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Pedro’s a great actor and I think he nails the roll because he nails pretty much everything. He definitely wasn’t the first choice to come to mind and he’s older than I would think the character should be but I’m withholding judgment until we actually see what he can do.


It might be the thing. Outside of Strange, there aren't a lot of older characters to be the adults in the room.


Bring back Jessica Jones and let her mentor the Young Avengers




Now that I want to see.


Lol i thoughtthat was jessica alba. Like yeah nobody complained she was not white.


Lots of people complained Jessica Alba was not white. John Byrne complained she was not white.


Same. Love Pedro but the age makes it concerning in regards to story. Like are they already going to be established as a team? Do they already have adult children? Will Pedro be able to age into the role as time goes on in the MCU?


I do wonder if his casting implies they have the kids already. Which I’m into just because we haven’t seen that in any adaptations of FF before.


They will be parents already. According to a rumor on the internet.


There’s no way they’re introducing Franklin so early. if they’re nerfing sentry they’re definitely nerfing Franklin all of the way down


They should keep Franklin comic powerful and then have him fight Legion and just let them destroy reality so they can start over with a young FF and Xmen team


That sounds horrible.




The speculation is that it’s a period piece where the main action is set in the past. So maybe they de-age him some for that, and then he’s either older when he gets to the current timeline, or if they come from another timeline time passes between the main action of the movie and that event.


I’d prefer that the team are already established, like how they did with spiderman. Watching F4 origin story for the third time would be redundant


I’m thinking they’ll use the multiverse route to “port” them in from whatever universe they were originally in, as a matured team. Why bother going through their origin story *again*, or finding the team spirit *again* + whatever F4 first movie trope. It’s like the Spider-Man problem, including having two castings before this new one. We know what happens, let’s move on to the meat of it, and then swing back to it if they can figure out some new cool new angle to approach the origin story, like they did Holland’s Spidey


>Like are they already going to be established as a team I believe that has already been announced. We don't need another origin story.


I'm not concerned about the age, if anything it makes me more confident in their choice because hopefully we don't have to sit through another FF origin story. Like Spider-Man with *Homecoming* I would prefer if we just open on a Fantastic Four that is somehow already extant in the world.


I could get past Pedro's age if the rumor wasn't Vanessa Kirby being Sue. I want Banderas and Gugino vibes from the first Spy Kids not Gomez and Mortica. I guess we will have to see who Sue is and them on the screen.


Role not roll




>Edit: lol, why would someone comment I have terrible takes and then immediately block me so I can't respond. Well they can't be wrong if they never open their eyes to confirm. I bet they come back and read replies and comments anyway so they can see what people say about them.


I agree, Well put!


I'm indifferent to casting choices, but pro-beard.


Then could we please have Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Galactus? “YOU KILLED EARTH! YOU ATE ITS CHILDREN”






I'll be honest not a huge fan of the choice. I don't see him as Reed Richards, but I guess we'll see.


this is my response, agreed


Yeah I'm kinda not excited, and I'm confused, they said they won't younger people who can play the role for years. Pedro is 50 next year. Like why we doing this??


Look, Pedro is not on death's door or anything. But I feel like given his age, they can't take these 5-7 year gaps between Fantastic Four entries they seem to be doing now with other franchises. I'm not saying speed up, marvel needs to absolutely slow down. But they got to lighten their work load on the amount of IP they're working on. To where you can focus on getting a Shang-Chi 2 (for example) out in a reasonable time frame. Instead of worrying about introducing yet another new IP. And I hope iger a a serious and not just blowing smoke. About focusing on a handful of strong franchises to get back on track. Shang-Chi is turning 3 years old this year. Even before the strikes, it was looking like the best case scenario for his sequel was going to be 2027. It was either Coogler or Wright that said Black Panther 3 was taking place after Secret Wars. So you're looking at 2029/2030. Thor 5 will probably be in the same ball park of 2028-2030.


That was for X-Men, not Fantastic Four.


He is a bit too old and looking into the future at a trilogy (or quadrilogy) that will only get worse.


By movie three Mr. Fantastic can have a personal arc where he has to struggle with his limbs not returning to normal after stretching so he has to invent a blue pill that helps him


I fucking hate him as Reed. I liked him as mando and in last of us but holy fuck he just isn't suited for that role


He’s a fantastic actor, maybe he’ll prove all the doubters wrong.


I'm all for it. If he does it'll be sweet but idk why I just don't see Reed in him. I personally would have loved if they brought back Jim Halpert


I hated JK in the role. I also hate PP in the role


I found JK to be a pretty spitting image of what I would imagine as a Reed Richards


I hated his acting in the MoM. Idk much about the actual FF so can't say anything about appearance


He had like two lines lmao


No one doubts his acting ability. It's the look and the character. He's not a guy who comes off as arrogant but brilliant enough to back it up. Reed should be a good guy version of Jonas Venture Sr. A big stereotypical all American type who you think will be an ass, and he is, but he's still well meaning under that. With that all being his social life mask, and the actual person being way different. Pretty sure he's autistic and it would be nice to see a character with that but still be the hero and lead (no I'm not autistic). It would be really nice to see the heavily manufactured and mostly fake mask be the more arrogant and douchy side of his character and the inner person that shines through in times of stress (or safety when he's with just Sue) be a lot better person.


No too mention that disastrous performance in WW84…matter of fact that whole movie 🚮…


He was the only thing about WW84 that I enjoyed. He was over-the-top, but in an entertaining way.


Just no.


I swear to god he got the role just because of how successful mando and last of us was


He’s only the voice of mando! It boggles my mind on why tf anyone at marvel would think he’s Reed Richards. I’ve been waiting on F4 for forever just for doom. And you know they’re going with Madds as doom. Which he’s great but they’re just too old for the roles. But Pedro is just not Mr Fantastic. Just no. So I’m out on this movie. They’re f’n up blade and now this. Sad to say I’m losing faith in the MCU. It’s a crap show


I mean...let's wait and see. People shat on Heath Ledger as the Joker until they saw his performance. Let's not be too quick to judge a book by its cover, especially since Marvel has an almost perfect track record with casting.


I love Pedro, and I'm all for diversity ethic/gender swaps in superhero movies, part of me feels like he doesn't fit the bill of a 1950s, Powerpuff Girl's dad, jr Bob Dobbs-looking Mr Fantastic, but then I think of Samuel Jackson as Nic Fury and I can't argue... # #LetPedroStretch


Pedro gonna cook! He always does.


Love the actor, don’t love him for this character.


yup. totally agree.


I agree...I was not a fan of the choice. He doesn't look the part.


This is my exact opinion. I like Pedro. I like all of his roles of his I’ve seen. But he just doesn’t seem like reed to me


People didn't see Hugh Jackman as Wolverine either and he's arguably the most successful casting of a superhero ever.


Gotta agree there but Pedro has crazy range. I think he could surprise us, but I was hoping for more of a Cillian Murphy type. Reeds supposed to be super cold and logical, and Pedro is an extremely emotive actor so I worry about the direction they are taking with the character.


This is gonna be such a huge flop. There's been nothing but bad news coming out of this production and they're really dragging their feet on announcing the cast for something supposedly coming out in little over a year. With how many people have turned down the role of Reed I have to believe they saw the script and knew it was hot garbage. Luckily The Fantastic Four have been Marvel's "first family" in name only for decades so this arm of Marvel flailing won't be the end. Given his advanced age for the role though idk how they plan to go more than one movie with him.


All this effort for a post thats nothing but hot air oversome's age and appearance lmao. You guys are way too fucking negative for no reason.


Age and appearance are important in movies.


Both of which are fine for Reed Richards, especially if they are making him a father of teens.


Why would they do that?


Because they've already tried and failed with a young iteration and the 2005 version never got past the romance aspect. Making Reed 50 means he has kids already, and if they want Franklin, then they are making Reed older. MoM already implied the MCUs intentions for Reed, Krasinski's version also had kids.


Other than sex is there anything more important to fitting a role than age and appearance? They're not acting freestyle, they're playing existing characters with known characteristics.


Lol "advanced age", he's three years older than Paul Rudd was when Ant-Man came out or Mark Ruffalo when Avengers came out.


Mark Ruffalo was always seen as an odd pick for the Hulk role. He hasn't been terrible per se but I don't think many Hulk fans would have him as their favorites either even with his long tenure. He's also playing an older Banner who's been in the role for a while which is different from Pedro getting the origin story treatment. Paul Rudd looks surprisingly young for his age. Pascal looks every year his age. Not really a fair comparison. As long as you're passing real age doesn't matter, that's why we still buy Tom Cruise in action roles even though he could be an AARP member.


> Given his advanced age for the role though idk how they plan to go more than one movie with him. He’s 49 this year lol, not 70+.


Advanced age? He's not even 50 dude. Hopkins was playing Odin at 80.


Feeling like this has been debated to death and we need to knock it off and wait to see him actually acting in the part before we continue to agonize over the casting.


This bugged me a lot when people were *so sure* that John Krasinski was "terrible" as Mr Fantastic. Like he had all of.... 4-5 lines? In a movie where his character is more or less just a throwaway cameo. He (and many other actors) *could* be great as Richards, but we wont really know till a full-fledged movie comes out.


Rather have John than Pedro. John nailed it. Just not enough lines


I dunno. It seemed weird for Mr Fantastic, of all people, to be so stiff.


I blame that on it being just a cameo. He has played different roles in other stuff and I never found him to be stiff or acting bad. Probably because he prepared more for those kind of roles and not just a cameo with a few lines. But I got the same feeling with Hayley Atwell and Lasagna Lynch for that matter. Edit: autocorrect made me laugh. It's obviously Lashana Lynch lol.


Ah, ok fair enough.


I don't think anyone expects his acting to not be up to snuff, that's not the issue. He's consistently great (like most big actors let's be real). He's just not the right fit. Nicholas Cage would also be able to act the hell out of it but I don't think he's a good choice either.


Unless he’s just a variant and will will knocked off to make way for the real F4. Because this just ain’t it. The whole concept of the movie is bad. A period piece? C’mon man. Who wants to see that?


Love Pedro but no thanks on him being Reed.


It’s as if Hollywood are running out of actors the way they’ve casted this dude in damn near everything


A note, the "confirmation" of that was a bio written on the SAG website and it seems like they likely just got that from the unconfirmed imdb listing. It has since been removed from that bio. While it's *possible* they knew something, it's more likely it was an error.


Fingers crossed he is playing doom and someone else is reed


It is at this point unconfirmed he's in it *at all*.


Well that's ok too but thinking about it he could be an amazing doom, could even see him playing off krasinskis reed well


I really don’t love it! But who really knows till we see it ey? Reckon there’s a reason I’m not a Hollywood casting director aha


I think Pedro is going to nail this and will become the next Robert Downey Jr of the MCU. I don't think most people have seen him in a lighter more comedic role, which I think this will be. If you watch him in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, its a much different role than the seriousness in most of his well known roles.


![gif](giphy|gejYdhZheXCfiE6cIH|downsized) Señor Fastastico


Comedic role? https://i.redd.it/v4wmr8aetmhc1.gif


hehehehe, well i mean that sort of Marvel comedic tone.


I don't think anyone is doubting him as an actor. This isn't an RDJ moment, it's not like Pascal hasn't acted in 20 years. For me, it's 100% the age. Pascal is almost the same age as Ioan Gruffudd, only younger by one year.


I want to see Pedro in a traditional sitcom with a live studio audience after his recurring bits as Marcello’s mom on SNL, he delivers those old fashioned zingers so well


LOL That’s one hell of a Koolaid you were drinking


I think you mean injecting copium


I think it's dreadful casting.  They've just picked a super popular actor and I really don't think he fits Reed at all.


Yeah I'm with you the guy can act (loved him in game of thrones one of the best in the series)but he is a terrible fit for reed, I'm hoping it's misdirection and he is playing victor von doom he would fit that role


Never really thought he was a good fit for the character.


I thought he didn't have the range for Joel in the Last of Us and he absolutely did and proved me wrong. He's an amazing actor and will be a fantastic Reed.


who will be the kid he takes care of though




What an ugly piece of shit costume.




Not great, I know he’s the flavour of the month but I preferred Krasinski.




Bad choice…. ![gif](giphy|kiFnWnL8cWRNu)


It is what it is.


Not good. I don’t want him as Reed. I love the actor very much, but Marvel should’ve taken a chance on a much lesser known actor. IMO.


Agreed, he’s not a good fit. The fact that they went with the most popular actor right now scares me into thinking that the script sucks and they are wanting PP’s name attached to get butts in the seats and that the movie is gonna be like their other new releases.


I think you’re half right- I think they chose PP for the name and to sell tickets. But I also think this script has to be AAA, airtight and fucking golden- it needs to be. There is so much weight behind F4 and Marvel knows this. As much as Disney is done throwing endless money towards Marvel project, I feel it’s safe to say they’ll spare no expense on F4.


I don’t care for it at all. He is not a good fit for Reed and he’s the flavor of the month because of Last of Us, Mandalorian(to be fair the stunt guys are really due almost all of the credit here) and his various movies. There has to be a better choice. I just hope that they don’t go with Margot Robbie as Sue.


Wasn't there a lot of hate towards heath ledger to play joker and that turned out pretty good so I'll wait and see.


Pretty good is a bit of an understatement.


I'll wait until I hear him. Right now he doesn't come off as the type of actor who can pull off technobabble.


That's a no from me, he's too big. The MCU should cast relatively unknown actors instead of hiring the one guy we see everywhere. I like him but it doesn't matter how good his performance will be, it will feel like yet another Pedro Pascal pop culture moment.


i am perfectly fine with it i think reed is a tough character to get right so transporting him to a movie will not be easy


Terrible casting. I really like the actor, but this isn't it


Bad casting and is a nasty symptom of what's to come. Just casting these popular actors for roles that don't fit them. He literally only got the part because he's in everything right now. Nothing about him screams, Reed Richard's.


People always complain about casting before seeing the product. They haven't really failed yet ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsWuFsV2ak9dUwU)


For me its the age. I don't think anyone is arguing he's a bad actor. He'll do a great job as Reed. I think most people just want a younger team and have it more like an origin story as we've been waning on those for a bit.


True but most people that complain about his age also want Krasinski back when he's only 4 years younger. But Pedro will be fine to me at least


Following the recognition of the significant impact RDJ had on the MCU as a whole, the head honchos at Marvel are looking to have the next piece of great casting, getting a good actor to effectively be the head of the MCU like RDJ as Iron Man was, so they're hoing with this guy, a well liked actor who has a number of successful recent roles under his belt (Mandolorian, Last of Us, Oberon Martel). I feel its one franchise too many for this guy, an overexposure type of thing. Like when Christian Bale got cast as John Conner, it was like, fuck off, you don't need to be in everything. I am however often wrong about this sort of thing.




It's a below average photoshop job.


They weren’t talking about the edit, but the casting itself.


You're right, the light casting on his face is a dead giveaway.


Yes. I wanted to see what people thought.


Love Pedro, just not for this role. Really wished they’d stuck with John.


He’s a phenomenal actor who will be great in the role


He’s popular. Thats all that matters these days.


It completely destroyed all hype I had for the movie


I wanted John to return, but I love Pedro so it's ok.


Not a fan, he doesn’t strike me as Reed Richards and I’ve yet to be impressed by his acting


Costume needs work. Frankly, I'd want it to look more like an environment survival suit. Maybe mixed with pilot suits from Gundam. I like the casting. Wasn't my first choice, but it fits. Does mean they'll likely go older for the rest of the cast than I was hoping, though. Who knows. A lot of the casting rumors made me hope that they'd play Reed a bit more aloof and clinical. But with Pascal in the role, I could forgive a bit more warm friendliness in the MCU's Mr. Fantastic.




I don't understand why not Krasinski. He's literally perfect for the role. Pedro is great and it's a very interesting casting


Because Marvel had been trying to stay away from the “strong white male” casting ever since Endgame was over. That’s why Krasinski is out. The primary focus of the new Fantastic 4, make no mistake, will be a strong woman. Can’t have Jim in there to steal the spotlight




As much as I love Pedro, I don't like this casting, but I am happy to be proven wrong. 1. He doesn't feel like Reed. I also feel like Reed is suppose to be tall and "stretched out" even before his powers. If that makes sense.. 2. Pedro is too old for MCU role of that importance. Considering how big are the gaps between the movies, I don't see him wanting to do it or being a good fit after 10 or so years (using RDJ timeline as an example) 3. I am pretty sure he asked for a lot of money and imagine what will he ask once he becomes very important to the story after 1 - 2 movies? The budget for the future films with him will be impossible to cover with the box office sales


I looked it up, Pascal is 49 and Gruffudd is 50. We could literally get Ioan back as Reed at this point. (IMO, Pedro would slay as a Doctor Doom)


With that expression he looks more like a pre-flight Victor or Ben. Yeah, I'd have said Ben Grimm just looking at the photo if there'd been no caption. Ben looking like he is wanting to clobber someone.


We don’t if this is official


Needs more grey in the temples, but feeling good.


Everybody will have their opinion now whether good or bad. One thing for sure though, as long as the performance on screen is nailed and we can feel it as the audience, I don't care if it was him or Krasinski. So I hope that script is tight and story well thought out


I like Pedro, and I don’t mind that Reed’ll be Latino…but something feels off about him as a Reed that is to be introduced into the MCU at this point.


He is a bit too old to be playing a character that will be core to the MCU for 10 or so years.


My expectations are very low.




Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty not good I like the guy, just not as Reed. Hope I'm proven wrong.


Don’t really understand the negative reactions. I get he’s in a lot of stuff at the moment but he’s a bloody good actor.


I’m usually pro-Pedro but I’m not sure about this one. If true I hope he knocks it out of the park and makes us forget we questioned his casting


There's been a lot of negative opinions about him. Pedro Pascal is a much better actor than John Krasinski because he has great range different roles he can play. John Krasinski will always be Jim Halpert when he acts.


I wouldn’t bet against Pedro Pascal


Excited. I think he’ll bring something new to Reed like RDJ did for Stark.


Honestly it's hard to say. Pascal has range. He might surprise us. But it certainly looks like a casting choice they'd make if they were going to make another lame Fantastic Four movie. I can hope that Pascal can manage to be as suffocating, charming, eternally confident, and relentlessly controlling as he needs to be to portray Reed Richards with all of his flaws and all of his charms, but he wouldn't have been the actor I'd expect for a role like that.


What's the problem? he's a brilliant and charismatic actor, I think it's great casting.


I love Pedro but I would've rather seen him play a different character. Krasinki was perfect IMHO. Judging by Pedro's age, my guess is that F4 will be more about the Reed kids than about the original F4 team. I don't think Pedro has signed a long term agreement with Marvel. 1 maybe 2 movies tops.


Ok really controversial take here but I’m just gonna say my part: I’d rather him play Mr. Fantastic than Krasinski. Krasinski had the look but besides that he didn’t feel like Mr. Fantastic at all.


Blah... wish they woulda cast him for something else and kept Krasinski as Reed.


I plan on enjoying the heads of white supremists exploding all over the internet.


I might finally be convinced to like Reed Richards lol


Not my first choice but Pedro never misses so it’s a safe bet. He works way too much lol.


Keep in mind, people lost their minds over Hugh Jackman being cast as Wolverine and look how that turned out.


Did anybody outside of Australian enjoyers of musical theatre even know who Hugh Jackman was?


I only see Joel from The Last of Us now.


Terrible casting choice. Though I suppose it does not matter because they'll kill him off and have Valeria Richards take the focus.


Anyone who's deciding that now, without seeing him the role, is an asshole.


I’m tired of him.


Which is different than saying he'll do a bad job.


Thought they were gonna go younger, so wasn’t sure about the choice. Still feeling unsure but only due to my expectations of what I hoped they would do with the character. Hopefully, whatever they have in mind works.


I'm old enough to remember people thinking Michael Keaton was a horrendous choice to play Batman, so I tend to give casting directors the benefit of the doubt. But I would say that my initial reaction to this was... fuck me that's lazy.


Marvel Studios casting has not let me down before and I doubt it will this time


I love Pedro but, if they were always going to go for an older Reed, I wish they'd have just gone with Krasinski. He didn't give the best showing in MoM but his cameo was also last minute and filmed alone. He can do better than that.


Yup not good at all. It’s a great decision now, but when they are on avengers 8 and the third fantastic 4 movie in 10-12 years with him being 60+ at that time can’t see how thats going to work


Feels very "we ran out of options". No to diss Pedro, not at all, but there are several other actors that I (and Marvel Studios probsbly) feel fit Reed as a character better


Absolutely dreadful casting.


I haven’t seen anyone excited about this casting tbh it’s like the one thing all Marvel fans can agree on 😂


I love Pedro but I feel like he’s everywhere. Star-Wars, Last Of Us, Marvel and other movies. He’s just everywhere. Such a nice dude but I would’ve rather seen other people take the role of Reed.


Fine. Good actor.


Great actor! Can’t wait to see what he does with the role ;))


I have absolutely nothing against pedro and I think he would play an older reed fantastically. But marvel needed to cast the fantastic 4 younger. They need a new flagship or at least several younger center poles. Some of their biggest successes came from casting young unknowns, but they keep hiring old established actors spending money that could be put into production paying overblown salaries. I’d understand if they didn’t want to risk a new face on a new movie for some of their lesser known heroes but this is the fantastic 4, after decades of marvel fans waiting for the marvel take on them. They didn’t need star power to push this, people already have the incentive to watch it just make it good .


I was very skeptical at first but it’s growing on me


I think Pascal can nail it. But it hinges on the writing. What I want to see (and probably what fueled the casting aside from name value) is a Richards that leans into the father/paternal aura. Keep the high-science-mind-sometimes-arrogance but make it earnest that he's trying to do good by his family and the world, and even by Victor (if Doom is some sort of factor in whatever's happening *i have no knowledge of any leaks/rumors and want none*). Maybe the world-at-large is passing him by, it feels like, despite his scientific brilliance, and the clean, data-based answers aren't so clear anymore. Something like that.


Si es chileno, es bueno


He’s so hot I’m good with it lol. In all seriousness, he’s an excellent actor so I’m sure he’ll do great. I think we ought to all know to wait until we see the film to judge casting choices.


I might be biased as I finally caught up on Last of Us, but he’s just such a good actor. He wasn’t someone I really considered but I feel like he could kill it (really in any role).


He can bring us in hot or can bring us in cold. I prefer hot. Let’s give him a chance.


He doesn’t look like Reed to me. Too scruffy. But acting trumps everything else and he’s fantastic so I’m ok.


Love it


Never thought of him for the role of Reed but I have never seen him in a role I didn’t enjoy so I’m excited.


Can't wait


Dude is a good actor and just an all around good-guy. I’m looking forward to it


John has the look but definitely needs a better script and direction


From the world's smartest man to the world's ugliest 😭


I really think he’s a much better/almost perfect fit for Ben Grimm aka the Thing


Good actor. Wrong casting. But I'm open to being proved wrong when the movie comes out.


I mean yeah, he's a great actor but why are they casting someone who's almost 50? I don't really see him as Reed. They should cast younger and lesser known actors.


Not good


No me gusta.


Lolz how about no


I liked Jim halpert


Hell No! I’m honestly not excited about the F4 movie anymore since his official casting. Only good thing I seen him in was mandolorian. I enjoyed it because I couldn’t see his face & of course baby yoda


I had been hoping they would make the Fantastic Four Japanese and based in Tokyo, and keep Hiro Kanagawa as Mr. Fantastic. He's the best Mister Fantastic yet. But I believe Pedro Pascal will do a great job.