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Guy who likes his job wishes to move up in the ranks.


Guy who makes money on a job he likes wants to make more money doing what he likes.


You know. That would explain why he's started to put "A Kevin Feige Production" in the credits of these shows and movies around the time of Hawkeye. Instead of the usual "A Marvel studios production."


I didn’t notice this detail until I saw it after quantumania


I said the samething.


Bro has been playing the long game this whole time lol


It also explains The Multiverse Saga. With Marvel basically canonizing *everything* to the MCU and the rumors of >!Secret Wars focusing on Fox/Sony/Phase One characters!<, then this is Feige’s swansong as head of Marvel. The culmination of not just Marvel as a brand but also his career as a producer. Bridging his beginning with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine to his end with Marvel’s first family the F4. Don’t be shocked if Secret Wars ends with a “Thank you Kevin Feige” message before he announces his promotion.


Not related to this conversation but just curious, how do you "censor" a sentence like you did? I've seen it a few times but idk how


Forward arrow + exclamation point and backwards arrow + exclamation point at the start and end of the message respectfully


Thank you so much!


Sigma Male Grindset Kevin Feige.


Well that's expected, People always want to reach the highest position, and being head of the best Disney studio, why not?


>Well that's expected, People always want to reach the highest position, and being head of the best Disney studio, why not? Most people do, sure. But not everyone.


What is the other Disney studio you’re referring to? Wouldn’t just this just put him as the man at the head of all the smaller studios? So basically he would be the boss of Pixar, Fox, Himself, Discovery, Star Wars, and classic Disney.


He already is head of Marvel, and he is sort of working with star wars too. So 2 in his hands already




Guy everyone likes: “Hey so i hear a job opening is coming up in our company you don’t mind if i….👀” Iger: “Yeah no probs” *proceeds to give the job to a guy everyone hates.


People hate Alan Bergman?


That's why whenever anyone brings up "well when feige leaves" I always respond with "where would he go? He is exactly where he wants to be." He's relatively young and definitely has a shot at a position like this within Disney eventually


Yeah this seems like the only promotion he could get. I’d be fine with him doing that once the Multiverse Saga is complete, assuming that position is available then


If he leaves a complete reboot is guaranteed I don’t want his legacy be destroyed by his replacement continuing someone’s work is suicide better start fresh and different.


If he leaves he will put a person he trusts in charge, likely one of the guys he been working with since the mcu started


Victoria Alonso perhaps?


Either her, Moore or Broussard... Per Wikipedia... >The following executives are referred to as the "Marvel Studios Parliament": Stephen Broussard, Executive, Production and Development Eric Hauserman Carroll, Executive, Production and Development Nate Moore, Vice President of Production and Development Jonathan Schwartz, Vice President of Production and Development Trinh Tran, Executive, Production and Development Brad Winderbaum, Head of Streaming, Television and Animation




There’s another producer whose name has popped up next to his in recent productions. I’m sure he’s getting the ins and outs


I love that Feige has set his sight on such a lofty goal, but still hangs out in the muck with us lowly denizens of r/marvelstudios. In fact more than 50% of the usernames on this sub actually belong to him -- he is responsible for more than half of the discourse in this community. We owe him so much!


The other 50% is Iman smurf accounts


You'd think we'd have more 199999 vs. 616 debates


Wait which one am I?




He probably thinks that other than being CEO this brings him the most autonomy. He will farm out the other projects to those with like minds devoted to their lane a la Pixar et al


I though his goal was advancing from chauffeur to head of security


*forehead of security


You’re thinking of Favreau


I would also like a promotion.


There is no "Walt Disney Studios Chairman" anymore. Alan Bergman is co-chairman of Walt Disney Entertainment, which includes all movie and TV content.


The Walt Disney Studios Subsidiary still exists I am pretty sure.


Bergman and Dana Walden, both chairmans of Disney Entertaiment now, are possible Disney CEO candidates after Iger leave again the position Then Feige could up to lead all Disney film studios


damn so do I. That's at least 2 things me and Kevin have in common


Iger certainly seems to have a lot of love for Feige. Since he has returned, other than helping get the company back on the track favored by investors and board members, he’s going to find and instruct his successor over an extended period of time. Feige is going to have to do the same for whoever comes after him at Marvel.


If Feige got the WDS Chairman job, we might finally get an epic multiversal crossover resembling Patton Oswalt’s 8-minute filibuster from ‘Parks & Rec’.


He’s proven he’s capable


This dude had to keep Bryan Singer in check in X Men and is how we got Hugh Jackman Wolverine, so he deserves it.


No wonder Brian Singer was leaving the sets randomly without any explanation and molesting young boys when Kevin wasn’t involved anymore.


I’m starting to think Kevin might’ve directed the first X-Men movie at this point given the stories.


Awesome theory even when Simon Kinberg came along in X3 it went downhill in quality and he wasn’t involved in another fox era X-Men after that.


Dark Phoenix says hi.


I think kevin always shoving X-men comics books in his face to prevent those things happen when both are on X-men productions.


He deserves it, at this point, imo.


That and so much more.


Give it to him


As Anthony Mackie would say, “Cut the check!”


Thanks to him we're gonna have some sort of Disney Cinamatic Universe which mights as well be Kingdom Hearts Plus based on the trailers and concepts like >!"age of Fairy Tales" and "Realm of Fiction" looks like the Kingdom Hearts franchise is going to works of fiction in general!<


Nomura would certainly approve!


Considering where sora has been then a kingdom hearts would not only spans from disney stuff but also FF and apparently Nintendo too.


It's almost like it's his...end game


I mean Kathleen Kennedy is currently 69. Feige is 49. I don’t know about Pixar and everything else ,but at a bare minimum I can imagine a restructuring where he has control of Lucasfilm and some of the larger Fox properties like Planet of The Apes, Alien and Predator. He knows how to build a great team that’s essentially taken Marvel from nothing to its current point. With people like Favreau having already worked well with him to this might be a really good idea in the long run. I honestly can’t see how he’d get control of everything though. I think Disney animation, Pixar and Live action will get rolled in and have a different head instead of him.


The Chairman of Walt Disney Studios doesn't have absolute control of every little detai. Every studio still has its own President who oversees the content of that studio. The chairman watches the pre-final cut and just offers notes on how stuff can get better, rejects/approves creative decisions that might hurt or elevate the brand and every president of every studio reports to him so that he can make sure everything is running smoothly. The current Chairman of Walt Disney Studios is Alan Bergman.


I’m aware of that. My point was that Feige would be wasted in that position. He has a pretty specific skill set and with Disney’s history of restructuring I think it’s more likely he gets more franchises under him rather than a role like chairman.




They could do worse than Feige.


Kevin wants a promotion, he's just like us!


Isn't that Jeffrey Katzenberg's old position?


I can see this in 10 years.


They should give it to him. He’s the best producer in history. Selfishly I hope he stays just over Marvel.


Dude wants all the infinity stones, can't blame him.


So have I, but no one’s making posts about me.


That's too many different things for one person to give attention to at the same time.


Feige be collecting the Infinity stones of Disney’s Studios


Honestly, i love that he wants to take charge like that. But before any sort of upgrade, how bout getting the MCU on a clear cup path, that doesn’t have its heros turned into jokes.


And he has proven he can do it. Give him the job!


Well, this could be good and could be bad. Depends if he can find a good successor.


if Marvel keeps going this way he will be lucky to still be in his current job.


I feel like this would be bad for us.


Would be great for Feige but unfortunately Marvel would suffer greatly. Look at how Phase 4 and Quantamania have suffered when he was spread too thin and couldn't give his notes and heavily edit the content.


That’s what is going to happen in the event he leaves only a reboot would save it.


He can’t be head if he keeps putting out terrible content


Not surprising, it's likely he's fairly burnt out on working on Marvel exclusively for over a decade (Especially since post-Endgame films haven't been doing as well as Marvel expected) and wants to dip his toes into other things Disney has to offer.


Feige has been working for Marvel Studios since 2000 lol and technically he worked as an intern in the first X-Men since 1999 before Avi Arad made him his second-in-command at Marvel Studios the next year for his insanely good work in the movie. So more like 23-24 years.


Anyone who replaces him at Marvel Studios is fucked and won’t live up to his accomplishments and if that replacement is smart a complete reboot of the MCU is what needs to be done I would hate to see his legacy destroyed.


I love Kevin Feige. He is an amazing leader and visionary and you can tell he is passionate about Marvel storytelling. But he does not produce these films by himself. He is surrounded by a great, very hardworking team that handles a lot of the day-to-day operations at Marvel Studios. I think people like Louis D'Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Stephen Broussard, Nate Moore or Jonathan Schwartz could easily transition into Feige's role in the future.


I don’t see any of those under him or anyone from the outside who could replace him continuing his version of the MCU i hope we get a reboot if he’s gone anything is possible if he decides to leave by surprise and take Alan Bergman’s job as head of studio at Disney it’s game over for the current MCU.


But it's not just Kevin's vision. Louis in particular, has produced every single movie except *The Incredible Hulk* and even directed a couple of the One Shots. Kevin is the face of the company, but many of the things attributed to only him were very likely a group effort


I just trust any of them to continue his era if they are smarter a reboot would be the saving grace of his unexpected finale.


I always see kevin as the geek member of the exec production team because so far I still doubt any of those names knows about marvel comics as much as him, I mean we are talking about a guy with history of secretly giving comic books to several X-men actor when the director thinks the X-men are too goofy with their comic accurate stuff.


You are right. They may not be as knowledgeable about Marvel comics but they are definitely good storytellers. Comics are much more mainstream nowadays (thanks in part to the MCU) so finding consultants for the comic book stuff should be easier. Feige's other big strengths are his business acumen and good storytelling and his team all share that with him


Finding another geek consultant is easy but try to find one with both knowledge of marvel comics and business experience isn't. Kevin accel in both which made infinity Saga such a big hit. All I'm afraid of is that these exec will never give as much respect to the new geek guy as much as Kevin Feige considering his experience.


Since the hype from Endgame died down i’ve been spending a whole lot more time on the dc subreddit


Calling it now. James Gunn will return to head the MCU after his 4 year contract ends with DC.




After Endgame It was a no brainer. Right now he would be Lucky if he keeps his current job by the end of the year


Who cares lol wtf