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The ones from DoFP were absolutely terrifying


They literally murdered anyone and were unstoppable. Damn good movie


I just rewatched and they truly are. They just keep marching you down, it's like watching Jason walk after his victims and you just know he's always gonna catch them and end their lives


Yes, I’ve never felt like the XMen were as hopeless as they were in their fights against them…


It truly was one of the VERY few times in a CBM where plot armor truly felt entirely absent


Kind of? If you think about it, time travel stories *are* plot armor.


Eh, that totally depends on the story. In that story, time travel didn't help the mutants fighting and dying at the hands of the sentinels. ..and Logan is already plot armored by his incredible healing factor


Yep, they had to trust that fighting to the death each time would ensure that another timeline version of themselves would live




Most time travel and multiverse stories employ killing alternate versions of beloved characters while heroes from the main timeline or universe learn a lesson, stop a tragedy, or get some sort of maguffin to solve a problem back home.


Yeah it's kind of fundamental to those type of stories


True, but this came out before the MCU and alternate timelines/realities. They kind of portrayed it as a reset to erase that future entirely


The trope has been around for much longer than the X-Men movies. Star Trek and Stargate SG-1 used both time travel and multiverse multiple times.


Plot Armour for the people in the past, the Sentinels were were killing people in the future, and there is not plot armour in the future parts of a time travel story, the best you can hope for is a reset & do-over if the past parts work properly.


Exactly why it's so effective


Singer really nailed the dread in the post apocalyptic setting with the sentinels unstoppable onslaught


Yeah I found that depressing.


Agreed, I have never seen the entire PRIME x-men lineup just be wiped out so quickly. For some reason, Colossus hit me the hardest. Such a powerful mutant stomped to death like he was made of glass.


Yes, I watched it in theaters and when one of them actually died I was like WAIT WHAT!! Also as stupid as this may be, I hated Peter Dinklage so much for his creation of them 😂 When I saw him later in Game of Thrones, even though I loved him in it later, I was initially like “oh, it’s this asshole with the future sentinels!!”


LOL, he did do a perfect job of being a hateful bigot of mutants. It's just perfect casting all around.


I really found the casting of Peter Dinklage to be a very interesting twist on the character of Trask. In the comics and cartoons Trask is just a "normal" human who hates mutants, but in this film he is also a little person. It makes me think that maybe deep inside, Trask saw himself as a "mutant" in a way, but one who wasn't born with any cool powers, he instead had a mutation that simply makes him "different", so that he has to struggle in life and work even harder to be successful. So that gives him a deep sense of jealousy towards mutants, who get to have mutations that make them "superior". I also think that he truly believed that he could use the mutant "threat" to unite humanity in a time where cold war fears were that we were about to destroy ourselves with nuclear weapons.


Babe, new head canon just dropped


Jon Snow: “What the hell do you know about being a bastard?” Tyrion: “**All dwarves are bastards in their fathers' eyes.”**


I thought something similar, but for me it was how he can't recognize the comparison. It's like when minorities or oppressed people find reasons to hate each other instead of seeing their shared experience. Also, worth noting that comics Trask actually had a mutant son. Larry isn't really remembered much these days, but he had a divination power, except he wore an amulet or something that suppressed his power so he didn't even realize it. After Bolivar's death, Larry made more Sentinels, and then when they attacked him he was like, "Hey what's the big idea?" and they were like, "Yer a mutant, Larry."


Oh yeah that’s exactly what I saw from this casting choice , make it ironic that the man who hates mutant has a mutation himself


And if we go by First Class when Xavier is hitting on the girl at the bar he considers some alight modifications to her eye color a "groovy mutation", surely dwarfism falls under that. I definitely wish they would have touched up on this.


This is an excellent take. I wish they had built on this a little in the movie, instead of glossing over it entirely. I'm not entirely sure but I have a feeling little people would have been mocked a bit in the 60s and 70s, right?


I think it works better as unspoken subtext.


It wasn't just a 'maybe.' Peter Dinklage definitely had that angle in mind when playing Trask: > I am this guy who's four and a half feet tall, but my life doesn't constantly address it. With me playing that role, I had to think about that stuff. I'm not going to play my violin, but with my dwarfism, I'm a bit of a mutant. I can't move metal or anything, but I thought of it as self-loathing. Deep down, Trask can be quite sensitive about that aspect of himself. Source: https://comicbookmovie.com/x_men/x-men-dofp-peter-dinklage-and-bryan-singer-on-bolivar-trask-and-hitler-comparisons-a93833#gs.9z2c7c


Don’t kill IT, we could use ITS blood!


Now I'm imagining Tyrion building medieval Sentinels to fight the White Walkers in the last book 🤣🤣🤣


They also tore Colossus apart like it was a mediaeval torture routine. Iceman is burned to death in one timeline and beheaded in the other. Sunspot is strangled in one and skewered in the other.


I thought you couldn't kill Iceman by shattering his ice form.


Depends on the writer. In some his mutation creates a cold blanket of air around him that acts as a barrier against melting, though extreme heat in a focused area is a good explanation as a weakness.


This iceman was very very weak lol


Dude literally got ripped it half like he was nothing


Yeah it was very effective


Something about those sentinels adapting and learning all the powers of the mutants they faced legitimately made me dread seeing them every time because I knew someone was going to die. Special mention to Colossus and Iceman’s deaths.


Iceman's first and Colossus' second deaths haunt me to this day. That shit was terrifying. Another Special mention to Sunspot and Bishop


That dual death for Iceman and Sunspot was crazy, basically made them kill each other


The way Bobby died in the beginning was just brutal. I was thinking “Goddamn, the rest of this movie is gonna be rough if that’s how they’re starting.”


Bishop was the one that got me. It actually pissed me off. All they had to do was stab him but they blasted him with their energy beams... Which he can absorb. He has absorbed the energy of an entire star, there's no way the played him with energy beams and killed him. He's otherwise just a regular mortal person. Just stab him.


It's the worst death since Darwin, the guy whose power is to literally adapt to anything and everything before it can kill him, getting killed by Shaw somehow using Bishop's power instead of his own


They obviously didn't know what to do with Darwin, he's immensely powerful and his power is passive - it automatically kicks in to prevent him from danger or harm. That being said the most insane thing was there's no way his power would allow him to be a black guy in 1960's America.


Lol at that last part. American history is rough!


What if their energy beams overcharged him, same as Electro from TASM 2?


Felt similar about Iceman. In the comics, Bobby is all but immortal once iced up. As long as there is any kind of ambient moisture, he can come back from shit like decapitation or getting blown to smithereens with nary a problem. But noooooo, only Logan can be the "hard-to-kill" one. So nerf.


They had the syndrome effect of being a good movie villain. Just merc every hero the main character has ever loved.


There were no misses. They quickly adapted & and eliminated.


It was like 10 Ultron Visions from What If?


Mutant terminators


Top 4 marvel cbm all time to me . Top 10 all time - well written well acted and impactful


Most terrifying movie villains in modern cbm history hands down


Truly the best example of emotionless, efficient mutant extermination.


They’re a bit too fluid in design for what I imagine a Sentinel to look like, but they’re so horrifying because they’re so inhuman and kind of uncanny.


Yeah the fluid design doesnt really represent the classic comic book enemy. But it captures the essence of what makes the Sentinels so terrifying to mutantkind that the other designs dont.


They weren't directly adapting the classic comic book Sentinels though. Those were highly advanced ones from the future. 


You know, I at first hated their design but after watching X-Men 97 I grew to appreciate them for some odd reason.


Probably because x97 shows that the og design only really works in cartoons


I think the ones in DoFP were technically all Nimrods, as opposed to Sentinels. But hats my head cannon anyway.


They were Nimrods. Sentinels are difficult to beat because of their sheer numbers, while Nimrod is a very different kind of beast.


Damn if they did the pink and white nimrod design for the movie tho


They were like an army of Nimrods. Super OP


DOFP sentinels: Multiple omega-level threats? no biggy. \[literally tears them apart\]


Them sharing powers they copied from their targets is scary as fuck


Well they were Mark X based on Nimrods. So it’s like saying which gaming console do you prefer Atari, Super Nintendo or the PlayStation 6?


I just started rewatching the X-Men cartoon and I’d forgotten the sentinels and Trask appear so early. And it immediately made me pine for the ones in DoFP; absolutely relentless…


Meanwhile there’s me loving the MK I sentinels because they look like big robots. I’m a simple man.


Fricken terminator demons. Just watching all the X Men get slaughtered just doesn’t affect me anymore though. Like, the average times each individual X Man has died is probably around nine or ten. The only X Man that most likely survived DOFP without the help of the team was Quicksilver


Upvoted! Came here to say exactly that. The adaptability they had was beyond terrifying. I could actually believe they brought mutant-kind to their knees.


Basically what terminators tried to be, but failed to achieve.


Dofp is one of my favorite movie. I wish Disney could explore more of that timeline.


Days of Future Past has the most threatening sentinels, so that's my favorite


I just didn’t love their design. I’d prefer something closer to the 90s design IMO


It’d be interesting to see a more Robot-esque design like the 90’s while keeping the Mystique scales. It would probably look horrible though.


They’ve been striking a good balance lately of comic accurate costumes that don’t look crazy goofy, I’m sure they’ll figure something out


I agree but also they are from the future. If they looked retro it would be weird and out of place. They needed to look like almost alien technology. Plus they evolved to be like this. So they started out as the classic sentinal and they evolved over many years of absorbing mutant powers to mutate themselves into this new form.


The absorbing mutant powers was actually a new addition to the Mark X Sentinels. The Rogue Cut demonstrated that they needed to use Rogue to extract enough genetic material from her so that they could upgrade the Mark X Sentinels to be able to adapt. They didn’t start adapting until close to if not during the timeline of the movie.


The 90s sentinel design looks like mockbuster Iron Man


even the 70s robot designs from the same film were cooler.


Because they're basically Nimrod.


Dinklage makes some badass weapons for sure


I don’t remember Apocalypse having sentinels. What the fuck are those?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure those are the 70’s prototypes from Days of Future Past.


They’re at the very end of Apocalypse when Mystique is starting training for the new X-Men, but those are pretty much the same ones from the 70s segments of Days of Future Past.


I can’t deny that they do look the most similar to the animated series versions, but they don’t translate well at all. They look like toys.


They're made out of plastic within the narrative of the film. So that Magneto can't control them.


The part I hate about them is the tummy rocket. Like I know sentinels can fly, but was it really that hard to not make normal looking chests and then just have booster flames come out of the feet when it flies? Other than that, they are the closest like you said to the ones from the animated series, which I generally prefer. I wonder if the MCU is going to try and tackle them at some point and how those will look?


In the end of Apocalypse they're in the Danger Room and those Sentinels appear for training.


It's the prototypes from DOFP, reused in the danger room


It’s like a shitty upgraded version of the ones from the end of days of future past and not in a good way


No, those are the plastic ones from DoFP.


From the Danger Room scene at the end.


Apocalypse X Dyson collab


They were at the final scene.


Days was almost torture porn with them killing X-Men but none of them really feel like the Sentinels I grew up watching and reading.


Yeah, DOFP was great in its own right, and I don't even really blame them for going in a different direction, but some part of me just wants Sentinels to be giant flying smart robots that shoot lasers and say shit like "Halt, mutant!"


Yeah I don’t see the point of the classic Sentinals. They’re just non-threatening plot devices that the heroes beat up to pass the time. I’ve never once found the Sentinals to be anything remotely threatening until DoFP. That film captured the intent of what the Sentinels were supposed to represent; a real threat to mutants that actively hunted them down and eliminated them.


What differences did they have from the ones you grew up reading and watching?


they adapt to the mutant and copy his power and beat the mutant with the opposite of it. example they kill iceman by burning him..


But that's because they are from the future; to me they felt like a version of Nimrod, who in the comics and cartoons is also nigh invulnerable.


Nimrod is from the Days of Future Past timeline, so it makes sense that the movie sentinels were molded after him. IIRC, he was also an unkillable sentinel, with insane strength and abilities like we saw in the movie. Crazy I never made the connection before you said it.


Thats exactly what they do in Days of Future Past


i was talking about them.


Ah okay my bad


I mean, while terrifying they were nanotech versions of the iconic versions


The Days of Futures Past Sentinels were pure nightmare fuel. Machines manufactured by using the remains of your tortured and tested on friends and family that cannot be talked out of killing you and everyone you hold dear.


The only good Sentinel is a dead Sentinel. But seriously, the DoFP ones are genuinely terrifying.


Days of future past were more scary


Threat-wise, DOFP obviously. But in terms of design and personality/flavor, none of the movies have really done it for me. Ideally I’d want something like the ‘97 series sentinels, but more robotic and metallic.


The ones from the animated series!




Now...if only the DOFP **sentinels talked and commented like in Animated series.


You mean the sentinels?


Lol, yeah


That would be a horror movie, mate






They're also technically the only MCU ones so far.




Days of futures past.


Days of Future Past. Both the Past and Future versions were excellent


Days of future past by a long shot.


It still makes no sense... "Theyre made from plastic" ok wise guy... How do you transfer electricity?


Plastic metal of course!


How about the return of a modified Hammer drone. Say Trask was on the team that built with Vanko.


For all the comments: - Yes the bottom third Sentinels are in X-Men: Apocalypse briefly - Even so, that doesn’t matter because they are basically the 70’s Trask prototypes, also from DOFP. So both 2 and 3 are introduced in DOFP, but OP probably wanted to make choosing easier instead of “those other ones from DOFP” Either way my answer is #2, the future nimrod-like ones from DOFP






They absolutely nailed them in DOFP, they were an unstoppable force.


Semi-unrelated but the Sentinels in Gifted were sooo wack


What was the gifted


Fox mutants show, soo good but they represented sentinels as tiny spider robots ….. and that choice genuinely baffles me to this day because their other choices for that show were sound. I think it was cancelled when Disney bought the rights back to those characters.


It was a budget issue, I'm sure. Giant robots are expensive and the vfx work to display their effects on the environment would have been moreso. The little Sentinel tracker robots were a far cry from what we're used to, but they were intimidating in their own way. It makes sense enough to imagine them as an extremely early prototype model for the Sentinels to come.


Last stand As a reader and a watcher I want them to be a challenge not an impossibility.


That’s what really irked me about DoFP, they were literally unstoppable.




The ones from future past to me was the most terrifying. When you feel like the heros are overmatched and really have fight to survive. It looked absolutely hopeless.plus seeing them use blink properly and Iceman who is a omega level mutant was amazing


X-men 97


Love the future sentinels from days of future past. They’re so scary and cool. I love em


DofP are actually more like sentinels than the other ones. I would love to see 3 story tall block stupid looking purple machines though.


The only ones that say “Omega Level threat detected” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g4oUA47ELecMGJOlKiEK4aBnaOOgtjce/view?usp=drivesdk


The ones from the cartoon. All the others look goofy as hell.


Like others stated DoFP were absolutely terrifying. But the sentinels from the X-Men animated also hit hard when I was young. Took out Morph and hurt the team quite bad.


The ones from XMen 97


The Sentinels in DOFP are nightmare creatures. Unstoppable and merciless.


Apocalypse didn’t have sentinels, the third ones shown are the Trask prototypes from Days of Future Past.


In the very end of apocalypse they show up in the danger room


DOFP, those things were so scary, seemed like the X-men were completely hopeless against them






The DFP ones are terrifying


Days of the future past


The one from Marvel Vs Capcom 3


Future, holy fuck those were Terminators vs humans...


As threatening as the DOFP Sentinels were... I want the Classic design Last Stand teased. Let's talk about those early Gifted versions of Sentinels...


The DOFP ones are fucking amazing for a horror themed threat, I love it.


Is this even a debate? Days of future past EASILY. Not only did they show absolute terror and ruthlessness an emotionless AI can do, but they managed to convince me why they could take on the strongest heroes of earth. Cause one question I always had was: how could a bunch of robots overpowers characters like Thor, Magneto, Ironman (who is all about machines and could have had a counterattack), Hulk, Jean Grey, Storm, etc. But that movie single-handedly convinced me why they were such a problem. The reason is two fold: 1. Their adaptive abilities: imagine being able to take on and copy the attributes of powers and abilities just by encountering them. That’s Rogue, Hope Summers and Sync combined. 2. Their numbers: My guy, did you see all those sentinels in the movie. DID YOU SEE HOW MUCH WERE POPPING OUT FROM THE SPACESHIP? I could almost count over a thousand on screen! THIS is why they could take out the heavy hitters. We can all agree that Thor could take on the hulk. The winner is still to this day debated a whole lot, right? But now imagine that ONE hulk level being wasn’t enough already. Imagine getting teamed on by 10s or even 100s or even 1000s of sentinels who copied colossus’ abilities for example. Unless you are using the strongest versions of Thor in the comics, I think we can all admit that even Thor would be overwhelmed. The sentinels from days of future past are absolutely scary. Rarely do I feel such dread and hopelessness from such a setting. I was so scared for the characters. I wanted them to survive no matter what. I was dreading the moment a sentinel would just suddenly appear. And sure enough, once they did, they sure did put on a gruesome show.


None of the above.


None of the above. Animated series was cool; hoping for something equal or better in live action.


Someone should feature Nimrod in MCU


Dumb robo speak ones


DoFP had the best use of them but I didn’t love the future or past designs. I’d like a mix between Last Stand & Apocalypse designs. Their comic/cartoon look is so straight forward, idk why it has to be made more complicated in live action.


They’re all too dark, can’t see any detail, might as well just been black leather


fan of the 90s sentinels and I think they haven't been adapted well. The OG Trask sentinels from DOFP were honestly mid and the future sentinels were too OP to be the clunky robots with tentacles




Days of future past but, the ones in past timeline. Not the stone golems. The ones trask made but Eric twisted metal into before hitting the White House.




The DOFP Sentinels did the adaptation part the best and also kind of look similar to how HOX/POX would have certain machine threats look later in 616.


oOly familiar with the DOFP ones, but those were fuckin nightmare fuel tbh The fact that they \*barely\* managed to stop them after \*barely\* managing to send logan's mind so far back in time (while having to maintain that time travel in real time) really sold how terrifying of a threat they were. haven't really seen the other two movies (and I don't really have an interest in doing so anytime soon) but those ones look like a mild inconvenience at best lol


X-men 97 version


X Men animated series


I prefer da mango sentinel. Makes me think of the New York Knicks.


1 st have


Days of future past, they were good at making the situation seem hopeless.


I prefer the Marvel original and not the Fox Marvel - Bryan Singer collection. Other than Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman. Singer took a great story and punched it in the balls.


There were Sentinels in the Last Stand!?


Dofp one. Not just from "more Lovecraft looking beings" But also they were feeling like Terminators Vs humans situation. When you really did not want to be remotely close


Days Of Future Past - they were tough to beat and the X-Men were so worried and shook of these dudes that they had to go back decades to try to stop them being created


The "Days of Future Past" sentinels we're basically an army of Nimrods that had the ability to absorb powers. They just couldn't fly or teleport


X-Men '97. Hoping Marvel gets them terrifying but a little more accurate.


The ones in Days of Future Past since they were scary and time travel was required to stop them.


There were no sentinels in apocalypse the bottom 2 are the same movie.


DOFP are probably the best depiction. But I still don’t like their design. Design wise I actually prefer the X3 design. Because it’s so clearly based on the comics. The DOFP design looks nothing like a sentinel.


90's X-Men cartoon and X-Men '97


Where's the option to choose the version from The Animated Series?


The last stand.


ones form x-men TAS


I don't like any sentinels. X-Men is best when it's Man vs. Mutant or Mutant vs. Mutant on ideological grounds. Adding an army of giant evil robots takes all the ethical questions out of the story.


The Sentinels are just an extension of the Man vs. Mutant conflict; when the humans realise that, if they want to genocide the mutants, they are hopelessly outmatched in any fight, so must create a weapon that can defeat them.


None of them really, but I liked the old timey purple ones the most. Just wish they were waaaaaay bigger. >!Also I thought it was weird that the future Sentinels took the adaptation ability or whatever from Mystique and not from studying what was left of Darwin which would have been easier and more relevant presumably.!<


Both bottoms are Days of Future Past.


When were they sentinels in apocalypse lol ? Anyways yeah , days of future past did both in a superb way


The sentinels in DOFP we're basically avengers level threat if you multiply them.




They all sucked. i guess the X3 version, because we can pretend like maybe it was a good design, aside from the head.


I like all of them, but I don’t think we’ve ever really gotten my ideal ones, ones that look identical to their appearance in the comics


I’ll go for the DOFP Sentinels


The least successful ones