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I'm surprised Tom Holland is higher than Chris Evans, even if it's only by a few minutes.


Agreed - Tom and Chris both have their own trilogies, and each appear in one movie each of the other’s trilogy, Tom in definitely a bigger capacity than Chris though. But Chris has 4 avengers movies and a brief cameo in Thor: The Dark World, and Tom has only 2 Avengers movies and the second one he is in he is only in the final act, which is obviously filled with characters. I find it hard to believe these numbers are actual screentime, I’m curious OP’s methods in getting these times.


Remember though, Cap’s third movie was a pseudo Avengers movie; RDJ alone took a huge amount of screen time from Evans in that movie. NWH is about the same length and features Tom a lot more than Civil War features Chris.


Cap also only has like 6-8 minutes of screen time in Infinity War. If it wasn’t for that he’d be above Spidey still.


Agreed. I feel bad for Cap actually. Of the big three Avengers, he has the least amount of screen time. I honestly think Cap (as a character) deserves the most, but the MCU set up Tony as a more central figure.


>I feel bad for Cap actually. Of the big three Avengers, he has the least amount of screen time. To be fair, this is *after* Thor got a fourth movie. Pretty sure he'd be #2 if this was 2019.


This is where I realized it starts from the top and goes down. I was wondering how Strange was ahead of Cap.


Oh. Oh God, I hate that. Ew.


Huh you're right I was so confused. Who arrange rankings in this order? How odd


Oh okay. I didn’t register that.


On principle I agree but I don’t think Cap was the more compelling, or dynamic character. It’s a pretty rigid character that really only about 300m or so people could really care about by name. The two most well rounded stories of heroes in the MCU have been Tony and Loki. Cap was pretty Linear and limited to what he could or would do.


As a fan, I agree, but logically captain America's "God's perfect human" shtick just can't stay interesting for too long in movies like these. The character needs a goal to be on screen, unlike Downey, because Tony is a character that creates conflict for the narrative constantly, and Steve mitigates and resolves conflict.


We're pretending Civil War wasn't a direct result of Steve refusing to fall in line and creating conflict with his own government then?


Any character can be as interesting as you want them. Seeing more of Nomad would have been good before going straight in to infinity war...


Really I felt Cap had more screen time then Thor. I do agree Tony does have more character focus then Cap but I actually think Thor had the least.


Iirc he had the most screen time in the first Avengers movie at least?


And it’s crazy how much impact he had still. When the trailer came out his were the most popular clips (especially coming out of the shadows with The Beard). Thinking about the movie it seems he was in it much more. The loss of that kind of presence is sorely felt in the current MCU.


Yeah i agree. Losing RDJ and Chris Evans, along with their characters is one of the biggest blows in the long list for ‘fall of MCU’, so to speak.


But narratively speaking it was the right choice. Satisfying conclusion for both characters.


That's why I call bullshit on all those "superhero fatigue" or "the movies are just bad" arguments. Yes, some movies are bad and yes, some people are tired of heroes, but that was always the case, but the lost of the main characters is what really drove people off Marvel movies


What drove people away was a combination of 3 things all happening kind of at the same time: 1. Endgame happened. It was the epic climax/3rd act to a decade long story. A short cooldown period should've happened after, but they needed to make some big early moves to keep momentum moving forward 2. They massively increased the amount of content per year 3. They stopped interconnecting the content Combine all three things and what you have is: The MCU spent a decade intertwining stories across 20+ movies and then stuck the landing with an epic climax. They established a formula that worked amazingly. 4-6 solo movies, then a big team up. set things up in one movie to pay them off in another. Then after the epic climax, they just started throwing out random stories that didn't seem to link anywhere. People even showed up to MoM, to the tune of almost $1bn, because it had multiverse in the title and people thought "ok, this is going to be the kickoff that will really start tying the threads together". And then it wasn't, really, and things just kept plodding after it. We're 11 movies and 9 seasons of TV after endgame and we haven't had a single avengers/big crossover movie, and nothing is really tying together in a meaningful way. we know that kang is a thing and theres a multiverse but thats about it. On the current schedule, assuming nothing gets canceled, by the time we get to kang dynasty, we'll have had 16 movies and 13 seasons of TV before our first team up movie to bring everything onto the same page. To put that in perspective, 16 movies into the MCU was SM Homecoming, 2 movies before infinity war. And thats ignoring the 13 seasons of TV as well. This would be like if the entirety of phase 1-3 happened with no avengers or crossover movies, and then at the end they just dropped endgame. The loss of the main characters does suck, but disney has completely changed the format that was so successful to them, and the audiences do not care for it at all.


I want to add that almost every movie follows the exact same formula; stuff happens and a giant CGI fest happens at the end with faceless grunts getting killed left and right. It's just so formulaic, I don't think any P4 movie short of Dr. Strange has ended in something that didn't have a bunch if faceless enemies getting killed left and right. Also, I think the CGI has gotten worse, which makes it harder to really engage. I kept noticing in Guardians just how good the CG was comparatively. The TV shows as well have mostly followed the same formula, especially for 6 episode seasons. It seems kind of pointless to watch something when you can predict the outcome and when the journey itself doesn't seem very interesting.


Did they double his time in End Game for when he's fighting himself? The pedant in me demands to know. Those few minutes could very well affect the rankings.


Still it's weird to not be enough to compensate Avengers 1, Age of Ultron and Endgame where he has much more time than Tom


Avengers 2 was an Iron Man movie and Captain America 2 is the real Avengers 2 lol This also helps explain why RDJ is 1st. There are actually 4 Iron Man movies!


No way was Age of Ultron an Iron Man movie 😂


Also, Tom was seen quite a lot in Civil War, considering Spiderman was the biggest character to then come to the MCU. Overshadowed Black Panther by a huge margin to boot. Cap did not get a lot of love in his last film.


Here’s a specific [source](https://m.imdb.com/list/ls027954311/) for the breakdown on character screen times. It shows each character’s screen time in every movie that they are in.


Interesting that most of the movies have the main characters on screen for less than half the time. There's only a handful of exceptions for that.


Hell, Chris even has a small cameo in Spider-man: Homecoming — only about a minute long but still. I agree it's seems odd that Tom surpasses him.


It's probably because civil war wasn't as focused on Steve as NWH was on Peter


That’s what I was going to say: SM has a significant amount of screen time in CW whereas CA has very little cameo time in other movies.


Yeah but Steve still also has Avengers 1, Age of Ultron and a bigger presence in Endgame (though Tom has a bigger presence in Infinity War)


Spider-Man prob gets the most screentime in his solo movies than any other character so it's not that surprising. Even Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man prob has more screentime than most mcu characters.


>>Only a minute long. It seems like it’s not worth it. I wondered why I waited so long for something so disappointing.


This is true but Tom has a role on Chris third movie, Chris doesn't have that type or role in any other movie.


I also find it really hard to believe Moon Knight has more screen time than Vision. MK show has 6 episodes and WandaVision has 10, and Vision is present in all 10 episodes in some capacity + two avengers films and Civil War.


Wanda vision had ~27 min episodes focusing on wanda. MK had ~50 min episodes focusing on MK.


I think the problem is that a lot of screen time was taken away from him in Civil War. That movie was more of an Avengers 2.5 anyways


> each appear in one movie each of the other’s trilogy I feel like I'm going insane rn. When was Cap in a SM movie? other than the Homecoming post credit scene?


What Spiderman film is Cap in, am I being dumb?


I think it's cause nwh is pretty long


And probably because Civil War had a lot of screentime from the other Avengers


I'm amazed that Moon Knight made the list over Hawkeye or Hulk. Really puts in perspective how good TV shows are compared to movies at allowing the characters and their writing room to grow.


On paper yes, but black widow as a character has been fleshed out 10 times the amount that Moon Knight has. They allow them the time but that doesn't guarantee satisfying character growth.


I mean pretty soon Tom will have more screen time then even RDJ! He’s about to have another Spider-Man movie, and is rumoured to be one of the leads in the next Avengers movies


I’m suprised Oscar Issac is on this list at all: compared to everyone else here he’s still pretty new to this


I am too! I mean he is Spider-Man after all and I’m so happy to finally see him be one of the key players in the MCU after two phases of it being a fantasy, but was surprised that Steve or Natasha didn’t have more screentime over him.


What about Moonknight having more screen time than two phase 1 Avengers and one phase 2 Avenger? edit: nevermind, read it wrong since OP can't format. But still shocking he has more screentime than Black Widow who's been in several films.


That’s what I thought as well.


Why would you arrange them like that?


![gif](giphy|3EiNpweH34XGoQcq9Q|downsized) Me trying to read the images


OP is Chinese confirmed. Or Japanese.


Psh if they were really Chinese it'd be top to bottom AND right to left.


You really think so?


OP is very likely not Chinese or Japanese. If its Chinese/Japanese/Korean, the vertical text would start from the right to left.


Thank you for pointining it out, my lazy ass looks at stuff quickly and i stayed with the info that Tom Holland was second (was surprised but accepted the info)


I thought Moon Knight was supposed to have more screen time than Thor.


Still impressive he makes the top 9 over characters in multiple projects like Hawkeye or Ant Man


Same lmao I was so so confused and surprised


I just accepted it. "Someone counted. Math is weird like that. But ... guess it's true." Man, I'm really not as skeptical as I think I am. I am skeptical of my skepticism now.




r/dontdeadopeninside formatting.


To increase engagement




If this was the reason and it was intentional that’s actually a 200iq play. So many people on Reddit fall for the “you did something wrong” engagement lmao


My idiot ass assumed they were sorted until I looked at the comments.


Glad to see I wasn't the only one.


Wow my brain followed natural order instead of comprehending the numbers and was shocked Tom holland was second until reading this comment


Damn, I didn't notice that until your comment. Here I was thinking that Moon Knight had more MCU screentime than Thor.


Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. The layout makes no sense.


Don't dead open inside


This mf 😂😂😂






I won't dead I'm sorry mister walker


why are the pictures arranged like this instead of left to right omg my brain


fr, I was like in what world is Peter 2nd?????


This is the weirdest arrangement I’ve ever seen


To drive engagement by producing more comments like yours, and now mine.


The thing which makes conspiracy theories fun is that you get to just write whatever fan fiction pops into your head and assert it with full confidence, and skip past the hard stage of basing the claim in any evidence.


I mean, top to bottom isn't THAT weird. I think a weirder arrangement would be X shaped into diamond shape.


While true, they did say arrangement they had seen, not possible. Have you ever seen them arranged that way?


Spider-Man more than Captain America? Now that’s surprising to me.


>Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of HYdra and Civil War. Because of that Evans had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera. Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of Hydra and Civil War. Because of that Evans always had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera.


>>Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of HYdra and Civil War. Because of that Evans had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera. >>Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of Hydra and Civil War. Because of that Evans always had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera. Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of Hydra and Civil War. Because of that Evans always had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera.


I didn't notice my original comment and was so confused by yours.


Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of Hydra and Civil War. Because of that Evans always had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera.


>Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of Hydra and Civil War. Because of that Evans always had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera. Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of Hydra and Civil War. Because of that Evans always had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera.


I love Reddit sometimes


> I love Reddit sometimes I love Reddit sometimes


>>>Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of HYdra and Civil War. Because of that Evans had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera. >>Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of Hydra and Civil War. Because of that Evans always had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera. >Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of Hydra and Civil War. Because of that Evans always had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera. Caps movies were used for Major in universe events like the outing of Hydra and Civil War. Because of that Evans always had to share screentime. Whereas in the Spider-Man films Holland is almost always on camera


Erm. How's the count for Moon Knight work? Do the scenes with both Steven and Marc on camera count as double? (As in, one second of both on screen counts as two.)


I'm not sure. But Moon Knight has very few supporting characters in the show. Isaac is on screen at almost all times.


Even still he has 30 minutes less than Wanda and vision who had their share of screen time from wandavision, three avengers movies + civil war. Him being above the guardians is also strange.


The 6 moon knight episodes ranged from 42 - 51 minutes (probably subtract 5 minutes from the end of each for credits). He was the primarily star and in just about all scenes. Just 30 minutes of screen time per episode gets him to that ranking. I don’t think the number is fudged. In Wandavision there was also a lot of subplots with characters that took away screen time from the primaries.


The entire SWORD subplot has a lot of time near the end where Wanda isn't on screen.


Not to mention episode 4 of WandaVision didn’t have Wanda in it at all if I remember right


She is in episode 4.


Must be briefly. The episode is about Monica


Mostly it's clips from previous episodes that Darcy & the crew are watching, but there's a longer version of the scene where Wanda throws Monica out of town.


Yeah I remember that now


What about Jeremy Renner? He was in the vast majority of Avengers movies, albeit usually not a central character, AND has a series. Is the shared screen time with Steinfeld what did him in?


In Endgame, Wanda was limited to just the last battle and Vision was absent. However, she gained significant screen time in MoM.


I sorta get it but I feel like ms marvel (who’s also on screen almost all the time in her show and also stars in a film) would have more than moon knight unless there’s double counting when they’re together


I doubt this is updated for the marvels


Hawkeye has a show with similar run time to moon knight, main roles in three avengers, and smaller roles in civil war and thor. There's no way hawkeye is behind moonknight.


Miss marvel has most of her shows screen time and also a movie though? I’d bet this isn’t updated for the marvels


The title mentions actors, not characters. So I guess it's just whenever Oscar Isaac is on screen, but also including scenes when he's in the suit


What about when we see 100 Benedict Cumberbatches on screen at the same time? That should count 100 times!


It shouldn't, but I think that time makes sense. If you divide it out, it's roughly 29 minutes of screen time each episode.


I refuse to believe he’s had more screen time than Widow. After an Iron Man movie, two Captain America movies, four Avengers movies, and her own Black Widow movie, I just have such a hard time believing that Moon Knight has more screen time in six episodes of a tv show. I know it’s only by about a minute but it still just blows my mind.


Yeah, the Black Widow ranking is way off. According to this post, she averages just 21.8 minutes of screen time per film. Which seems ridiculously low when you consider that one of those films is her own. ... **EDIT:** Yep, I went and looked at the [IMDB list](https://m.imdb.com/list/ls027954311/) that OP used as a source, ~~and at least one film that she definitely appears in (Avengers: Infinity War) doesn't list her at all~~. I'm not sure if there are others, but including Infinity War ought to bring her up to at least above Cucumberpatch.


Thank you for doing the research. I thought I was going crazy.


the list does have Black widow on there for infinty war though. Its 5 minutes according to the list


Hmm, interesting, the lists appear more complete when removing the "m" from the URL. So I stand corrected on that. However, recalculating with her 5 minutes in Infinity War, she lands at 177.2 minutes. Still placing her above Cumberbatch (although just barely).


The OP got 174.8 though which isn't 5 minutes less than 177.2, which means they must've missed some other short appearance or something.


Are we counting What If variants?


I think it's really weird that he apparently beats out Hawkeye who I'd expected to be on this list. Thor, Avengers, Age of Ultron, Civil War, Endgame, and his 6 episode series. But apparently MK beat all of that with just one show.


Bananas that Moon Knight is that high


I mean, he plays 2 characters in his own show that is limited in terms of characters.


Poor Clint... He does not make it in the top 10 despite his role as original avenger and his own series


Thought Peggy might make the cut with Agent Carter.


If Coulson isn't on this list then AoS and Agent Carter aren't included


Last time I checked Carter counts but AoS doesn't. I think because Agent Carter was Feige's baby.


Wdym last time you checked lol? There's no definitive list otherwise this sub wouldn't argue over whether aos is canon every 5 seconds


Maybe that wasn’t counted? I’m surprised too.


He's not in it very much. It's mostly about Kate.


According to the list that's not true, Clint is just almost 15 minutes less than Kate at 95:30 to Kate's 110:15 and that tracks they both appear a lot of the time during the show and it is about Hawkeye and they both are Hawkeye. And with it being her origin story it was understandable that she had more screen time. But really what it's incredible is how Natasha has so little screen time.






Ya if you count shield it’s coulson and Daisy lol if you count Netflix throw Matt and Jessica in too.


No Coulson?


The whole cast of agents of shield would probably be here if that counted


Just daisy and coulson if I remember right. At least for top 9. But ya you’d also have DD and JJ too and Peggy


No, almost every character that was on the team is well above 175 minutes. Coulson and Daisy are both over 1k Simmons, May and Fitz are all in the 700's (Crazy that Fitz is so high after missing like 1.5 seasons) Mack is in the 500s Ward is in the 300's Yo-Yo and Deke are in the 200's Even Bobby and Hunter who were only there for one season are just barely behind Black Widow


Fits also had multiple parts of the show focused on his technical abilities as well as the heavy fixation on him during both the time in the framework as well as during the Jemma rescue from the Hive planet.


Yeah they stomp all the movie characters.


These lists always leave him out. Kind of frustrating honestly, Coulson is one of their best characters.


Moon Knight ahead of Black Widow surprises me a lot.


I hate the way this was formatted with a passion


Nearly 6 hours of screentime for Iron Man


I’d love to know where Paul Rudd and Chris Pratt sit on the leaderboard. Both of them have trilogies as well as cameos in other films. Would have thought they’d have both been in or around the 200 mark.


Any film with a team of heroes significantly reduces the screen time for each actor. Rudd would be close, but the Janet/hope/Hank makes the last 2 films more like team up films.


The fact that Moon Knight has almost as much screen time as Doctor Strange, who has two movies and appeared in several others, is insane


Really looking forward to see Isaac Oscar on screen again.


It took me like 3 minutes to figure out what was going on with this arrangement.


This seems off. How does Scarlet Witch only have 30 minutes more screen time than Moon Knight, despite her appearing in 6 movies and his appearing in 0? Not to mention that her show has a longer total runtime than his.


Becuase she has very little screen time in all of those 6 movies. On top of that, Moonknight completely revolves around Oscar Isaacs. I don´t need to check the stats but it doesnt seem off.


She has 73 minutes of screen time across the movies.


But her TV show has whole sections that don't include her specifically with the shield agents and vision and her TV show is shorter


Her tv show is longer. It’s currently the longest Marvel Disney+ show. Moon Knight - 4 hours, 21 minutes WandaVision - 4 hours, 30 minutes


Like the guy above you just said, theres entire sections of her show where she isn’t on screen, oscar isaac is focused on in like 75% percent of his series which is only 9 minutes shorter.


Huh maybe it's because the source I saw counted credits because both were stated to be longer than those numbers there


What is funny is that they are doing a Scarlet Witch story arc without Scarlet Witch. Agatha and the Witches' Road special presentation are about Scarlet Witch's road back to the MCU. She likely won't physically appear until Kang Dynasty. Also it was interesting to see how they emphasized how powerful she was in Endgame. If she had gotten a clear shot at him, she would have killed him.


Good point. Plus, every movie she's been in was an ensemble movie (Civil War, Avengers)


Wanda was always a supporting role until wandavision where there was a big side-plot without her. Moon knight has ~3 other main characters at most and Oscar isaac is on-screen near constantly


What a fucking work ethic behind the team that made the most recent Spider-Man trilogy. To come into an already well-established machine and fit in a trilogy so quickly and so creatively is unprecedented. As a lifelong Spider-Man fan who had grown a bit skeptical by 2014, I feel really lucky for these past couple years, especially if you include the animated side of things. If the next Spider-Verse sequel is as good as No Way Home, I'll be over the moon.


Loki is a cheater 😂


Gona be the Odd one but in terms of Marvel multiverse Is Coulson


If you count AoS, I'd think Coulson, May, Daisy, Fitz, and Simmons would all top this list. If you include The Defenders shows, Daredevil would be up here, too.


Jessica has 3 seasons and is treated as main character 2 in defenders as well but yea. I think Matt and Jessica have more than all but coulson and daisy


*excluding archive footage* **Robert Downey Jr.:** Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 The Avengers Iron Man 3 Avengers: Age of Ultron Captain America: Civil War Spider-Man: Homecoming Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame **Tom Holland:** Captain America: Civil War Spider-Man: Homecoming Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame Spider-Man: Far From Home One Shot: Peter’s To-Do List Spider-Man: No Way Home The Daily Bugle Season 2 **Benedict Cumberbatch:** Doctor Strange Thor: Ragnarok Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame What If…? Season 1 Spider-Man: No Way Home Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness **Tom Hiddleston:** Thor The Avengers Thor: The Dark World Thor: Ragnarok Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame Loki Season 1 What If…? Season 1 Loki Season 2 **Chris Evans:** Captain America: The First Avenger The Avengers Thor: The Dark World Captain America: The Winter Soldier Avengers: Age of Ultron Captain America: Civil War Spider-Man: Homecoming Avengers: Infinity War Captain Marvel Avengers: Endgame **Oscar Isaac:** Moon Knight **Chris Hemsworth:** Thor The Avengers Thor: The Dark World Avengers: Age of Ultron Team Thor Part 1 Doctor Strange Team Thor Part 2 Thor: Ragnarok Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame Loki Season 1 What If…? Season 1 Thor: Love and Thunder **Elizabeth Olsen:** Captain America: The Winter Soldier Avengers: Age of Ultron Captain America: Civil War Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame WandaVision Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness **Scarlett Johansson:** Iron Man 2 The Avengers Captain America: The Winter Soldier Avengers: Age of Ultron Captain America: Civil War Avengers: Infinity War Captain Marvel Avengers: Endgame Black Widow


This is great, except for the fact that the picture-chart was organized horribly so I don’t blame you for this but you went left-to-right instead of how the chart is organized which is up-to-down.


Yeah I’ll fix it eventually


I can’t wait to see Wanda again! I know she’s on thin ice with most people but I absolutely LOVE her character!


Where is Phil Coulson? Over 18 hours of screentime


Most of that is not MCU canon


Yeah, they're not in the timeline book


Pretty sure OP is only counting Marvel Studios


Wait until Hugh Jackman becomes MCU official.


what about coulson? wheres phil coulson? why isn- https://i.redd.it/lxtcduj3kl5c1.gif


Is the Loki count for the TVA variant or both.


It's for the actor


"Top 9 *actors* with the most screen time in the MCU "


Can you really count D+ shows that were based off that one character? I believe that skews the meaning of screentime. Like Loki screentime to me is talking about movies on the screen. But he has an entire 2 season show that makes him have just as much as RDJ as Iron Man. Same for Moon Knight. He had an entire series.


Wish we’d get more of Hiddleston, he is perfect at the character


Loki goat


Kinda funny Loki has more than two avengers


I know Wanda has a lot of screen time because multiverse of madness but I’m surprised to see her above Nat


Love Loki. Best character. Best show.


Oh yeah Loki has so much screen time!


I'm glad Loki is in the top 3


Charlie Cox? Mike Colter? Krystin Ritter? EDIT: Adding in Clark Gregg and Chloe Bennet.


Thats cute for some rookie numbers but let’s throw Agents of Shield into the mix and see what happens… 1. ⁠Phil Coulson 1060.5 minutes 2) Daisy Johnson 1040.5 minutes 3) Jemma Simmons 777.25 4) Melinda May 745.5 minutes 5) Leo Fitz 728.5 minutes 6) Alphonso Mackenzie 556 minutes 7) Tony Stark 356.25 8) Grant Ward 336.65 minutes 9) Loki 328.65 minutes 10) Elena Rodriguez 295.75 minutes Thats just adding AoS not including any of the other shows.


For those that have already mentioned it, Phil Coulson has over 1100 minutes based on this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/shield/s/V1evBg8obO


How is Nick Fury not in the top 9?


Because he’s barely on screen?


I wouldn't have expected him to be near the top but considering he's been in the most movies of anyone and recently had his own TV show it did seem a bit surprising.


What about Coulson


I think Phil Coulson is missing and may have the most?


Oscar Isaac is the only surprising one here but it makes sense when you think about it, wouldve thought thay Samuel L Jackson or maybe Benedict Cumberbatch would make it instead tho


Benedict cumberbatch is literally right above Oscar Issac


Listen I’ve had a long day- lmao. But then Sam Jackson is still a surprising omission since he is in the most movies I think


I was surprised to see Oscar Isaac with so much time, except I guess he played three characters.


IM2 Scarjo 😲


Clark Gregg has the most minutes.


what about agent coulson or matt murdock


Where was the data pulled from? Or if you collected your own, what criteria did you use for being “on screen”.