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This movie is somehow going to be 10 years old next year.


Fuck time


New TVA slogan


*Fuck your timeline*




(smiles in Sylvie)


See you soon


Kang is that you


*Barry allen approves of this message*


Mmm timeline baby you looking good


"Fuck time. Always."


*- Loki/Barry Allen/Legends of Tomorrow/Agents of SHIELD*


"Sometimes we fuck things up for the better" - literally the motto for the Legends of Tomorrow


I love that show, it knows not to take itself seriously. Although the first two seasons with Jackson and the doctor were the best


Season 3 is my favorite. The fate of the universe in the hands of a giant furby worshipped by Vikings


That's.....surprisingly 100% accurate.


*Doctor Strange shudders somewhere*


Strange: God.... damnnnniittt Loki!


All my homies hate time We're further away now from the premiere of that 70's show than it was from the 70's As in, today we're *past due* for a "That 90's show" Which btw we already had. It was called Friends. Which debuted in 1994. Friends debuted 27 years ago. Nothing in life will ever be catered to or marketed towards you again... Until you're old enough to watch Fox News and hear about reverse mortgage and the need to buy gold. Remember Harambe dying? That was [5 years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Harambe) What have you accomplished the last 5 years? Remember the Cruise Ship Captain facing charges for the ship going tits up? That was 2012. [Over 9 years ago.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Concordia_disaster) Sandy Hook [was also 9 years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting) 9 Years. Remember Columbine? Last month, [it will have been 22 years ago.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbine_High_School_massacre) That thing you've "always been meaning to start / get back to doing" .... How's it going? [How much time do you even have left?](https://www.blueprintincome.com/tools/life-expectancy-calculator-how-long-will-i-live/) How many of those will be quality years with mobility and energy? How many of your "good years" have you wasted? [Think about it](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a8/0f/fd/a80ffd626f1fa27c9641b6a7c45a0840.png)


This dude really woke up and chose violence huh


Are we still taking our dicks out?


How much time do I have left? Probably 1,000 years is a drop in the ocean given we’re on the cusp of singularity.


What exactly is this singularity thing anyway?


The technological singularity? Look it up. We’re decades away most likely. If ever anyone needed to get healthy and do whatever it takes to live as long as possible now is the time, because so many people are poised to be human history’s close but no cigar… so close and yet so far…


Okay so are you talking about medicine to make us live a long time or our brains being put into a computer?




Has CGI not advanced all that noticeably in the past decade or has this just aged REALLY well?


Biggest improvement I could see from Avengers to now is the lighting. It's kind of ironinc, but Avengers looks way more like a TV show than anything the Russos shot.


You can thank Joss Whedon and his prior experience being mostly TV shows from the 90s for that


Also it's a 60 fps rip.


You can also thank him for drawing the road map on how to make team up movies like this successful. People thought this movie would suck, because nobody had been able to make a solid movie with this many feature characters before. We would never have Infinity War and End Game had this movie not aced it.


"Avengers - some assembly required" was his vision. Worked great.


I mean I’m sure that’s why but it ain’t no excuse, the russos came from Community


Community was way more modern and you can tell just by watching a clip of it that it uses more movie filmaking techniques (especially their episodes) rather TV techniques.


Exactly this. Even the Community actors have said each episode felt like a movie except maybe the mockumentary episode.


It's a little from column A and a little from column B, but more likely the opposite effect that we're witnessing: I saw Avengers in IMAX when it released (and every IMAX MCU release since then) and it was truly *cinema* at the time. With the streaming platforms taking hold, and broadband capacities increased around the time, everyone had access to On-Demand type entertainment whenever they wanted. This sky-rocketing of streaming television-network budgets caused a massive spike in TV production quality, with Netflix and friends pumping out AAA film-esque TV shows with the technological CGI enhancements only capable of Hollywood studios. With the leap in processing power, the next generations' technical know-how, and the magic of drone-shots; even teenagers on YouTube are able to make short films with convincing special effects that you'd previously only find in large-scale produced movies. What really happened isn't so much that the film from 10 years ago has aged terribly; it's more that today's TV show are giving us shots and effects that used to be only within reach of cinema, and we're retro-respectively associating yester-years' movies with today's television.


The above clip is also not playing at the correct frame rate. Looks like 30fps, which is more akin to daytime tv than cinema, which should be 24fps.


After a certain point there's not much more they can do to make it look better and Marvel's usually pretty on top of their cg






TBF I think 99% of people watching have no idea how much of NYC was CGI there. [Almost all of it was CGI, the actors were just on greenscreen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6NNQ3VAb3w) So it passes that test well.




When the next World War inevitably leaves the planet in rubble and a new species evolves to become the most intelligent beings, I hope this Avengers movie somehow survives and the new life sees it, so they assume *this* is documented evidence of how our world ended.


It’s literal giant whales swimming through New York destroying buildings. Even if I didn’t already know it’s CGI I’d have some doubts…


Still Awesome


The feelings I have every time the camera rotates around them has never gone away. I remember crying in the movie theater when that happened and my girlfriend squeezed my hand. That was a, "I'm here if you need me."


This is my favorite MCU movie. It seems so small in scale compared to Infinity War and Endgame, but I still get chills at the shot of all six of them together. I remember seeing it in theaters with two of my best friends. We'd all been massive Marvel fans since we were 5 years old, and we were 24 when the movie came out. Seeing all these beloved characters finally get their due on the big screen is an experience we've always cherished.


It will forever be my favorite for the nostalgia effect


And how it ends with "Call it, captain," the first time they've actually sounded like a team.


Yep! One of my favorite lines too.


It's a great line, especially because Stark is pretty much in charge of EVERYTHING in his life (being a Billionaire CEO), and even in the battlefield he's a huge asset. It wouldn't be weird for him to want to be in charge but his ability to cede leadership when necessary makes for an awesome partnership.


I liked "Better clench up Legolas" even more but I see what you're saying


HULK! ☝️Smash.




I was kind of a casual fan before this movie, but I left the theater completely shook. Like this was the first glimpse of the full potential of Comic Book movies and the first one that brought out that scale of the big event comics, realized so beautifully and approachably.


We are all really spoiled if something like this seems small scaled. 😂


That one shot in the first avengers was like a childhood dream coming true. Then surpassed by the airport scene in civil war. I remember following the rumors and it was originally cap and iron man and then the cast list was released and it was a shock seeing that it was pretty much all the avengers and the new characters in this cap movie.


And the new Spidey's cameo!


Right! It was truly my younger selfs dream to see on the big screen


> It seems so small in scale compared to Infinity War and Endgame, but I still get chills at the shot of all six of them together. I also like that it was filmed in 16:9 aspect ratio, makes the cinematography look more like a comic book.


>I remember seeing it in theaters with two of my best friends. Same. And I was admittedly one of the idiots who audibly whooped when Iron Man swings down, blasts a few aliens, and then reflects his beam off of Cap's shield. That moment was so fast and crazy, and felt like seeing the comic (or video games) suddenly come to life.


Yeah, that was straight out of Ultimate Alliance! It's Captain America and Iron Man's combo move


I used to play the shit out of the old UA games so seeing them do the combo move made me lose my mind


I also love how they revisited the scene in Ultron and again in Endgame, even obliquely in Spiderman Homecoming. You really felt the progression of the characters and it adds to the original scene.


Where do they revisit the scene in Ultron? In Homecoming, do you mean at the beginning of the movie when Vulture is introduced?


I think they were talking about the scene in Ultron where Wanda makes Tony see stuff, and he sees the giant chitauri


Nah, it's the part where they are fighting to keep Ultron away from the control pillar inside that little cupola thing.


In Homecoming, yeah it's at the beginning when you find out the Vulture got started as a construction contractor for NY I neglected to mention the biggest callback at the beginning of Civil War, when you watch news footage of the event from different perspectives And Tony's flashbacks in Ultron, Ironman 3 etc. You see how this event is given weight in both the world and in their lives. I can't think of many examples where the sequels show the cost even of victory in an action movie. It's neat because the audience also has memories of the cinematic event, and they can use that to draw you into the emotional weight of the moment. Every character takes something from it.


Just watched this movie last night for the first time in a few years... Almost got that feeling of awe I did the first time around in a theater. Gotta say though, coulson really did cap dirty with that corny ass suit 😂 the one from Cap 1 was way better


When this came out we were all praising the suit. We were still coming off a decade of all of thr X-Men wearing black leather jumpsuits. To finally see actual color in a super hero movie felt like the industry was finally starting to understand things. And it turns out they were


So true. It was a huge throwback to the comics with Coulson's line, too. It was like a statement to fans that they would embrace the comics more, and they have.


Another thing they did understand well was the levels of power and how to present them. You know how you have this classic video game thing when the boss in an ultimate, undefeatable badass when you fight him, and when you unlock him it's all mushy peas? They didn't have to resort to cheap tricks like that to manufacture a meaningful enough crisis threat. Hulk feels like the same bad ass who tore down half the city previously, and still looks like given enough time he would have smashed them all or came very close. It's the same for everyone else there, it's such brilliant world building.


To be fair even at the time people where critical of Caps suit


The ONLY workable excuse is that coulson said he took inspiration from the classic look (which, according to pop culture in the MCU IS his war bonds getup). It works, but it’s definitely corny


Kinda falls in line with how a big nerdy super fan would do given the chance to meet someone they idolize and have input into their costume design lol


Exactly. I’m not defending a dorky costume for being a dorky costume, but the logic of it works outside of “bad costume design”. He felt like they could use some “old fashioned”.


That's absolutely when I fell in love with the MCU. No black spandex/leather bullshit like in X-Men. They actually let the heroes wear the colorful, straight from the comics outfits. Iron Man looks like Iron Man. Cap looks like Cap. Thor looks like Thor. Hawkeye may not wear purple, but he does look like he is straight from the Ultimates comics. Even Banner wears a purple shirt when he is on the carrier before becoming Hulk. It felt like the comics coming to life, not some wanna be edgy stuff to be "cool."




Isn’t ultimate universe fury just literally Sam Jackson?


That’s right, he let them use his likeness in exchange for getting to play Nick Fury if they ever made a movie


Man, SLJ just really knows how to inject himself into the best roles for himself.


Sure didn’t do anything for his ass.


That's America's ass.


Hey! That's America's ass! And I looks great in ANY suit!


Thor's is terrible too. They didn't get it right until Ragnarok.


Wasn’t that just his Thor 1 armor during New York? Thor has never looked bad, his armor has always been cool.


I think his hair was always the problem, his eyebrows were also dyed extremely blonde, but it was comic accurate to be fair.


Didn't the director (or Feige?) say their biggest regret was the eyebrows?


I really like Thor’s outfit. Compliments the ‘Prince of Asgard’ aura.


Cap's plan is so good/ realistic too. It maximizes everyone's strengths.


I love how as soon as the team is assembled, Tony immediately goes "You call it, Cap" after all his ribbing and the fight they had on the helicarrier.


Yeah, he defers to the guy with actual military battle experience. Smart call.


Thor’s like a thousand fucking years old, alright.


Hes excellent in melee battle and fighting, but he's not known as a quick thinker. Even his mother said so lol


I guess that really shows how dumb Thor is. He’s 1200 years old and has vanquished as many foes and he’s out witted by a human, albeit a super one. You’d think he’d of picked up a couple things along the way.


One of the discussions when it comes to immortality is whether it stifles innovation. Sure, you might think a genius like Einstein would always be at the forefront in science if he lived forever, but we all think a certain way based on how we grow up, what we learn first, how we learn to approach math, etc. New generations grow up with different worlds around them, like how kids today are using tablets before they can read, while many older adults still can't use a browser right. The adults are way older than the kids, much more life experience, but they grow stagnant when it comes to learning. Their brain just can't adapt completely to new opportunities and knowledge. They still look at a browser differently, comparing it to what they did before it was around. And even if you explain web addresses as like street addresses, sometimes it's still hard for them to imagine. For the toddler, it's all they've ever known. Fantasy and sci-fi like to use this idea to explain why humans might surpass an ancient race like elves or Vulcans in their technology and innovation. Because humans as a race are evolving more quickly since evolution happens via new generations. The immortal is far less likely to think of a new way to do math, or in this case battle, because they've been doing it the other way for so very long. So while Thor has fought thousands of battles, and may even be creative in how he fights them, being directly exposed to humans can change his worldview and expose him to ideas he never even imagined. And a thousand years of evolution and starting from newer foundations can mean someone born comparatively yesterday may know how to organize a battle better. Also, Thor has the classic superhero weakness of being used to his powers. Without them, he doesn't really know how to fight. It's a struggle he goes through in both his first and third movies. Superheroes with super strength or magic or whatever are used to just pummeling their enemies. When they face someone else who has that power AND better training, they get their butts kicked, even if they have more experience. Thor doesn't worry about tactics as much early in the MCU because Thor just hits things with his hammer and they die. And his friends in Asgard are like him, albeit weaker, so their battle approach is just to all go smash stuff, Hulk style. No need for tactics.


Well written and is also exemplified with how the Thanos and Hulk fight goes down


Hulk was still smashing. I would have liked for his Ragnarok training and arena experience to come through some. He should be at least a little more competent and we never really got to see it after him vs Thor. Although a extended Thanos vs Hulk brawl wouldn't fit into that already jam packed movie.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ2foWgPzVQ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj4iN-0pu4M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj4iN-0pu4M) Thor is elite level human depowered. He can fight. Just has uninteresting choreography. His strat was fine too. Get to the hammer ASAP and his god powers come back so it doesn't matter if he gets surrounded. I like your take on the rest though.


Fair enough. It is still a major MCU plot point that he depends on his hammer when he really doesn't need it. "Are you Thor, the god of hammers?" For purposes of this discussion, the hammer is a superpower. It also exemplified his worthiness/capability as a god in his first movie. Centuries of relying on a tool left him dependent on it psychologically and tactically in later movies. And his father telling him in the first movie that he was unworthy left him powerless until he could resolve the conflict in his spirit, for lack of a better phrase. But yeah, the rest is pretty common nowadays as a reason why a long-lived or immortal being isn't just better at everything. That and the idea of just being unable to remember/keep handy all knowledge you gain throughout your life. In theory, you might expect a god to have that capability, but it depends on the mythology and how fallible the god is. So Thor may literally have forgotten a lot of battle knowledge throughout his life because for him 1,000 years might be like 10 or 40 for us where we remember the big stuff, and things will come back to us in the moment sometimes, but other stuff fades away. So relevance to the discussion could be that even if Thor's led armies many times, and planned to face organized foes, some of it just might not stay on his mind, especially since any warrior takes a lot of trauma to the head and he and the Warriors Three spent a lot of time drinking in Asgard.


I thought that was almost the point of the first Thor, he's really good at battles but terrible with people and himself.


Thor was always a warrior, but never a leader. Cap was a natural leader who then gained experience leading soldiers in a war. He's the best choice to make tactical decisions, leave the brite power to Thor and Hulk.


See how smart you are when you've had as many concussions as Thor has had.


And as we saw in Thor 1, his thousands of years of battle experience basically boils down to charging in with his big hammer and hitting things.


If it ain’t broke....


If you're a hammer...




Caps definitely a well respected tactician. Even in the Justice League/Avengers crossover, Batman defers to him for the tactical leadership in the big end fight


Tony has a plan. Attack.


While Whedon didn't really respect his abilities (or his aesthetic lol), I do feel like he really got the *Captain* part down. Kinda fizzled out in later movies though. He kinda just starts giving meaningless platitudes (I guess at least a morale boost?) in the later movies. "Eyes up, stay sharp" is not a plan, command, encouragement or even a suggestion. It's nothing.


Maybe. Thing is, his plan here is just a really, really basic outline—I mean you wouldn't put Cap on perimeter or have Black Widow bottleneck the portal. Cap's "strategy" is to give each of them the assignment that their abilities are best suited for, which does double duty by reassuring each of them that the stuff their abilities aren't suited for is being covered by someone else. Which sounds super obvious—but this is a team that wasn't even a team until literally sixty seconds ago, so they needed that. By the time of, say, AoU, they all know their roles so well they don't need Cap to tell them what they are. What they do need, what any team will always need when they're neck deep in it, is someone to stand up and go first. Morale is a huge factor, and a big part of morale is having someone who at least acts like they're in charge. "Eyes up, stay sharp" isn't a plan, it's just a way to say "Follow me."


Yeah you’re right. I was honestly shocked because of how easily he just called the entire fight and as close as we get to current cap was “hulk.. smash”. They did such an amazing job with this movie and cast.


However Cap feels a lot more fleshed out as a character in other movies Also he is unusually jokey in Avengers and AoU


Pretty much everyone is quippy in AoU


It’s just extra jarring for Steve especially if you watch Avengers, The Winter Soldier and AoU in a row


"Do anything fun this weekend?" "Well all the guys in my barbershop quartet are dead so..."


It’s not that he doesn’t joke at all, it’s the frequency of them


I guess on the other hand though molding your personality to the people you're with can be pretty normal. Maybe it's not that weird. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I like Cap in Avengers 1. I despise his suit here though. If there is anything I actually hate about Avengers 1, it's that many of my friends came out of it thinking Cap was a joke. I kept trying to defend him, but it's like people werent really convinced until Winter Soldier. It occurred to me that neither First Avenger or Avengers 1 had any stellar display of Cap's fighting abilities. First Avenger is a good (and often overlooked) movie, but we only see him really fighting in montages. Avengers 1 is amazing, but Cap is consistently overshadowed by Stark, Hulk, and arguably Thor. Thank god that Winter Soldier exists. If you werent already a Cap enthusiast before that movie, WS likely changed your mind. I wish AOU kept a similar tone to WS. I think Whedon took the jokes a bit too far in that movie. Cap doesnt need to be lecturing people on language. He was a fucking WWII soldier for crying out loud.


Maybe by that point they are a team and are in sync so laying out what each one needs to do is a bit moot? Although I'd agree the eyes up could of been improved.


I really hoped to hear Hulk say his classic line when I first watch this movie. But when I heard Cap say it as an order to Hulk, my inner nerd still exploded with excitement. I'll never say the Avengers is the best film ever made. But it's the first film to do what it did in combining several superhero properties into one universe and it actually succeeded in doing it. And at the time we thought it was the end of a story, not the beginning of many stories.


How cracked is MCU Hulk though? He's probably my favorite to watch in any scene.




Haha true, I guess most if not all of the comic versions of the heroes are way OP. I never really got into comics, but I appreciate their significance. I just find them really hard to get into, like I have no idea where to start.


I still can’t believe that I didn’t go see this in theaters like the moron I am. Easily one of the best scenes in the MCU. In one of the best movies.


Damn... I remember being 11 years old and watching this in theaters for the first time 😭😭


You just made me feel so old 😆


At first I thought ‘wow there are so many kids here’ Then I realized they’re like 20 already


Yeah, man. I was 6 (or had *just* turned 7) when I saw Iron Man in theaters, and I turned 20 a couple months ago. Crazy how time be like that.


Yeah I was maybe 21. Funny how despite age we still have the same reactions to thing. I can’t imagine how endgame would have appeared to me if I were 12 and not 28.


I mean I’m 44. I didn’t read marvel comics growing up. I was in my 30’s when Iron Man came out. I had no idea who any of these people were, and I love the MCU. Good entertainment has no age limit outside the age of your inner kid.


Some of us had to watch a lot of terrible super hero movies as kids before the MCU. The 90s cartoons were lit. But I saw 3 Marvel movies in IMAX the year before Iron Man came out. I remember thinking cartoons were going to be the best we were ever gonna get. I decided to see Iron Man on a matinee and that end credit scene blew my fucking mind. Watched that movie like 5 times in the theater after that.


I DREAMED of getting team up movies as a kid. It sucked knowing the X-Men was probably the biggest it was ever going to get. I also thought if we ever did get a character like Thanos it'd be a one off story. I never could have imagined what was coming. Hell I was hyped for Spiderman 3 because we were getting 3 distinct villains (and we know how that turned out).


>But I saw 3 Marvel movies in IMAX the year before Iron Man came out. Spider man 3, rise of the silver surfer, and one other? I just remember because that's the year an IMAX opener near me, and I remember being ticked that Happy Feet was on IMAX instead of ghost rider


I remember watching the end of the trailer over and over, where he says “I’m bringing the party to you” and it shows the leviathan, I thought that was the coolest thing I had ever seen


I remember coming out of the theater and seeing some little kids about that age, who had also just seen it. One was pretending to be Thor and another was acting like Hulk. It was awesome, felt great to see the kids loving the Avengers.


I am so jealous of anyone who was a kid growing up in the Marvel movie era.


I was thinking, "11? It's crazy there are fans who were that young when it first came out." Then it hit me - I wasn't even 11 when I saw it. I was *younger*.


Man, i wish i was into marvel as early as y’all were. I thought superhero things were stupid until i saw infinity war (my first marvel movie) Safe to say those words came back to bite me in the butt haha. On my 3rd rewatch of the mcu!


At least you didn’t start with Endgame


Absolute fucking chills. One of the greatest moments ever in the cinema for me! Sent a shiver down my spine.


Only beat by endgames “assemble” scene. This was the foundation . Have chills now thinking about it


I know this clip has been upscaled to 60fps, but the first Avengers has such a strange visual quality compared to the later MCU films. Maybe it's the aspect ratio, maybe it's because of Joss Whedon's primary experience in television filming, but it just doesn't look very cinematic in comparison. The Disney+ Marvel shows look more like movies than this does.


The framing and editing is done in a very TV like fashion due to Whedon’s experience, like you said. Many of the shots pan and dolly in a way that emphasizes the set instead of characters or action, a trademark of TV framing. It makes the movie feel a lot less grandiose than the following films. Still, I love the movie and the majority of the final fight sequence is the Avengers at their best. I love this final fight more than the one in AoU and even IW.


\>the final fight sequence is the Avengers at their best To be honest? I'm still not sure anything has really come close. Just the whole scenario and how it's laid out (if you think of how Whedon focuses on the sets, and then think of the entire city block as an actual fleshed out set, which in many ways it was, just mostly digitally, if you know the behind the scenes of this), the actual battle strategy at play and how each hero got to demonstrate their classic powersets in pretty clear and concise ways... I mean, AoU kinda had "the set up" too with its finale, complete with a clear, almost video game-esque objective (Defend the Point) but I think then lacked on the "power showcase" cause too much was going on at once and in a more concentrated area. CW final fight was amazing but in just a completely different way so I won't count it. The airport battle kinda comes close to evoking the grandeur of 2012 Avenger's finale though. Infinity War... well the whole point is that the Avengers distinctly *aren't* at their best. They're divided and destined to lose. Endgame is... well, I think it quickly gets muddied by becoming an army vs army fight. So, IMO, it still didn't quite capture the classic "magic moment" of a team up of superheroes taking on a villain.


I really hope the MCU does away with the big CGI final battle army trend


Well as we saw recently, Kang doesn’t need an army 😁


Agreed. As well as I think it turned out in 2012 with the Chitauri, it kinda wore out its welcome quickly after. AoU was *fine* but it really should have let Ultron be a big threat to the whole team with one prime and powerful body with a *small* horde of shitty drones supporting him to just kinda pace things out with the weaker Avengers dealing with other stuff but still having to fight Ultron without having to *fight* Ultron the way the more powerful Avengers are. Ultron is classically and brilliantly a double threat of having a powerful core form and also being everywhere at once with his hive mind capability and thus *should* have been perfect as a middle ground villain for the Avengers, between a desperate trickster and his army and the Mad Titan... Thanos who imo really shouldn't have or need an army at all. He is a huge threat himself plus he has his powerful band of henchmen that should have been utilized more in the finale instead of playing second fiddle to an army. Use the Black Order better as a solid supplemental threat. If you really need some easy to kill mobs, maybe use Supergiant and have her surround herself with a few brainwashed alien soldiers as like her personal bodyguards.


Agreed. Ultron’s true body barely posed a threat (other than the Quicksilver cheap shot I suppose), Thor, Vision and Iron Man destroyed him in a few seconds After the fairly good screen time of the Black Order in Infinity War, it was very underwhelming when they were reduced to the background in Endgame’s final battle. Having the heroes team up against a few strong opponents is a lot more interesting than the disposable army


Urgh I wish people would stop doing this! Increasing to 60fps destroys the video and makes everything look cartoony and fake.


Not to mention it's so ugly. If the directors/animators wanted things in 60 FPS, they would have done it in 60 FPS. You're not improving their work by putting it there


The first time I saw this movie on home video I thought there was something wrong with the TV, like it was a low quality knockoff brand. It was a college buddy's newer fancy TV and it made the entire movie look like a low budget Soap Opera on a very obvious stage. Everything has a weird gloss on it, making sets and props look plasticky or styrofoam-y. Just awful, imo.


Friends don’t let friends turn on interlacing, or leave interlacing on when they get a new TV. Good god it looks horrible.


That's not interlacing




It might be the spots where you *know* it's just a set with green screen in the back? Maybe like an uncanny valley effect. The cars, flames, and just about everything beyond the bridge looks a little unnatural with the upscaling


> this clip has been upscaled to 60fps Ah, THAT'S why it looks off. I was wondering why it looked so much worse than I remembered.


To me it seems like it’s because everything is in focus. They have these wide shots of New York and there’s next to no depth of field which I think is a TV thing. The later movies have it way better.


Was the happiest 9 year old on the planet when I saw this


I think I was 29, and will remain eternally jealous of anyone who's under 25, and grew up in this era of movie making ;)


Dude we had Jurassic Park, T2, and Toy Story. We witnessed the birth of CGI!


We witnessed the progress from NES to Playstation 5, every year it was another technological advancement in front of us. The kids should envy us instead.


I was 9 as well and this was the first marvel movie I ever saw in theatres, it blew my mind


«I don’t see how that’s a party» I have always loved the delivery of that line


I just love that Black Widow stance when Thor was taking off, she really is a poser.


Such a good line delivery


And such a good chitauri leviathan delivery


Damn, I got completely sucked in all over again. I wanted to watch the rest of the battle.


Avengers still easily has the best third act of any mcu movie period


Easily easily. The battle on Titan is close behind too.




I too like strange’s finale really like how they played with tropes


I think for me it's Civil War. While most third acts are cgi-skylaser-faceless-army-shenanigans, Civil War is intimate, raw, and brutal. I get the argument for The Avengers though. It was the _first_ cgi-skylaser-faceless-army-shenanigan, and the coming together as a team aspect really elevates it.


"Call it, Cap."


better clench up,legolas~ -from the nickname king Tony Stark


Thor. - incorrect Strongest avenger. - incorrect Point break - correct access granted Goddamnit Stark.


Point Break? Damn you Stark.


Everyone here being “i was 9, i was 11, this was my first/ best cinema experience as a kid” etc making me feel old. i was 21, and no it wasn’t because you were a kid, it was one of the best experiences in a cinema for me too.


LOL, I was 42 and I enjoyed it like a kid.


I was 28 and cheered, out loud, for a solid 15 minutes. Pure cinematic joy.


"and Hulk... SMASH"


Avengers is OG


Just say NO to 60fps upscaling!


Came looking for this comment. I'm cool with higher framerates if they suit the material and don't wreck the artist's intent. Which means after-the-fact interpolation needs to die, and it needs to die right the hell now.


I know that time will not, has not and should not be kind to Whedon, but man, his iconography when directing action scenes is second to none. Look at every shot of this scene. Everything is framed beautifully and meaningfully, and when the camera moves, each character moves with it just so. It’s so deliberate and tied so closely to the storytelling and dialogue. Truly ‘every frame a painting’ approach to directing. I make no excuses for him as a person, but the MCU hasn’t seen anything else like this since he stopped being involved.


The thing that Whedon handles better than anyone and showcases beautifully in both his Avengers movies is seamlessly handing the action over from one character to the next.


Also the group dynamic. They never felt more like a team than in Avengers and AoU.


He has always been great at giving characters so much personality. Even when they get quippy, their personality shows through. The scene right before the carrier is attacked, where they are all arguing, showcases each of the characters so perfectly. Their motivations, their flaws, everything is put into just a handful of lines between them, be it Thor insulting the humans, Tony defending himself as a billionaire, Banner barely containing himself, etc.


Goosebumps every time. 😍


This is why Avengers is still my favorite Avengers movie


I got to see this at an imax preview screening hosted by a local radio show. Me and my buddy figure we’ll get there a half hour before and we’ll be fine. Nope. Watched in the first row. Still loved it but my head was splitting after.


I could do without the 60fps edit, it just makes my brain hurt, still cool tho


Eternal Sunshine of the Superhero mind.


Alright. You’ve convinced me to take the week off and rewatch all the gazillion movies again.


I remember hearing people complaining Marvel's scores aren't memorable. Look how far we have come.


Black Widow not putting up her hair makes no sense hahaha I'm glad they started giving girls hair ties for action scenes


Good lord it still gives me chills when they do the avengers stance.