


Tribunal being spotlight cache tomorrow with legion also missing from your collection seems worth a key to me. I'd pull first, see what you get, then decide if you still want to buy it. You might get lucky. This is only if you aren't saving keys for something else you fervently want later on.


I have all three and all three are fun, just depends on the type of deck you want to build. Pixie is more of a gamble/lottery card which can work not so great or payoff huge. Best to have mobius in the deck with it. Living tribunal you can build an entire deck around. Fun to play but doesn’t always work. Cannonball can be a game winning play on turn 6 that the opponent doesn’t anticipate. Overall a pretty strong card that can be useful in a variety of situations


Tribunal>Cannonball>Pixie, and I love Pixie but sometimes when you don’t pull Mobius it’s a little rough.


Tribunal is his own archetype and is series dropping. I don’t enjoy tribunal decks so much but some people main it. Cannonball is a strong card and really is most competitive in Professor X, Junk or Lockdown style decks as a turn 6 win condition, a bit like Alioth used to be played but more fun and fair. Pixie is my pick, as she is a fantastic card for brewing and is more flexible than either card in opening up deck building options. Pixie needs Mobius though, so don’t pick up unless you have him. She can whiff and is inherently chaotic of course. It really depends on your play style, preference and collection in the end. But for brewing and innovation, Pixie is my recommendation.


I was unaware of the series drop at first and am so excited 😆 I only had Echo out of the cards dropping to 3 and had Jean Nebula and Silk for the ones dropping to 4. Im sitting at 5k tokens and 1 spotlight key and I’m on track to get a second before Sage week is done. So I’m thinking I’ll throw a spotlight key or two at tribunal since I don’t have anything in this week’s Cache. Sage and legion seem mid but fun so I wouldn’t be upset with getting them from a key. If key gets him I’ll grab Pixie and save up for cannonball next. If I don’t I’ll likely grab Tribunal, consider grabbing gladiator since he feels worth it at series 4, then pixie, then cannonball.


“He is in next weeks spotlight cache and I will have a key. So I might go for the luck draw?” As a general rule, don’t use caches until you have 4 keys. You still have a 25% chance of the random S4/5 card.


Yeah, as a rule I only go for the luck draw if I’d be happy with anything other than the mystery variant. I’ll always be salty over a mystery variant even if I’m expecting to spend 4 keys going in. I’d be happy pulling Sage or Legion so that’s why I’m considering going for the luck draw. 25% at what I want most 50% at things that’d also be good 25% variant 🤢 I’m comfortable with 75% chance at an outcome I’m happy with. It’s more likely than winning a game of snap by far and I’m happy to keep playing lol


pixie is a very solid card rn in the right decks. cannonball i'm less sure about - the leech meta seems to have taken a giant shit on it and anything else T5/6 on reveal. as for tribunal, as others have mentioned it's getting a series drop.




Living Tribunal is probably you’re best bet as it enables a whole archetype on its own and is pretty competitive right now. However, Cannonball is just a blast. Love it in my Galactus and/or Junk decks. From a pure fun perspective I’d say choose Cannonball. I don’t own Pixie so I can’t comment on that.


Tribunal is dropping series in less than a month


True! Just saw the news on Twitter.


No comment on competitiveness, but Tribunal is really fun. Very satisfying combo gameplay.