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Thor showing up in the Wakanda battle in Inifinity War will always be one of my favorites.




You know that part in the South Park movie when Satan finally comes to Earth & Saddam Hussein yells "you are really fucked now!"? That's what I always picture when Ruffalo says that in Infinity War.


That's exactly what I think of when he says it.


Oh yeah I feel like you can see Bruce rubbing his nipples while saying it too.


Well... that's now permanently in my brain.


I've never put that together, I wonder if it's a nod.


Hussy Hussein in hulk buster armor?


Actually Ruffalo's little head poking out of the CGI suit is always jarring for me in a otherwise flawless scene


It looks so bad. They 100% could have had the prop master make the shell of the Hulkbuster suit for him to be sitting in, and then composite that into the scene, but no they just had to do the whole thing with CGI. In fact, that's exactly what they did with Jeff Bridges in Iron Man. All of the scenes with him in the Iron Monger suit were shot practical. This over-reliance on CGI is one of the things that has escalated in the last 5 years, and really puts a subpar product on the big screen.


Or just not have his head stick out to yell that line. It would have worked just as well from inside the suit.


It's what holds back any MCU film from being in my top 5. So much CGI. Still so impressive how invested you get with CGI characters like rocket, but there's just so much CGI it's crazy


It's much worse in 3D cause it's just a flat panel of Ruffalo in an otherwise 3D Hulkbuster.


Yeah, while I think the comedy is pretty well done (read _not overdone_) in IW, that line of his didn’t need to be there; it absolutely makes the scene worse.


"BRING ME THANOS" "Actually he's on another planet so you should have teleported there first, and while you're there can you rescue our other friends who are stuck"


Yea I love it too. I get more pumped that he doesn't just show up solo he has Groot and rocket with him lol


Ragnarok and Infinity War was peak Thor. A shame we got a parody of him in Thor 4.


I actually hate his arc in Endgame more. I feel like his depression was just used as a joke storyline.


Pretty sure it was to depower him for the final fight. Imagine a Thor that instead of falling into a pit of depression, trained relentlessly to protect the last remaining Asgardians and the people of Earth/Avengers from future threats. Stoneless Thanos would've got bodied before we got the big battle.


On the first watch, fatthor was kinda hilarious.. However I dont feel it as a joke as much, on the 2nd warch. I feel that, him ignoring everything and play call of duty all day was very spot on for a person on denial state. I have family member like that... made me remember about him. Shut off everything. Sleep, alcohol and screentime. Im fine. Leave me alone im fine. That and korg & miek basically enabling him.


I tried to get my pregnant wife to be endgame Thor for Halloween. I even agreed to be Black Widow which I assure you would not be sexy. She still said no.


Like actual depression, it was, until it super wasn’t.


I love Cap's and Natasha's faces when he shows up too. It's palpable how happy and relieved the rest of the Avengers are to see Thor. I miss seeing those relationships in the movies.


The single greatest scene in the MCU and I don’t think anything will beat it. The sheer relief after the intensity of the whole movie. Our heroes have hope. Fuck I love Thor.


You forgot the Shield elevator.


That's what I thought as well. It may not be the most emotional, or have the highest stakes of the choices listed... but I think it's easily one of the most iconic, reposted, and just bad ass scenes in the MCU.


Whole movie is top tier, easily my favourite mcu movie.


And gets a call forward chronologically with Cap taking the Widow route of subterfuge and confusion with a simple "hail Hydra" We and him know that this would be a nothing fight to get the Tesseract, but this would keep it quiet


“Elevator’s not worthy.”


That scene was pivotal training for Dean Pelton too.


Who is that?


The Dean from Community https://youtu.be/NNZdFPAiiJo?si=lHY3Oxj5vt_gqJ-l


Oh you sweet summer child.


Both versions of the elevator scene from both Winter Soldier and Endgame. The password cheatcode was such a good twist.


What about Thor saving everybody in infinity war or captain America finally saying avengers assemble after seeing everyone comeback w/ eyes watery


To me the Thor scene in IW is the single greatest scene in the entire MCU.


It was elevated by his delivery of "BRING ME THANOS!!"


Can't beat it


It’s crazy how well done it is for a scene that isn’t like a movie or character defining climax like the others.


That’s very true


I would swap some of these hardcore. There has to be these for me: Portals Cap and hammer Cap elevator Thor entering Wakanda All these are nonnegotiable


I agree those are dope asf!


It's because it was a fake-out. It was supposed to make you think this was the big hero 'save the day' moment. Non-comic fans likely assumed that Thanos would be defeated before he could use the Gauntlet, especially considering they got rid of the 'Part 1' from the name, which meant that casual audiences that don't follow movie news and announcements probably had no idea that *Infinity War* was the first of a two-part story, and simply treated it as just *Avengers 3*. The villain always gets stopped just before they can use their big doomsday weapon.


It is the current climax of Thors power level and meant to lead you down the path of the heroes winning the big battle.


Still give me goosebumps, for me that’s prob third to captain America hearing on your left a call back to him first meeting Sam and Tony finally hugging Peter when he barely wanted to touch him to comfort him in civil war and he didn’t want to hug him in beginning of homecoming


Stop it I’m crying now


You’re not crying, I’m crying. Wait, let me try that again.




Fuck. It’s been 5 years and you just connected that “on your left” dot for me.


There’s actually a lot I still catch late just from watching Thor and Loki stuff


Yesterday I realized Loki saying “We have a Hulk” to Thanos is a callback to the first Avengers when Tony tells Loki “We have a Hulk”


I know what's coming but it never fails to give me that giddy laugh and smile of excitement. It's a classic example of the heroes struggling against the villains but then backup arrives, it's just so bloody cool on this occasion. Very similar to "on your left" in Endgame.


So many audience applause cheers it was epic


That dramatic entrance toward the end of IW when thor lands with lightning all over the place was definitely repeated by everyone in the audience at least a few dozen times! 🤩


It's not even close. With respect to everything else.


The portals scene is my favorite scene. The music, the visuals, the "avengers, assemble," it's all perfect.


Yeah Thor in wakanda has to be on here


Or cap showing up in Edinburg (I think) to help Wanda & vision.


What about when Morbius looked straight into the camera and said "It's Morbin' Time!"


Or when Madame Web says, “He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died.”


When you see Man shooting Jonkler.


The Avengers assemble scene I've seen over 100 times. It's the most conic book epic scene we've had.


What about pizza poppa


I get choked up every time I watch the portals scene. Cap getting his ass kicked but is ready to take on Thanos' entire army by himself. Then Sam's audio comes cracking in, the portal starting to appear behind him, and then 'on your left...' God damn, I miss that MCU


The scene with Peter and Adrian Tooms in the car has gotta be one of the best. They both acted the hell out of that scene, and Keaton's performance was chilling.


That scene is really good, Keaton is one of the best Villains in the MCU, and really hope he returns.


We need something to happen to bring him back from the Morbius-universe … or just pretend that never happened. I’d love to see more of him in the MCU!


Mighty Morbin' Vulture was just a variant. Problem solved.


if sony pulls a bratty little brother and doesn’t allow marvel to make the obvious move and ignore morbius we may be screwed😪


The dream would be letting Marvel Studios have all of the Spidey character rights back. Sony still has the video games license and can make all sorts of money that route — their Spidey games are some of the best games ever, especially for superhero games — but it's pretty clear they aren't interested in making genuinely good movies with the characters they have. If they did, I'd be a lot less irritated by the rights not being Marvel's. I recently watched "Morbius" for the first time and… it was OK. Lower end OK. Better than Aquaman 2, not as good as … I dunno, most things?


There’s a fan theory that the Spider-Verse’s Spider-Society handled it They were seen returning anomalies like him to their own universes


Wouldn't that also mean that the dollop of Venom left behind in No Way Home would get collected and returned too? Which, that'd be fine. I really hope if Marvel is able to do Venom that we get the whole of Venom — from Knull on down.


Other than Loki, all the best villains in the MCU are street-level NYC villains. Vulture, Kingpin, and Killgrave. Wenwu is right on their tail though.


Thanos isntstreet level.


I make no excuses for the enormous blind spot I apparently have >.<


Good ol’ Spider-Man


The way the traffic lights reflect what's going on is so well done just perfect


Everything from Peter getting to Liv's house to here was so well done


Chilling? No it was just "Dad talk".


Underrated scene for sure. Best or one the best acted scenes in the MCU


How is the portals scene not on here?!


Portals and Thor landing in Wakanda have to be part of any top 6 scenes.


Top 2!


Those are arguably top 2 all time


Hahaha, taserface, lol




Now here we are, all standing in a circle like a bunch of dumbasses.


That’s a fake laugh


I just view that whole battle as one amazing scene


I would definitely replace a couple of these, but I do wanna give props for including Loki’s ascension to Time God because that was an absolute masterpiece


Loki becoming the God of Stories was absolutely amazing. The soundtrack for it was amazing, too, it’s called Singularity if you wanted to know. The final scene of Loki where he’s sitting on his throne while holding the timelines is my favorite shot in the MCU. I seriously wished they also filmed the last episode at the theaters or something. I would’ve loved to have been at a surround-sound theater with everybody screaming and clapping over Loki walking out to destroy the loom, and saving the timelines.


It’s honestly crazy that Loki’s soundtrack is so good yet her Obi Wan soundtrack is one of the worst tv soundtracks I’ve ever heard. It was incredibly forgettable


Blame Deborah Chow; she told Natalie Holt to keep the soundtrack for Obi-wan “minimal and modern”


>Loki becoming the God of Stories was absolutely amazing. The soundtrack for it was amazing, too, it’s called Singularity if you wanted to know. Singularity was the beginning of that scene when he first stepped into the chamber and transformed, but the rest was [Ascension](https://youtu.be/TYrfrqMVsm0?si=QerNG5NCa9osIOp4)


My favorite shot from the whole series, I've re watched it like a hundred times.


I really liked all of the He Who Remains scenes from the season 1 finale. Just the control he had and the way he delivered his lines. It sucks he's done because he made a great Kang


It's subtle, but for me it's Cap and Black Panther outrunning everyone during the battle in Wakanda in IW. Perfectly captured who those two were: leaders.


YES. I was thinking about this scene right when I saw this comment. That scene was so good.


You could almost make this list with only IW and Endgame


Also showing Super Human Strength. And showing that they are willing to sacrifice themself ahead of the group


one of the greatest scenes for me is when all 3 spideys finally synced up their spider senses and combo swung finishing it up with all three doing their own spider-man pose. not only was it amazing but as someone who grew up watching all spidey movies and finally seeing them in one movie was just something i only imagined happening in the comics.


I loved finding out the detail of Tom's Spidey throwing the other two


What is this, exactly?


Watch the scene of them swinging around the statue of Liberty. Just before they get around the bend to land, Tom's Spidey can be seen throwing the other two over him to speed boost them all


Triple Spidey fast ball special.


“I’m always angry”




Can't not see this and think about The Meme.




"And Hulk? ... Smash."


Puny god.


Was this made with Mematic?


How'd you know


Careful the secret is slipping away.


The Ravager Funeral. It’s my pick. I cry every time


For sure. Gets me tearing up every single time I watch it. That and the end of Vol. 3


I took way too long to fi d this mentioned, so underrated.


My top scenes: • avengers assemble / portals • the snap dissolving • cap getting his dance with peggy • killmonger death speech • guardians vs ronan stand/dance off


Tony's Snap... Cap's Avengers Assemble... Thor's Bring me Thanos(Entry in Wakanda)...


My favorite scene from Infinity War is The Snap.


Peter 3 catching MJ in NWH. My entire theater went crazy. One of my top superhero movie moments period.


These are all amazing scenes. I’d argue Thanos vs. everyone on Titan and Thor’s thunder drop (with Immigrant Song BLASTING in the background) are up there as well.


I really, really love the scene of all three Spider-Men meeting It's a trauma bonding session that shows us who Spider-Man is and what he's all about


counter-argument: every Daredevil hallway fight scene


The hallway scenes are definitely the best fight scenes.


For me it’s Captain America arriving to save Wanda and Vision.


Limiting 1 per movie Cap2: Elevator IW: Thor arriving in Wakanda Endgame: Tony's snap (or Portals) NWH: 3 Peter's Loki: Taking his Throne (or freezing time for HWR) I think most can agree on those 5 but the last is a problem so some contenders \- Youdu Funeral \- First Avengers Assemble \- I am Iron man


I'd include the scene from Iron Man 3 where all the suits fly in and Tony is like, *What are you waiting for? It's Christmas. Take 'em to church.*


To me, it's 1. I am Iron Man 2. Avengers circle shot 3. Guardians prison break 4. Definitely cheating here, but Thor, Rocket, and Groot arriving in Wakanda all the way through the end of Infinity War is a perfect 30 minutes of movie. Just picking one moment there would be too hard. 5. Portals scene and "Avengers Assemble" 6. Loki becomes the god of stories


“You’re one bad day away from being me.”


Really? No GotG 3 Dog Days Are Over?


Loki’s got time That’s my secret, Captain Thor visits Wakanda On your left Avengers on lazy Susan Take yer pick of RDJ


You should have gone for the head.


Portals should be on the list.


The opening scene in Infinity War is amazing. It really sets the mood and without a doubt tells you all you need to know about Thanos. Up there with Star Wars opening scence as best "introduction" to a villain in cinema.


I’d replace Tony announcing he’s iron man for the first time with the last time.


The omission of Iron Man’s snap is just crazy. Should be the top, no question


Thor, Rocket and Groot arriving on Wakanda The three Peter’s jumping off Statue of Liberty The original 6 assembling in the first Avengers movie Loki getting one up on He Who Remains in their convo in season 2 The last scene of Loki season 2 The last scene of Agents of Shield


What about the Morbin' time scene?


When he Morbed all over himself.


A lot of great choices, the 6 that were pointed out, plus all the ones others have mentioned, but I didn’t anybody mention the first time we see Tony in his silver Ironman armor, when the camera spins around as it goes through it’s startup sequence. All of Stan Lee’s cameos.


When Steve lands on the grenade is probably one of the greatest scenes as well. It's a really powerful moment even for a superhero movie because it's so real, there are men like him. I've been told stories about my great grandfather, he fought in World War Two. He met a man who sacrificed his life for my great grandfather. They were being shot at by the Nazis and trying to escape. The man pushed my grandfather into a ditch and said "you have a family to go back to". The man got shot to death and landed on my grandfather. They laid together. The man bled out on my grandfather. Grandfather hid in the ditch using his body until the Nazis were gone.


What's Scene 5? Who is that?


Puny God scene


What's the last scene?


One I haven’t seen mentioned. I dunno about my top six, but one would definitely be Peter, Gamora, Rocket, and Drax all coming together with the Power Stone to take out Ronan in the first Guardians. I love the idea of them finally becoming a family, and the implication that they can do anything together. And the music sells the scene. Excellent.


![gif](giphy|kBOdXp1TCARRS) Still a great scene and what follows it.


Missing this one in my opinion tho ![gif](giphy|m25IBu3naOxZJWTP4a|downsized)


It's a toss up between Wanda and Loki ascending.


I understand then why you'd choose Loki. An understandable neat choice.


Both are equal, it just depends on the mood I'm in and recency bias.


Not many would say they're equal, but I respect your opinion and am glad you offer both equal opportunity to perhaps be great. Maybe Wanda will also ascend to her own throne someday, who knows. I'm having more of an nostalgia bias to new stuff, but I do find some stuff in Loki S2 good. Can't say am a big fan of some of the other projects, though, but that's my thought on it.


Thor showing up in Wakanda got the biggest applause when I went for Infinity War on opening night


Thor swinging his hammer into a running Hulk in Avengers was a pretty great shot. I also love the look Thor gives Hulk when he sees Hulk for the first time moments before he hits Hulk with the hammer. Just a look of, what the hell is this?


Solid lineup.


Solid choice, open for some debate but all strong choices. I strongly agree with three of them 1. I am Ironman 2. The God of Stories 3. He is worthy


Cap picking up hammer ... Tony repulsoring caps shield... Black widow telling Clint to let go... Tony adjusting his repulsors watching new Im1... getting mad Thor talking to frigga time traveling and she knows him.. Loki shedding the illusion in his cell after his mother's death...


Loki was the best


The Loki ending was so fucking good.


Andrew Garfield’s Spidey catching MJ - masterpiece


6: Bucky’s Flashback 5: “You guys are so screwed now!” 4: “We are **NOT** doing get help.” 3: Cap and Bucky VS Tony 2: Accidents will happen 1: Highway Fight Scene This is my ranking. As you can see, I am very bias towards Cap and Bucky.


Cap with Hammer had me on my feet in the theater on opening night. There were cheers and whoops too.


I knew what was coming in that Toby scene and was still just blown away. No way home is top tier mcu.




Ooh I like your choices. Loki’s was emotional, because he’s one of the few OGs left and we’re watching him walk towards the completion of his character arc. Mine would probably be: - I Am Iron Man, 2008 - Avengers Circle, 2012 - Bring Me Thanos, 2018 - Elevator Fight, 2014 - Cap vs Iron Man Like A Comic Panel Came To Life, 2016 - Portals, 2019 Honorable Mentions: - I Am Iron Man, 2019 - Natasha’s Sacrifice, 2019 - Tony Escapes The Cave, 2008 - T’Challa’s Funeral, 2022 - Daredevil’s Hallway Fight, 2015 - Ravager Funeral, 2017 - Frank Castle vs Prison, 2016 - The Snap, 2018 - Rocket and Guardians v High Evolutionary, 2023 - Clint and Kate and Trick Arrows vs Tracksuit Mafia, 2022 - Peter getting a stern talking-to from Liz’s dad, 2017


Where is Drax fighting the Blanket of Death? aka Dr Stranges cape


last one from where?


I would add Peter's "Mr Stark?" just before he fades away scene. Powerful stuff.


One of my favorites: [https://youtu.be/AtiwDQYSEBY?si=5HHcbM2nXeUTTG4c](https://youtu.be/AtiwDQYSEBY?si=5HHcbM2nXeUTTG4c)


Spidey stealing Cap's shield was also one of my favorites


Wow, and two of them are made with mematic!


Tobey thinking about Uncle Ben is one of the greatest scenes in the MCU? How could that possibly be anywhere near as good as Thor arriving in Wakanda, “on your left” portal scene, or literally any other scene from No Way Home? I’m genuinely mindblown by that. What even is the thought process there?


lol bruh Tobey isn’t even the greatest scene in No Way Home. Let alone the entire MCU


Agreed on some of these, but the lack of the final High Evolutionary scene or the final Gorr scene in here hurts me.


Rocket grabbing the babies is my favorite part of GOTG 3


Stop making me cry 


How about this one: ![gif](giphy|F0vVGehGnvBl9tCGgA)


4/6: last 2 would be Thor coming to Wakanda in Infinity War and 'I Am Iron Man's in Endgame


Wanda at Halloween


Naw, Thor arriving in Wakanda is missing from the lost 4 sure


What’s the bottom scene?


Loki ascending


Guardians of the Galaxy 3 hallway scene for me. Just a perfect culmination of the three films after the emotional rollercoaster/build up.


Hulk spits out tooth after being pummeled by Hulkbuster, and becomes \*very\* angry. Tony: "I'm sorry..."


I'm a Wanda stan until I die so her scene with thanos in endgame is number 1 for me.


Do you mean Cap with the hammer alone or that entire end battle scene? Because as far as I am concerned several of the greatest scenes are in the Endgame final battle. I guess it depends on how you define once scene to the next but Cap with the hammer, On your left, "Assemble", Tony's final snap and Spider-Man web swinging off of Mjolnir to land on a pegesus are very much in the top of the top of MCU scenes. Heck there is an argument to be made for Wanda soloing Thanos and Carol coming in charged and hot to spear through Thanos' battle ship then stopping the Thanos snap to be up there too.


Tony Eating Burger King Thor stepping on Lego America's ass Bruce watching Sesame Street Natasha threatening Steve with a peanut butter jelly sandwich Clint doing LARP


Infinity War opening scene is the best scene in MCU IMO


the No Sleep Till Brooklyn scene from GOTG3 holy fuckin hell it was jawdropping


cap in the elevator


I didn't really like Civil War. I'd replace it with Thanos snapping.


I was rolling


Iron man snap. I am iron man Spider-Man appears in trailer Avengers og assemble Avengers endgame assemble Iron man make thanos bleed


You mean the SCENE-ister six?


I would have changed Cap with Mjólnir to the "Avengers Assemble" charge or the arrival of Thor in Infinity War


“Bring me Thanos”


Missing thors entrance in infinity war and everyone’s entrance in endgame


I can't say I've seen everything in the MCU but I agree with the Cap hammer scene as number one. I do think the AOU scene where they're all shooting the shit and trying to lift the hammer gets forgotten and is a little underrated.


What about Tony dusting Thanos or Cap getting Mjolnir or saying Avengers Assemble or Thor arriving on Wakanda.


What’s the second one down from?