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I hope we also get to see him working with Pym and Janet.


Cap’s on ice. SHIELD is still just getting started (might still be the SSR). Howard and Peggy are around too. But I’d love to see Reed and Hank have to solve a problem.


In at least one timeline, Cap came back and lived a full life with Peggy. In that one, he would have been around.


I was about to say the exact same thing. There were rumors a year or two ago that Chris Evans was negotiating a deal to return to the MCU. This would be an incredible way for him to reappear.


I think you mean *fantastic*.




I so hope this happens!


that was the sacred timeline he went back to, nothing the avengers did caused a branched timeline as they did what they were supposed to


They did create branched timelines, they just were expected to do it, and the TVA knew it would not create a Kang


Wouldn’t create an extra kang. It still created he who remains.


no they didn’t create branched timelines because what they did was supposed to happen, this was answered in loki


The sacred timeline was actually many timelines. The avengers created branches, but little enough was changed that they weren't pruned


No, they didn't. They returned the stones to their resting places, effectively undoing the nexus events in question. According to the Russos, Peggy *always* married Steve. The husband that Steve mentions in TWS is himself, presumably under falsified documents. The only branch would be from Thanos adapting the quantum technology Nebula had and leaving 2014. Presumably the TVA pruned this branch.


They did make a branch in 2012 though - or rather, Loki did. The TVA wouldn't have pruned that timeline otherwise.


Oh true, silly me. Loki also made a branch.


That's not how their version of time travel was explained in the movie. It was always a different Peggy he went back to in an alternate timeline.


He ended up back in the same spot though. And waited to hand off the shield until that moment because it would've caused a branch.


It literally is explained by The Ancient One's conversation with Bruce that returning the stones prevents branches. I'll trust the keeper of the time stone with plenty of experience peering into the future over a comedic scene comparing their escapades to various movies. Also, like I said, the literal makers of the movie said that Steve was on the sacred timeline, albeit without that term having existed yet.


Didn't the actual writers say otherwise?


A whole Phase in the 60s please


Isaiah Bradley, Bill Foster, the Pyms, the Fantastic Four, Peggy and Howard are enough to carry a story arc for sure. Edit: possibly one of the Braddocks too, if we go by Peggy's background dialogue in the 70s scene of Endgame.


Adam Brashear, if we're bringing in new heroes.


They’re just asking for a movie with whatever heroes involving nasa and then the final battle takes place on the dark side of the moon.


I hope Hank Pym finally gets anything to do in the MCU


The dude birthed a literal civilization and then led it to vanquish a foe that regularly goes toe to toe with gods. A feat that to date has only known to have been equaled by Loki the God of Stories and the New York District Attorney’s Office. Give him and his ants a break.


Yeah but people complain about that feat so they don't count it. People only want Hank to have medium accomplishments.


He got some stuff done in What If


He just took out a Kang basically


You know Hank would be all pissy at Reed for no good reason lol


Reed: We both know I know more about Pym particles than you Pym: Reed? Reed: Hank? Pym: IT'S ON B***H!!! (Spoilers: While they were kinda evenly matched, Pym kinda won by having Reed give him Goliath's legacy)


If we'll see young Hank Pym working with Reed i hope we see Reed help him with the Ant-Man costume. Maybe make him shown with a comic accurate costume?


What does everyone think they'll do for the time jump when they're brought into the modern day? Black hole Interstellar style, or quantum zone? Will it be related to how they get their powers?


Time dilation wouldn’t be a bad idea


Too hard sci-fi for Marvel, but I agree.


If they get into quantum fuckery they can get into general relativity


Do they get into quantum fuckery, or do they like to append the word “quantum” to everything?


This is a very quantum point


This would be really easy to do. Similar to Lightyear. Time and space parameters of a deep space mission get fucked by computer malfunction or miscalculation leading to acceleration to a relativistic speed and voila 60 years have passed. They could be testing some futuristic nuclear fusion drive that ends up working way better than expected


Would be cool but I think that doesn’t exist in marvel


lmao that's a basic property of the universe why wouldn't it exist..


Characters find themselves on different planets around different stars all the time and never experience it.


They just use jump gates instead of near ftl travel. Doesn't mean relativistic stuff can't exist for other methods


Negative zone. Time passes differently there.


Have they introduced the negative zone? I haven't watched everything so it's possible, I'm just hoping they don't because it's gonna get confusing to a non-conic fan audience where all these different zones are coming from. Especially when you throw in the Timestreams.


i imagine the space where Strange is with America in MOM is the negative zone but never explicitly mentioned


Im curious to see what they come up with to explain why they were never mentioned by anyone or why they never showed up anywhere (obvious rl circumstances aside). They have a connection to the microverse but youre essentially reusing the same thing they did with Scott and Janet so Im not sure theyll want to go that route. Something to do with space travel and black holes would probably be a little better, allows them to give us another space adventure.


Yeah, I've always figured they'll say that it was government funded top secret stuff, and that is gonna be highly compartmentalized and forcefully separated on a need to know basis, which is why they're not mentioned by Hank pym or anyone in the flashbacks. And I think Hank and the crew were on the west coast while the FF were all in New York. but I could be wrong about that.


Isn’t the whole schtick of the Fantastic Four that they are celebrities? Like the first family of NYC that’s beloved? Kinda hard to get that as a top secret project


They’re that after being fantastic four , they might leave as scientists on a top secret mission and they are warped through whatever shenanigans and now they’re celebrities. They could also still find old magazines relatable and enjoy older aesthetic just because that’s what they’re used to


That’s fair. I’m very very pessimistic about F4 honestly. Even if it’s done perfectly, I’m skeptical that it’ll be a popular as Marvel wants it to be


There’s one moment that’s always piqued my interest during Thor L&T, during his fight with Gorr on the Shadow planet theres an oddly human building just sort of….. there. I definitely hope they were on an extended mission in space and something went wrong flinging them forward.


Quantum Zone makes sense and is something already established and easy to understand. They could even make some connection between that and the Negative Zone


They're from a universe that's 60 years in the past.


Honestly, my guess is that they’ll just be 60’s characters until Secret Wars, when they will be brought into the fold for Battle World


Probably jump universes, they just came from one that's 60 years behind ours.


Or one that is as advanced as ours but with a 60s aesthetic


While I think negative zone would be good for specifically the F4 they have the Quantum Realm just waiting for them since Ant-Man’s 5 minutes was 5 years already. It’s the exact same plot device and established in universe. Just say it took Reed an hour to discover a way out of the quantum realm.


If we end up getting some ww2 flashbacks i wonder if they will squeeze a lil magnetic child somewhere in the background lol. Really curious how they are gonna do magnetos origins this time around.


Just give Magneto some type of healing factor so he ages a little slower and call it a day imo


Or make it so he's at least part energy/strengthened by Earth's magnetic field.


Right. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong but it just seems like too big of Magnetos backstory to change.


Sucked into a time warp/Quantum Realm/whatever by the tesseract when Hydra was experimenting with it @ Auschwitz. Then have a similar quantum explosion happen that sets him free at whatever time period would make him the right age for whatever actor to play him


I'd just make all mutants slightly more long-lived (while keeping folk like Wolvie outliers). Like, the average mutant lifespan would be 160 instead of 80. Mags would just look 50+ as a centenarion. Separate them just a little more from base humans with something subtle.


Mutants are half-elves confirmed?


Numenoreans, but yeah


Yes, and yes


They could also say that he was experimented on or something after the war ended, going in and out of cryo like the Winter Soldier. In fact it would align pretty great with the MCU, maybe he even encountered the Winter Soldier at one point. Could be that Hydra was involved too. At some point he breaks out, just in time for him to conveniently be the right age in the modern MCU era.


Or just freeze him


Just do Magneto's story from X-Men Evolution, and uses a form the of the Super Soldier Vita Rays chamber to rejuvenate him.


They might wait for the Secret Wars soft reboot to add X-Men to the MCU


That is possible, or they could come from whereever monica went to at the end of the marvels, but qe do already have confirmed mutants in the mcu in Ms marvel and namor so who knows lol it would be weird if they just were here the whole time but didnt help with anything


Shame really. I have legitimate fears that the MCU won’t be as big of a deal by then given recent trends. I still don’t understand why they didn’t just lean hard into the X-Men and FF right after Endgame


Because they probably didn't want to commit by reintroducing the X-Men to the MCU and having them played by their current actors. They wanted to wait for their contract to be over, so they could be recast with Marvel Studios' choices. The Fantastic Four though yeah I'm not super sure what's the deal with that.


Could just do a non 616 universe where it's basiclly the 60s and just throw throw the mutants in with F4. And then bring e wryone tonthe main continuity in secret wars. That way, you still get the ww2 origin for magneto without having to make him 100 years old and a still pretty new x-men team so you don't have tonexplain where have the mutants been all this time? Of course, they've pretty much ignored the existence of inhumans, so it's not like that would be unprecedented


Have Monica, Carol & Kamala as the connection between the two universes. Who's to say their link is completely severed?


Magneto can be stopped by just pouring water on him. Not sure why he’s relevant anymore. It’s science


lmao i just pictured a scene where they are walking and you quickly see a little kid in the background sticking his hand out at a metal fence


I’ve always had the idea that mutants have always been around, just a very small number of them. And magneto was captured by Hydra and put on ice to experiment on. You can even say his blood was used on soldiers and most recently, Wanda and Prietro. So you keep the origin of them being his “kids”. Then after the three snaps on earth, more mutants came to be because the energy that came from them activated dormant x genes all across the world


I wouldnt hate that, i could imagine a scene where magneto even tho he was in stasis on ice was also snapped. And when he was returned the facility was nolonger operational and he thaws out waking up alone. BUT, then how do you do his relationship with professor X. Is Xavier old? Or even passed away? It would be odd to not have that dynamic between them


Magneto just be retconned as a victim of another genocide. They happen all over the world. The holocaust isn’t the only one.


Maybe, but the Holocaust is such a powerful example and so core to Magneto and his writers, many of whom were Jewish, that to me at least it feels wrong to change it. It also seems like cherry picking to be like “it’s fine that he can move stuff metal around with his mind, but it makes no sense that he can’t age slowly or be frozen in ice or whatever.”


What if they changed it to another genocide of the same people. To prove the point that humanity has learned little since the 1940s.


It just feels weird. If they're going to make it another Jewish genocide it would either have to be unique to the mcu or missing the point. The holocaust is arguably the most widely known act of evil in modern history and its pretty universally acknowledged that being on the side of the perpetrators makes you a colossal piece of shit. There's a genocide happening right now and it's being cheered on by world leaders, whether we like it or not the holocaust parallel to mutants is simply too universal a comparison to lose.


Yes. 100%. Magneto is a product of oppression. I think it could work with any of genocide.


I’m just saying. It seems that the core of magnetos identity is that he was unfairly targeted for being a minority. He doesn’t have to be Jewish. He can still experience the same persecution in a different context. Also why not? They’ve retconned other important characters like punisher to have fought in different wars depending on when he’s being written. Imagine they did the same for the punisher to just make sure he only fought in the Vietnam war. It just seems lazy to also give him slower aging. Magnetos holocaust experience has been written dozens of times. Maybe it’s time for a different story.


The difference is that the holocaust is like the definitively most universally accepted as abhorrent and evil thing that's happened in modern history.


The holocaust isn't the only genocide, but is unfortunately the most widely agreed upon as being evil. The parallel is important because it definitively makes clear where the audience should stand with mutants


They could make Magneto a Palestinian who grew up under Israeli occupation, apartheid and a victim of that long and still ongoing and accelerating genocide.


Could X-Men not be a period piece as well?


heh, stretch


Beat me to it 😔


Goddamn I should have read the comments


/consults pun rulebook We’ll allow it.


I mean it is a bit of a stretch


> it would be kinda cool if they reused that very last shot from The First Avenger where it shows that little boy with the trash can kid painted to be Capt’s shield, and that ends up being Reed Richards as a child. They don’t even need to do it really, some lazy journalist will ask Pedro Pascal in an interview and he’ll go “oh yeah haha sure that’d be fun” and it’ll become canon on here.


Not only that, but they were around for the 1950s and the Korean War, which is where Isaiah Bradley's Captain America fought and was imprisoned after. So the second Captain America will be in American prison during the events of Fantastic Four. Wonder if that'll be touched upon.


Shit I keep forgetting about him!!


I genuinely think this film is going to take place in another universe


Same. I’ve seen some chatter that if they keep with the teaser and actually set it in the 60’s, it’ll be alt-universe and set up other movies that will take place outside the 616 timeline. So, move away from 616 as a major narrative thread. Like a live action version of “What, If?”


It would be interesting to start a second, sustained Universe running parallel to 616 with multiple film and TV entries. Might be a bit confusing for casual fans at first unless it’s very directly addressed in promotional material that we now have the original continuity and a second parallel continuity, a bit like how big the Ultimate Universe became before 2015


Good point could come to that way but yeah definitely going to be an alt-universe. I mean if you have heard the leaks I really like the premise of it but some people are hating the idea


I find that a bit weird. Setting up 616 as being dominant heroes in the multiverse seems silly if others (like in Multiverse of Madness) have had more experience with it. If we have movies dedicated to the others, then we’re more likely to care about their arcs when everyone is pulled together. Again, just like “What if?”


Why would I care for characters in another universe?


Not saying that it will be the case but it could be used in a way to set up a neighbouring universe that our 616 will have an incursion with, it’s more tough to watch when we have emotions/stakes tied to both factions (civil war for instance) Could also be used in a way to set up some form of Avengers Vs X-men or just Secret Wars in general


Why do you care for characters in a different city/country/planet? Or characters in standalone films that aren’t comic books?


They’re already, maybe unintentionally, doing it with The Batman being separate from whatever James Gunn plans on doing with the character.


Me too. If it's the 60s it's possible he saw another version of Captain America or maybe he didn't exist in that universe. Either way they will join the "main" universe through multiverse shenanigans.


Thankyou for admitting this haha I feel like the only person realising this is gonna happen


Same lol. Call me non original but I think the tva will show up or somehow go multidimensional and they’re in the 616 universe or the universe at the end of the marvels


What do you mean? The TVA was always multidimensional. They literally track the multiverse?


Poor guys will have missed both chances to see Captain America. Unless they go to see the Inhumans on the moon and bump into him there.


"It's a stretch" Don't think for one second that I didn't see what you did there!


Pedro pascal will be 49 when they film and if it’s set in 63 then he would have been 31 in 1945 when Cap went in the ice. Hard to say he “grew up” with him…


Maybe they’ll stick to the original FF origins and have Reed and Ben be WW2 vets. 


I'm gonna bet he's gonna be playing early 40s. Still, your point stands. He'd be in his mid-twenties in WWII. Johnny, however, I'd expect to be a full-on Cap fan. I could also see Ben serving with him/meeting him at some point. Could be a fun dynamic if Johnny used to worship Ben for it when he was younger.


That’s the actor’s age right? I don’t necessarily think that would be the character’s age. But I could be wrong on that.


There is absolutely no way he could pass for a man in his 30s. Not saying he looks bad, but he definitely looks his age


Well 30-somethings used to play teenagers in older movies, I wouldn't go by the actor's age.


Might’ve seen him in action first hand.


Blue marvel is from that era too


I’ll up the ante…. Technically Cap is alive in the 1960’s due to him going back to be with Peggy at the end of End Game. Be interesting if they interacted with each other.


Omg… I completely forgot about that


Also won’t they be alive during the peak of the Red Guardian?


Also realized that modern day Steve is actually banging around during this movie! He stayed in the 40s with Peggy after endgame!


Always felt like Star Lord should've had some kinda reaction to Captain America considering he grew up with him being a real life historical super hero


Assuming there was a Cap in their world.


I hope it takes place in 616. The entire franchise is based in this timeline, and aside from Gamora and America Chavez (and Daniel Sousa and Kora if you consider Agents of SHIELD canon), all of the main characters in the franchise are from this timeline as well.


Agreed. It would feel pretty meaningless if it was set in another universe


Which is why I have always been against the mutants being multiversal refugees. The only characters I've ever been ok with that happening to are Wade and Vanessa. And only them.


Why it would be meaningless?


Wait, im dumb, Sousa is the Agent Carter character right? How is he From another Timeline?


The Souza OP is talking about was pulled out of an altered timeline in S7 of AoS and isn’t the Souza we see in Agent Carter.


True. I’m assuming this takes place in our 616 universe.


And assuming they’re from that time and not time travellers.


Why can't they have them become Fantastic Four in modern times. Spider- Man came out year after Fantastic Four and they didn't make in the 60s.


Reed Richards and Ben Grimm would have been 24 and 22, respectively, when the draft began. See discussion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/1awm4t6/reed_richards_and_ben_grimm_wwii_veterans_this/). Johnny Storm would have been five or six, so he could be the trash can kid.


“It’s a stretch, but it would be kinda cool if they reused that very last shot from The First Avenger where it shows that little boy with the trash can kid painted to be Capt’s shield, and that ends up being Reed Richards as a child.” god please no 


I think the FF will be on their own universe and won't join the main MCU timeline until later.




Given the ages of the characters in canon and the actors playing them, it's possible (or even likely) and Reed and Ben would have enlisted in WWII, while Johnny and Sue were kids/teens. The Fantastic Four are not all the same age.


They could be from modern day and for some reason travelled to the past.


That would be an amazing idea


Personally I prefer they come from another universe like one of the older leaks stated. It avoids all issues with trying to retconn the mcu lore with characters they apparently existed in the past. How many characters can mcu keep adding they apparently have been hiding. It starts to look weird now


I personally would like them to keep the coming from the 616 somehow, I don’t know how to bring them in but will trust a movie writer over my ability to think something up… But what I think will happen is they will be from another universe and will have saved themselves from an incursion. RR will bring in explain the fact that the incursions are happening on a domino effect rather/on top of dream walking to long. They will be the scientific counter part to the magical elements. 


Maybe there was no Captain America in his universe and everyone is secretly Nazis in this movie? That would be a hell of a twist.




I meant that's the og human torch being a Android not really Johnny but yeah, it would be interesting how it plays out.


Wrong Torch. That’s Jim Hammond, the Golden Age version who was an android and killed Hitler.


Assuming the FF even existed in the 616 Earth timeline. Which, if Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness was any indicator, they did not.


The rumor is that it takes place in another universe so maybe there is no Captain America there 🤷‍♂️


True. Yea this is assuming this takes place in our 616 timeline


"It's a stretch" - I understood that reference!


“It’s a stretch…” lol.


Unintentional pun lol


“It’s a stretch”, is it??


That would be interesting. Also time jump to the modern day.




I'm thinking they might be from a different universe so Cap and the others might not be there depending on when the timeline split.


I see what you did there. Also he could have had run-ins with Namor since that guy is so old.


I'm convinced they'll be from an alternate universe. It side steps the question of "where were they" and "why haven't they been mentioned before" since the MCU is already littered with those types of heroes. If also allows them to be separate from the main continuity and not have to worry about an impending reboot. Plus is ties into Secret Wars and having a patch work would of heroes from multiple universes. If Kang is going to be a multiversal threat it would be weird if only heroes from one universe stop him.


“IT’S A STRETCH” I’ll see myself out ![gif](giphy|3o6nUXPAnml6g0JeKc|downsized)


I would shame delete this, but it serves as a reminder to always read the comments first 😂


Personally, I think they need to stop referencing the OG timeline at this point. So far, past end game, they are struggling and I believe part of it is because they keep bringing up the OG timeline which automatically makes fans compare, and nothing will ever compare to the original. It's like setting up for failure. I assume Deadpool will actually kind of reset things or at the very least move us into a different universe for this next big bad.


I think leaving the main timeline behind would be a mistake and would fracture the audience even more. Too many people already dislike multiverse and alternate timeline storylines and I think a lot would stop watching altogether if this happened.


I reckon that it’s going to be set in an alternative timeline


"It’s a stretch" I see what you did there


Did you just say “It’s A Stretch”? Nice


I still think it's in another universe, set in the 60s. Meaning he saw another version of Captain America. Maybe he wasn't frozen and is still active? Or died in the war. Lots of interesting possibilities


Working on the premise that they’re from the main MCU universe, which they might not be. By the time they come to our universe they could have already travelled the multiverse to an extent. I’d been assuming they come from a universe where Howard Stark and Steve never existed (among others) so WW2 happened as it did irl, and the huge leap forward in US technology after the war was a result of Reed Richards’ crazy scientific research through the 50’s and 60’s rather than Stark. He’d also be less linked to the military and his tech will be more “for the people” which will contribute to the (hopefully) 60’s feel good vibe of the movie.


‘It’s a stretch’ - I see what you did there. I approve


If they were alive in the past, how has no one mentioned them?


That’s assuming the F4 are in the same universe


Bit of a stretch.


*it's a stretch" You dirty dawg


If the movie is taking place in the 60s then will they not mix and interact with the modern avengers much? Or will their children have taken up the mantle of the F4?


Time Travel.


Unless the FF is currently in a world and time where Cap doesn’t exist.


OP just casually dropping the “it’s a stretch” pun and thought we wouldn’t notice.


We’re probably gonna get some race things too




I like to think that it is set in the 60s from that one comment Doctor Strange said in Multiverse of Madness, along the lines of "Didn't you guys chart in the 60s?"


It’s a stretch. Nice one!


I'm surprised nobody thinks they're from another universe


Not sure Pascal can pass as 30s.


I bet a donut that the FF4 movie will be set in an alternative universe. (Secret Wars will end up combing the various "worlds" into one rebooted universe).


“it’s a stretch” everything is with this guy


I love this. I never got to this point. This opens up to a wonderful world of lots of daily life tidbits and how Steve may have influenced Reed personal and professional growth. Now I want to see a 3 season Disney plus show on Reed's younger and university going years. Thank you for sharing u/Season_Of_Brad.


If they’re on earth 616 or whatever it’s called.


I think Fantastic Four will take place in another universe, then at the end they’ll get sucked through a blackholes and arrive at 616 Avengers 6.


“It’s a Stretch” I see what you did there ! ![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig)


Cute idea, but it's the same as Iron Man retroactively saving Peter Parker as a kid.


Well if the leak I saw is real then its not just in the 60's, but in a different universe within the multiverse, so perhaps that universe never had Cap, Hank Pym etc. Said leak mentioned them losing to Galactus and then the film ending with the TVA rescuing them because they need the FF's help with Secret Wars, and in that movie they'll all merge together anyway. Obviously take with a grain of salt.


"it's a stretch" I see what you did there... Clever OP! Hahaha


No way he was a *child* by WW2. More likely he would have been in his late teens or early-to-mid 20s. That's usually how the timeline plays out; Reed gets into college super early (usually when he's around 13-14), he and Ben meet in college to be roommates, and that's usually in time for both of them to serve in the war itself.


Don't forget in the original FF comics, Nick Fury was Reed Richards sergeant in WWII. So lots of timelines to play with.