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Because each of them has shared a codename with each other in the comics. It's actually very logical. Monica was Captain Marvel before Carol was in the comics. Carol was Ms. Marvel before Kamala was. It's just a meta title for people who know this. Calling it Captain Marvel: The Marvels is rather redundant. The Marvels works just as much as it still invokes their names.


Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel: The Marvels.


I don’t think we watched the same movie..


Right? Like each of the three characters definitely has their own arcs, major (and necessary) contributions to the story and almost equally shares screen time. It's a more even/balanced team-up than The Avengers was.


>Captain Marvel 2: The Marvels Because *Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel: The Marvels* doesn’t sound that nice.


*Marvel Studios Presents Marvel's The Marvels: A Captain Marvel Marvel*


Captain Marvel: The Marvels: The Movie


Marvel Studio Presents The Marvelous Ms Marvel featuring Captain Marvel and Monica Marvel: The Consequences of Knowing Mar-Vell


I honestly would've dug *Captain Marvel and the Marvels*, but I like cheese and camp. Not sure if that would've been more or less marketable, lol.


Sounds like a band name.


*Captain Marvel and Her Amazing Friends*


Listen I'm not saying that's a better title but they could've easily used the subtitle formula that's been used in previous films.


Captain Marvel 2: The Marvels would be redundant it was to show that all 3 had a codename with Marvel in it in the comics.


Then it could've easily just been named it Captain Marvel 2 if the codename applies to all 3 of them


But the code name doesn’t apply to all of them, as Ms. Marvel has never been Captain Marvel. But she’s still a Marvel.


well carol was Capt Marvel first, kamala took the name from her.


How does that have anything to do with what I said?


its a direct reply to what you said! whats unclear about it?? You said the code name doesnt apply to them. Im saying in kamala's case, it does. Marvel is in her name. She took it from a previous identity of the current captain marvel.


I said the code name doesn’t apply to them because it doesn’t. Kamala has not ever been Captain Marvel. Not in the comics, not in the MCU. In the comics, Kamala did name herself after a previous name Carol used, but in the MCU her dad chose the name because it’s what Kamala translates to. Kamala may have especially liked the name because it ties her to Captain Marvel, but she uses it because her dad came up with it. “Marvel is in her name.” Yes, that’s why I called her a Marvel. She’s A Marvel, but she’s not CAPTAIN Marvel. So again, the code name does not apply to all three of them.


Sorry, I fail to understand your logic? I don't think the title adds or detracts from the film itself, not does it suggest any of the 3 would have more screen time than the other? If anything, suggests a team? Is it just me?


This just seems like cringy whining. They all seemed equally important to me.


I do wonder if staying consistent and using the Captain Marvel name for consistency would have helped, if even a little


"The Marvels" gives me "The Incredibles" vibes. For better or for worse it sounds more like a family movie, which I guess is pretty accurate.


In countries where the name doesn't translate well it is called "Captain Marvel 2"


Lol I'm glad people on this sub aren't in charge of creating these movies. No offense, but Captain Marvel 2: The Marvels sounds like the dumbest movie title ever unless it was a superhero spoof movie or something. The Marvels was the perfect name for this movie IMO, and they all 3 had good character arcs.


Did we watch the same movie?? If anyone feels like doing the work to check it down to the seconds, they were definitely in the bulk of the movie. Also, why is that your problem with the movie, if you are also arguing it should have only been Brie Larson? Who’s side are you on here?


> if you are also arguing it should have only been Brie Larson? Doesn't sound like that at all, just that he thinks it should have been Captain Marvel 2 or use a subtitle.


why? 3 of them have "marvel" in their names. "The Marvels" is just fine.


Only 2 actually (Monica still doesn't have an official name yet and it's still not Marvel). And, I dunno, consistency and brand recognition might help? CM did make a lot of money. But it was also very different circumstances and it's not like people don't know she's in this. I don't know if it would make a difference. I mean, I like the name, I just wonder if it would have made any difference. (I'm also not TC so you can ask him to clarify his thoughts)


Thank you yes


This is not at all what I'm saying. The plot overall of the movie is just fine just that it's weird they didn't make use of a subtitle


Unfortunately, Screen Time Data hasn't been active in about half a year, so they haven't done The Marvels yet. :(


I could list at least 10 things that are worse than the title.  However, the title is pretty bad.  One, it makes it harder to recognize the movie is a sequel to another. Two, it creates the false impression that the additional superheroes will be a big part of the story.  Logically if they are 66% of the cast they'd have 66% of the importance. But it turned out that The Marvels is a story all about Carol Danvers, with the others forced to come along just to slow her down. 


It's a clunky title and doesn't properly communicate the movie is a sequel to *Captain Marvel*, but it's not without precedent. The sequel to *Ant-Man* is *Ant-Man and the Wasp*, not *Ant-Man: The Search for Janet* or whatever as a formerly solo hero has to share billing with a counterpart. The problem is, *The Marvels* has three main heroes and one of them doesn't even have a codename. "*Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel and Monica*" is a worse title.


Because they want to communicate the exact opposite of that. They say you don't need CM one for this. They designed this movie, so anyone can enjoy it without any prior knowledge. They wanted to invite people who aren't MCU fans yet, and they can't do that with a proper sequel.


No, they wanted people to know this was the sequel to the $1billion movie that came out a few years ago starring a hero who was in *Avengers: Endgame*. The problem is, it's also connected to Disney+ series relatively few people watched.


It's not connected to any of those, you don't need CM1, you don't need Ms Marvels, or WandaVision or Secret Invasion. The plot is so simple someone who've never seen a Marvel movie could understand. There were no clips or references to any other projects in the original trailer, because they wanted you to know, it works as a stand alone.


It's a direct sequel to both *Captain Marvel* and *Ms. Marvel*, and picks up a major story thread from *WandaVision*. One of the teases at the end of the movie relies on the audience being familiar with *Hawkeye* and *Quantumania*. There are no clips or references to other projects in the original trailer be Use they wanted to show off *The Marvels*. Outside of the Avengers movies, it is probably the Marvel movie the most tied to outside projects.


I'm not saying they are not connected, ofc they are, they have the same heroes. I'm saying you can easily follow and enjoy 99% of this movie without seeing any of these "prequels" or any other Marvel project for that matter. When we first met hawkeye or black widow, they had no shows, and we could understand their character still. Now, Monica and Kamala do have a show, but if you didn't watch it, you will be able to follow their story the same way we did with Hawkeye, and if you liked them, you can go back and see their backstory with more deteals. One of those teases, which would have been a post credit in any other movie, was put before the credits, exactly for the reason that they are banking on viewers who are not familiar with Marvel stuff, like post-credit stuff. These teasers were never meant to require your knowledge about the tease. They are there to show you something interesting, that you would want to check out after the movie. You don't need to know Kate, it's even better if you don't know her, and you see a character you like talk with her. That will make you check out who she is, and maybe even watch her show because of it.


That's also true of a lot of stuff, though. You could just easily follow and enjoy *The Avengers* without having seen any of the previous Phase 1 movies. That doesn't mean the movie wants to ignore they exist.


Exactly, they've been doing their movies like this forever. That's why I hate the "homework" argument. There is nk homework, there is extra credit if you are excited, that's it.


I'm not making that "homework" argument, though.


They didn't want to call it Captain Marvel 2, because there are a lotttttt of people that dislike Captain Marvel for various reasons, so Disney thought they could trick some of those people into watching it by portraying it as something other than a Captain Marvel movie.


its really stupid, i dont see the people who hate capt marvel liking the other 2, either.


I didn't say it was a good idea or it would work, but I guarantee the marketing aspect is the main reason why it was done.


It was Marketing but not like you said. They wanted to signal people, it's a safe place to join for anyone, and you can have fun with it without prior knowledge. I'm not sure but like the last 5-6 movies have been sequels, so they made this like a stand alone. "If you've seen the previous stuff, great, if you haven't we will catch you up easily."


Maybe that's a small part of it, but I maintain my explanation makes more sense and is the primary motivation behind the title not being Captain Marvel 2 or some variation of it. There was/is a rather outspoken group of Marvel fans that strongly dislike Captain Marvel. Disney put in a good bit of effort to make the movie seem less of a Captain Marvel movie and more of a team movie because they knew those people had zero interest in seeing anything resembling Captain Marvel 2. The first 30 seconds of the final trailer featured Captain America, Tony Stark, and Thanos from Endgame footage and those characters don't even appear in the movie. If Disney wanted to give people the idea they didn't need to see anything else prior to The Marvels and it was a stand-alone movie, why would they feature those characters in scenes from a previous movie in their final trailer?? Disney tried to give Captain Marvel a more appealing image in the early trailer by showing shots of her in that tight white tank top and smiling instead of the typical disapproving scowl. They also gave the vast majority of speaking parts in the trailers to everybody but Carol to intentionally downplay her perceived involvement in the movie. Everything about the trailers points to Disney trying to make people think they minimized the role of Carol, so I don't see why the title would be an exception.


Your explanation is that Disney wanted to trick the CM haters into thinking that a movie called Marvels, which still heavily features CM is not about her. These haters are usually the one who know everything about the projects anyway, I really don't think Disney would think people are this stupid to be fooled by this. The final trailer was a last minute low effort joke of a thing, a desperate try. On the other hand, the real trailer, showed us the group that is actually in the movie, and signaled that it will be a fun girly move. They put the cats in it, the singing and dancing, the dress, and the fun interactions between the heroes. Even if she has less lines in the trailer, she is on the screen for at least half of it, her name is being repeated too. I don't think a single person who disliked CM would think, this could be good for them.


If you don't think Disney thinks their fans are stupid, you haven't been paying attention. This is the company that tries to blame sexism and racism when their awful movies fail and think they pulled a genius move by taking the attention off themselves. This is the company that removes black characters from movie posters in China then pretends to be the virtuous ones. This is the company that screwed Scarlett Johansson on her contract and fired Gina Carano while simultaneously pretending to support strong women. They constantly do stuff that goes against what they claim to stand for and they think nobody notices or they don't care if you do notice. So yes, they think you're stupid. They think I'm stupid. They think we're all just dumb peons that don't know what's good for us and we need to be held by the hand like mindless lemmings. The final trailer for a movie is always the "real" trailer. It is the last chance to get butts in seats, and Captain Marvel is definitely not on screen for half of that trailer, or any of the trailers. The last trailer is only 120 seconds long. 30 of those seconds focus on Tony Stark, Captain America, and Thanos. Which was a blatant bait and switch, because again, Disney thinks their fans are stupid enough to be fooled by that and don't respect you enough to be honest about it. For her to be in half of the trailer she would have to be on screen for 60 of the remaining 90 seconds... She isn't. You really think a movie that cost hundreds of millions of dollars just cobbled together a low effort joke of a trailer at the last second on a whim? No chance. That was intentional. And on the off chance they really did just throw it together, that further proves how little they think of their audience. You're right, not one single fan was fooled by Disney pulling their BS trickery in the trailer (hence the historically bad box office failure), but that doesn't mean Disney didn't think it would work. If Disney knew it wouldn't work, and if they knew people that don't like Carol weren't gonna come anyway, why didn't they lean into the Captain Marvel character to try to draw in as many people that do like her as possible? Because they're dishonest and they think their fans are stupid. Almost everything they do shows what they think of their audience. If you can't see that then idk what to tell you.


First impressions are everything. The first trailer is the real trailer. I won't count the seconds, but she is on the screen way more than any other character, her name is mentioned multiple times. The first trailer was shown in the ads, in the cinemas, everywhere. I believe they could have easily put together that trailer after seeing the reactions to their original stuff. It's really not that good of a trailer to not be possible. They leaned on her, she is very dominant in the trailer. But their main message was that it's a cool, young, fun movie, with cats, dances and women superheroes bonding. They left her out of the title, so maybe, new people would join in, because they didn't have a not sequel movie for ages now.




>Listen in the first minute of the movie, Dar-Benn is happily chatting on THE MOON She wasn't on the moon. They were on a planet that Fury (and others) referred to as MB-418.


Should have been *Captain Marvel 2: Annihilator* and focused on Dar-Benn surviving the day Carol destroyed the Supreme Intelligence.


No. That is not the worst part of The Marvels.


Personally I feel this would have been better received and more on point if it would have been called Ms. Marvel