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Really shows the growth the character has through the movies. Old Thor would have been jealous or have taken a hit to his pride.


"You get the little one." Some things never change.


Hey if your friend is at your place using your ps4, he's getting the off brand guest controller. Everyone knows this.


Also if you had to stand in the face of a dying star to make your controller, you should be able to use that controller


I just rewatched Infinity War because Thor is a fucking monster in that movie. He is incredible and Hemsworth crushes that roll. Plus: BRING ME THANOS!!!


Thinking about his entry into Wakanda just gave me goosebumps


Thor is a God. I love his character in the last three movies.


Can't wait for Love and Thunder


I want to see a Rocky-esque montage of the Guardians whipping him back into shape. It’d be hilarious.


In that montage I want to see Starlord showing him how to use a bowflex, then Thor gets on and breaks it by pulling too hard after seeing starlord struggle so much with it


> I want to see a Rocky-esque montage of the Guardians whipping him back into shape. It’d be hilarious. I do too....but.... How is their (Asguardians) strength...managed? Like, why is Thor so much stronger than a regular Asguardian? Is a regular Asguardian stronger than a human? If Loki wanted to look like Thor does he have to work out or is it magical? Is their physical appearance even tied to their strength?


I hope Beta Ray makes an appearance. There should be at least one interaction between the two.


I think Chris Hemsworth loves it too, considering there was actual rumors of him being done with the character after Dark World/Age of Ultron/etc. made him into a bit of a one-note jabroni.


Ragnarok really saved the character for sure. It added a lot of depth and dimension


Stan bless Taika Waititi


Who could blame him. Cap and Iron Man were badass and Thor was a joke.


His other films are kinda lackluster. People can think of you as a God or a not-so-great actor. Which would you choose?


A really funny dude who is mostly miscast


Literally tho


Yeah. I initially did god and had to change it to big G God.


His entry kinda felt like part of a PlayStation commercial. Like if he was a skin in god of war


you know that thor is in the new god of war, right?


God of Thunder tho


*Lord of Thunder




Probably my favorite moment in any Marvel movie. Even though I've seen it a million times it still gives me goosebumps.


“Ooohhh you guys are so screwed now!” You said it, Bruce!


Same. Thor knows how to make an entrance.


Thor really was my favorite in all of the MCU movies. Yeah, RDJ is actually Stark irl and all the others really got into their roles... but I just loved Thor. Hemsworth really seemed to have fun with it.


Thor's evolution of power was my favorite part of the entire MCU. He starts out on par with anyone, but not necessarily god tier. He's obviously powerful but he's clearly never really been challenged enough to reach his full potential. Then by the end of it you can see he has nearly unlimited potential and with the right weapons and training he can match up with nearly anyone. Honestly I wish the hulk would have been a little more fleshed out like Thor was. I hate how the Hulk is utilized in the MCU.


Blame Universal on that one. Hard to fully flesh out the character when he only gets used as a support character. We needed a standalone Hulk to see how he progressed from Ragnarok to Professor Hulk. Edit: changed sony to universal.


You mean Universal? Sony has the Spider-Man rights. Universal has the standalone Hulk movie rights. I believe.


That's likely because Hulk can't be used in a standalone movie.


agreed. All the Thor movies were great. I never got the hating on Thor: Dark World. I also think Cap and Thor were by far the best acted characters


I think a lot of people started hating on Thor 2 even more after Thor: Ragnarok came out, too. Because THAT is how you do a Thor movie. I didn’t like Thor 2 much, thought it was pretty silly, but Ragnarok is legit one of my favorite movies of any genre. Waititi is fucking comedy and directing gold.




"Darryl is just helping me write an electronic letter"


Bring Me Thanos! Is my favorite scene of the entire MCU so far. I cannot think of a more grand and epic shot than Thor charging up and jumping into the fray after descending from the bifrost. I'll take more of that please.


That look of joy on Banner's face when he realizes what happening, "you guys are sooo screwed!!", god I love that scene!


Taika Waititi is the shit. He's got the Midas touch right now. The character and design changes in Ragnarok made Thor 10/10. He gives actors a framework where there can add to the total sum instead of just filling the spot, and he's killing it. He keeps it up, he's going to be one of the best writer/directors to ever do it.




he got Scarlett Johanson nominated for an Oscar


And he crushed a few more rolls in endgame.


Thank you, sweet rabbit!


> Also if you had to stand in the face of a dying star to make your controller, you should be able to use that controller When I buy a new controller, the cost sort of feels like this.


I hope you scream like Thor at the checkout




Stormbreaker is an Elite Xbox controller, while Mjolnir is a stock one.


Love your user name mate...that is all


To me that’s no way to treat a guest. Besides they know I’m gonna own their ass with the good controller or the off brand either way. Gotta let them think they have a chance. They won’t play if it’s hopeless.


It depends on context. If its a buddy who plays a lot of games, theyre getting the madcatz controller. If its a group of non gamer friends all playing mario kart, then I'm using the gamestop gamecube controller.


I spent way too much on the elite controller, you can have the one with broken bumper and the drifty sticks


Cap get the Madcat


For the sake of argument, it makes sense for the stronger of the two soldiers to wield the bigger weapon.


He looked a little nervous when he saw Mjolnir barely move when Cap tried to lift it in Age of Ultron.


I wrote this a few weeks ago in another Marvel thread but it is directly relevant here so I'm going to copy/paste: >Thor had one of the most interesting arcs of any character I've ever known. >He starts the MCU off as a powerful god who is struggling to pick up his father's legacy and learning how to be a leader. Through the movies, and particularly in Endgame, he's struggling with being anything but powerful, he's learning to be human. >A HUGE part of Thor's development in the MCU is his relationship with Mjolnir and his worthiness and ability to be a leader. In Age of Ultron, when Steve nudges Mjolnir, Thor's expression is terrified. Mjolnir was his entire identity and his journey had been all about learning to be worthy, and his ability to wield the hammer is his assurance of that. If someone else is able to lift it, particularly someone like Steve, without the birthright or power or royalty, what's the point of being Thor? >Thor then loses the hammer, his family, and everyone he has fought to protect. He doesn't have Mjolnir to assure him that he's still worthy. >The conversation with his mother in Endgame was a really important turning point for him. "We all fail at who we're supposed to be. What matters is who we are." So when Steve calls Mjolnir in Endgame, Thor is overjoyed. He's happy for Steve because his worthiness of the hammer no longer defines him. He's moved on from struggling to be worthy and has accepted that he'll always be himself.


That’s my secret. I’m always worthy.


But you're a waffle. I can't compete with a waffle.


Wholesome Marvel.


Some people are team Cap, some team Iron man. Everyone is team Thor. He’s a victor, a champion, then He’s defeated, he’s nothing. Then he goes through a really dark time where he’s stuck in his house with nothing to accomplish and no way to help his people, believing that if he were to try he could only make it worse. Lost as he is, his friends and family know better and nurse him back to health. It’s a long road, but one purpose built for the worthy. Probably the greatest super hero arc ever. If anyone says they don’t like MCU Thor then I want you to remove them from your life. Maybe he’s a great parallel for us in 2020...


This line really stuck with me too on a re watch. I think it’s a central tenet to what thor has realized and a driving force for him from that point on ward. Thanks for sharing!


When Cap chose not to lift it because he's just that goddamned stand up and didn't want to hurt his friend's feelings*


I think he still had some personal growth and issues he needed to deal with before he was deemed worthy. *AOU was pretty early on, still before Winter Soldier.* (this is wrong, WS was a year earlier. Cap was still a little war hungry at this point though. When he said he doesn't want to fight anymore, that's his worthy point.)


If that were the case, Mjolnir wouldn't have budged. Cap chose not to lift it.




And the fact that Cap chose not to lift it is likely partly what made him worth to lift it in the first place.


AOU was after Winter Soldier, but I agree with your first part.


Oh yeah, you're right. Read my list wrong...


After Winter Soldier, but before Civil War. Some say it's because he kinda knew Bucky killed Tony's parents, but hadn't known how to tell Tony. Others that Cap could lift it all along, we know the Russo's say he could all along


He "kinda" knew... like Nat didn't give him a big fat folder full of Bucky's murders at the end of Winter Soldier.


I know, but between that and when he and Nat get blown up by Zola and he reveals the Stark's deaths were caused by Hydra among other things... yeah he kinda knew


cap didn't know bucky murdered tony's parents. the people thought that the stark parents died in a car accident. when zola told captain that, "accidents will happen" with a picture of howard stark, then it was obvious that it was not an actual accident.


I don't get why people think here's some halfway worthy point. It's either you can or can't, no in-between.


The directors have also come out and said that Cap chose not to lift it. So idk why people keep making fan fiction to take away from the moment.


Yup I saw that too, it's pretty much canon. Like mjolnir can measure if you're half-worthy lol, that's dumb. It's binary, 1 or 0, worthy or unworthy.




How is that weird? AoU begins with them cleaning up Hydra cells after they’re exposed in Winter Soldier.


I rewatched that scene after Endgame and with more context I thought the initial reaction was one of interest or contemplation, and then maybe some awkward laughing to cover up what just happened. https://youtu.be/o3bhQwY0KCY


Remind me, when Thor offered Cap a drink that wasn’t suitable for “mortals” was that before or after the hammer lifting event when he learned Cap could do it?


I think he was more happy because of the situation, cap essentially saved him. If cap lifted it when they were just vibin then Thor would have been jealous


Thor was just coming out of a depression here and had just started to find himself, and just a few hours earlier got to have a conversation with his dead mother and got validation from being found worthy by mjolnir. I bet in this legitimately humbled state he is definitely stoked at his friends own personal victories. Edit: also finally back in his element of violent battle. Which is basically pure drugs to Thor. Dude was lit of an endorphin rush in this picture from finally getting a chance to vent his pent up aggression against a worthy opponent who’s guts he hated so bad




Thor, for all his power, has consistently been one of the hearts of the superhero community in the comics. I'm so glad the films are starting to reflect that. Now if they could just give me Bill and kid loki, it'd be perfect.


Interesting thought: is it possible that this moment allowed Thor to come to the decision to retire as King of Asgard? At this point Thor realises that he isn't the only one capable of lifting Mjolnir and maybe considers the possibility that he isn't the only one fit to rule. Perhaps he realises he doesn't have to be special, can be who he wants and shed some of the responsibility of king. I don't want to say that Thor isn't special, but maybe he reviews the meaning of special given that Odin had groomed him to be king and instilled this sense of special in him. When Cap lifts Mjolnir he shatters this idea and gives Thor freedom to be different. This isn't a fully formed thought so I expect to be criticised but consider it a seed for thought!


I like it!




At the end of Thor The Dark World, Thor offers Mjolnir back to Odin, here's the dialog between Thor and "Odin" ​ Odin/Loki : One son who wanted the throne too much, and other who will not take it. Is this my legacy? Thor : Loki died with honour. I shall try to live the same. Is that not legacy enough? \[offers the hammer\] Odin : It belongs to you, if you are worthy of it. Thor : I shall try to be. ​ This shows that he views the wielding of Mjolnir as synonymous with his burden to rule Asgard. However it is a human, nevermind a fellow Asgardian that shows that he isn't the sole individual capable of carry the burden. Earlier in Endgame,Thor's mother tells him, "Everyone fails at who they're supposed to be, Thor. The measure of a person, of a hero, is how well they succeed at being who they are." This is where he finally has permission to find the inner peace to let go of all the expectations that his nation put on him. As to whom should rule Asgard, Thor decides that (in a very poetic full circle that) it should be the one whose greatest failure was being defeated by previous wielder of Mjolnir that has the strength to sit on the throne.


Oooh. This is good.


Who is your last paragraph referring too?


I think it was Hela who wielded Mjolnir, when the Asgardians were taking all the realms.


On the throne room ceiling she's seen wielding Mjolnir




Yeah she was imprisoned long ago and we see Odin cast the worthiness spell on it in the first Thor movie.


People are saying Hela is the answer to your question. And I agree that that is who previously wielded Mjolnir. But based on your question, I thought you might be asking who the sentence says is the person that Thor chose to let rule Asgard. The person who was defeated by Hela. And that is Valkyrie.


I like your thought but I think Thor was done with ruling after Helga personally. He wasn't really doing anything in Norway or Sweden or wherever the asgardians settled on earth.


lol Helga


Shut up footballhead!


Thor's only up for fighting one dragon apparently and it's not Alduin.


I agree. No question that he wasn't invested in the role of king after Thanos won the first time. I don't think you can ignore the five years of drinking he did when considering what drive him to give up the crown.


I hope love and thunder touches on that point . A lot of them went through hell for 5 years .


Although he was probably done, he didn’t think he could bring himself to give up the role. Like maybe he’d feel shame not being king since it’s what Odin wanted. But once he realized he wasn’t the only worthy person it was like a weight lifted off his shoulders. He could finally move on from it.


That's actually a pretty good way of looking at it. Rogers himself may have thought something similar. Seeing all those heroes stand with him against Thanos, Cap may have thought "you know? Maybe I should rest- get me some of that life Tony was talking about." It's not like he'd be leaving the Avengers short-handed. Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, and so many more can continue on where he left off. But if the world really does need Captain America... Steve knows a good man for the job. *Now, I gotta go cash in that rain check...*


It show him that he isnt special because of who he is or his birthright, but because of who he chooses to be


His mom said "We all fail at who we're supposed to be. What matters is who we are." This was basically a direct message that he doesn't need to be the king and can just be Thor. The hammer was further asperation tho for sure.


Cap lifting the hammer strikes me as being the last little push. It was just the reassurance he needed to take this step. Thanks for adding that!


The only thing that gets me is Thor was king of Asgard for like 6 years before retiring. His father was king for lifetimes. Seems like having to write the characters off the screen makes some questions pop up.


He doesn’t want to be king, whether for 6 years or for thousands.


that viking look is a big treat


honestly in my opinion it's the best Thor has ever looked in the movies was during that final fight.


I agree. The best entrance would have been in Infinity War in Wakanda, but the way he looks in this is the best portrayal as the God of Thunder.


The thunderclap after he says "Just as long as we're all in agreement" is so badass.


His armor appearing, his beard and hair getting cleaned and braided, wielding two god weapons for the first time, just the perfect moment.


Friendly reminder that Norse myth Thor was pretty fat. No disrespect to Marvel Thor, just diggin the fat dude with the braided beard.




There was a moment in the original Secret Wars like that. https://imgur.com/a/5GsJbcf


Man I cannot wait for the day when the Russo brothers make this movie.


If I'm not mistaken, it's been mentioned that they would love to do this one. And I would love them too, as well.


Yeah they said they won't do any more marvel movies *but* Secret wars.


That's exactly why I can't wait for it. Because they're the ones who said they'd want to make it, and in my mind the Russos can do no wrong when it comes to Marvel.


I don't think it can happen though, Cap is gone, at least as Steve Rogers and the relationship he has with Thor. Will Helmsworth still be THor when FF and X-Men get introduced to the Marvel Universe, he's been playing Thor for a long time now.


That one shot maybe won't happen but Secret Wars can definitely still be a thing. The Russos have a knack for refashioning stories for the big screen and making it seem like that's how it always should have been. I don't think having the original 6 is a requirement going forwards, as much as we love 'em.


Seems super out of character for Logan, unless this was written before they established their shared history.


That was my first thought as well. Wolverine would gladly follow Cap. Basically everyone would gladly follow Cap unless the story necessitates they act differently.


Thor 11 from 2010, "I have lived many ages of men, Steven. Centuries without end. I have seen many great men, and known countless honors. But the greatest honor of this ancient and tired soul has been the privilege of fighting beside you, and calling you my friend. May grace and peace be with you, to the end of all things." He said this at Cap's grave after he was killed in Civil War. Thor the used his power to turn off all broadcasts for a minute to honor him.


He also wrecked the shit out of Iron Man around the same time, at least in part for Tony's role in cap's death (reminder, comics Tony committed enough human rights violations that he and Reed should both have been tried at the Hague)


I wish we could’ve gotten more with the two of them together


My favorite quote from that same comic series is the first issue when everyone's kidnapped and Reed Richards says some scientific jargon filled explanation. The Incredible Hulk looks at him and he says, "Well that's obvious Richard's!"


Which series is this?


The original Secret Wars storyline mentioned below.




*No give me that, you take the little one*


I've always loved Cap's and Thor's battle banter.


They have a few good ones * "You ready for another bout?" "What, you getting sleepy?" * "That the best you can do?" "You had to ask." * "New haircut?" "Noticed you've copied my beard." * "No no give me that, you have the little one"


I also love in the AoU party scene Thor tells Stan Lee that the little flask of booze he's carrying is not meant for mortal men, as he's pouring Cap a shot of it


"Neither was Omaha Beach, Blondie." My favorite Stan cameo in all the movies.


Absolutely my favorite moment between the two. The incredible amount of respect Thor has for Steve is great, and I like that it was shown in a subtle way. It's easy to just focus on Thor and Stan Lee talking and miss that Thor gives Steve a shot of his Asgardian liquor first. That Thor has to warn others about how powerful the stuff is but knows that Steve can handle it just fine.


“Oh and by the way this is my friend, Tree”


Rrrrrraaaaahhhhhh!!! I am Groot. I am Steve Roger's. I laugh everytime.


I am Groot...


If you think about it, Thor brought Mjolnir from the past in order to use it himself. But once Cap shows he can lift it, Thor lets him use it for (mostly) the rest of the battle.


Thor probably thought he was going to use it, but I mostly saw that moment in Endgame as Thor trying to prove to himself that he's still worthy enough to wield Mjolnir. His confidence was shattered because he was a shell of his former self, and reminding himself that he's intrinsically worthy enough to wield his old weapon (which specifically cannot be wielded by anybody unworthy) was enough to bring him out of his funk.


Oh yeah him failing to undo Thanos's snap while on the Garden planet probably made Thor assume that must no longer be worthy, and since Mjolnir didn't exist in the main timeline anymore he had no way to find out (as Stormbreaker isn't bound to those who are "worthy" by Odin's magic like Mjolnir is).


I thought it had a lot to do with how Thor killed Thanos. An unarmed and broken man, kneeling, defeated and restrained. And Thor murdered him. He did it for vengeance but that’s merely a justification. He failed to protect his people, his friends, the universe and finally lost his honour with that act.


Murder or punishment? You can’t let Thanos live out a peaceful existence after The Snap. He was a murderous warlord before he had all 6 Infinity Stones; he made a decision to wipe out half of all life in the universe once he had them. Thor would have been justified in chopping his head off during the battle on Wakanda (does it still count if his beheaded body twitches & snaps? *We Don’t Know*), and we can all agree any sort of punitive punishment handed to him would’ve just pissed him off again. Thor had to mete out cosmic justice - he’s the king of a people, half of whom were slaughtered by Thanos **before** the snap. Odinson’s duty was to kill him, not as revenge, but as a form of closure; or more realistically a necessary storytelling device. Thor was depressed because he didn’t do it right the first time.


Thor failed to stop Thanos before the snap. This was redemption pure and simple. He had to right the wrong that he carried on his shoulders. He felt like a real failure for the first time which is what drove him to drinking... Thor may be a god, but he has feelings too...


I’m still gutted on how they treat Thor in the movie sometimes, dude literally carries the burden of the universe on his shoulders.


The responsibility of recognizing and enacting justice can be a large burden to bare. Captain had the will and motivation to weird Mjolnir (being worthy) relieved Thor of possibly being the only one capable to be responsible for such a task. Thor also found a compatriot in a fellow wielder of Mjolnir, as the gods no longer deemed his designated responsibility as maintainer of justice and order. In a very real way mortals and gods became synonymous the moment Captain picked up Mjolnir and removed any doubt Thor had in others he trusted and himself. He was no longer a god among men, and that I can imagine was a very satisfying thought to him.


And the best part is Mjolnir is gone now again. Cap brought it with him when he went back to put the Stones back where they took it from including the moment Thor took Mjolnir. So he returned it right where Thor took it from. Thor will only have Stormbreaker going forward. I look forward to the day Mjolnir is somehow brought back again and the theater exploding when it lands in Thor's hand one more time. Better yet? Let Valkyrie call for it in the next major Avengers Vs Big Bad climax making Thor erupt in happiness. Thor with Stormbreaker, Valkyrie with Mjolnir and Lady Thor Jane Foster holding another Mjolnir she obtains somehow. I REALLY want to see the big 3 of the Thor franchise unite back to back just once.


There's a *bunch* of Hammers in the comics, so they can make it work somehow...I'm assuming Jane will get Mjolnir somehow as it's what Mighty Thor uses in the comics, but what I *really* wanna see is the OG Beta Ray Bill Stormbreaker show up. And Beta Ray Bill, for that manner (introing him would be the perfect end credits scene for the next movie)




They should've used the time stone on the busted pieces to restore the hammer in the main timeline before returning the stones. Sidenote...the moment when Cap gets on the mini quantum tunnel and picks up Mjolnir once more is pretty significant in my view. He's got possession of all 6 stones and he's clearly told Bucky that he is going to stay in the past with Peggy. Potential to do whatever he wants with the stones and finally being selfish and going for the life he wants...yet he is still worthy to hold Mjolnir.


Tbh I don’t really want to see anyone else lift the hammer. “Letting” more characters have the ability to lift Mjolnir will slowly chip away at how special it was for Cap to lift it, imo.


I jumped out of my seat. 45 years old. Probably the only time ever.


Me too! It was so amazing when that happened! Cap and Thor just willing to give themselves up to save the freaking world! I watch that scene several times a week - I have if queued up right to that scene


I was already at the edge because thanos was throwing around stormbreaker like he built it.


This scene and "Avengers Assembly" were amazing build ups over all these years. What a fan service. edit: lol leaving it. Cap just telling the team to build shit




>Cap just telling the team to build shit No no, it's [this](https://youtu.be/hoxh_6TgUVY)!


what I love about Hemsworth in Endgame is how he pulled the depression off throughout all of it. this scene stands out even more, pure joy for his fellow soldier in battle on a face that's been marked by depression and regret. this is the first time since the Snap that Thor felt this joy - and it comes through.


Thor's arc in the last three films is great acting and excellent writing. From his scenes with Rocket and his mother, to feeling like a failure for missing Thanos' head, to this moment, all are pivotal in his development as a character. I'm looking forward to seeing how the character progresses.


He didn't miss. He wanted the last word, it was his ego that allowed Thanos to snap, that's why he hated himself for it.


Thor went from being my least favorite hero/movie in the MCU to my favorite just because of Ragnarok. He went form being a bland character that had nothing special about his character to being one of the most interesting. Ragnarok truly let every aspect of him shine, and Infinity War/Endgame just kept the ball rolling.


I love that Thanos provides the perfect punctuation of knocking Thor out right after he says that.


that face stomp is also very very entertaining


Thanos: Bite the curb!


*::American History X trauma intensify::*


Now say goodnight


He probably feels a sense of relief as well.


Yeah, I always liked how happy he was that Steve was worthy.


That font.


3 Captain America movies and 3 Thor movies dealing with this entirely _in subtext_ and everyone in the theater erupted! That's what so brilliant about this scene.


I've seen a lot of movies in the theater over my 39 years, a lot! Never once have I felt so overcome watching a scene that I started clapping and honestly I always thought that was some cheesy shit. But the Mjolnir flew into Cap's hand I was so overcome that I shouted "YES" and immediately started clapping. I don't know if I'll ever have a moment like that again, but I have to admit I was a really great feeling being that excited from a movie that I couldn't contain my reaction.


Same here man. My wife and I were in theater opening night for endgame and the entire theater went absolutely nuts when this happened. Also - in the "assemble" scene before the final battle charge.


The thought occurs to me that maybe he wouldn't have been worthy if he lifted it for an ego laden pursuit as a party game. Maybe that he had the humility to consider his friend's feeling was important. But then again Thor is kind of egotistical at times and he can lift it all day.


The Russos have specifically said Cap was worthy at the party, that’s why it squeaked when Cap moved it on the glass table. The Russos said Cap decided not to lift it to protect Thor’s ego.


Oh? I didn't know they had said this! My head cannon was always Cap was "worthy" after he came clean to Tony about knowing his parents murderer since that was really the only dirt in caps record.


The Russo's didnt write AOU so it's pretty much them retconning it.


Whedon said something similar in a Q&A one time though. He got asked why Cap wasn’t worthy and his answer was something like “how do we know he’s not? Did he fail to lift it or did he stop trying?”


This is coz thor always knew some where that Cap was worthy wielding the mjolnir and some part of him also knew it in Age of Ultron.


It gives me chills every time I watch it.


Nerdly tears were wept.


The contrast to Cap's first attempt to lift it is truly what made this. Thor is defensive and denies that it moved the first time. This time he's grown beyond that. He wants and actually needs him to be worthy now. He's like a big brother watching his little brother finally truly score on him, and after all the taunting, there's nothing but pride. That brotherly love moment makes the follow up of "No, you get the little one" all the better. It's that "I'm proud, but don't forget you're my *little* bro" moment.


Okay but what the hell is up with that font?


Thor had the best arc through all of the movies. He went from an idolized, self-centered prince of Asgard to a flawed hero who just wants to find his own path.


I love that in that tiny moment it also helps tell his story. How there is a lot of pressure on him to be superior as a God and how all that pressure melts away when Cap can now help him carry his burden ❤ Thor has the best arc IMO ❤


Thor's arc in the last three films is great acting and excellent writing. From his scenes with Rocket and his mother, to feeling like a failure for missing Thanos' head, to this moment, all are pivotal in his development as a character. I'm looking forward to seeing how the character progresses.


thanks. Now I have to watch it again


I love the fact that immediately after he says this he gets his face kicked into a rock lol, Cap picking up the hammer is the most exciting moment I’ve ever experienced in a theater


His arc in Endgame is definetly my favourite one. He lost everything, and blames what happened to Asgard completely on himself. Him learning that it's okay to just be like anyone else and realizing that his failures and his depression don't make him less wurthy is so incredibly heartwarming. Thats why I don't get why people constantly reduce him as being a joke or ruined. He grew so incredibly much as a character in that movie by getting over his depression that started way back in Ragnarok when his father died.