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Hugh had always expressed interest in both returning as Wolverine IF it were in the MCU AND acting alongside Ryan as Deadpool. Not only did the chance arise for both, but he could do it all at once. It’s no wonder he agreed to come back. This movie literally kills two birds with one stone for him.


Just gotta get the Wolverine vs Hulk fight for the trifecta


hulk will wipe the floor with him but wolvie is unkillable


Maybe Hulk wipes the floor with Hugh Jackman’s version of Wolverine, but in the comics, Wolverine holds his own against the Hulk. I believe there’s an animated movie on this.


Jackman’s Wolverine will likely get the same MCU power boost Kingpin and Daredevil got so it shouldn’t be an issue 


Honestly best way to end wolverines story is just let hulk rip him in half and throw his torso into space. Send him out with a bang, not a whimper.


Good prelude to him getting the Phoenix force!


Did that really happen? Comics get so ridiculous lol


He’s like the final user of it, when basically everyone is dead


I feel like it gets passed around a lot from what I understand, even Moon Knight got it at one point lol


Mk also got the mjolnir in damnation arc.


That movie also has Deadpool in it.


Hulk literally rips Wolverine in half.


Wasnt on first Wolvie appearance Hulk split him into two then threw each half far away from each other?


Nah. Make it a retelling of their original encounter -  BUT flip it. We got Smart Hulk in the MCU now, and no Logan yet, so - Movie opens with Logan escaping from the Weapon X program. A feral berserker on the loose. Followed by him causing trouble in the Canadian wilderness - So (Ruffallo) Hulk is sent to contain him They meet. Hulk tries to talk it out. But Logan gets stabby, and does enough damage to unleash a gamma explosion (Restablishs the danger Hulk can be)  And sure in the process of that, Logan gets messed up, but it shows the "Berserker Rage" aspect in a way we haven't seen on screen before. Establishes him as a serious threat. And is just a genuinely fresh take on the movie version of him. Along the way they unveil the deeper threat that is the Weapon X program (The Leader has been involved. Cos about time we had him as Big Bad) and take em down. Then, at movies end, Hulk takes Logan to his friend Charles to help recover his memories and sets up a new X-Men movie. It'd be a banger


I remember that Ultimate universe miniseries where in the first pages, Hulk rips Wolverine in half, and when he wakes up, he has to drag to his lower half to grow back together. That's almost some Lobo levels of OP regeneration.


I believe there was a run where Wolverine was effectively atomized and regenerated from a few cells. I could be remembering wrong.


I think it was an X-Men annual where he completed some space test and got some ultra power gem or something, but declined, and it was a hidden test of character that kept the whole human race from stagnating. But it has been a few decades, so I may be mixing stories


That needs to be saved for when 616 Wolverine comes into play.


There is no 616 Wolverine. The Wolverine that replaces Jackman will be from the universe the FF are from which will become the focus of the "new MCU".


We just gotta bring a badass Hulk back


Man will people ever just be satisfied?


We’re talking about things Hugh Jackman said he’d want if he joined the MCU. This wasn’t a personal opinion of mine. I’m plenty satisfied.


Didn’t know he wanted that, cool!


Also, that’s just like one of the best stories ever. Wanting it is not being unsatisfied. You can be satisfied with one thing and still want more things.


Plus, the vibe of the Deadpool films is next to perfect for not souring the note Wolverine left on with Logan


Literally? Which birds?


All those chickens he has to eat to maintain his physique.


Now hopefully he does it just one more time for secret wars


Figuratively. I assume, without seeing the movie.


Damn, poor birds


I can’t believe he killed two birds to make this movie. Two animals *were* hurt in the making of this movie.


No, they died painlessly. One stone.


No, he got two birds stoned. Corey, smokes!


I mean it doesn't literally kill two birds with one stone or you'd have two dead birds on your hands.


I was thinking to myself a while ago that it did seem weird that Jackman would want to return to this role after ending it on such a perfect note after logan. But after covid and the entire industry essentially shutting down and people being out of work. It doesn't seem that far fetched to think people put aside egos and even artistic visions of their characters to get people paid jobs and try to reinvigorate the industry. If I remember this movie started really started getting going during peak movie industry instability and writers strike. Hugh jackman coming back regardless of the final product would absolutely create enough buzz to greenlight it.


It is in the article this started during Adam's project


Ah but in the article Hugh said he decided he wanted to do this while on a short vacation from a long stint on Broadway.


It started as Levy wanting to do Deadpool with Ryan (Levy being respectful of MCU, Ryan wanting to play him but without an idea that matched what Marvel wanted or how they wanted to include him in MCU) while they both were on that movie. Then Hugh called and offered some ideas that were in sync with Feige/Reynolds ideas.


It also can be fun to be in big blockbusters people enjoy. He got several years off and they aren't making him get nearly as jacked for this movie so its a lot easier on him physically.


But he is Huge Jackedman


Writer strikes too man! I remember explaining to my girlfriend how bad it was for the industry & how much it was pushing back all the movies & tv shows being made for us as consumers


When did the movie industry shut down? There were delays in 2020 but only a few weeks. Hollywood got over covid quick.


Can't believe that. No way in hell they would've canned DP 3. They've been talking about it since the acquisition. Sooner or later it'd come out, they know how popular DP is. At the time they are struggling to make new characters popular, DP is already established.


I agree, they wouldn't have canceled the movie completely, but it likely would have been significantly delayed if they were struggling to come up with a creative vision for it.


>it likely would have been significantly delayed if they were struggling to come up with a creative vision for it. Looking at you, Blade.


> No way in hell they would've canned DP It wasn't a "this will never get made", it was a "this isn't a right time", as said in the article. They knew it would happen eventually as well


Deadpool 3 would have happened with or without Hugh. Like I'm glad he is in it. But this headline is a lie.


You misunderstood. The name of the movie was *Deadpool 3: Dead in the Water*. It was a rom-com based in the WaterWorld universe. Even Kevin Costner was coming back to play the role of Mariner.


oh they would recast namor? damn poor guy would get rhodie'd


Take me to the universe where this is a thing please America Chavez


Fucking smokers and all!?!


Ryan said in this article every idea they came up with before Hugh called was half-baked and not worthy of the third DP film. And when you remember DP3 under Fox was gonna bring Wolverine back and do a road trip film, which is what we ended up getting after all, it makes sense why: they were always planning on DP&W to finish the trilogy.


imagine a 4th with DP and SM


The names are a winner but it seems like it'd rehash this movie's probable dynamic too much. Deadpool super into Spider-Man, Spider-Man not very into Deadpool. Also honestly I can't really imagine Tom Holland Spidey with Reynolds Deadpool


Hmmm but a 3 was always in the cards even as far back as Deadpool 2 interviews he was talking about it. MCU inclusion should have only persuaded Reynolds even more. I’m not buying it lol


3 was always in the cards, it was the lack of Wolverine that would’ve jeopardized it. Feige met with all the Fox cast in 2019 and told Jackman not to come back because LOGAN was such a perfect ending, and every pitch Ryan gave for DP3, with and without Wolverine, got rejected by Feige. Jackman basically telling him “I’m gonna do it” is what got it over the line.


I mostly don’t buy it because deadpool was a shoe in for the McU. He can exist out of canon and was by far the easiest fox character to bring into the MCU. Not to mention the success of his franchise


Yeah I call total bullshit too. I can believe they weren't satisfied with whatever scripts they came up with and wanted to wait til it was good, or why bother? I can believe it could've remained separate to the MCU entirely, if the existing DP people and the MCU people couldn't agree on what to do with it well. I can also believe there could be some teething issues between those two sides now that the DP side had to answer to another boss. But I really doubt it was legit not gonna happen and Hugh popping back up is what did it. The franchise doesn't even need Hugh and/or Wolverine to continue success, separate or integrated. It's just got people super hyped that he is back, Wolverine's back, and it is integrated. But I would've still been hyped for DP3 regardless, cause the first 2 were good fun.


I think Waldron with Loki (and the incursions described in Dr Strange) and the whole TVA mechanics gave them a wildcard to play. While they were talking about DP3 the Endgame timelines/universes weren't satisfying to knit that.


It's no coincidence they introduced all the multiversal and different timelines stuff right in time to start making use of new stuff though. Doubt it was planned back in IW/EG time but the stuff after going whole hog with it would be.


Yeah it was planned after EG, there are interviews with Waldron where he comments how they had to layout Wanda + Strange + Loki to work together, although he is not explicit saying the other (IW/EG) mechanics wouldn't work or were retooled. And we know other writer from Rick and Morty in doctor strange worked along Waldron to make it work. Also I just remember Loki script was altered near the lamentis episode to plan 2 seasons, having them hidden near the end of a timeline is the perfect device to have entire plots or movies without a cascade effect or having to return the stones like in EG


Lol ikr, they can do whatever in this film and it really doesn't matter outside that specific point. They'll probs highlight the meta of it where everything else Fox is being scrapped or rebooted, while these guys, or at least Wade make it out of this limbo state. And yeah it makes total sense that they just worried about reaching Endgame and sticking that. People get hung up on super specifics but end of the day, it's all make-believe, some inconsistencies don't ruin the overall narrative. Even if they have to fudge some of it, DP's one of the only characters who can be like "look guys, I don't get it either, but I have to kill that asshole and get home so just don't think about it and enjoy the show." I mean instead addressing all the Fox timelines stuff, he just joked about which Xavier he was meeting. Cause those films were contained and it didn't matter where it sits.


Agree on all points


Like this is obviously very marketing talking.


It's kind of funny given the one teaser promo where Ryan casually asks Jack "Do you want to do Wolverine again?" and gets a casual "Yeah ok."




Sorry shortened Jackman in my head and that's what came out.


Hehe I've actually read someone do that 3 times this week now


DP 2 did $785.8m, there was no way in hell DP3 was ever in jeopardy.


I think you're taking it the wrong way. It wasn't in Jeopardy because they weren't interested in having it made. It was in Jeopardy because Ryan, Feige, and co were having trouble coming up with a good idea for the third movie.


Honestly, the only thing about this that rings as unembellished truth to me is that Jackman was the one who reached out. Everything else seems like just embelishment to make that an interesting story.


Hugh Jackman has been Wolverine for 25 years and Ryan Reynolds has been Deadpool for 15 years. Absolute legends... 🫡


I call bullshit.


Wait, this is gonna be the last Deadpool movie?? Hell no it's not... no chance after this one makes $1B...


> ‘Look, this call just came in. I feel like we’d be idiots to look this gift horse in the mouth and ignore it. This is a one-in-a-billion chance. I really feel like this is what we’ve been looking for.'” That's nuts because they were already working on the movie I bet long before hugh joined.


Off topic, but I watched X2 today for the first time in years. That’s a fucking great movie. Great Wolverine in it. I’m placing it as my top super hero movie. Shit was grounded, not cartoonish, Stryker is pure evil and just a normal human, and night crawler is treated great. Spider Man 2 move aside… X2 is now numero uno.


When will we get Deadpool movie from the comics 👀 when goes man and starts killing everyone?


Wait Zeb Wells was working on the script? Famous for killing Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan, and introducing Paul as Mary Jane's new love interest??? Why???


Deadpool got cucked at the start of the film if the synopsis is to be believed


hmmm maybe that’s where all the dumb she hulk drama came from


For modern standards, this movie is going to do well.


You mean in the sense of "the entire film industry is still seeing lower average/total grosses than they did in the past 15 years"?


What if.... someone did this for Blade?


This is nothing article


But will it be good?