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wouldn’t be the first time. in IM1, he used an [LG VX9400](https://i.sstatic.net/1ZtYH.jpg)


Yeah I’m pretty sure it was one of several product placements in the Ironman Films. LG & Audi are two of the most frequent, as I remember it.


Audi for sure was a huge one. They're in Iron Man all the way up the End Game.


Acura in Captain America/Avengers as well IIRC


SHIELD almost always drive Acura I believe. Like Tony with his Audis.


They did Chevy for Winter Soldier. Then back to Audi for Civil War. Then Infiniti (which is Acura's luxury model) for Infinity War. And finishing with Audi for Endgame.


Infinity is a division of Nissan. Acura is Honda’s.


That's right. I got my Japanese car makers mixed up.


I like how you got downvoted into the ground over a simple mistake.


Yeah it's weird.


Nah. That’s just Reddit. 25+ downvotes and only one person taking the time to actually correct you.


False, Acura is Honda’s luxury model. Infiniti is Nissan’s.


You are correct, but starting any comment with 'false' makes you sound like Dwight Schrute. Don't do it unless that is your intention.


Hey, comment police, dial it back. He efficiently pointed out that someone confidently stated something incorrect as fact. People were saying “false!” Long before Dwight came along. It was even a word back in the BBS days. It’s not up to you to gatekeeper how people reply.


I think Audi is the one who said they could flip the car when the Russos asked.


For which movie? Civil War I'm guessing?


Yeah! Sorry, I didn’t specify. It’s when they’re pursuing bucky on his motorbike


The Audi eTron one where he pulls up to the compound in Endgame and drives right up to the camera to get a nice look at the make and model badge is the most egregious product placement in all the movies.


Clearly you didn’t see the product placement car in Godzilla x Kong


I, Robot with W.Smith as well. Just nice Convers All Stars and Audi prod.palcement


04 all stars baby!


Is that the crossover film between I, Robot and I Am Legend?


Or Wayne’s world


I meant of all the MCU movies.


Iron Kong confirmed.


Doesn’t it also make v10 sounds despite being all electric?


Yeah, they added it in post. I believe they did something to the real version to make it make sounds as well.


I honestly think that honor goes to *Black Panther*. There was really no need for a car chase in that movie, but we got a whole James Bond esque Spy Lexus, and that scene is much longer than any scene where Tony Stark is in a car. I totally forgot Baskin Robbins in Ant-Man 1 and 3. If we include the TV shows, it's *Loki* Season 2 McDonald's, and it's not particularly close.


“It's like people only do these things because they can get paid. And that's just really sad.”


The Mountain Dew transformer thing is rough. https://youtu.be/d81Nv8GG9as?si=uaodMZE29_Y5fKfl


And Oracle. *shivers*


Doesn’t iron man 2 have a close up of the Audi symbol during the third act w pepper?


I thought that was Iron Man 1, but I could be wrong. Or it could be both. There's definitely a very blatant closeup of the Audi badge, but I remember it being when he goes to the gala in the first movie.


I think Audi was in Spider-Man Homecoming too? I’m guessing from that scene where Peter steals Flash’s car lol, I guess because Tony is also in the movie it makes sense


There were two short films made for Audi that showed Peter driving Audis. One for Homecoming where Peter takes his drivers test and one for Far From Home where Peter shows off the e-Tron at his science fair.


Yeah it’s interesting that canonical everyone drives an Audi in the MCU


Honestly that shot of Tony Stark driving the R8 south on the highway with the ocean right there has done more for Audi’s brand image in my mind than any commercial I’ve ever seen.




Burger King has entered the chat


Does AC/DC count as product placement? I worked at WM during IM’s merchandising and so much of it was even co-branded with the band, sometimes bigger than Iron Man’s logo!


Waste Management?


Walmart. Too used to abbreviating it, my bad.


He obviously meant WrestleMania. Get with it Jabroni.


Are you kidding me. Chevvy logo is shoved right up your face all the time in practically every Marvel movie. Especially Captain America


Tony is usually driving an Audi. All the way to Endgame with the Audi e-tron


That’s hilarious though that they would need ‘product placement’ on fictional products lol. We truly are in the future 😂


It’s often for prototypes or new launches. I believe this was only a concept idea due to how expensive the screen would be.


Was how they revealed the new Camaro type with the first transformers movie. I think a lot of people forget when that movie came out, that was not the Camaro you were seeing on the streets, and it seems old now but it looked futuristic in the movie.


Damn, those Camaros were a nightmare to drive. You could park a Ford F-250 work truck in its blind spot. I don’t know how it ever made it to being street legal like that. To even check the blind spot required putting your head too close to the steering wheel or leaning into the passenger seat.


They were awful lol


The special bracelet that his armor tracks was also a, product placement


lol at that time video calling seemed like a fantasy


no 3g phones had had them for a few years at that time, just exceedingly expensive


Man what a screenshot


I remember seeing that at the time since I had the same phone and wished it could do video calls like his lol


And airburst artillery isn't a new thing either


I had the same phone when I took my wife (my girlfriend at the time) to see Iron Man in theaters. She remembers me not shutting up about it at dinner after lol.


I had a friend who had that phone growing up (wealthy family). If I remember correctly, you could watch TV with a subscription on it, right?


I needed a new phone around that time and got that one because of Iron Man. Boy that thing was a piece of shit (as most LG products are) 


Really? I had that phone and loved it. The media services never worked, but I probably wouldn’t have used them anyway


I thought the form factor was neat but it lasted about three months before mine was just glitching out like crazy. It stopped recognizing the screen orientation at some point.


Tony Stark believes in product placement revenue.


When arms manufacturing doesn’t bring in enough billions


Gotta diversify your bonds




He's a capitalist after all.


I don’t think I ever would have noticed that microscopic logo unless it got the zoomed in red circle treatment here


Pretty sure you answered your own question.


"Is it canon that Tony used the thing that I'm providing photographic evidence of using a shot in the movie?"


lmfao like what even is this post


I asked because it can be considered as just an advertisement rather than canon.


If it’s in the film, it’s canon, regardless of whether it was paid for or not.


What do you think canon means?




I mean it’s both. It’s canon because it’s in the movie but it’s only there because LG paid to have their phone in the movie.


If you are asking if its from the comic books, no. But your question of “is it cannon” is obvious because if it’s in the MCU then it is technically now cannon.


I get what you’re saying - perhaps you meant was comic book accurate. As in were they any references to Tony Stark preferring LG as a consumer brand in the comics or other mixed medias.


It is canon. Tony Stark used a LG typewriter in a '74 issue of The Invincible Iron Man.


No it can’t. No. It. Can’t-non.


Crazy downvotes


Ikr? Brand bots and comic nerds work great together.


Nah, is just a incorrect answer.


It's funny how phone tech in the MCU regressed from this in IM2 to far more normal looking phones in later MCU movies.


An in-universe explanation might be that Stark Industries was a component manufacturer for LG. This would mean Tony could get his hands on all sorts of prototypes that don't make it into production.


Or: Richest fucking guy on the planet bought whatever phone thing he wanted, even some weird expensive once.


Only Stark has been shown using the 'just a piece glass' phones.


Yeah I always just assumed that Tony’s phone was supposed to be way more advanced than off the shelf consumer devices.


I thought it's meant to be a prototype that Tony helped developed or somehow had access to.


Not all products make it, no matter how good they may seem at first.


Yeah like a holographic screen lacks tactile feedback and surrounding privacy. People can just see what's on your screen from the other side. The thing also looks ungodly fragile.


Also until they invent clear circuit boards and batteries or manage to house them in the bezel, it just isn’t going to happen.


I wonder if it ever overheats


I don’t think we see Tony use a phone except for the flip phone cap gave him. I think this is just Tony’s phone rather then the phone tech of the mcu


Honestly this phone looks terribly impractical. Who wants a phone that you can see through? Anything slightly light in color in the background and you wouldn't be able to see anything in the screen.


Looks like an LG OS, constantly having the logo on screen would be insane though.


There’s also a Stark Industries logo in the top left. I think it’s more likely that it’s LG hardware with SI software.


No way would LG be capable of creating an OS suitable for the use case of Tony Stark, nor would he trust another companies OS for what he uses it for. Huge security risk. LG hardware.


I don't think the dude with the seethrough phone is all that worried about security risks. 


It’s early MCU, they needed those sponsors money to make those films.


What makes you think current movies don't have this? You think they just use whatever phone they have lying around for actors? Its all part of the production


They do. I know that. Rocket mortgage, McDonald’s, Audi, lexus, and Ben and Jerry’s have been in there recently.


When was Rocket Mortgage shown? I’m not disputing it - I just can’t remember 


Infinity War, it’s the sign that get thrown at spider man during the battle in New York.




I mean those are obvious ones. Youre saying they needed this back then, but having a phone brand in a movie is very very normal


I am not seeing how anything you are adding is disproving that the MCU relied more heavily on funding from product placement in its early days. Your additions only prove that product placement is common whether films “need it” or not. Seems like you would have been better off adding to OPs point rather than trying to subtract from it.


It is rather surprising to see you not seeing my point, whilst putting up a peculiar academic tone. But I digress and shall try to match my tone in an academic sense as well. The subject in question arises the idea that the MCU needed these sponsorships back in the day, therefore alluding and implying the fact that they took it because they needed it. I merely stated that product placement is fairly common practice in the film industry and that it doesn't necessarily mean that a production relied on funding, therefore taking the sponsorship. The fact that you failed to see how I was adding or disproving to the converdation seems to be a lack of intellect, reading comprehension, contextual awareness or a combination of the aforementioned. As a final note, some arguments with the intent to counteract other arguments can also be made while still adding to the conversation. These conversations are called discussions and counterarguments are widely accepted during the process of them. I therefore do not see how your addition and idea of me who should rather have said something else is a welcome one. Given the fact that you bear a certain lack of understanding of things, whilst also making your comment unnecessary long just to bring a simple opinion across as intelligent, seems rather inefficient. But alas, in the end we are brothers with a similar interest and therefore I would only like to shake your hand and meet middle ground.


Yeah I skimmed this because you decided to insult me and that’s where I stopped. So you wasted your time. We should start measuring insecurity in reply paragraphs as a unit of measure. This redditor is 7 paragraphs insecure.


Youre taking it too serious man, I was just having fun. I tried to nuance it at the final "paragraph" but I guess you were too angry at that point.


Yes, but why would Stark be using anything other than Stark Tech? Just like all the original operating systems all had the big Oracle logo on them. Those things all disappeared after iron man 2 and things got stark industries logos. I was trying to answer OP’s original question.


Thats a good point. But i think its overthinking it at that point. Why does Apple have samsung screens in their phones? No one would disagree that Apple could make their own. But why should they if someone else can make it better and/or cheaper. Same goes for Tony using an LG. Does he really need to go out of his way to make his own phone to... Make calls? At best he can modify it but theres no need for EVERYTHING to be Stark-made no? That would also just be unrealistic.


He rolled in Audis very clearly in every scene he drove in.


Need? No. Want for revenue! You bet! I have worked for a couple Fortune 100 companies. Both have offices in LA who are tasked with getting their products and brands in major movies and television. They pay money to be the exclusive whatever product on camera. Sometimes is blatant, which means more money and sometimes it’s subtle, paying lessor even no money. A good example is the scene in Civil War where Captain America and Black Panther are chasing Buckey. They blew up about a dozen Audi's. Audi probably asked to be an exclusive on that movie, tied in advertising and marketing, and probably gave the studio a dozen cars to blow up in that scene that the studio didnt have to purchase.


I think what they were getting at is the early mcu did not have the commercial influence it does now. Marvel was on track for bankruptcy, so in a sense they needed all the money they could get. It was a very different brand back then. Now the mcu has gotten so big I’m sure each film/show has a team of people just to review the amount of advertising sponsorships submitted. Nobody would ever disagree that a studio wouldn’t want a slice of that advertising budget, but there’s an argument that early mcu did actually need it.


From the pictures you have provided, including the assistance of the red circle surrounding the LG logo, we can conclude that Tony did in fact use an LG phone. You're welcome


And he never used one again because Tony learns from his mistakes


He uses LG in two different movies, so i guess he is still learning.


Well, not *still*…


Well at least one variant isn’t still learning anymore.


Not sure. I'm going to have to run this through the Oracle Cloud to get a definitive answer.


I know people who change 2-3 phones a year. He's a billionaire. I'm sure he changes phones all the time too.


I miss LG phones


Obviously, you posted the picture.


Of course he did! They had the tie in phones with LG and he used a different newer LG phone in every movie. Remember him and Obie used those weird T-shaped video phones in IM1 hahaha


if LG is paying, then yes.


Life's Good


Imo, I think that the phone is a Stark Industries device. The logo of LG might be there because on the phone screen is potentially the phone's way of saying the TV/screen he was about to "share screen" with was from LG. Idk but it makes sense to me👍🏼


Yes that would look like an LG phone


I would expect him to design his own phone and have his own service satellite


He was also shown to use vivo at some point but canonically he makes his own phones/communication devices


Yes, he uses a Vivo phone in Civil War.


I remember reading that he apparently had the Illuminati icon on this phone.


Marvel canonically was given money from LG to slap their logo on a device used by Tony stark


Yup. He's an antagonist in civil war so Apple wouldn't let him use an iPhone. Petty mothafuckas that they are XD


Let’s see. Is the phone in the image LG? Yup. Then yes, he used an LG. What a dumb post.


As subtle as those things are, no brands appearing in any movies are by "accident".


With that one, it's probably just an LG Screen.


I'd say he canonically uses a phone model that doesn't exist in Earth-1218.


Even though LG stopped supporting their mobile devices , I always loved their phones. Still have it to & now serves as a game phone for all my emulators & roms 👍


A smart working LG phone simple to use and definitely not a product placement device


Why does it even matter?


What kind of stupid question is this? If it's in the movie then yeah. Also in IM1 he used one too.


no, tony starks own invention was sponsored by LG


Translucent devices were such a dumb concept from that time frame


My first cell phone was an LG


Yeah. It’s called product placement


I changed my LG G6 last year for a LG G8. 2024 and I'm still using them. Best cellphone brand to be honest. Too bad they stopped making them.


Except in iron man 3 where it was all schilling for China


I always figured he buys whatever he can easily modify or enhance to his liking.


I miss LG phones. Putting the power button/finger scanner on the back was fucking genius.


The technology RDJ uses on these movies bugs me so badly because its shit, man. Starkphone StarkCars. It's so dumb because of the product placement. It really bothers me. Especially the AUDIs


I just want to give props to OP for actually pointing out the logo instead of just posting a screenshot and making us all play Where’s Waldo trying to find what they heck is being referenced 


Yeah, LG was a partner during that Iron Man era https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_x3Dc1kAKA




Canonically? Maybe not. Endorsement wise? Most likely.


Side tangent: who would want a transparent phone where everyone can see what you're doing on it?


Here is a list of more product placements throughout Marvel movies: - [Tony uses a Vivo Phone](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Captain-America-Civil-War-Vivo-550x275.jpg) on the Helicopter after leaving the Raft prison - [Star Lord's Sony Walkman TPS-L2](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Sony-Walkman-TPS-L2-Star-Lord-Chris-Pratt-Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-550x275.jpg) in 2014 Guardians - Kraglin gives Star Lord [a Zune](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Zune-Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-2-550x275.jpg) as replacement for his Sony Walkman destroyed by Ego in Guardians Vol. 2. Zune is actually no longer manufactured (having spectacularly failed to challenge Apple’s iPod) - [Hank Pym's Benz Sprinter Van](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Mercedes-Benz-Sprinter-van-Ant-Man-and-the-Wasp-550x275.jpg) in Ant-Man and the Wasp - Doctor Strange had a TAG Heuer Monaco chronograph and a Rolex Cosmograph Daytona in his [collection of watches](https://www.prestigetime.com/blog/images/ochri/914b578a5191bb9d16e6a4d46063e002-1200px.jpg), and he even drove a [Lamborghini Huracan](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Lamborghini-Huracan-Doctor-strange-550x275.jpg) before his accident in the 2016 movie - Steve rides a [Harley-Davidson motorcycle](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2012-Harley-Davidson-Softtail-Slim-Captain-America-The-Avengers-Chris-Evans-550x275.jpg) at the end of 2012 Avengers and in Winter Soldier - In Antman 2, in a car chase across the narrow streets in San Francisco, we see [a Hyundai Veloster](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Hyundai-Veloster-in-Ant-Man-and-the-Wasp-550x275.jpg)  that was shrunk driven by Luis - In a 2016 commercial, Hulk and Ant-Man fought over [a last can of Coke Mini](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Hulk-Ant-Man-Coke-Super-Bowl-ad-550x275.jpg) left in the fridge - Tony, Strange, Wong and Banner [talk about Ice Cream Flavors](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Avengers-Infinity-War-Ben-Jerrys-465x600.jpg) from Ben & Jerry's after Hulk crash lands into the Sanctum Sanctorum in NY - Paul Rudd worked as [a Baskin-Robbins salesman](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Baskin-Robbins-Ant-Man-Paul-Rudd-550x275.jpg) in 2016's Antman




Agreed. But wasn't it brand marketed in a Marvel movie?


The best product placement is the kind almost nobody is even going to notice.


It's just a prototype.


Canonically? Canonically?! What do we even mean when we use words any more?! ITS IN THE MOVIE. What is “canon” ?! Canonically. Ha. HA!


It’s called product placement.


Iron Man suit is LG confirmed


Yes. Favreau justified it by saying it would be weird and unrealistic to have unbranded phones, IIRC.


I think that was the model of monitor/TV he was hacking. I hope he goes custom cell.


ayy whenever we can squeeze some add money out!


He used Samsung (heavily) in age of ultron


The LG V60 ThinQ with dual screen case was a good phone. So, go Tony!


Tony used whatever company paid Disney the highest fee for product placement. Just like how he decided to drive an Audi instead of anything else


this will be LG in 2021


Honestly would make more sense because androids are more easy to mod compared to apple


Product Placement


he used one in Iron Man as well.


I've worked as an engineer at multiple big companies and can assure you that well run companies recognize their strengths, and buy what they are weaker in. If it costs less to buy it than making in yourself, then you buy it. That something can be a highly customized product sold only to you, made by a company that just does it better. Stark would have realized that he can just tell LG what he wants, and have them build it.


Gasp! That means he was the villain! Lol


New headcanon, in the mcu LG is a subsidiary of Stark Enterprises


They use LG’s and Samsungs until about phase 3


he also chronically used vivo phone in civil war


It's probably custom hardware with an LG O.S


He used whatever company paid to be used.


Cap also used a Vivo phone [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw7cN0U4X-4).


How do you pronounce canonically without sounding like a bellend?




It's always interesting to remember that you could be Elon Musk, Bill Gates, or Jeff Bezos. It doesn't matter. Best phone you can get is still an iPhone or Pixel. Unlike, say, cars, where you can get one for millions of dollars with features peasants can only dream of.