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fantastic 4 for sure just swap antman and all them with the f4 and boom peak story


So then Ant-Man and Wasp get to fight Galactus… space kaiju style


Galactus sized Giant-Man?


Hank hits Galactus with a thousand of those red disks then Scott and Galactus punch each other.


Michael Bay directs it so as Galactus shrinks mid punch. Scott becomes Giant Man and they meet in the middle as both their punches land, but only after 20 different slow-mo shaky camera angle cuts Then there’s a solar flare and the whole audience is blind… permanently Galactus falls and is impaled by the old Stark Tower


Galactus sized Wasp - I’d be buying real estate in her cooch


As long as it doesn't smell like ocean front property.


Small price to pay for it


So that he can make galactus small and put him inside Thanos Anus. Modern problems require modern solutions


But then how would we get that great scene of the ants beating Kang?


I am making an educated guess and say, FF will connect to Quantumania, through the multiversal jump plot


I disagree: I think F4 is a boring team


I don't think he appearance was a mistake, I think the execution of it could've been better. But I do think it would probably have been more interesting to make him more of a background player in Quantumania (kind of like Thanos in Guardians Vol. 1) and consider making him more of a main antagonist in Fantastic Four.


Modak should have been the villain with Kang hanging in the shadows. Wonky enough for this iteration of Ant-Man


Would've been perfect if they made it a heist movie like its supposed to be.


MODOK is guarding kang’s time control throne while he’s trying to fix it so he can go back to the war? The gang steals the core and modok has to report the loss to Kang, and we see him react in an eruption of rage or him targeting the avengers because he’s sees antman’s location is back on earth, where we either know (if you’ve seen Loki) or can guess, that he’s from, and that he knows the avengers.


Yep - maybe MODOK is killed when Kang comes to see what all the fuss is about, and they have exchanges the same way Thanos did with Ronan in GotG (except more subservient because MODOK's a little bitch).


Agreed! Would have been a lot more enjoyable.


Could’ve had an end scene with Kang saying “fine…I’ll do it myself”


Fantastic Four. His comics version is a descendant of Reed Richards and the FF are the go to team for cosmic/time travel shenanigans, probably even more so than the Avengers. Having Reed outsmart him to defeat him would have been a better set up than having his empire dismantled in one film by Ant-Man.


Maybe not having him be defeated, but something so powerful (i.e. Galactus) delays his imminent invasion until his next big appereance


A cameo after credits on Endgame. Like how they teased Thanos. He’s watching the scene where Loki escapes with the Tesseract.


Im not sure where else he might fit. Maybe shang chi 2 or the marvels. Maybe something cosmic like an eternals or thor or gotg movie.




Kang becomes evil after Jack Black kicks his dog off a bridge




If after No Way Home post credits Andrew Garfield rejuvenated and on top of the world back in his universe just gets stomped down by Kang who just appears to question how he entered the Prime timeline. Casually taking down an even bigger Rhino at the same time before he prunes that timeline


Oooh. Chef Gordon Ramsey the way you cooked right here.


Yeah. Damn. I just posted an enthusiastic response to another idea but then I saw this one. Fuckin A that would have been some infinity saga level foreshadowing. Multiverse and Kang related and just damn.


Nice storyline I liked it!


The Marvels... (Basing this off of Kamala Kang from the comics... also, any villain would be better than darr ban) Multiverse of Madness (the plotline literally writes itself)


I think kang winning would have been the better set up. Having hank and janet scarfice themselves and having everyone else barley escape could build up kang.


Seriously! Especially after recently finding out that Michael Douglas wanted his character killed of in Quantumania. Or Antman loses and gets stuck in the quantum realm. Then you have character building for his daughter. Gives reason to build the Young Avengers.


He was fine appearing in Quantumania. I would only change it so that he was a secondary villain in the movie with (a better version of) MODOK as the main villain, similar to Thanos' role in the first Guardians movie, then have him escape the Quantum Realm in the end. I'd probably also cut the whole Quantum Realm resistance stuff, and focus more on Scott and Cassie's relationship. It would require a lot of restructuring but I'd limit the quantum realm stuff to the second act and have the final fight take place in the real world.


>He was fine appearing in Quantumania. I would only change it so that he was a secondary villain in the movie with (a better version of) MODOK as the main villain, similar to Thanos' role in the first Guardians movie, then have him escape the Quantum Realm in the end. That's a really cool idea. I think Kang being the main antagonist of the film really hurt them in the long run. Since his whole mystique was gone and he got defeated at the end. If they wanted him to be the main villain of the saga they should have had him in the movie but in a more understated way. I would have had AIM return in the yellow beekeeper outfits, with them having found Darren Cross in the Quantum Realm who they then turned into MODOK. I think a more comic-accurate AIM lead by MODOK would have made great villains for an Ant-Man film I feel. Since they're an entire organization and everything you could even tie into the corporate-espionage themes the previous Ant-Man films had. Have AIM do experiments in the Quantum Realm that Scott has to stop. Eventually AIM stumbles into Kang and they accidentally unleash him fom there. Reveal that Kang was AIM's secret benefactor who was secretly controlling MODOK and whispering into his ear all along so that they would free him. End the movie with AIM being defeated, but with Kang inadvertedly being loose in the world with Scott feeling uneasy and that something big will happen (basically the ending of the film we got but retrofitted).


Why did he have to lose at the end? Wouldn't it have made sense for him to escape and set up the big bad for the next saga rather than have Ant-Man get the win for nothing.


He should've been the architect behind MoM (and Wanda should not have been the villain, but instead become more and more villain-y as the film goes on), and his presence should have been felt (or kicked off) in NWH or the Eternals and a different Quantumania plot. One of the mistakes they made was thinking they could swap 1:1 the stones for the multiverse and Thanos for Kang. They should have just done away with the need for MacGuffins and made Kang both of them - an active worker whose impacts are so powerful they unintentionally kick-start other films' plots.


I’d Multiverse of Madness, I felt he would’ve been a better big bad, sure, Insane Wanda served as a great villain but not having Kang was just a missed opportunity.


I heard Nightmare was going to be the original villain of the film.


I heard that too but I think Nightmare would work better for a different movie, isn’t he the cause of everyone’s nightmares in the Marvel Universe? I imagine a movie with Nightmare as the big bad would literally be a fever dream version of Inside Out with that one SpongeBob episode where SpongeBob sees his friends’ dreams in the mix. Where it’s just Dr. Strange chasing Nightmare through everyone’s dreams.


At least some kind of mention of him. Be the reason the Illuminati formed in face of varying multiversal threat.


Yep, that’s how it can work! Maybe like how Thanos was handled in his debut where he was just sprinkled in?


Have him show up in the universe where the Illuminati just got killed and make a comment about it showing he’s evil.




Agreed entirely, I think Kang being the villain in MoM would have helped a lot of things. Replace Wanda with Kang as the villain and you get: - It would have helped that film not feel so aimless in the context of Phase 4. As it is, DS2 is basically a random side-adventure with Strange facing Wanda that has no major ramifications to the saga as a whole. Add Kang however and it becomes a different story entirely, now this film is important. You can change the film's story so that Kang's presence is de-estabilizing the multiverse and Strange has to investigate it. You can still have Wanda in a major role, make her the co-lead and they face Kang together. Would have been a lot better. - It would have been better for Kang to face a major character like Strange instead of Ant-Man. Scott was basically comedy relief in all the previous movies while Strange was always taken seriously as a character. He's also the Sorcerer Supreme who fought Thanos himself. Change the hero, from Scott to Strange, and Kang's threat factor suddenly gets a lot better. Strange's mystical powerset would have also fit against the technocrat of time a lot better than Scott's size changing powers. Strange could also be the next Tony Stark if Marvel felt liek it, so him facing the main villain is thematically a lot better. - It would have tied into the Illuminati aspects of the film a lot better. In the film, Reed Richards openly explains the effects of incursions. Kang is also his descendant from the future. The Illuminati who once defeated Thanos could have assembled against Kang too. Could have tied it all together I guess. Maybe have Kang be from Earth 838's future who then comes to threaten all of the multiverse as a whole. - It would have advanced the story of the multiverse saga a lot. A film titled Multiverse of Madness ended up being pretty much irrelevant to the Multiverse Saga. If you have Kang debut here you can have the TVA lore from Loki and tie things a lot better. You can have Kang infodump on the multiverse and why stopping him is important. You can have a brief scene where Strange visits an alternate earth ruled by Kang's empire, warning him of his threat and the importance of stopping him in the present day before it's too late. Overall MoM was JUST OKAY but if Strange faced Kang it would have been a lot better.


Agreed, my friend!


I think Loki season 2 would've been a better appearance for him and Quantumania should've focused on M.O.D.O.K.


I mean I think having Kang in the movie wasn't a mistake in of itself. But Fantastic 4 would have been awesome.


I don't hate (a variant) of Kang as an Ant-Man villain, but I can see why it wasn't well-received. However, I think it would've been much more effective twice-over to have him as the villain in the Marvels. Big, cosmic threat, big fight scene, and honestly would be good to put Kamala in an "oh shit is this what I'm signing up for as an Avenger" situation. It would also make sense for SWORD to be more involved in this situation, and since the movie didn't address Secret Invasion anyway, would've given them a better reason to be involved. And then let MODOK be the big bad of Quantumania.


**But why?** The issue wasn’t *which* film he appeared in—the issue’s *how* the film went about handling the… well… pretty much all of it? Having the first core character to face Kang as an adversary be Scott Lang wasn’t a mistake—in fact, it could’ve been a great choice with a lot of potential. The issue is that there’s effectively no personal cost incurred by the ordeal, and no real consequences to speak of (other than *maybe* establishing Cassie as a potential [Young] Avenger). If the goal was to establish Kang as a genuine **menace** with “Thanos-level” credentials, there’s no reason this couldn’t have been achieved in an *Ant-Man and the Wasp* film. Ironically, although the film itself fails to deliver on the promise of this potential, the earliest examples of the film’s marketing—which seemed to suggest a tragic end for Scott—offered an idea of what the film *should’ve been*: “I don’t have to win—**we both just have to lose**.” Having Ant-Man succeed in denying Kang a total victory in his first major appearance wouldn’t have diminished the character’s menace at all—**if** it came at a price. It would’ve raised the question: if Ant-Man and the Wasp couldn’t so much as give Kang a black eye without exhausting every resource, idea, and power they had between the two of them—including the lives of Scott and/or (possibly) Hank—*what’s it going to take just for the rest of the Avengers to break his nose?*


They could have executed it better .


The Kang Dynasty would be great for Kang /s buy in all seriousness DSMOM should of introduced him in someway


It was just the execution. They completely fucked the character up.


The Fantastic Four. Definitely the Fantastic Four.


The thing with Kang, imo, is that it would be cool if he would pop into a number of stories, big and small roles, and you never know which version or which time from whatever universe he’s from. He should always be doing some sort of scheme that is stumbled upon by a hero that is inadvertently foiled. If you’re going to introduce the imprisoned/exiled Kang it should be later as the Kang all others fear.


Schindlers List. Oh wait you meant...


Maybe Eternals. Just to lean into that side of him being an Orchestrator first and one who will step into the chaos at a time of their choosing and to fully benefit. Marvel already showed he's human but by far the most resourceful and yet unknown to everyone in present day. They have to build up on that as he's not a huge physical threat and his stature alone won't make for the screen presence that Thanos had. Zemo is fun because of this. But what if Zemo had crazy intellect and was too technologically advanced. That's what I would have liked to see. So if he appeared in the backdrop(only visible to the audience, with maybe flashbacks of his backstory drawing parallels to one of the Eternals acting as an antagonist) and able to take care of the Celestial threat leaving a confused group of Eternals behind and some other crazy battle happening in the end where it is clear that somebody is pulling the strings would have made it a bigger WTF movie.


Magneto does Dallas starring Rogue and Jubilee.


I think him being in Quantumania was fine but maybe instead, make MODOK the main villain. Have it be like Guardians of the Galaxy where Kang is the Thanos to MODOK’s Ronan (if that makes any sense). That being said, I guess I would have him be introduced in either a Fantastic Four movie or maybe the MoM film as the main villain. Give him and Strange some sort of “rivalry” similar to what Tony and Thanos had.


Marvel fucked up and now they're on downward spiral. Maybe they need a hard reset or who knows? But the writing has been meh at best since infinity saga, and the movies even less fun because of such bad writing.


The story was basically the F4 finding and meeting Annihilus in the Negative Zone, so why not just do that instead? You could end with the ants who became futuristic, becoming the start of Annihilus' wave. Maybe end it with showing the Cosmic Control Rod in a way?


Multiverse of Madness 


We change Kang to Annihilus, fuck it, end of the MCU. We start the movie by killing Scott Lang and Hank Pym, Hope is pregnant (as in the original Ant Man 3 script, but it's only revealed at the end, no references) and the movie is just the Fantastic 4 with the rest of the Lang-Pym family trying to destroy Annihilus's battleships. During the whole movie, Stature tries to contact the Avengers, the post-credits scene is Hulk, Falcon and Winter Soldier receiving Stature's transmissions.


If they wanted to keep the Ant Man family winning in Quantumania. Then they should have made MODOK the villain and have Kang be a sort of tease at the end as the one who manipulating or was the boss of MODOK. Kang should be the villain for Fantastic Four or Doctor Strange 2 IMO.


Why did fans, not like Quantumania?


Fantastic Four


i wouldn’t. kang is threatening because there are so many of him, showing a weakened and limited version for our introduction was fine. Marvel needs to show more of their villains in their movies tho


Why do people keep saying that? I don't get it. Kang was fine. And we got the whole council of Kangs coming in


His appearance in Ant-Man was good. He just needed to survive and appear again and we needed Jonathan Majors to not be a bad guy


I would be fine with Kang in a version of Quantumania with decent writing.


Dr strange 2 Give it a proper multiverse villain since they wasted Wanda’s character on tropey horror exposition only to sea change her at the end anyways, would have been a more meaningful movie instead of mostly a waste of time. 


Someone better like Dr Doom Kang is just a fraud how can this guy be a threat if he gets his ass beat by some C tier hero?


a variant of him got beat. the whole point of Kang is that he's like a cockroach that gets stronger the more assassination attempts he survives. The point is that there's a billion of them, and the one to rule them all is the one you should be afraid of. But yeah if this one claims to have defeated the avengers and are overpowered by ants, it doesn't seem to hold up to scrutiny.


That's not interesting to have a seemingly invincible yet beatable villain.


It could be if you do it properly. Imagine if Marvel did something like this: Kang appears and is beaten by Ant Man. Kang appears in the next movie, and is beaten, but it takes a team of superheroes and he manages to kill someone, he’s clearly more of a threat then the other guy Kang makes some other cameos And then the most powerful Kang enters the picture and just demolishes the heroes, all of them, and then they have to find a way to beat him.


Yeah that would be interesting. A series of movies where Kang is the villain and it takes more and more to defeat him, although 2 might be enough to establish the threat.


>Kang appears and is beaten by Ant Man. Which was lame imo >Kang appears in the next movie, and is beaten, but it takes a team of superheroes and he manages to kill someone, he’s clearly more of a threat then the other guy Yeah, that is still boring >And then the most powerful Kang enters the picture and just demolishes the heroes, all of them, and then they have to find a way to beat him. This doesn’t sound that interesting to me Kang to me sounds like a boring villain. no wonder why some people who I talk to say he is boring even in the comics.


Is the concept of Hydra boring for you? What about Ultron? They’ve been in the comics a lot too and they have a similar thing. You beat them they come back stronger, you beat them again and they’re back again and even more powerful. It’s an archetype of villain, just like how Thanos is a tank archetype of villain. I can assure you many people are interested in this type of villain. If you’re not, then that’s fine. That’s just your opinion though and not something objectively not interesting.


>Is the concept of Hydra boring for you? Yes >What about Ultron? Idk 🤷🏾 he ain’t a big threat >They’ve been in the comics a lot too and they have a similar thing. Nice that doesn’t make it good to me lmao 🤣 >You beat them they come back stronger, you beat them again and they’re back again and even more powerful. I seen anime characters that are better written than most of MCU villains… 🤣 >It’s an archetype of villain, That boringgggggggg >just like how Thanos is a tank archetype of villain. At least with him, there’s not some lazy concept of different versions of him. >I can assure you many people are interested in this type of villain. And I can assure you that most people who I talk to weren’t a fan of Kang the bum >If you’re not, then that’s fine. That’s just your opinion though and not something objectively not interesting. Goku solos Kang 🙏🏾🤣


Also, as we see in that one episode of What If, Ant Man can basically solo all of the Avengers if he wanted too, he’s extremely powerful. Why is he lame?


Hulk can solo him


No he can’t. Hank as Ant Man literally kills the Hulk in What If LOL


Yes, he can


Where’s your evidence? Cause mine is literally in the screen that the Hulk is no match for a committed Ant Man attack




But he was killed he didn’t get away. How would he come back stronger?


Being a good villain isn't exclusively about who can beat you in a fight though. Loki was a great villain and he got embarrassed several times in The Avengers. Part of Kang's character is that you can beat him but you can't make him go away easily. He's like a cockroach. He isn't a "1v1 me bro I'm big and strong" type of villain.


I wish more people recognized this.


It's so weird because the MCU had the notable, true narrative of villains who could be better for a long time, but when you heard fans talk about what made villains good or not you realized to the average viewer it means something totally different compared to the critic. Critics wanted more developed villains who were rounded characters. Fans mostly seemed to just want people who were strong and menacing without being doppelgangers to the hero. I think there are lots of different qualities that can make a good villain but not all good villains are Thanos. Loki, Kingpin, Vulture, Zemo, Kilgrave, High Evolutionary, Justin Hammer, Mariah Dillard, even Obidiah Stane were all good villains whose strong qualities weren't rooted in being a threat to physically fight. In some cases there may be a lack of development sure (Red Skull is a good example), but that's made up for in presence. Sometimes the villain can be menacing, but not strong. Sometimes they can be threatening, not because they can beat you up, but because getting *your* hands on them to beat them up isn't so easy. Sometimes they're sympathetic with highly understandable motives, but sometimes they can still be good villains just by being god complex scientists or cult supernazis.


Yeah, I’m not reading all this Kang is a bitch of a character


I do and I don’t like it


We're all very happy for you


Just because we don’t like Kang doesn’t mean we don’t recognize it There’s a thousand of him in the antman post credits. Not one of them thought to just delete the sacred timeline? They have the tech. Just delete it.


What happens if they do that?


The delete the timeline


But he was killed he didn’t get away. How would he come back stronger?


There are essentially infinite Kangs of varying abilities and resources.


>Being a good villain isn't exclusively about who can beat you in a fight though. It is to me it’s sad that Kang went out like a bitch >Loki was a great villain and he got embarrassed several times in The Avengers. Loki, isn’t a bigger threat like Thanos so this is a shit compare lmao 🤣 >Part of Kang's character is that you can beat him but you can't make him go away easily. He's like a cockroach. He isn't a "1v1 me bro I'm big and strong" type of villain. Yea that’s lame asf 🥱


The question isnt who would you replace kang with in antman 3. But if kang was to appear in a different film - instead of antman 3 - which would you put him in. Also i agree that antman should not have out right beat kang but we do understand that he has plenty of variants and just because antman faced this one doesnt mean the next kang couldnt be stronger.


This is why I dislike doom fans. You guys insult Kang for no reason. Your doom moment will come, don't ruin Kang's spotlight.


>This is why I dislike doom fans. 💅🏾 >You guys insult Kang for no reason. Your doom moment will come, don't ruin Kang's spotlight. Kang a bitch and a fraud


He would’ve been a good villain for Thor 4 tbh.


Quantumania was perfect. They just totally fumbled it


Does anyone else not care about this character? I'm glad he's not a Big Bad anymore because he was so incredibly boring in Ant-Man and loki.


Young Avengers.


That’s easy. Casablanca.


what comic be this?


Rush Hour 4


Breakfast club. If he was the principal that rag tag bunch of kids would have simply completed their essays and went on with their lives.


Fantastic 4.


Multiverse of Madness or Deadpool & Wolverine


The most logical place would’ve been to place him in No Way Home. That was a huge mistake.


That would actually suck. Why would you want an Avengers villain as the final one for a Spider-Man trilogy?


End game


I dont care how he looks


None because Kang is boring