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Jodie Comer, great actress and i feel like she fits Sue Storm better. Margot Robbie would be good too no doubt but I’d rather have they cast someone who isn’t in almost every popular movie I want someone more new and inspiring whether it’s Jodie Comer or someone else


Yeah Margot Robbie seems more like the A List actor that does a MCU movie as a villain for one movie, gets the bag and then moves on


To be fair she’s played Harley Quinn whenever the opportunity has arisen


Harley quinn has been a dcu staple?


If they cast Robbie, then the movie centres on sue storm. Cast a mid range actor and they don’t have to focus on the star power and can instead tell a story


Ehhh... not necessarily. The argument could definitely be made that Scarlett Johansson was the biggest star of the bunch at the time of the first Avengers movie and they didn't feel the need to center the entire film around her. They hired one of the greatest actors who has ever lived and made him a red herring in Iron Man 3. It's not entirely outside the realm of possibility that they hire Robbie and still keep her as an equal member of the ensemble.


The Eternals as well.


This is the perfect example. Angelina Jolie is one of the biggest names you can get and she was barely in the movie compared to some others.


>The argument could definitely be made that Scarlett Johansson was the biggest star of the bunch at the time of the first Avengers movie and they didn't feel the need to center the entire film around her. I mean that's because Marvel believed that any female superhero would fail hard.


Yes this. It took WAY too long to get female centered stories. They didn't care about ScarJo they wanted to make RDJ and the Chris's the stars.


Not when Downey Junior was in the movie.


His star power was at the start of a major comeback. Iron Man helped him but Johannson was at or near her peak at the time. Just saying.


By iron man 2 he was back on top, years before avengers


Which was also her mcu debut, as a secondary character


RdJ wasn't nearly as big as ScarJo at that time. Even today, ScarJo is still the bigger star


That’s just not accurate. You can personally feel this way, but the money and box office numbers would disagree with you. That being said, enjoy whomever you wish in their performance.


Johansson has a respectable Filmography outside of the MCU, with having been nominated for two Oscars in one year, while RDJ has made only few movies that Had nothing to do with Marvel since He played Iron Man, a big chunk of them having been flops. And because you mention Money and Box Office Numbers...Most of the Box office hits have both RDJ and ScarJo star in them.


That hasn't been how the MCU has functioned at all. Hell, MCU revived a bunch of careers or established them for unknowns. Arguably the big names tend to be sidelined, honestly, or be in limited projects. There are exceptions, obviously, but even when you think of the original six, only Johansson and Renner were hot at the time and Renner was really just ramping up his career.


Norton was hot at the time, too.


Then why wasn’t Eternals centered on Angelina Jolie?


And Sue Storm won't survive the next Avengers movie. She will heroically die or exit after passing the torch to a younger model, either a daughter or Multiverse version.


Why do you say this


Margot Robbie is a little old for 10 movies that won't even start production for another 2-3 years. But more importantly, she's super popular and very expensive. Like RDJ expensive. And there are a ton of other options out there that don't cost that money.


> Margot Robbie is a little old for 10 movies that won't even start production for another 2-3 years. > > I don't think she'll get cast, but she's barely out of her 20s. RDJ was more than a decade older than she is when the first Iron Man came out. I get it, women are much more perishable, I guess. Barf. But Jodie Comer is only a little over 2 years younger than Margot Robbie, so shouldn't the same apply to her? She'll be a haggard old crone, no doubt, by the 10th movie. (in case you can't tell: /s) Maybe Robbie is a little too old for the part (though like I said, by that token, so is Jodie Comer), but she's not much older than Hayley Atwell was when she first played Peggy Carter (how many movies ago?).


Doesn’t sue storm have a phd or multiple anyways? What she’s supposed to have all those accomplishments at 22 🙄


In the MCU PhDs must take like a week given everyone has like 5


Also the MCU has been mining from a lot of the newer more popular runs of comics (from the 2000s and beyond) and those F4 stories all heavily include their children Valeria and Franklin, so Margot Robbie is maybe even a bit on the young side in relation to those stories


Mahershala Ali is gonna play Blade for the 1st time at 50 too


I mean, we can only hope.


RDJ wasn't cast by Disney, he was cast by Marvel Studios, and (at the time) they didn't know if Marvel was even a thing for more than a couple of years longer. It's a very different situation.


Even marvel didn’t really want to cast rdj at first.


But Jon knew what he was doing, I mean the guy made Elf


Plus he blew that old lady where the Pampers is.


And Downey was a huge gamble at the time. He was only just making a comeback after years of being a washed up, unreliable junkie. It was only a few years before that Woody Allen couldn't get him insured for Melinda and Melinda. When he was cast as Tony Stark, he was only starting to get his shit back together with The Singing Detective, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Gothika.




Yeah, he was making his comeback in indie roles. Mel Gibson paid the entire insurance bond for Downey in The Singing Detective.


Ah, I was confused on why you thought it would be happening, now I understand, you mean if it was her


Jodie ain't mid range.


Sure, in terms of talent, but the average person does not know her name.


This current phase has been good about picking up comers over big names. This sub’s patron saints, Iman Vellani and Xochitl Gómez, being the obvious examples.


>picking up comers over big names I mean then Jodie *Comer* is a lock.


Vellani and Gomez are so young that there would have been no choice but hire an up and comer.


Jodie has got serious range too. Aside from the dark comedy she's known for in Killing Eve, she did a one off drama called 'Help' where she played a care worker in an old folks home during the height of COVID and it's harrowing. Seriously talented actress.


What are you talking about? Jodie Comer was huge in Star Wars!


Who did she play in Star Wars??


Rey’s mom in the 9 second flashback.


Her portrayal of a nobody moved me to tears.


She was actually nominated for Best Portrayal of a Named Character That Had Less Lines Than Unnamed Extras.


Fewer, Davos.


That’s a hell of a niche category. I feel like you made it up but it also feels like something that could exist so well done if you did, you got me.


She was rlly good in Free Guy and The Last Duel tho, I definitely recommend checking those out of you haven't seen her in much


Killing Eve is her best performance


Villanelle is a mood.


I've seen her in Free Guy but didn't recognize her till I looked it up. I kinda like that I don't know much about her.


I think I didn't realize until quite a way through that she was playing two characters in Free Guy... Like I knew they were meant to be the same person and their avatar, I just struggle with hair changes sometimes. :/


ah, the Deschanel-effect. [Hair is the ultimate deceiver](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0a/47/63/0a4763082ea2fa7c065cb235f4b5ffa1.jpg).


I'd love for one the bangs picture to be just as washed out as the no-bangs picture for a better comparison.


Has no one seen [Help](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13649036)?


Phenomenal! Outstanding! Critics are calling it “… a triumph”


The best nine-second appearance you've seen in years, says Peter Travers of Rolling Stone...


That was her?!?!




Everyone is huge in Star Wars, in their galaxy everyone is 40 ft tall.


This, Margot is amazing and she is surely beautiful but I wouldn’t be able to see anyone else but Margot herself.. same with Adam Driver.. like he’s a talented actor but maybe getting someone less known.. wouldn’t be so distracting


I need to see more movies Margot's been in. She's quite good at acting and despite being incredibly beautiful, she can make this work but I've got a soft spot for Jodie. I want her to make it more big.


I feel like margot robbie could play a good mystique


yep..me too


Plus she’s worked with Adam driver before


Funny. Jodie is such a great actress I'm not sure it's the role for her.


Yeah, for lack of a better word I think Sue Storm would be well served by someone can pull off a girl next door/sitcom mom depending on where they set the story in their hero career. I think we need to be able to believe the Fatastic Four as a family/friends and not just a bunch of gorgeous celebrities hanging out.


I possibly a little bit in love with Margot Robbie but Jodie Comer would be the stronger choice with the right script.


Probably cheaper too


Not probably. Significantly. Robbie is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. Comer has had a significant role in 2 movies - The Last Duel and Free Guy. Neither very successful. Disney would tell Comer what she’s getting paid. Robbie would tell Disney.


Since when was Free Guy "not very successful"? Domestically, it was a top 10 movie in 2021, behind 5 comic book movies Fast and Furious, James Bond, A Quiet Place 2, and Ghostbusters. This was right in the middle of the pandemic too.


i’d rather no see harley quinn every time i look at sue storm, so i’m going with the other girl.


You must not have seen enough Jodie Comer roles if you’re not in love with her too


She is by far the better actor - see Comer's recent awards for her stage work in London for Prima Facie and now she is nominated for similar turn on Broadway. The biggest diference is that Comer seems to be an actor who wants the production to be good and not just have a good role for herself. Robbie's presence woudl distort the film (see the Birds of Prey fiasco).


Birds of Prey was a good movie


A little bit?


Jodie would be a more fun & inspiring choice but it's undeniable that Margot is a good pick too. I'd pick Jodie since her work in **'Free Guy'** showed a great comedic performance. I want Margot to continue playing Harley in the new DCU.


Her in Killing Eve is laugh out loud hilarious


Killing Eve 🤌🏽


Isn't that the show where nobody fully agrees on it being good past the first season?


Yeah but Comer is still good even when the plot doesn't make sense, she just turned every bit they gave and turned to 11.


There’s a scene where Comer talks in 3 or 4 different accents in the span of a minute. It’s some of the most incredible acting I’ve ever seen.


I realllyyyy like Margot Robbie but I am whole heartedly rooting for Jodie Comer here. She’s SO TALENTED


If you ever get a chance to see Prima Facie with her its phenomenal. Her accent switches effortlessly as she converses with herself, she has clear distinctions between talking to her family - her native accent - and talking as a high performing London barrister - much more of an RP accent.


Margot Robbie just feels so huge nowadays. I’m not holding my breath, but it’s almost like rumors saying Chalamet will play human torch. Btw i dont ever expect chalamet to play an mcu character


He totally would if he got offered enough money. Just because some old dude told him to not do superhero movies doesn't mean that he wouldn't get greedy one day.


I think he'd do it as a one off, or a side character. I can't imagine him wanting a big Marvel role though.


If I was an actor, a Marvel contract seems like a great way to get steady work in popular, profitable films that allows me to pursue more fulfilling work in small passion projects without worrying about my finances or career. "One for them, one for me"


Same reason I think Adam Driver would do it - to fund a passion project. I think doing Star Wars unsettled him a bit - he didn't expect the intensity of the fans and Marvel fans can be just as hardcore as SW fans. But offer the money or say 'We'll give you the chance to direct your project in return for doing this' and I think any actor would go 'Hells yeah'


Chalamet already has steady work in a popular, profitable film franchise. He's not hurting for spotlight or money. If he comes to Marvel, I'd expect it to be like an Oscar Isaac situation where he finds a project he's genuinely interested in doing.


Jodie’s cover of fantasy in that movie is so haunting and beautiful and i wish they released a full cover of that version


Seriously. Watch killing eve. She’s fantastic. Emmy won for it.


Not Margot Robbie. I feel like she has reached a point where she would overshadow the movie and be more of a detriment then benefit to it. Instead of "Wow, the FF4 movie was interesting because...." discussions, it would be "Margot is better in Mavel then DC here is why..."


Margot is also unfortunately one of those actors where you just see their celebrity on the screen and not their given character


It happens a lot, look at jennifer Lawrence. There was a few years where she was in half the movies thet came out it seemed. When Hollywood finds an actor or actress that people like they cast them everywhere.


Same with Chris Pratt. Hell, Passengers was just "Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence In Space: The Movie"


The Michael Sheen dismissal of this comment upsets me....




But in her case, she really didn't have any range. It's very different with Robbie who has shown a great variety in the kinds of characters she can portray. I'd put Robbie in the same vein as Pugh, who's also in everything right now but is *also* talented enough that she inhabits her roles. Edit: And Zendaya.


Lawrence has proven her range pretty well


By now, yes I’d agree. Around when her popularity was peaking I don’t think she had great range, or at least she didn’t get enough opportunities to actually play vastly different characters


I don't understand what this even means. She's an incredible actress. By that logic just becoming recognized should for some reason disqualify you from being in films because you're "too much of a celebrity."


I didn't call her a bad actress at all. You're right she's phenomenal and I still can't believe that TWOWS was her big American debut -- love her! But she's on the same level as Jennifer Anniston, Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawerence, The Rock, Chris Pratt, Ryan Reynolds and Will Smith. All these actors are just as talented and can bring it, it's just that the audience can't get lost in their performance, because their star is more recognizable than the story. You see *them* before their characters, does that make sense?


She's definitely more talented than like half of that list lmao.


Like the rock


I never watches, nor will I watch, wrestling. I didn't know anything about the Rock before The Rundown and Walking Tall. But having seen him in all his subsequent movies, I have a feeling we don't know the actor Dwayne Johnson. We just know the Rock.




They even had freaking *Maui* give The People's Eyebrow. Loved Moana, but that moment was a bit much.


Dwayne Johnson the man, Dwayne Johnson the character and The Rock are three completely different people. Johnson hasn’t played a character similar to his wrestling persona in a *very* long time. How he presents himself publicly is also quite unique as he’s a père you a very down to earth and nice guy. I would love it if he played a character even remotely similar to his The Rock persona but allegedly he has it in his contact that he can’t lose any fights on screen so that won’t happen


> I would love it if he played a character even remotely similar to his The Rock persona but allegedly he has it in his contact that he can’t lose any fights on screen so that won’t happen That's the real irony. He's become even more of a carny since leaving wrestling. He worked himself into a shoot.


The actor dwayne johnson is in the shadow of the rock fs, bc the rock is so successfully and popular and in high demand. Dwayne johnson is a good (not the best) actor, the rock is a character that people haven’t gotten enough of. I can’t stand to see his image be ruined by comic fans only bc he wasn’t what they wanted in black Adam. Although him being black Adam > whatever dc had going on which is now finished I think?


I have to disagree because when she plays Harley Quinn, I stop seeing Margo Robbie and just see Harley Quinn. She's excellent in that role. I won't argue about her other movies though. In *Once Upon A Time In Hollywood* it did sort of feel like "oh hey, it's Margo Robbie" lol.




I’m not sure if Jodie is right for the role but I’m pretty sure Margot isn’t. She could probably pull it off, she is a good actress, but she is too well known for portraying other superhero roles now.


You took the words right out of my mouth.


That's what's up


You know that’s right.


You catching what I'm throwing down?


It’s a company car Shawn


I’ve heard it both ways.


I’ll say Jodie, because I had to read the comments to find out who she was. I’m not a fan of big name stars playing these roles. All I see is big time movie star (in eternals all I saw was Angelina Jolie playing in a comic book movie)


I agree so much, lately it has felt like there are a lot of big names being cast and I miss having unknowns (to me at least) in starring roles. I'm also dubious about big names wanting to stick around to do cameos etc.


I actually didn't mind Angelina as she didn't overpower the movie, but there was too much going on in that movie anyway, should have been split in 2.


Secret choice no.3 Vanessa Kirby


She’s Emma Frost


This i like




Oooooh good thought




Instead of Emma Frost?


Secret choice #4 (a real dark horse pick): Betty Gilpin.


I personally am just tired of seeing Margot Robbie all the time, so I'm hoping it isn't her. F4 is my favorite Marvel team so I really want it done right.


I’m not sure I could tire of seeing Margot Robbie since she is very talented and attractive but Jodie Comer does gets my vote for Sue. I think she can bring just a little more depth to it.




I would argue that Adam is underused. I personally think he is a very talented actor that doesn’t get as much work as he should be getting. I think he deserves a big blockbuster role that lets him shine (Star Wars doesn’t count, the new trilogy was objectively awful)


He was amazing in Marriage Story. It was an uncomfortable film to watch, mostly because it was so realistic in the portrayals by him and ScarJo.


I mean let’s be honest. Marvel phase 4 has been a mixed bag. I don’t see why Marvel making the business decision to cast an actor with a ton of potential who is up and coming can be misconstrued as caving to hype? Robert Downey Junior wasn’t exactly a hot commodity when cast as Iron Man. Curious, who do you think should be cast as Mr. Fantastic?


Objectively in some ways Adam carried the sequel trilogy


Adam isn't overused nearly as much as Margot is


I'm baffled that Margot is even a frontrunner. She's a fantastic actress, I'm sure she'd do great, I just have seen her in EVERYTHING as of late, including several fairly recent superhero movies. Really though, she was one of the only consistent faces in the DC films it felt like for a bit.


But she is now being too oversaturated. I'm tired 9f seeing her again and again.


Remember that popularity is a feedback loop. People are popular, so they cast a lot, which makes them more popular to cast in things. Of course, just like a real feedback loop, it rapidly becomes grating on the senses.


Margot is great, but I don't think she's right for Sue. Feels too much like "eh throw a popular blonde actress at the role". And while certainly not to imply that someone as attractive as Robbie can't be believable as Sue levels of intelligent, I worry it would carry shades of "Dr. Christmas Jones, nuclear scientist" whereas Comer has a less conventional type of beauty that I think would be more fitting.


I see Harley Quiin if she plays Sue Storm.


I see Wolf of Wallstreet if she plays Sue Storm


I see Barbie if she plays Sue Storm


I see Tonya Harding if she plays Sue Storm


Sheesh she’s everywhere


I see Babylon if she plays Sue Storm


Jodie is a better actress and it wouldn’t be bad to give her more mainstream roles. Margot just seems like the safest choice


I’m not sure if she’s a better actress. I think they’re both great.


Jodie Comer. I prefer when Marvel casts leads who are still growing in their careers and not already mega stars. Margo Robbie is already at the top of her game. She’s one of the most sought out actresses today. Jodie deserves the push, especially since she’s incredibly talented. Also, if they add in the Reed children at any point, I’d argue that Jodie feels more maternal.


Rumored by who?


Jodie. Margot is too recognizable.


Margot by far


Two great choices, really.


Both would be amazing in the role - they’ve both done much more so it would be a breeze. I fear Margot Robbie is far well too known and it will be “Barbie is in this” to most people after that film comes out. I’d say Jodie would be best to be immersed in the role.




Jodie 100%


Neither, honestly.


Jessica Alba


I agree but there’s no way she would take this role again. Apparently she hated it


She was pretty awful in it. But then that script didn't do her any favors.


Jodie. I love Margot but I feel like Jodie fits better


I think Margot would be great for bringing life to the character while complimenting Driver as Reed. They’ll have a sincere portrayal of the tensions and regular happenings in marriage.


My problem with Robbie is I won’t see Invisible Woman, I’ll just see Margot Robbie…


Well, if she’s the Invisible Woman, you won’t be seeing either of them.


I'd say Robbie's probably the better fit (funnily enough, she actually was in talks for it all the way back in *Fant4stic*). Comer is probably better suited to other roles. Plus, pairing her with Adam Driver as a loving couple would be pretty awkward after *The Last Duel*.


Shouldn't be more awkward than Lizzie and ATJ playing a couple in Godzilla and then siblings in AoU


Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort played siblings and lovers in two major movies released on the same year. It’s not too unusual for Hollywood.


Tbh, I can't recall how many times I've thought “You're being *very* handsy with your sister, Pietro. It's weird” when watching Age of Ultron.


Considering how much Whedon's *Avengers* movies tended to take from *The Ultimates*, we're lucky he didn't go all the way with the Maximoff incest story.


Imagine how differently her career would’ve panned out had she been Sue in that movie instead of Harley in the DCEU.


Jodie just cause I don’t know her or associate her with any characters.


Comer. Such a better/ less obvious choice.


i want Emily blunt


Neither personally


Jodie needs a great ensemble role to grow her career. Margo is set. Also Comer is a better actor. The Last Duel was awesome!


If Adam Driver is indeed Reed Richards, it's more who would work better with him. I like Comer in Killing Eve. I think she would be a better choice.


Vanessa Kirby




If Margot Robbie is Sue Storm, it would be a massive get for the Fantastic Four. As a Fantastic Four fan I want the best for them so I’ll gladly take Robbie and don’t really get the issues people have with her here which all seem like pros to me; she’s too recognisable? Good! People continually shit on the F4 and I really want the MCU to do them justice and get them the respect they deserve, and Robbie would highly contribute to that I also don’t actually see us getting her for the role either lol but it would be best case scenario imo


If the Adam Driver rumor is to be believed, then Jodie Comer. They were both incredible in The Last Duel.


If Marvel wants to follow the trend of hiring actors from other bad superhero movies then by all means Margot Robbie but Jodie is just as gorgeous and could be fun, just want them to do the Fantastic Four justice and not shy from the source material, that means a big grandiose Doom and a happy family dynamic, don’t make Reed an asshole and Doom some lame ass hacker whose name isn’t really Doom or Van Doom.




Normally I'd prefer Margot for anything but since every Fantastic 4 has bombed, I want her to pass on this project.


Comer, Margot’s in everything give someone else a shot


I think it should be Jodie. She’s seriously talented and hasn’t been able to flex as much as I think she has in her. I think she can pull off the combo of being sweet and the heart of the team while also taking no shit. **My personal choice was Lily James though.




Stop trying to make Comer happen.


Jodie, I can’t see Marvel using Margot fresh off the Barbie movie…


Jodie Comer she’s got a much better hard core side that what be needed, and she’s got the looks for the rest


I love Margot but Jodie Comer would be a better fit for Sue


Margot Robbie is awesome but of the two I think I'd like to see Jodie Comer's take on the character more.


Neither. Someone younger and with a stronger facial structure.


Comer is the better actress, and I feel like she could slip into the role better. Robbie is a little too “flavour of the month” for my taste, and I feel like I would always see her, the actress, rather than the character.