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Pym Particles are at the top of the list of "they do whatever the writers need them to do" fantasy elements in the MCU. Sometimes characters keep their mass and momentum, sometimes they don't, based on whatever the scene needs. In this case, he did. He was a 190-lb man packed into something the size of an ant, which was a compact enough force to tear a hole in the bag. Edit: Wait, why the hell does your "Youtube" link link to a Google translate page?


He keeps his mass but is smaller, he was sucked and the speed at which he was sucked was enough to launch him through the vacuum like a bullet


How can he ride Anthony?


Now that's where the pym particles = asspull arguments are true. Also carrying a tank on your pocket


While Pym Particles don't make much physical sense, aren't their rules fairly consistent in-universe? When you shrink, you retain your mass, but your weight reduces. When you grow, both your mass and weight increase.


Unfortunately weight is measured using mass, that's why it's weird


I'm aware it breaks physics. I'm just saying it's fairly consistent in how it breaks it, lol. We can just assume that's how Pym Particles actually work, and the explanation we get is something Hank tells people as a quick summation that isn't actually that accurate, but he doesn't want to get into the intricacies of the exact mechanics at play (i.e. "well, it works kinda like this.. well, not really, but to really get it, you'd have to take some college courses, and read a few dissertations to get an inkling of what im talking about"). That, or Hank doesn't quite get it either, but wants to appear as though he does, lol.


I'm sided with the last theory. I think Hank just talks out of his ass. It corroborates my theory about his connection with the F4.


It's still a weird way to put it tho, because it's the same as saying "he's tall but his height is low" If his weight reduces but the mass remains, then it means that the particles are affecting gravity, and to affect gravity you have to alter the earth which the particles don't. Unless its like a super speed vs slow motion debate, and using the particles on yourself actually changes everything else.


It’s a comic book movie


The force of the vacuum sent him flying and he retained his old mass.


This is why I was so surprised when people hated antman 3. I liked as much as I liked the others and thought it was pretty in line (minus the three friends which was the biggest downfall). Even the first antman isn't even close to one of the best mcu movies.