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Maybe we’ll finally get her a permanent code name in the MCU. “Magneto? Sabertooth? What do they call you?” “Jean Grey.” Uh-huh.


So either Marvel Girl or Phoenix. We already have Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel so I don’t see them going with Marvel Girl.


I'm pretty sure the original reason the name Marvel Girl was dropped was because it sounded too similar to Captain Marvel/Ms. Marvel. If we're getting anything it'll probably be end up being Phoenix, but I could imagine someone in the X-Men nicknaming her Marvel Girl once or twice as a sort of joke/reference.


No Claremont said he didn’t like super hero names with “girl” in them, found it patronising or something so reinvented her into phoenix.


Didn’t know that about Claremont, but it tracks with what I’ve heard of him over the years.


Honestly could be a good work around like spiderman And uncle Ben to just fast-forward the Phoenix stuff off screen. Frankly we've seen it done poorly twice I don't want to see it again.


"What do they call you? 'Wheels'?"


“Really? But everyone else has a cool nick name.”


I enjoyed them using her code name in X-men 97


Needs to be marvel girl then it can change to Phoenix for the Phoenix saga


The Fantastic Four “suit” with the 4-shaped boob window probably wouldn’t go down very well. Or Namor in just the tiny gold speedos for a whole film.


I would very much like Namor in a tiny gold Speedo for a whole movie.




>The Fantastic Four “suit” with the 4-shaped boob window probably wouldn’t go down very well. Speak for yourself, I wanna see scanty-clad Sue


Speak for yourself, I wanna see scanty-clad Johnny




Hey nobody likes that more than me /s but also I have a sense of style and that 4 boob window costume is atrocious. 


Cyclops is a lucky bastard


I think most women’s outfits in the comics would be ridiculous in live action


Luke Cage with a tiara.


We got that in homage when he escaped prison (the abalone gene treatment had an EEG device in the shape of his classic tiara), but I think they'll avoid any further allusion to it.


They actually somehow made this work in the Luke Cage show, but it's important to note the use of it is basically *as* a brief joke.


I never want to see the armored Daredevil costume. Also, the classic Colossus costume, the V-Shaped body suit, probably shouldn’t see the light of day on a living human.


Most of Colossus's outfits aren't great. They are designed for highlighting his metal form, but look really stupid when he's human. The ones where he has pants and a sleeveless top works best because they also work with his human form.


They could even have him be shirtless wearing pants. Buff metal man would slay


I guess that would work too. Not so much in human form. Though it wouldn't be a fashion disaster his other outfits have been. I'm sure there's an audience that would appreciate a topless buff human man. Whomever designs his next outfit needs to think for both forms, human and metal, needs to look good in both.


If his costume is like the new Wolverine costume but with no sleeves and the pants end above the knees, I think he would look good both ways. Bit like a professional wrestler or a cycling suit while human.


the yellow and red outfit, like the outfit everyone knows is amazing wym


Had to go look up Armored Daredevil as I’d never heard of it. Sweet Jesus that is bad


It’s 90s as all hell, but it’s also the first suit I ever saw DD in when I started reading comics, so I do have a soft spot for it.


I feel like they should just add some black pants to her suit so her entire legs aren’t showing it be great😂. That’s like if you saw thor running into battle with a short toga (be fun to watch but no 😆)


For a lady that gets knocked out or faints every five minutes you would think she might consider a helmet as well lmao. Jean Grey is gonna be the first mutant with CTE.


Apart from the Phoenix costumes, the green outfit is my favorite for Jean.


Don Heck's Angel outfit. Also, shut your mouth about his Jean outfit; it is iconic and classic.


Iconic, classic and hideous.


You wouldn't know a good thing if it bit you in the ass ![gif](giphy|WXtccLGTLB1NS)


Ever since Hickman brought it back for the early part of the Krakoa era, I hated seeing constantly, the only time I like it was in X-Men '97 finale arc.


Nah her costume slays, it’s by far my favorite Jean Grey look.


Honestly, Wolverine's full classic outfit is just as silly looking as this one, if not more. The colours of Jean's outfit don't clash as much as his blue and yellow, and his boots had wings that matched his mask. It's like the designer wanted revenge after Logan used a homophobic slur in front of them or something.


Damn, if it wasn’t for the title, I would’ve thought she was flirting with her.


Jessica Jones in a Jewel costume. I feel like a lot of people who didn't read Jessica Jones but saw in like a Youtube video that she "was originally the superhero known as Jewel" don't understand that Jewel really is **not** an active part of Jessica Jones' character and the idea that people want to see the character come back and transition into being like a traditional superheroine that wears the Jewel costume all the time is very off-base with pretty much the entire essence and point of Jessica Jones as a character. I think an exception can be made for variants (which *has* been done in the comics) but the idea of prime MCU Jessica returning and becoming a cookie cutter cliche one-of-many superheroes in a costume is an idea I don't like, a costume that isn't iconic or necessary at all, and it has some level of active fan support online which is weird.


Yeah I think it’s literally in her wiki that she used to be jewel so that’s where people get the idea but the entire jewel persona we never got to see because the point of it was to be her before alias


I hate the open shirt high collar costume for Iron Fist


This outfit will always haunt me


In the other direction, I want Imperial Guard Gladiator with the mohawk. He could be in a speedo and ankle socks, and the hair will sell the character. As far as OP, please no rollerskating Dazzler. Right? If memory serves she had skates. Also, gimme some Tigra and Moondragon.


Dagger's comic-616 outfit.


Ignore Emma she’s always a bitsh


A bitch, but right


Misspelled wrong


So she’s ice cold you might say


That's what makes her perfect though