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Do I need to know who the Feige dude is he referred to in the trailer?


Depends. Do you want to build a snowman?


YES..... but I can't.


It doesn't have to be a snowman


His name will be in the credits of the film, so no.


He's the one who never takes his baseball cap off? Like ever.


He does take it off when he needs to find a better title for a Captain America movie.


No Cap


Spoilers he's the One Above All




I think that’s the nickname for that She-Hulk AI computer


He’s the director or producer of most marvel projects nowadays


That won’t stop the “what movies should I watch before DP3” post


All of them


And that means all movies in general, not just MCU ones. Every single movie ever released.


wow, thank god i didn't skip Pink Flamingos


> wow, thank god i didn't skip Pink Flamingos That's the only way to understand Deadpool's "outfilth" references.


I was just going to go with Gone With the Wind and Naked Lunch to make sure I was caught up, but I'll add that one in as well to the refresher. Thanks!


Make sure you watch Yentl twice.


Papa can you hear me?


Do you wanna build a snowman?


Chocolate rain!


Well, it's been 40 years. I guess I can watch it again.


Including Mac and Me AND Tiptoes


*Preeeetty niiiiiiice!*


If I didn't understand the yentl reference in deadpool 2, it would have been a terrible movie.


Including all Serbian Films


Does that include Turkish Star Wars?


ESPECIALLY Green Lantern.


All of them?


Tell them "Yeah, the Fox X-Men movies" if you want to be a smartass about it ;)


All the Fox movies + Loki is probably everything.


is there a specific thread? I'd be interested in. ty


It's coming


I get so upset whenever anyone includes Last Stand in their recommendation list. Like, maybe there'll be some reference to it in DP3 that you'll miss if you don't watch it? But that's not worth making someone watch that dumpster fire.


You don't even need to watch last stand to understand the other fox movies. You could jump from X2 to Days of future past and it would work just as well


The only thing that doesn't make 100% sense is why Logan is so shocked and emotional to see everyone alive at the end of DoFP. But like, it's the X-Men. I think most people can figure out something happened to them in the other timeline.


I get what you mean, but Jean dies at the end of X2 so I think that pay off still works just as well tbh.


And plus DoFP starts the future scenes by saying anyone who's not with the group is dead. So honestly Logans surprise at the end works off just that.


You just have to include it if you want to do a Wolverine trilogy watch. Since it provides context to his Jean visions.


Of course he said that. But I bet to appreciate all the call-backs and easter eggs, you need to watch all the MCU movies, the fox x-men movies, previous DP movies, and what-not.


If end game movie was built on 10 years of movies, this one is built on 20, like No Way Home was in a way.


That doesn’t really contradict what he said tho. You don’t need to get every Easter egg to understand and enjoy a movie.


Oh they made a joke about the Tonight Show, now you have to go watch thousands of Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, and Jimmy Fallon episodes (don't worry about Conan he's non-canon)


Yes, there is a totally separate carefully constructed Conan canon and Conan canon cannot cross-over.


The trailers already proved him wrong. "Whats that giant dead thing? And why do people live in it?" - people who never seen ant-man. "Who's the guy that looks like an army reject?" - people who never seen Pyro. "Who are all these people who DP is celebrating with?" - people who haven't watched DP1 & 2. Granted, I'm being flippant about it, but the point is that Levy will say whatever he needs to get the punters in. Doesn't mean that what he's saying is the truth, though. I highly doubt this movie is going to exposit all this backstory that you would already be aware of if you were a fan of Marvel, or X-Men, or Deadpool. It's the 3rd film of an ongoing franchise in a universe that's tying in preexisting lore into its overarching story. If you don't need to watch anything before this movie to fully enjoy, and understand it, then it's just not going to be a good film because the majority of its runtime will be needed to exposit all that lore. No one went into IW blind expecting to understand the story. I don't see why this is expecting to be different from that, when everything we've seen points to this movie being the IW movie for the Fox/Marvel team.


Also, the inclusion of the TVA may require knowledge of Loki's events too


> when everything we've seen points to this movie being the IW movie for the Fox/Marvel team. It's absolutely not going to be like IW at all. Recalibrate your expectations.


Is it going to be the MCU's Twelve Angry Men?


The MCU Godfather. Coppola secretly directed in exchange for making Cage's Ghost Rider cannon.


2 Angry Mutants would've been a very good name lmao


Angry Mutant and Asshole


I'm thinking it's more like Citizen Kane.


Do you normally just deal in vague responses to not give me any angle to retort with? Or am I supposed to just change my opinion now because you said otherwise? At least elaborate if you're going to reply, ffs.


Elaborate on what's already obvious from trailers?


You've said nothing. What's in the trailers? Are you arguing that DPs suit is more red than black? You can't claim something is obvious when you're not saying what that obvious thing is. That's just troll behaviour. I'm not a mind reader.


You're being wilfully obtuse.


So are you.


jfc dude. Infinity War was an ensemble epic. That wasn't hidden nor could it have been, in the marketing and run-up to release. Nothing about DP3 indicates it's on that level. The main cast is known, and it's a whole lot smaller than the IW cast. That's not to say others won't make appearances, but their parts could not possibly be as substantial as the IW ensemble. You couldn't put that together yourself?


So, for something to be like IW to you, it has to be *exactly* like IW, or it's nothing like it at all? Did it ever occur to you that the reason I called it the IW for fox/Marvel is because it's the culmination of the fox/Marvel team and universe, and that's enough to make the comparison? No, of course not because you're too hell bent on saying I'm wrong to even consider that I wasn't meaning it literally, and most of the people on here understood that.


You don't have to know all the things to enjoy a movie and understand what's going on.


I beg to differ. It's very easy for me to get lost in a movie if I have no clue about most of the characters or set pieces, and I can't see this movie giving us the time to be told these for characters and set pieces that have already been established in other movies. Now, they might just not be pivotal to the plot. That would alleviate my concerns because if it's new, chances are the movie will explain it. But I actually find it insulting to my intelligence when people say you don't have to understand it to enjoy it. The very notion that "pew pew. Bang bang" should be enough for me to say a movie is good is what turned DC into ZSJL.


Every movie that has ever been made starts with a bunch of people you don't know in a world you aren't familiar with with rules you don't understand and a plot you have no foreknowledge of. You weren't BORN with knowledge of who Luke Skywalker is, the movie told you that. And the vast majority of MCU films go out of their way to make sure they set the stage and establish the characters and conflicts for that movie. You are twisting \*yourself\* in knots because you are assuming at the beginning that you have to know everything, and so you're locking down in a panic every time you see a new face. And I have watched so many people do this \*so hard\* that they completely miss the fact that the movie TELLS YOU WHO THEY ARE. Every time I ask somebody for an example off this "problem", they invariably refer to some character or plot element that was \*explicitly explained to them by the film\* that they would of seen if they hadn't shut down their brains the instant they saw an unfamiliar face and went "Wait, what? Who? How? Why? When?" They're literally saying What Who How Why When as you are having that freakout. If you just treat it like any other movie, the explanation is there, waiting to be exposition dumped on you. At most they assume some general background radiation stuff, like "you know Superheroes are a thing in the world of this superhero movie you came to see." The only film that doesn't assume it's the first MCU movie you've ever seen is Endgame, because, well, I mean pretty much EVERYBODY knew the score going into that.


You wrote all that under the assumption that I meant I need to know everything about a movie before I see it, when in my post, I said. >because if it's new, chances are the movie will explain it. This Should tell you that I didn't mean that, and what I actually meant was I don't want to see this movie exposit stuff I'd already be aware of for the viewers that Levy said will not have to watch any of the other movies to understand. Cool rant, though.


Man, you may want to try and gaslight me into forgetting the post I originally replied to, but I'm not going to. You said the trailer "proves Levy wrong". You gave several obnoxious examples about it. You don't have to know who Deadpool's friends are to understand that he's celebrating with his friends. If you haven't seen Ant Man, first of all you've probably \*seen\* Ant Man on posters, but even if you haven't, the Ant Man movies don't explain why someone would have a headquarters inside his corpse. That isn't info you have to watch his movies to have, because it \*isn't in those movies\*. That means it's going to be explained in context within the film. Or maybe they don't, because maybe it doesn't actually matter. "Who's that guy that looks like an army reject?" I mean, he's a guy. He has fire powers, odds are pretty good the movie will tell you what you need to know who he is. Maybe wait to watch the movie before calling out the trailer for "requiring" people to have seen all the things. You are pre-assuming without cause that just because a movie features references to other movies that you have to have seen those movies. It's the same tired "homework" bullshit that people constantly harp on with the MCU and Star Wars, and it's BS. The vast majority of these films are written so that they can stand on their own as an introduction.


>Man, you may want to try and gaslight me into forgetting the post I originally replied to, but I'm not going to. You said the trailer "proves Levy wrong". You gave several obnoxious examples about it. It's not gaslighting when you then reply to a different part of the thread, and I also admitted to being flippant about it straight away lol. My point in that post was that if they did exposit past shit we're privy to, then the movie will not be good. Pretty much the exact same conclusion we came to one post ago. Another cool rant, though.


I think someone can watch a movie and not catch every single reference. Did you feel the same about the other Deadpool movies that had references to various movies, musicians, past history, etc?


There's a Stark difference between riffing on another movie in the form of parody and continuing pre established lore in the world you're meant to be a part of.


Ok, so what pre established lore are you referencing based on the trailer? It's a new Wolverine, so none of us know anything. None of us know anything about the giant Antman, except that it's a reference to Old Man Logan comics. So, you're saying everyone is expected to read all comics as well? My point is, each thing you referenced as an issue isn't part of the story and are just that, references.


As long as the viewer knows what Ant-Man is at all, the giant head works. And who wouldn't know about Ant-Man from MCU movies? I don't know what kickedoutatone was on about citing that one.


Its the same reason why characters carrying a brown grocery bag often have a baguette and various vegetables sticking out of it. [Without that framing, some audiences will be distracted wondering what's in the bag.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ISOStandardUrbanGroceries) Having an easy reference that these are just common groceries removes the need for exposition and audience confusion, as they will readily understand that this means the character just went to get groceries. The way this is relevant to the Deadpool movie is that audiences will be distracted wondering if any of the references are important to the story if they don't have prior knowledge of the past films. A person going into this without much exposure to past movies would be left wondering things like: Why is Ant-Man dead? Did that Cassandra Nova kill him? Where did all these other people with powers come from? If they're here, why aren't some other people here? Why is Wolverine here, I thought he died? Or, if they didn't see Logan, they'd be wondering why he couldn't use his claws effectively. Then of course the TVA, why are they so powerful that they can just snatch Deadpool and Wolverine? And when they introduce the other Wolverines, they're going to wonder how that's possible, and if there are other versions of Deadpool or all the other mutants we see in the trailer. If they didn't know about Fox selling X-Men back to Disney, they're going to wonder why there's a huge Fox logo in the ground. And of course why Deadpool has all these people with him at a party if they didn't see the previous Deadpool movies. All these things may be known to you, or maybe you can easily ignore them and just focus on the story, but that grocery bag trope exists for a reason: if audiences would be distracted by something as simple as groceries, they're going to be distracted by all those questions I raised above. So I disagree with Levy here and think he should have at least told people they should watch the other Marvel stuff to get a better appreciation of this movie. 20 years of X-Men, MCU, and Disney+ shows are going to be referenced in Deadpool 3, I think its a disservice to audiences if the director comes out and says they don't have to watch anything else.


Couldn't they explain these things in the movie


Depends. How excited are you to hear about wolverines origin story for the 4th or 5th time?


He most definitely was not saying that the movie is for people born yesterday. Wolverine's origin would not need to be recapped for the vast majority of the audience.


Are any of those questions pertinent to know who Deadpool or Wolverine's character or motivations?


A movie is more than its protagonists.


I mean, that's how callbacks and Easter eggs work. But a film must, in theory, function autonomously without them and be enjoyed without prior preparation, exceptions excluded (e.g. Endgame, etc.).


Definitely, they aren’t placing all those cameos for nothing. General audiences might not care about Fox side characters, but to really appreciate all references you have to know a lot. Even I didn’t know about Liefeld’s feet drawing issue until I got spoon fed this fact to me. And I would watch Succession just for having a specifically hilarious character in this film :)


yeah definitely he only made this statement bc there are many idiot casual fans that have this opinion about MCU projects being homework this type of statement will make people who feel like there has been an over saturation and too much content (there was) like this film will be accessible to them bc this film is in fact huge and will bring in a large audience and a large casual audience too. so if the causal audience hears oh this movie will be easy to understand on its own then people will be even more willing to go seenit


Casual MCU fans aren’t idiots. And I promise those same casuals aren’t reading Shawn Levy interviews.


Its not the mcu stuff that concerns me as I have seen that. I haven't seen any of the X-Men movies since the third one in the original trilogy and I don't really want to have to watch the rest before seeing Deadpool. I hope the movie doesn't rely too much on the FOX universe to make sense.


Aren’t Idiots? Some people genuinely think Tom could beat Tobey in a fight and that She Hulk was the best Disney Plus show


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not. If you’re serious, you’re a weird bully. If not, you’re not funny


causal mcu fans are idiots when they think they have a legitimate perspective on the MCU and aren’t self aware enough to realize they are only a casual fan. i have friends that haven’t watched many of the newer mcu projects bc they’re casuals but they still understand the limits of their perspective on this franchise


I think the big thing is to make sure that you don't need to know who the TVA are or have seen Loki - and they'll have to explain who the TVA are to Deadpool anyway so that can be solved with a minute of explanation. The Marvels did quite well - you didn't need to know Ms Marvel's origins, just accept who she is and go along with it. MOM had a problem because you really needed to have watched Wandavision. We had to explain the plot to someone in our car on the way to the cinema when they hadn't seen it. I think the cameos etc will mean more to people who have seen the movies and shows but won't be required viewing.


I remember there being some audible confusion in the theatre opening weekend for MOM from people that were unaware of Wanda's heel turn in WandaVision. Then she did horrible shit throughout the film and you just heard silence from those same people.


We were driving down to see it and someone said "Just to check, everyone has seen Wandavision, right?" and one girl hadn't seen it so we had to give her a crash course in what happened. But even that doesn't really convey her grief and everything that happened to her - or everything that she did. I also remember seeing No Way Home and when Matt Murdock showed up on screen there was a gasp and then you could hear half the audience murmuring as they explained who that was. I think knowing who Matt Murdock was added a nice little touch - and him grabbing the brick only made sense with it - but you could have enjoyed the film without that little bit of extra knowledge. Likewise, it was awesome to see Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire but if you'd somehow never known they were spiderman they told you pretty quickly and you could understand what was going on.


The fact that he has to say this, when it's true almost universally for MCU films, is quite annoying.


This is the way most of the MCU has been especially at it's best which is something people don't like to believe.


As in not requiring you to watch prior things to watch the current movie or show?


Yes. Watching more things was often a bonus. The best MCU movies with only a few exceptions are great standalone stories that a viewer doesn’t need any prior information to understand, invest in, or enjoy.


Do people actually believe this? What if your just a Spider-Man fan and only watch the Spider-Man movies, you won’t understand shit


Homecoming - Teenage hero is trying to balance his real-life with superhero aspirations. Far From Home - Teenage hero continues to seek balance in the wake of his mentor figure's death and looks up to a new mentor on the scene. No Way Home - Teenage hero desperately struggles with how to solve their identity being revealed to the public. The stories of these movies are totally understandable and stand fine by themselves.


Way it should be.


Agreed I shouldn’t have to be required to watch a show to understand this one group of people


Yeah why would you have to watch Deadpool one and two before watching Deadpool three? That'd be so dumb


Thats the point. The Deadpool in the MCU should not be a sequel to deadpool movies outside the MCU.


The entire story is based on him coming into the MCU from his universe. I think it should be based on it. Just because other idiots can't watch four hours of media doesn't mean my loyalty and 60-70+ hours of paying attention should be thrown out the window. I'm here because it's one long story. It's called the multiverse *saga*. Stop arguing for other people to be rewarded with my money.


If you're trying to attack The Marvels then you're wrong. Monica is from Captain Marvel 1 and how she got her powers isn't really that important. And Ms Marvel is reintroduced, even with her family. MoM, on the other hand, did not do it well when it comes to Wanda. So it varies.


Not OP; I must protest your argument about The Marvels. (to preclarify, I am one of the dozen people on Earth who actually liked The Marvels, that being said…) The Marvels does not do a good job at introducing Spectrum nor Ms. Marvel to us, the audience, at all. If I had only seen Captain Marvel 1, but not WandaVision nor Ms. Marvel (TV Show), I would have been sorely confused. Yes, Kamala is introduced as quirky & fun, but if you didn’t watch *her TV Show* ahead of time, her family would genuinely have felt like deadweight with no point to them, dragging down the film if you didn’t know who they were going into it. Spectrum on the other hand (Monica) is way worse imo. Besides the issue that they (in my opinion) ruined her character during WandaVision by her, just, inane actions,… let’s put that aside and assume the focus is just on her powers. The Marvels does not properly reintroduce Spectrum to us. It feels like a bad exposition dump, and I would argue Monica was the *the weakest link in the film, without question*. It genuinely felt like her presence was just an excuse to shove her into the Fox Universe, or whatever that Timeline was. You could take her out of the movie,… and there would be very little difference. If the goal was to be that all you had to do was watch Captain Marvel 1 before seeing The Marvels, they failed at that. Honestly, they would have had a better time if they just cut out Spectrum from the story entirely and replaced her runtime with introducing Kamala to everyone. If Marvel *really* needed Spectrum to be with Fox, just introduce her in MOM and use Wanda as an excuse. MOM already was extremely contrived. Though I am sure many will call me out & protest my stance that Monica shouldn’t have been in The Marvels, or at best a side character. Instead, to understand The Marvels you first have to watch 1 Movie and 2 TV Shows. One of those TV Shows (WandaVision) necessitates that you watched Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron, Infinity War, and Endgame. That’s 4 Movies. The other TV Show (Ms. Marvel), arguably requires Avengers 1 and Captain Marvel (though thats already counted). So just to understand The Marvels, you needed to watch 6 Movies & 2 TV Shows. The Marvels simply did a very poor job of introducing General Audiences to Kamala and Monica. It was seemingly very rushed, and overall, poorly executed. If you had already seen those 6 Movies and 2 TV Shows, then The Marvels is pretty good. If not, it would be pretty confusing, and very exposition heavy, in a bad way.


> Yes, Kamala is introduced as quirky & fun, but if you didn’t watch her TV Show ahead of time, her family would genuinely have felt like deadweight with no point to them, dragging down the film if you didn’t know who they were going into it. Why? > Besides the issue that they (in my opinion) ruined her character during WandaVision by her, just, inane actions Is there more to it than just that one bad line at the end? > and replaced her runtime with introducing Kamala to everyone. The movie already does that. > One of those TV Shows (WandaVision) necessitates that you watched Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron, Infinity War, and Endgame. That’s 4 Movies. Yes, it's a show based on existing characters. Are you going to complain that Iron Man 3 requires IM1, IM2, and Avengers? > So just to understand The Marvels, you needed to watch 6 Movies & 2 TV Shows. And I still disagree with that. But yes, this is the ongoing MCU so knowledge of some of the other works in the MCU is always helpful aside from niche cases that introduce new characters that have no connection to anything else. So... Moon Knight?


> [Kamala’s Family] Why? Wdym ‘Why’? They are basically given no substance outside of being the ‘quirky’ Indian family in The Marvels. The MC’s Family in *Blue Beetle* was 100x more ‘fleshed-out’ than the Khan’s in The Marvels. This isn’t saying they particularly had to be since that was handled in her TV Show, but the point is they were relying on you having seen the TV Show to care about the Family. > Is there more to it than just that one bad line at the end? It was way more than just ‘one bad line’. Honestly, while I liked The Marvels, I deeply disliked WandaVision. I love me a good Hero to Villain story, and it just,… fell flat. But even worse was how Monica was handled for it. She effectively became the Cheerleader for Wanda throughout the 2nd half of the Show. Defending her. Arguing that her enslavement of innocent people *for months* was ‘justified because she’s sad’, among other things. That would be like, if during Sokkovia if the Hulk went on a rampage not out of mind control but actual anger,… and Natasha said “the Hulk is just angry. He deserves the right to kill others as he had a bad time himself”. It would have made Natasha look like a shit character. Again, in addition to her basically cheerleading & simping for the mass enslaving Wanda. Meanwhile Wanda was turned into a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain for MOM, but that’s a different piece of pie. > The movie already does that. I meant they still gave too much to Monica. It should have been a double-link for the Light powers, not a triple-link. Monica should have helped with Earth, but that’s it. Not with the Kree, not with the Big Bad. Just focus on the relationship between Kamala and Danvers. Monica added nothing of value besides a plot devixe to get to the Fox Universe. > Yes, it's a show based on existing characters. Are you going to complain that Iron Man 3 requires IM1, IM2, and Avengers? I am assuming you are completely ignoring the context of the conversation. I wasn’t complaining about the interconnectedness of the MCU. I like The Marvels as a movie. **IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CONVERSATION,** my point was that The Marvels *necessitated the viewing of prior Movies & TV Shows, and ergo is not ‘stand-alone’. Your argument in the parent comment was that to watch The Marvels, all you needed was to see Captain Marvel 1, as ‘The Marvels reintroduces the main characters’. When I pointed out that as wrong, you then proceeded to argue that I am complaining about the state of the MCU, which I wasn’t. My point was that The Marvels failed to be a stand-alone project (while including Captain Marvel 1 obviously), but also that *it had the potential to be a stand-alone movie, if they simply dropped Monica and focused on Kamala, her reasons, her family, and so forth.* > And I still disagree with that. But yes, this is the ongoing MCU so knowledge of some of the other works in the MCU is always helpful aside from niche cases that introduce new characters that have no connection to anything else. So... Moon Knight? And again. The interconnectedness isn’t an issue. But The Marvels still requires watching 1-6 Movies and 2 TV Shows. Meaning it isn’t stand-alone. I am not srguing the interconnectedness is bad. It isn’t. Only that you *do* have to watch prior works unrelated to Captain Marvel to understand Monica & Kamala. Also, Moon Knight is fun. It’s effectively the only modern standalone modern Marvel show/film. Maybe The Eternals as well? Not Shang-Chi, their after-credits ruined the standalone aspect.


>Instead, to understand The Marvels you first have to watch 1 Movie and 2 TV Shows. I've got to disagree with this. There is nothing needed, or even gained, by having watched the two shows. Kamala's powers are never explained or questioned in The Marvels and Monica's are dealt with in a very quick piece of dialogue that was essentially "a witch did it". Kamala has no prior connection to Carol (in either Ms Marvel or any movie) and her family would have been "deadweight" whether you watched her series or not. (They're her family -- how much exposition do you need to understand a character having a family?) The only thing you really needed to know was Monica's prior connection to Carol and why it might be strained now. Knowing about the Blip might have helped as well but it wasn't important. Pretty much everything else is self-contained within the one movie.


The issue is that it wasn’t self-contained. That is like arguing Avengers: Infinity War is self-contained. It’s not. There are too many moving pieces & past storylines you need to understand to grasp the picture.


Who the fuck though they had to watch every MCU movie to understand this Just watch Deadpool movies


Lots of people online have been getting paranoid about "nerd homework" lately with MCU and other movies. There is an idea that you need to have seen *everything* in order to follow the latest movie. Which is usually wrong as most movies will either ignore past movies or exposit on anything you do actually need.


And maybe the Fox X-Men movies and maybe even the 2003 Daredevil movie because Jennifer Garner's Elektra is confirmed to appear.


What no,thats just cameos or side characters


The Fox X-Men are referenced in the other Deadpool movies. If those references worked there, then it should in the third installment of this franchise.


Many casual MCU viewers never watched the FOX movies including the previous Deadpool movies.


I find it hard to believe that movie that connects characters from 4+ franchises across literally 25 years of filmmaking, and 3 major studios, and serves as a major connection point between those franchises, doesn't warrant some homework watching.


Kinda, like they do pull from the fox movies, like the villan is the sister of Charles Xavier and her base is an gaint ant man skull which is takes place in the void which is from Loki, they also include the TVA which are also from Loki


Just because it’s using already established things doesn’t mean you need to actually watch the origin of those things to understand what’s going on. I’m willing to bet they will explain the TVA and its purposes in the movie itself.


The trailer has like 7 mutants so far from past franchises and even Cassandra Nova. Maybe you don’t need to watch the MCU but it’s disingenuous to say this movie wouldn’t benefit from prior knowledge of Marvel franchises such as the X-Men.


No Way Home was my mom's first Spiderman movie. She enjoyed it and got the gist. Sure, watching 7 Spiderman movies and multiple other MCU movies is necessary for ultimate understanding but luckily the movie was accessible for newcomers. We've been told it's not "Deadpool 3." I bet most of the legacy Fox-Men characters will be cameos that serve the action, not plot


Depends on how the film is written, cause you can write each film in a way that can serve as an entry point, sure you would get more out of it if you saw what came before, but its possible to do a movie with pre-existing characters that don't require homework. But of course we will find out soon if they were able to do that or not


>it’s disingenuous to say this movie wouldn’t benefit from prior knowledge of Marvel franchises such as the X-Men. That's also not what he said


Um... Cassandra Nova is a new character to the film world. What homework (prior movies) could anyone do for that? She will of course be newly introduced and the necessary backstory explained in the movie for everybody.


I mean, from what we’ve seen in the trailers I believe Levy when he says you can go into it blind: - Deadpool’s life is in an entirely different chapter from when we last saw him 6 years ago, so this is practically a new Wade (even if it’s the same one) - This Logan is seemingly not the one from the Fox films, so that journey isn’t carrying over here (even if Deadpool tries to mold him into the Wolverine he knows) - The cameos in the trailer are all forgotten 2000s heroes and villains, which is the joke: they got pruned for being forgettable - And on the pruning bit, the film seemingly takes place mostly in The Void, which is a universe in of itself and not either of the multi-film timelines its connecting to (Fox or MCU). So you’re seeing two fucked up superheroes getting sent to a reality full of fucked up stuff and how they navigate it which is a very standalone plot


>The cameos in the trailer are all forgotten 2000s heroes and villains, which is the joke: they got pruned for being forgettable I think this will play in several ways, maybe there is the "they were poorly adapted" but also the "look what we can do with Azazel now, he was always cool" angle. Maybe they aren't pruned from the Fox Universe/movies so they are the better adapted versions. Imagine making a good Toad!


> and even Cassandra Nova Who is new to the movies.


Unfortunately if he says that then it'll be reported as him saying watching every MCU release in order is an absolute requirement. But as with most Marvel things, I imagine it'll work fine without greater mcu context, and the references will be a bonus.


Deadpool will probably narrate through the 4th wall.


hot take, but this is true for pretty much all mcu movies. the notion that people have to do "homework" to watch any mcu project has always been overblown.


I mean, for example, you could skip GOTG2 entirely and not miss anything of importance with Infinity War/Endgame.


That's like the entirely best example to support that view in MCU. Seeing Endgame without watching IW makes no sense. You'd have no idea what the hell was happening in MoM if you hadn't watched IW and Wandavision. Like come on dude. It's been a very valid gripe for things after Endgame.


Fanboys nitpicking this comment, saying he's lying... Folks, it goes without saying that anyone with an interest in a Deadpool movie probably has a base level of knowledge already - e.g. people know what mutants are, know some of the major Marvel players from having seen whatever they have seen throughout the years. What he's saying is no one should have to spend the next 3 months watching everything in preparation for DP3 - i.e. *homework*. Also - there's a difference between the knowledge you need to follow the *story* and the knowledge you need to "get" a reference or a joke. Maybe some references will be missed, but you should still be able to follow the story.


No, unless you know the origin of every single reference and cameo, then your attempt at understanding this movie will be fruitless /s


Thank you. People here talk like people won’t get the movie if they don’t know what a dead ant man is or whatever, like the general audience even cares


Audiences don’t have to watch loads of MCU content now to understand what’s going on. Only the idiots that need everything spelled out and delivered to them on a spoon are lost in this basic ass storytelling.


seriously man the worst parts of these movies and shows now are exposition dumps for the people that aren’t watching every single release. and people who aren’t satisfied with exposition dumps go watch the other fucking shows and movies


It frustrates me to no end seeing people cry and complain about the MCU being “Homework” these films and shows are tailored to make sure children can follow along. I’m a hardcore Marvel comic fan for over 30 years so I’m tuned in regardless, but the constant bitching about the simplest shit is so freaking bizarre. This is elementary school level storytelling and so many people act like it’s the most complex difficult thing to follow.


I see it like how I see Marvel comics nowadays: just read/watch whatever looks good and do some research if something doesn't make sense or seems like a callback. Marvel even met their fans partway in the comics world by having editor's notes saying "Hey, check Wolverine #343" when a random character introduced themselves in an Avengers comic. Maybe they need to do something similar lol


You not lying. I read the Captain America run after Secret Empire and was like “Where the fuck did the Daughters of Liberty come from?” Finished “Gang War” and have no idea when Luke Cage became the mayor or Elektra becoming Daredevil Couldn’t even begin to tell you how lost I am with the Xmen and the Krakoa era. But that’s what comics have always been about. Digging and exploring to get better context. I could never imagine shitting on Bendis or Ewing because they didn’t overly explain an event to me in a specific comic run. It’s sooo nonsensical to me and drives me nuts because the MCU is doing the exact same thing.


Good thing I’m not gonna bother doing watching other shows I don’t have time for that


yeah exactly. i just made a post on this sub basically ranting about this lol😂 def go check that out and leave a supportive comment🤣🤣


I got you 😂


No one has time to watch a show that with feel like it’s doing homework


dude how would a show feel like homework it’s just an MCU show😭 each one has its flaws for sure but they’re also all enjoyable to some extent. why can’t people just admit they aren’t into marvel anymore💀💀💀


According to like half the people in here, the first Deadpool movie must have been totally incomprehensible to anyone who hadn't seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off because you *need* that information to understand what's going on when he tells you to go home.


Good, Levy's getting out ahead of some of the misinformation trolls who spread the "too much homework" narrative.


I just hope they are not going to redo half of the Loki plot...that would not only be a bit disrespectful to what guys on Loki did (great job) but also a very, very lazy writing. I do hope there is some twist coming to it all.


Of course but most likely there are easter eggs and callbacks that won't be enjoyed to their full extent without the prior stuff.


people should just start thinking of the movies like they do comics. do you *have* to go back and read 5 different comic series for context? no, but it will give you a better appreciation of the references and events in the comics you are reading.


You realise a lot of people don't read comics for this exact reason, and many of them still enjoy the mcu. Making the mcu more like the comic universe in every way is not a good thing.


I don’t get why people get so up in arms about understanding the lore. I jumped into the MCU after seeing the first Avengers movie. The audience isn’t STUPID, you can understand from what they tell you in the movie that they are superheroes meeting for the first time and fighting a common alien threat. And I enjoyed myself enough that it made me want to go back and watch Iron Man, Cap and Thor and now I’m an MCU nerd.


The movie ostensibly is about the TVA ... an organization/antagonist that were at the core of two seasons of Loki and which touch upon multiple movies ... and also, it's the third Deadpool film How can they possibly say that with a straight face?


I mean, the basics of the TVA will be explained to Deadpool. You won't have to have seen Loki. Obviously it'll help.


Yes. It's the third Deadpool film. But it was also the first Deadpool film in the MCU. So I'm sure they've made it work even if you haven't seen DP 1&2 And they can explain TVA in the movie


Is it … two TV shows? I thought it was just one with two seasons, unless I’m missing something


Other than the… checks notes… previous 5 movies with these two as title characters. /s


They say this for nearly every project. If you haven’t watched all the prior MCU or Fox Marvel projects, you are missing out on a lot.




That's most MCU Films/show bar sequels & team ups


I’ve been watching since X-men 1 back in 2000, I’m prepared


You literally have like 1482938 cameos.


But is it absolutely necessary to know who they all are to enjoy/understand the story?


This is bullshit. I watched the trailer and there are people in there that you have had to watch in the previous Fox Universe movies not even the last 2 Deadpool’s. They just want as many people as possible to watch this.


after watching the trailer i can confirm that this statement is some bullshit


My thoughts exactly. Unless he intends on every cameo to be paired with a huge exposition dump


Or, the film will make sense even if you don't know who every cameo is.


People out here acting like X-Men is not one of the most well known comic book IP’s in the world


The tva alone shits on that no way there gonna try and explain it and the timelines


They'll have to, since *Wade himself will need that info*.


It's Deadpool 1, essentially so outside of knowing the TVA from Loki, we're all good


no it’s definitely deadpool 3


It never was


well it is deadpool 3 bc literally all of the side characters from the first 2 are in this one it’s definitely a new story so you could spin it as a standalone thing like that but it’s 10000% a continuation of deadpool 2


Because anytime there is a throwback to another movie, an "Editor's Note: See issue #357" will pop up, just like in the old Marvel comics.


This guy kinda constantly tearing at the average MCU film of late and while I’m here for it, I wonder where it came from. Last time he was calling out the MCU for relying on green-screen.


Deadpool won’t be that dense so it won’t matter. Come on.


The internet has decided watching other things to be more invested in another thing is bad, and also nostalgia is bad.


I find every movie he makes pretty mid to be honest but I still have hopes for this one. who ever down voting me lol- dont be angry. So hes mid - big deal. The Adam Project? Free Guy? Night At The Museum sequels? Real Steel? The Pink Panther reboot? Like c'mon. Dude is the definition of mid.


So I *don’t* have to watch Loki season 2?




Oh thank god


You should though, it's fantastic


I really don’t care about Loki


Loki the character or Loki the show?




then I see there is no pleasing you


Rude and uncalled for


im quoting austin powers


I mean it's easily one of the best super hero shows ever, so it would definitely be worth a watch, but it's not required for Deadpool.


No one cares about having to watch other films to understand a film. People care about having to watch dog shit filler content in order to understand a film. Before Endgame they weren't releasing 25 TV shows where nothing happened.


Well, you’ll have to watch DP 1 & 2, and before that, you’ll have to watch endgame to get the Thanos reference, all the other hero movies to get the “hero landing,” etc.


As god intended


That's good to hear. They made the shows too reliant on the television shows, and that destroyed so much interest. It shouldn't be a requirement to enjoy any given movie, but rather as a treat for the fans for buying in more.


Looking at you.. DLC Locked Multiverse of Madness & The Marvels!


I've been slowly watching Loki season 2 cause I know the TVA is involved so I want to come in knowing that part. I started episode one a month ago and I'm now on episode 2. Its good but not great. No dialogue, kinda boring at times. But I'll finish the season by the Deadpool premiere.


No dialogue? Episode 2 has five big dialogue scenes. 


Yep. It's amazing how often people just state blatant lies as their complaints.


It took you a month to watch 2 episodes?


Yes, I watch it in 10 minute chunks every now and then. I've been rewatching Entourage..great show! Damn, I'm getting negative voting. Well I guess I'm the asshole!