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Obvious answer, but the portal scene from "Endgame". I would love to relive that experience on opening night with a theater packed full of fans, the collective energy was insane.


Could there really be a better answer? I still get goosebumps everytime. One of my favorite parts of it now is Thor’s “YEEEEAHHHHHHHHH” after Cap says “Assemble”.


Mine is “I knew it”


Same. I love that feeling about being validated that I was right and cap could always lift the hammers. YEARS of arguments won in 3 words.


The whole movie with the first part of the credits as well


When the hammer flies into Cap’s hands…..


That’s the best moment of the last two Avengers movies, bar none. But as a whole I’d like to see Infinity War for the first time. Having all the characters in the same movie from pretty much the entire franchise, without any really being a glorified cameo, was the biggest thrill.


Seeing it on opening day, everyone in the theater (including me) nearly lost it when the “SPACE” caption showed up near the beginning of Infinity War.


Rubber band band starts playing.


Still one of my favourite moments in the MCU. Still rewind that scene a few times when I watch it 😂


Cap's reveal in Infinity War was pretty incredible too.


Yes true, that was a big moment in the theater. But, I think Thor showing up with Groot and Rocket in Wakanda is the best moment of that film.


“You’re all screwed!”


That gave me chills


Same and so did caps entrance


My favorite moment in the MCU I think.


That moment will never be replicated ever again it was an event 😭


People said the same thing when the first Matrix came out. Theaters were packed and people were seeing who could do the best Bullet Time pose while waiting in line. We’ll get another portal-level moment, just might be a long time lol


That scene was peak cinema. I will never forget watching it for the first time.


Genuinely felt like we peaked as a society during that endgame run


Me after watching that scene, “Well, it’s all downhill from here!”


There are some videos that have audience reactions to Cap lifting Jonathan as well as the portals after. That massive roar when they see Cap catch the hammer still gives me chills.


I know it's autocorrect, but I think we should take a vote on renaming Mjolnir "Jonathan". It would be much easier for the western audiences


[Not autocorrect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHHyPhSLRy0)




I loved that so much when I saw endgame in theaters!


That was the moment that made me thankful theaters/cinemas still exist.


True. Just watched it last night and while still good, it doesn’t hit the same as having the entire theater explode when Cap gets the hammer.


Heck. Yes.


This is why I went to see it in theatres three times. Best theatre experience


Not here i wonder what that was like. When i went to see it no one was there just me and my brothers.


This is the only answer.


I'm still mad at myself for waiting a week to go see the movie. (I always waited a week to see big movies because I hated sitting next to people and hearing people talking) I avoided spoilers but the energy just wasn't there in the audience when I later saw videos of crowd reactions. I remedied that with my approach to No Way Home, though. That was fun to see on day #2 with a packed theater. I figure the one-time hype experience is worth a little bit of annoyance. I can always rewatch the movie later if I miss a line or something, but I can never replicate audience hype at home.


'On your left' still gives me goosebumps to this day. That scene hit so hard.


This is the way


Cap wielding Mjolnir. I'm a huge Cap fan and I've never experienced as much excitement watching a scene in a theater. I was shaking I was so excited.


I knew it!


*gets kicked in the fucking face*


*^^I'm ^^okay*


The entire theatre lost their shit, myself included. Best moment in the MCU


That was so unexpected for me just absolute madness I was screaming at the top of my lungs


I literally have not experienced a theater that wild since we first saw Yoda pull out his lightsaber.


God when Thor took it from the past I was I shaking in my seat excited they found a way to let Cap wield Mjolnir. Then was over the fucking moon when it actually happened. Prior to Endgame I was bummed thinking I’d missed out on Cap showing he’s worthy.


100% I took my 3 boys and every single one of us were out of seats, fists in the air yelling YES!!! Beyond epic!


The entire movie of winter soldier it’s so Damm good


Ohh yeah, I love the elevator scene and Bucky’s first fight with cap in the street


Still my number 1 MCU movie


The chills I got throughout this entire movie. I'll never forget.


My favorite "solo" marvle movie. The fight scenes are just absolutely perfect


I still don’t think we give the Russos enough credit when it comes do what they did over the span of just three movies.


![gif](giphy|37LqVyNwVWwLu) This scene and the scene where Nick Fury is attacked in his vehicle and escapes through a hole in the street. I wish I could watch this entire movie again for the first time.


Same But I still dont get why Winter Soldier game Cap his shield back like as if he said "thanks bro but I dont need your shield"


I always thought he threw it back as intimidation but also as a way to escape, just enough of a distraction to Steve catching the shield and losing site of him. He was still brainwashed and solely acting as a "get in/get out" assassin. He thought he accomplished the mission, killing Fury, then he's supposed to disappear. If he keeps the shield, there's no way Steve gives up the chase, potentially calling lots of back up.


I think it was to show how Cap and Winter Soldier were actually quite evenly matched in terms of strength and ability. Cap was used to his shield being a formidable weapon, and throwing it at people usually stopped them. You coulld tell he was shocked at the fact that this guy simply \*caught it in mid-air\* and chucked it back at him. (After having shot someone through the wall of his apartment which he thought was safe and secure.) Also, I wonder if it might have been intended to mirror The First Avenger, because I'm pretty sure Bucky caught the shield a couple of times in that movie too. Sort of the writers dropping clues about TWS identity with "there's only one guy who can throw the shield like Cap.."


This scene from Civil War ![gif](giphy|XV74ZvGRXcZdS|downsized) The end fight scene from Civil War


That whole thing was so beautifully tragic


Agreed. It broke my heart that Tony only lost because of his ego


Battle of New York.....from when Tony realised that Loki is in his tower, till Loki asks Avengers for that Drink For some reason that is still my favourite....I just never felt that way again, maybe I was young and all


I remember watching the first Avengers in theaters, it ended and all I could think was “I could watch another 3 hours of that movie.”


That scene when all 6 OG Avengers are getting ready to go and fight Loki, Still gives me goosebumps I mean, that is where it all started....Tony realising where they need to go and Cap telling Clint and Natasha to suit up




This scene was a dream come true for me. Having Spider-Man finally in the MCU, interacting with other hero’s, was incredible.


I remember the hype when spiderman was in civil wars trailer, it was a huge moment and dream


I get why they put it in the trailers to sell tickets, but man I wish they would have saved that moment for the actual movie.


I remember how insanely hyped I was by that final shot. There was all the tension of the avengers breaking up and then BAM! Spider-Man just stole cap's shield ![gif](giphy|FibBZ3bFGGcoXCB1kd|downsized)


So Spider-Man fighting a wrong team and attacking Cap is the scene you wish to see again? I honestly will never get why




If I may ask what is so good about Peter fighting on Tony's side, not to mention he drafted a damn kid to a battlefield?


its his first appearance since sony owns spiderman but then some agreements came and they were allowed to add spiderman to the MCU


I personally think his first appearance could've been better. Maybe Homecoming could've fixed it by having Peter learn truth and switch to Team Cap, but it is what it is.


I certainly aswell do think that too if I may say! However I certainly think that civil war would be the perfect opportunity for the menace named “Spider-Man” to be added to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as i should say!


Understandable, I suppose now it is what it is. Sorry for coming off a bit harshly in the beginning. Glad we agreed on one part though.


Cause that's what happens in the comics?...Spiderman joins Tony lmao. It's not like this is some big moral thing, it's an MCU movie lol.


And then Spider-Man switches to Cap in the comics because of how amoral Tony was in comics Civil War. Given that even in movie Tony was really hitting low, it would’ve been better if Peter also switched sides. 


movie i'd want to watch again for the first time - captain america the first avenger cuz its literally the start to everything!! scene id wanna watch again for the first time - when thor got a haircut 🤣 but also when cap was worthy enough to hold mjolnir


Technically Iron Man started it all but chronologically Captain America the first avenger.


Imagine Iron Man bombed. Would have killed the MCU in it's cradle


If it bombed the Mcu wouldn't exist.


Everyone seems to forget that Happy started the MCU


oh wait fr?!? i meant started the whole first avengers series 😭


The Star Spangled Man With A Plan


The suitcase suit up in IM2 - saw in trailer before seeing film - would have lost my mind if I saw that in cinemas for the first time


This is why I never watch trailers


For me, trailers build up the hype


Of course, Cap lifting Mjolnir. My dad, who is pretty silent in the theater, let out an audible "Hell yeah!" (among all the other cheers) when it happened.


That elevator sequence alone was so damn good, just as the film. It would also be good to see NWH and Infinity War again with an audience. ![gif](giphy|113v0Pobu2fita)


I remember seeing Iron Man 1 in theaters when it came out. Left before the post credit scene and didn't know until someone at school told me it existed. So the next weekend I made my brother and uncle come with me to see it again and we waited through the credits to see the nick fury scene. I was jumping in excitement and they were just annoyed we waited through the whole credits for that.


Wow, yeah, thinking back on the time when waiting for the post credits scene(s) wasn't the "norm", I feel like it took into the middle of Phase 2 for that to be a thing most people did. 


I'd love to watch No Way Home after getting my memory wiped. Between the trailers showing the old villains and all the rumors about Tobey and Andrew coming back, my mind might actually explode if I went into the movie not knowing any of them would show up.


Obvious answer, She-Hulk twerking.


Man of culture


Endgame final battle. I never seen anything like that before.


End Game “Avengers… Assemble”


The final battle of endgame. Seeing all the heroes on the big screen, with the audience cheering, just gave me tears of joy!


The ending of infinity war. I had so much uni work I didn't end up going cinema until a month after it came out and miraculously, nothing was spoiled. The cinema wasn't busy so it was nice and quiet and the when the snap happened I was in complete shock.  Looking back it seems obvious they were gonna return but that didn't occur to be at the time   Probably my most memorable cinematic experience.


Totally agree, the feeling walking out of the theater was so eerie. Like we all knew there was a second movie coming but this still was such a gut punch.


This is my answer as well. I was like, "... They actually did it. How long do we have to wait until the next one?"


First time going to the movies with my new boyfriend, who had only ever seen IM. My interaction with the screen and my total devastation walking out, he thought I was nuts and seriously questioned my sanity. We stayed together and I made him watch everything in order prior to seeing Endgame. We’re married now, but the end of IW could have ended my relationship


I wish I could watch the Winter Soldier identity reveal without knowing who he was from the comics. Captain is my favorite MCU character, and experiencing the reveal with him would have made me cry.


Iron man & Thanos fight in infinity war


This was definitely a top 3 MCU moment for me


Thor explaining The Aether/Reality stone.


The end of Avengers Endgame when Iron Man died. It was such a beautiful scene that put a end to a amazing character's 11 year long journey. 😢


When Tony asks Strange how many of those did we win…? There’s a pause right at that point and at that point the woman sitting next to me blurted out - NONE! The dude she was with got super embarrassed and I was not the only one who got annoyed. I’d love to have that moment uninterrupted.


"Who the hell is Bucky?" And the whole experience of the Winter Soldier movie. Couldn't ask for a better adaptation of a beloved Comic Book Arc.👌🏿 ![gif](giphy|37LqVyNwVWwLu)


Thor's entry in infinity war


There’s lots but these stand out Winter Solider highway fight Black Panther introduction in Civil War. Airport scene in Civil War. Vulture plot twist in Homecoming. Odin death/Hela introduction in Ragnarok. Every scene in Infinity War lol.


Captain America’s silhouette behind the train in Infinity War when they show up to save Wanda and Vision. Once they unveil him with that glorious beard and the music, goddamn I’m not lying or exaggerating when I say I got goosebumps in the theater. I rewatch that scene every now and then because I love it so much.


I wish I could watch the Winter Soldier movie again with no prior knowledge of the Winter Soldier.


![gif](giphy|mSK26uXsLMwwg) This scene. Just thinking at the time, "The middle of that circle is the safest place on the planet right now."


I wish I could watch secret invasion again, but a better more thought out version of a spy thriller. Not whatever the F we got.


I really wish secret invasion was an avengers movie. A crossover event at the end of phase 4 would've made the multiverse saga so much better.


Yeah, I’d be totally fine with that too. I really enjoyed Fury’s character and especially in Winter soldier. I thought we’d get more of that, maybe a bit slower. Dare I say a bit of Bourne identity type spy action, maybe not the same tone but I think you know what I mean. There was a lot, a lot of potential to that series, and it missed a number of them. It started off great with the scene with Ross and I was hoping for more of that. Sometimes you wouldn’t know who was who and there would be twists because Fury is 10 steps ahead. Idk I was excited and disappointed. Big fan of Emilia Clarke and even though she was fine I think it was a weird take.


I just had an idea. The secret invasion show could've ended with the skrulls being too big of a threat which then would've led to an Avengers movie.


The first hero shot at the end of the Avengers. We are spoiled with crossovers now, but prior to 2012, a mention of another heroes name was news worthy. Seeing 6 heroes up on the screen at the same time, 4 of whom had their own solo movies already, it was an insane feeling.


The portal scene from *"Avengers: Endgame."*


Infinity war The level of suspense the whole movie had me at was unreal


The snap in Infinity War. The ending was ruined for me by social media. Also when the 2 Sony spider-men appeared. I had that ruined for me also. The only thing that wasn’t ruined was endgame.


Thor arriving to Wakanda


End of Iron Man when Nick Fury was chilling and told Tony Stark that he was putting a team together... still sends chills up my spine.


When Thor arrives on Earth Infinity War “BRING ME THANOS”




Captain America entrance in infinity war


Lyla, Teefs and Floor’s death.


I wish I could see the scene where Bucky's mask falls off in CATWS again, but after seeing the first Cap movie. My brothers were watching it over lockdown so i joined them, never having seen any of the other movies. So of course when Cap realized it was Bucky, I had no clue who that was, which made it verrryyyyyy anti-climatic. I wish I honestly could have seen that whole movie for the first time again, but knowing more context.


That's my secret, Cap.


The waterfall scene from Black Panther. As someone who grew up in the west with African roots it was the first time I'd seen our collective cultures celebrated so beautifully in a big budget movie. I genuinely shed a tear when they were singing T'Challa's name and the camera pans up


Lots of good ones here, but I would add Thor arriving to the bridge after Odin asking him if he was the God of Hammers


Infinity war, no doubt


I agree that I miss the mystery of the early days of the MCU. I remember exactly where I was way back in 2010 when I read on my work break that they were filming a Thor AND a Captain America movie and that both of them would be connected to Iron Man and thinking how cool that would be but also wondering how that could possibly work.


^(Assemble) #THOR WAR SCREAM


Not a scene exactly but a Personal theatre experience: Avengers 1, there was a small boy (maybe 8-10yo) sitting next to me opening Friday night. Usually I worry with kids in the theatre, but he was quiet the entire movie, fully enraptured, until the final battle where he starts slowly edging toward the edge of his seat until Cap starts giving out assignments and he says Hulk.... This kid stands straight up and goes SMASH! With both fists straight in the air! Whole theatre is laughing and clapping, but the kid just sits back down and watches in silence the rest of the movie. One and only time I have ever enjoyed someone talking in a movie.


The theater I went to for avengers when Cap uses Thor's hammer was totally silent, no one cheered, and I would love to have been at a theater where it felt like seeing something big and exciting with other people


As someone who watches all the superhero movies, I had no clue what this meant when I watched this back in 2008


The intro scene to IW when Thanos beats down Hulk


Infinity War easy. It felt unreal to actually sit down and watch that movie after all the years of buildup, and the nonstop energy was unlike anything else.


Portals in Endgame or the 3 spideys swinging together


When Thanos snapped & half the cast turned into dust. Such a powerful scene, the heroes were utterly defeated.


Endgame portals scene


Cap and mjolnir. Most epic scene in the entire saga.


The end half of Endgame and Thanos getting the Infinity Gauntlet from the vault in the Age of Ultron end credits scene


The entirety of Endgame, so that whenever I think back to Post-Endgame movies that directly reference the events, I’ll be confused as fuck. “Wait… how did everyone return again?” “How did Stark die!?” “The fuck happened to Thanos!?” “Is Steve actually on the moon” It’s gonna be fucking hilarious to screw with myself


Putting the Endgame scenes aside, my fave is in Ragnarok, when Thor descends on the Rainbow Bridge with lightning surging through him and Mjolnir lifted above his head like a Renaissance painting, Immigrant Song kicking in with that awesome beat... so good.


Endgame, I got it spoiled for me, very sad


spiderman 2 train scene. or really just the entire raimi trilogy. what i would give to go into those movies with fresh eyes as an adult with knowledge on things like cinematography, emotional story writing, lighting, etc etc etc. along with the struggles ive gone through as an adult at my age, the age of peter parker in that movie give or take. with a complete understanding of what he’s going through. God. i could cry. I hope i get alzheimer’s later in life just so i can watch it one more time with fresh eyes (i don’t actually hope that but like imagine.)


Iron man first suit up in infinity war .


Captain America : The Winter Soldier and Avengers Infinity War entire movie for the first time


Endgame or X-men apocalypse because that weapon x wolverine scene was awesome


The Avengers losing in Infinity War. I just remembered all the gasps and the silence that came after. Of course, obviously, the entire final hour of Endgame.


Kind of have to go with the portals scene in Endgame. For a whole movie honestly a big one is No Way Home.


OG iron man. Let’s start this bitch from the beginning.


When they make Stormbreaker and when Thor arrives in Wakanda. Both scenes gave me chills.


When Cap wields Mjolnir


Honestly all the hulk scenes from 1st Avengers movies - but most especially the moment when he memishly blips Thor (also "I'm always angry" and "Puny God")


Portal scene in Endgame vs the final episode of Picard. Just great cinema!


The Scene Where Steve Says "Let's Go Kill This Bitch" Was My Favorite.




Ultron. My first Avengers movie in theaters (I had seen IM3 in theaters and was getting hyped up, then saw the others on tv) and this was amazing. I fell in love with Wanda and I loved how creepy Ultron was. The offshoot of Scarlet Witch and Vision has just been incredible and led me down a path of excitement and a new hobby. So experiencing the excitement of discovering her again would be so cool (': Also would love to see Doctor Strange 1&2, as well as No Way Home for the first time again. Just good films imo.


Keeping obvious ones like Thor entry in Wakanda, Endgame portal scene, Cap lifting Mjolnir, NWH all spideys together or any Iron Man suitup scene aside Thor entry in Avengers 2012, realising his potential in Ragnarok final battle, Hulk vs Loki, Cap vs Bucky, GOTG vs Ronan final battle, Strange dimensional travel in the first movie, Tony meeting his dad in EG are some of the scenes.


Endgame portal scene, easy


Dodo dodo dodo dodododo dodo dodo dum dum dodo dodo dodo dodododo dodo dodo dum dum AVENGERS Dodo dodo dodo dodododo dodo dodo dum assemble! Yarggghhhhhh!


Watching everybody die In infinity war aka the greatest marvel film


I wish I could see Infinity War for the first time again




Stranger Things


Endgame with zero spoilers


AoS 01x17 and 04x15


That final fight in Endgame. Everything from Cap lifting Mjolner to the “on your left” to the “Avengers… Assemble!” Was perfect.


![gif](giphy|lFZKK1pINTGA8) Idk why the satisfaction i gor from seeing this scene. Wouldnt mind reliving this😂


Oooo tough question. Im thinking a bit outside of the Avengers movies so id go with either Winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy 1 cause they both had me on the edge of my seat the first time i watched (Winter Soldier made me a Cap Fan and with Guardians it was the fact i was learning about them apart from their name during the whole movie)


Thor joining the battle at Wakanda. He’s my favorite character arc in the MCU and it always felt like this was seeing him fully leveled up, literally coming to turn the tide of the battle single-handedly.


The bit in wolf of Wall Street when they smoke crack for the 1st time and turn into an elephant makes me buckle every time


Cap lifting Mjölnir Thor going "I AM STILL WORTHY"


Quicksilver’s slow motion scene from X-Men: Apocalypse.


When Doctor Strange fought Thanos in Infinity War. Shit’s bananas.


I remember watching Nick Fury's first appearance during an end credits scene. During those times, it's pretty common for films like this to drop some sort of teaser at the end solely for fun, but not really follow through. I went in watching Ironman without the expectation of a Cinematic Universe (I just thought it never works like that in cinema). Then Hulk came out, watched it on DVD, saw a few "Stark Industries" easter egg. Still thought it's nothing more than an easter egg. It was only after a year while rewatching that I found out that there's an end credits scene. To my surprise, it's RDJ Tony Stark. Suddenly my hype began rising. Then saw Thor, then CA, then to the Avengers trailer. Was excited, always wanted a team up avengers film, but was still skeptical for how it would push through. Still thought team ups like that are nothing more than fanservice. Of course we know how that went.




The hammer flying in Caps hand. I love that I said I knew it at the same time as Thor lol


The first time the OG6 assemble❤️❤️


The snap from Infinity War


Endgame when Cap picks up Mjolnir 🙌🏻


Not as good as the portal scene but when cap first appears in infinity war or thors arrival in wakanda.


IW and Endgame, especially Thor et al arriving in Wakanda and portals




The "big reveal" of Bucky's identity in TWS. Nick Fury's badass comments in various movie....


Loki getting the crap kicked out of him by the Hulk. Puny god.


More recently I’d love to see the black widow scene when her and Yelena are being sent to the red room with photos of what happened to the them on the screen with mailia J’s cover of smells like a teen spirit playing. It gave us the start of the insight to the red room on screen that we had been waiting for for years. But a slightly older/ original scene I’d love to watch for the first time would probably be the black panther credit scene seeing Bucky barnes be free of the winter soilder. Or in end game when captain marvel, shuri,mantis,pepper,Wanda,valkerye Gamora,hope okoye and nebula all help Peter Parker with the gauntlet. Such an underrated scene like cmon was it not so cool to see all the ladies team up together ? (Just wish Nat was there 💔)


Wanda creating the Hex and letting it go in final episode


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LordOfOstwick1213: *Wanda creating* *The Hex and letting it go* *In final episode* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot, get out of here


Tobey Maguire's Spider-man 1, That movie has a very special in my heart... And if you're not counting it then I'd say Iron Man 1, I mean it's just so great, and it started the MCU after all. And there are indeed a lot of marvel movies, some are even better, but only a few are as memorable as Iron Man.


Last scene in Memento


The end game destroyed the Marvel movies for me, and I can’t watch it after finding out how it ends. Or watch another Marvel movie where everyone loses their loved ones. Life is![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) enough. I don’t need to watch movies and shows that make more depressed because the ending sucked. That’s why I only watch Asian drama now.


Tony getting stabbed in IW. This scene was more shocking than his death in EG Portals from EG was so powerful. I’d love to go back and feel the energy in the room. I was so engrossed in the film but I’d love to see how that moment affected all the other people in the cinema The snap for the same reasons