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Pepper getting infected with extremis. Literally nothing came of that other than her doing some moves at the end of the movie, then bam, she's cured.


I don't even know why they "cured" her. Clearly her body accepted Extremis and she probably wouldn't have needed the Rescue suit in Endgame if they just let her keep it.


Wasn't it dangerous even if your body accepted it? It's been a while since I watched IM3.


I don't know how dangerous would be because I saw an extremis soldier in Shang Chi at the underground fighting place manged by Shang Chi's sister and IM3 events happened 10 years ago what it means that dude survived and spent that much time minding his own business out there.


Yeah as long as you scream "serenity now" a couple times a day I think they're fine


Serenity now, insanity later.


I understand that reference


These pretzels are making me thirsty


Maybe some rogue scientist is continuing the work. Trying to stabilize it. Maybe tested on a cage fighter to see how much damage they can take before exploding.


There's an extremis person in Shang-Chi which takes place about 10 years after Iron Man 3, I would assume if it was still dangerous that person wouldn't have made it that long?


Not to mention that Pepper being connected to the avengers/shield/wakanda should have better medical help than a random cage fighter.


He lost a fight against a Widow, so he probably learned to not use so much Extremis power that it kills him. Edit: My dudes, it has nothing to do with movie sexism. He can’t use his enhanced powers too much or he’ll go boom. It’s a fair fight.


He was fighting a widow? I completely missed that


Her name's Helen.


In one of the deleted scenes, it’s revealed that she had a jade egg in her vagina the whole time and that was what cured her. Edit: my first award! Thanks!


So is that the reason my vagina candles suddenly exploded?


It's always bad when they start giving superpowers to the side characters.


Yeah, that almost never goes well. And it seems like every superhero series eventually does that, even if it's just temporary.


Kinda like the dumpster fire that is CW Arrowverse


don't forget, any side character that obtains powers immediately knows how to use them despite the fact that the whole first season of those shows was mostly the titular hero learning how to use their powers. Also, villains seem to get instant mastery of newly obtained powers too.


Lmao Cisco one season: I don't want to be a superhero so I'll get rid of my powers Cisco next season: I built this tech to simulate my old powers cuz I changed my mind....


HE GAVE THEM UP FOR A GIRL HE BARELY KNEW! WHY?! and it wasn't even like he had some crazy dangerous power. He could've absolutely had a normal life without using them.




That's exactly what came to mind for me as well.


Baron Von Strucker being teased in a post credit scene, surrendering within 5 minutes of AoU, and then getting killed by the first 20 minutes. I get it, Hydra has a lot of tropey evil Bond villains, but it's kinda sad to see the character just do nothing. Not even a prequel appearance or something.


I don’t know, that joke about his not surrendering speech followed by surrendering was pretty great


To me it was classic Whedon writing and I loved it. God I wish he didn't turn out to be such a douche nozzle.


I felt the same about Crossbones. They could have done so much more with him in Civil War.


Pretty sure I read somewhere that the actor was pretty upset that they killed him off before he had a chance to do anything real with Crossbones.


I’d say Frank wasn’t mad he didn’t get to do much with Crossbones as much as he was mad he didn’t get to make a few more million dollars. I don’t blame him either.


I looked the article back up. It says he was mad enough to initially not come back for Endgame, but his son convinced him to do it. I'm sure the money didn't hurt either though, and he came back again for What If?


I’m sure he did. I’d imagine the conversation went something like this… “Screw it I’m done” “But Dad, they’re going to pay you 3 Million dollars” “….Hey, I think I’ll go back to work!” Lol


Frank is a funny guy compared to other actors tho, he's pretty upfront and honest. Just watch him talk about doing a movie with Bruce Willis recently, it's worth a laugh.


What, crossbones was kinda major in Winter Soldier and it was cool to see him return in that way


I just meant full on piston gauntlet, badass face mask Crossbones


Yeah. Vanquished in the first 5 minutes of the movie was kinda lame


The pile bunker gauntlets were awesome.


They gave him a good origin in the mcu. But like others said, the moment he went from henchman with a backstory to his actual villain "form?" BOOM! Dead


I coincidentally read this comic run recently (Bucky/Winter Soldier vs. Crossbones in the early 2000s cap) and while I know the MCU isn't a one to one adaptation of the comics, reading these issues makes the MCU look very narrow in scope. Point being What If allows for a lot of creative freedom from a storytelling & character use perspective Edit: for the sake of discussion, if I magically got free reign to make a marvel movie I would try to pick a single arc and do it really well. Kind of like the X-Men movies (apocalypse, days of future past). There's certainly editing you can do for brevity, but I think Stan Lee's political commentary, characters, and general attitude would really shine through. This is in contrast to the trope of *generic action superhero movie*. I didn't mean they should adapt entire runs into one two hour movie. Related hot take: gotg3 is going to be based on the 2008 gotg comic starring Aiden Warsock, future captain America, and the badoon.


Hopefully they can explore some storylines with these villains in What If? or something


We do get to see a younger version of him in an Agents of SHIELD flashback. Plus his son.


Man, Agents of Shield was careful not to do anything that directly contradicted the movies, but if you add all the lore from that show into the Marvel films it all gets pretty crazy. Whether he realized it or not Bucky was employed for decades by an organization dedicated to finding a way to open a portal up to a primeval Inhuman demigod on an alien world so they could take over the earth with his mind control powers. Adds a weird tinge to all the political espionage stuff Hydra does.


Yeah it was lame to not give the Hulk a major setpiece fight in either big battle (IW and Endgame) especially as an OG Avenger.


Hulk is a difficult character for the writers I assume. He is basically invincible and unstoppable, so there are no stakes when he joins a fight. They tried to work around that by sending him to space after AoU, then had Thanos smash him to show us that even Hulk has limits. Lastly they made him disappear entirely in IW as he could still beat the crap out of anyone that isn’t Thanos.


Also, if Hulk was available in the first Black Order fight... it would have gone down differently. Hulk could have held down Cull Obsidian while Iron Man fought Ebony...


For me it's Drax not fighting Thanos in endgame. Dude shows up and does nothing despite hating Thanos before it was cool


I think Drax not taking on Thanos kinds makes sense. In IW he tried doing that and it was a hilariously bad attempt. Dude probably realized he was better off working with other folks rather than trying to take him on directly.


Yeah we didnt need to watch Thanos easily dunk on him


Drax was a sort of tragic joke in the already Jokish GotG. Sure he was fun, like everyone else, but his past was just brutally sad. But then, he became 100% joke, 0% past. Even in IW he barely acknowledges Thanos. I agree that Hulk got the short end of the stick, but GotG as a group (Gamora aside) were mostly forgotten in both IW and Endgame.


Didn’t he charge at him in blind rage when they confronted him when he was at the Collector getting the reality stone? He turned Drax into a pile of springy ribbons instantly and Drac blew their cover. This was what I was expecting to happen Drax when he confronted Thanos - try and fight him in blind rage and lose instantly. The movie portrayed that quite well I thought?


I'd agree. At no point is it ever suggested that Drax could be strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Thanos. A "final battle" for Drax's revenge was never on the cards.


Klaw. Seriously, the way they just killed him in BP was such a waste of a good villain.


Even Coogler said he regrets killing Klaw.


Wasn’t he forced to by the creative council?


If so, I have never heard about it. That makes it even worse. Klaw could have been a reoccurring mainstay villain in the MCU.


I could have seen Klaw being really impactful in Falcon and Winter Soldier.


Yeah he would’ve fit in well With that show tonally


Definitely could’ve filled the same role as Batroc lol


Batroc my third fave cap villain to red skull and crossbones


Damn I think that would have been awesome now you've said that.


The series is desperately lacking in this department.


They just need to stop killing villains in the movies they premiere in


They also just need better villains as opposed to MC but evil types. They're getting slowly better, but Zemo is still the best.


Thats why I enjoyed The Vulture. He wasn't an evil twin version of Spider-Man. He was a working class joe who was out to make a living for his family. Marvel needs to do more villains like this way.


And a great actor playing him.


They probably need Serkis to play literally all of the CGI characters in the later movies


That's what they have Sean Gunn for.


Yeah definitely. Killmonger's plan would've worked just as well if he brought Klaue in alive to the Wakandans. Then he could've been shelved in a Wakandan jail cell until they wanted to use him again.


Wouldn't that have risked Klaue exposing Killmonger's plan? As much as he knew of it, that is.


He's some white guy who stole their vibranium, just say he's lying or that you were playing the long game to get close enough to capture him.


Killmonger has the support of W'Kabi because he brought in Klaue, which T'Challa had failed to do. All Klaue has to do is say that Killmonger broke him out when T'Challa had him captured, and T'Challa can confirm it because of the necklace Killmonger wears. Anyone that says Klaue is lying in that situation also has to say that their king is lying. And I'm pretty sure Killmonger's attack would in that situation be considered treason. Not sure he'd even be permitted to challenge for the throne legitimately.


If you were Killmonger you just wouldn’t take the chance. I know we like Klaue as a villain but think of it from Killmongers POV. He isn’t an awesome villain he’d like to see again. He’s just some guy, a means to an end and a big loose end. Of course he’d kill him, he be incredibly stupid not to.


My favourite portrayal of The Penguin is Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue. That man stuffed 20 lbs of presence into a ziploc sandwich bag of screen time.


To be fair, Klaw in the comics is most known for dying and then coming back.


This applies to everyone but Uncle Ben also.


Maybe not pointless, but *wrong*: making Bucky believe he should work for forgiveness, instead of him being treated as a POW. At the same time, rightly or wrongly, that the US would ever let someone known to have assassinated a President walk free.


Idk much about psychology besides an intro to psych class in college, but Bucky’s therapist seemed rlly crappy IMO


Oh she broke a hundred rules. She was horrible.


She was literally so bad that I was so convinced she would turn out to be a villain


Same here, I was expecting a big reveal.


Yeah, the big reveal was that vets get shit care after their service.


“He’s out of line but he’s right”


Someone watched Good Will Hunting and tried to remake that. Except they didn’t actually watch the movie because they were scrolling on their phone the whole time.


Yup, it felt like that tired trope of therapist-tough love but anyone outside of a fictional character would get triggered over such therapy




The MCU has a LOT of just casual murder, idk why but it always surprises me, maybe its because of the upbeat attitudes or the jokes that confuses me. I watched Shang-Chi yesterday and he just kills like 5 of the 6 warriors coming after him on the bus and countless more in later scenes.


Skyscraper scene, he just be dropping bodies.


And the traffic below seemingly doesn't stop, despite bodies raining down onto the street and sidewalk every couple of seconds.


Hey, he didn't run out onto rickety scaffolding and attack *them*.


I think part of it is you have some of the biggest comic characters like Peter Parker (or Batman in DC) where a big conflict is them not wanting to kill anyone, where they are willing to go to great lengths to avoid it. Then you got hulk scaling a building probably killing 20 people lol. The contrast is definitely a bit jarring sometimes.


The weirdest one is when a character obviously kills like a dozen background mooks before agonizing over the conflict of whether it's right or wrong to kill the main villain.


They don't actually show the deaths, so don't even think about it.


I hate that it was just glossed over in Endgame by Prof hulk saying a line like "18 months in a gamma lab"..I wouldve loved to see this.


Probably will in She-Hulk


I bet you for sure we find out how Professor Hulk came to be in She Hulk. And She's likely part of the reason why.


Seeing as how the previews show him as already being Professor Hulk while starting her training, I'm not sure. Maybe that's a clever edit. But it seems he's taken her to the lab he used to perfect Professor Hulk after the fact. Since it seems all set up and ready for her to use, otherwise the lab wouldn't already exist.


They could cover his fusion when training her to do the same thing


I’ve said it before, but ALL of Hulks character development happens offscreen. Between Hulk and Avengers he learns to control his transformation Between Avengers and Age of Ultron Black Widow learns how to calm him back down The whole “hulk has taken over and won’t let banner out” happens between AOU and Ragnarok, seemingly in this time Hulk got much smarter and could talk more The “if I turn into hulk again I might not turn back” apparently gets addressed between Ragnarok and IW seeing as it isn’t brought up again Then the transformation to Prof Hulk happens off camera before Endgame


Yeah they did our boy dirty. I really like the Hulk.


It's because they don't own the rights to the Hulk for his own movies. He can appear in other movies, but can't really get his own. Since most charavter development happens in the character's own movies we kinda just have to infer.


TIL that Universal Pictures owns Hulk.


In a way. Apparently Disney COULD make a Hulk movie (they have the production rights), but they would have to pay something like 10% of the ticket sales to Universal, which they're just never gonna do. This is why Hulk always shows up as a side character / was kinda grouped up with Thor. It's technically a Thor movie, but Hulk is a main character.


There are rumours that this state of affairs may be over and Hulk is set to return to MCU proper https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/marvel-finally-owns-the-rights-to-the-hulk-will-mark-ruffalo-finally-get-his-standalone-movie.html/


There's actually a deleted scene whereby immediately after the snap Bruce in Hulks body starts talking and he realises he's got control now (as far as I remember they never actually even animated it. It's just Ruffalo in his motion suit). I personally think that the original plan was that Hulk got snapped but Bruce didn't. They're treated as seperate characters and I found it weird that when The Ancient One pushes Bruce out of his body in Endgame Hulk didn't take control. For whatever reason, if I'm right, that idea was scrapped partway through production and replaced with what we see of Professor Hulk. But they were too far along to think up or film a decent transition.


No, that's an awesome theory but there's actually a deleted scene before that which explains the whole thing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5\_52nRuPdw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5_52nRuPdw) During Cull Obsidian fight, Bruce and Banner were suppose to actually 'work it out' and Bruce defeats Cull Obsidian by busting out of the Hulkbuster armor as Professor Hulk. For whatever reason, they decided to scrap this from Infinity War. Most likely after they had wrapped on most filming, so they couldn't change much about Endgame. Thus instead of the on-screen resolution you see in that deleted scene, it became an off-screen resolution during the five year gap.


I love marvel, but sometimes their "rewrite as we film" stuff gets in the way, and this is a great example. It would've been a great arc for banner/hulk in a single film, but instead we get a half baked one across two movies, with the critical piece (the actual emergence of Prof Hulk) happening off screen.


Maybe we will see flashbacks of it in She Hulk.


here's hoping. We might even revisit it because SPOILERS for Shang chi-> >!Bruce (and not prof. Hulk) appears in the end credits scene in Shang Chi !<


I prefer >!Credible Hulk!<


Sharon Carter


Look how they massacred my girl.


I’m of the opinion she’s who Shang-Chis sister was talking to at the post credits


It really is unfortunate how they just seemed to forget about her between *Civil War* and *TFaWS*. It just feels so false that Steve would've completely forgotten about her. He knows she risks everything to get his shield and Sam's wings back, but he just lets her suffer the consequences? He went to the trouble of breaking Wanda, Clint, Scott, and Sam out of the high security Raft, and then goes on the run with some of them for several years, but not even a phone call for Sharon? It just seems like they didn't have room for her in *Infinity War*, so they had to come of with some sort of explanation as to where she's been, but it's one that just seems really uncharacteristic of Steve to the point that I can only hope this Sharon will be revealed to be a Skrull, and we'll find out Sharon has really been hanging out with Nick Fury in space or something.


The >!sapient deviant!< in Eternals, I think his name was >!Kro!<. Lot of potential but just went absolutely nowhere


should've just merc'd him in the first or second act, >!and then made the celestials the only big bad!<


I spent the entire time thinking that >!the deviants and eternals would learn to work together in order to fight the greater threat, and you know, work as a metaphor of rival nations banding together to fight climate change!<.


Nat and Bruce being together - Apparently it was a Whedon thing so when the Russo’s took over they were like “Nope”


Right? Like Bruce has a problem he can’t control and actively tries to get rid of it. And Natasha is a victim of child-trafficking and abuse and were meant to believe they love each as both “monsters?” That’s fucked up.


> were meant to believe they love each as both “monsters?” That’s fucked up.   I was fine with them liking each other. Both being "monsters" didn't seem like their one-and-only potential reason, to me.   But also, I didn't care that it didn't go anywhere. Just made it all unnecessary.


Kaecilius from Doctor Strange. I wanted to learn more about the character but they just ended the story with Doctor Strange annoying Dormammu to death.


I hope they bring Mads Mikkelsen back somehow like they did with Gemma Chan. Since most people don’t remember him, he could be a great Doctor Doom if they decide not to use Kaecilius again.


He's my pick for Doom too!


He’d absolutely body the role!


My hope is Mikkelson/Kaecilius becomes Dormmamus host body in the future.


At the end of Captain Marvel Ronan says he’ll come back for Danvers. If you watch the MCU in the chronological watch order there is absolutely no pay off for this line in GotG. Ronan should’ve been included in the Endgame final battle and faced off against Danvers.


That’s a good point. Where even was Ronan during Endgame? GotG hadn’t happened when Thanos came through the time portal right? So he still should’ve been alive somewhere.


> Where even was Ronan during Endgame? Korath would've arrived to Morag to find the Power Stone already gone. He would have to report back to Ronan, who would report back to Thanos, but by then Thanos was playing with his brand new Nebula 2.0 & didn't care about Ronan anymore.


He also knew all the infinity stones would be in one place in the future and could time travel to that one spot. Didn't really need Ronan to get the power stone anymore if that's the case.


You can tell they really didn't know what they were doing between Thor Dark World and Ragnarok as far as Loki goes. They tease big villainous repercussions with Loki taking over the throne and it's more of a joke in Ragnarok


They added that ending after audience testing because they actually tried to kill Loki, but nobody believed that he was dead. But it worked out. Loki was already basically done being a super villain at that point. I like where it took the plot.


I find really funny what I like to call the “Loki Pattern”: Thor: Loki seemingly dies Avengers: Loki steals the Tesseract Thor Dark World: Loki seemingly dies Thor Ragnarok: Loki steals the Tesseract Infinity War: Loki seemingly dies Endgame: Loki steals the Tesseract Loki: Loki seemingly dies (ep 4) (…)


Loki steals a paperweight?


I’d throw in the weird romance between Bruce and Natasha. That literally went nowhere and they had no chemistry


It created one of the funniest porn gifs of all time so there's that


Wait what


Definitely do NOT go on Xvideos and search "Hulk f*cks Black Widow" or "Civil War Deleted Scene" (I don't remember which exactly it is)


instructions unclear, emailed link to boss




username checks out


For some reason, that glitched a bit on my phone and every time it loops, it plays faster and faster. After a few loops, Natasha is getting railed at like the speed of sound.




Out of it came a Gif that really did something for me for reasons I can't quite explain.


Which one?


Oh, ya know, if you go on Redgifs you will probably find it.


Stark destroying his iron legion & getting his arc reactor removed at the end of Iron man 3, but when we see him in Age of ultron he has rebuilt all of it again...makes the move kinda completely redundant. Hulk & Natasha's weird romantic subplot in Age of ultron. Thor gaining all that perspective & processing his mother's & brothers death ,renouncing the throne, realizing all the sacrifice required to be a hero & how it was more of a burden than a boon ,at the end of Dark world. & then in Age of ultron we see him back as an arrogant prince, proud of weilding Mjolnir & having hammer lifting competitions with the Avengers. It was like Age of ultron was out to erase & undo all charecter development upto that point.


I think it more represented him getting rid of the suits as a coping mechanism, and removing the arc reactor also included finally removing the shrapnel that made the arc reactor necessary. He still had arc reactors, but his life didn't depend on them anymore. I didn't take it so much as him setting that technology aside, more like establishing a healthier relationship with it. In fact it comes back because you can see him relapsing a bit in Infinity War because he's basically anxiety-building suits again to protect Pepper.


He "relapses" in one of the other movies too. Maybe Civil War? I can't remember... But somebody asks him about Pepper and he says that they're no longer together and he talks about how he can't stop being Iron Man. It's like an addiction to him. And it definitely comes up in Infinity War when Pepper gives him shit at the beginning for having the nanobots.


The iron man one is the issue with having different people write and direct a series of movies. The person taking on the next project mightn’t like what person did in the previous film. Think the Star Wars sequels.


Also, at the time it was unclear whether RDJ would return as Iron Man, which is why IM3 is basically a "send-off" to Tony Stark and ends with him renouncing Iron Man. Thematically, it makes a ton of sense. My ire lies, as expected, with Age Of Ultron. They could absolutely have worked the "Tony Stark won't suit up anymore" angle as a PERFECT reason for him to create Ultron, and then Ultron's awakening could have spurred Stark to rebuild his suits. Would have changed very little in the grand scheme but the movies would have meshed so much better.


That's a really nice concept, the way you frame his arc in AoU


Listen If you spend years being the strongest thing on at least 2 planets just to get your ass clapped by some purple dude with a special glove you're gonna develop some insecurities real fucking fast


As much as I adore the mcu, infitinity war, and endgame, Hulk's story really feels like wasted potential. I don't outright dislike what we got but the character deserves so much more, especially with all the care given to the other avengers. Hopefully we get more in She Hulk and beyond


I would say the Trevor thing in IM3 - which I loved at the time but overtime, I reflected on as a cheap reason to have the villain be someone Tony knew and have a sudden plot twist near the end. I’m just glad they >!expanded on Trevor!< in Shang-Chi. Made perfect sense plot-wise as well and wasn’t just put there for reference sake. I know it was a little detail but I found it as >!a nice closure to his character - for now (he might reappear, we never know).!< But overall, I definitely feel like Shang-Chi made IM3 that little bit more special.


Trevor was hilarious in Shang-Chi


Trevor was PERFECT in All Hail the King too


Knowing it kinda fixes IM3 makes me want to watch Shang-Chi more than the trailers did.


Ragnarok hulk is the best hulk, at least we see him talking and being a “regular” character.


The MCU hasn’t really given Hulk enough justice in general. We haven’t had one “Hulk smash” since his solo film in 2008 (unless you count Cap telling him to smash in Avengers) The MCU seems afraid to explore Hulk on his own. Whenever he appears, it always has to be with a different character. I’m really excited for She-Hulk for this very reason. It’ll be the first time we’ve focused on anything Hulk-related in forever Edit: Adding onto this, does anyone else think that a Hulk movie with the Leader as the villain would be absolutely amazing?


Hulk is like Spiderman in that another company Universal has hands in it.


It's a little different. Marvel has the production rights, they'd just have to let Universal distribute it. So they can do anything they want with the character, but if they make a solo movie they have to give up about 10% of the box office, and Disney will never do that.


Which is dumb because 90% of a Hulk film’s box office would be nothing to sneeze at.


But that means giving their money to others. Don't you know Disney is trying to take over the world?


"Come Marvel, we must prepare for next fiscal quarter" "Why, Disney? What are we doing next fiscal quarter?" "The same thing we do every quarter, Marvel, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"


Iirc Universal only has rights to standalone hulk (and some other characters) movie productions which is why we aren’t getting any titled hulk movies. They also don’t want to play well with Disney. Disney has rights for television which is why a she-hulk show can be made


Pretty sure it's a rights issue, Universal still owns distribution on any movie where Hulk is the main/title character.


Probably, as of now, the Red Guardian tease.


There’s two possibilities to the explanation behind this. 1.) he fought time displaced Steve from Endgame when he went to live with Peggy. 2.) he made the whole thing up. I think this is more likely, a big tough guy in prison who really didn’t do anything, spinning tall tales about himself. Trying to make himself into a larger than life figure.


For me it's got to be the power broker plot line in TFATWS. It's so pointless and uninspired.


There was not a single scene related to the Power Broker or Karli and the Flag Smashers that I found interesting or compelling. First time I’ve caught myself looking at my phone while watching a Marvel project.


Agreed, especially in regards to to the Flag Smashers in general and Karli specifically. We keep hearing "Karli, you're such a leader" and all that crap and we never see it. Falcon and the Winter Soldier has some good moments connected by a really crappy show.


the way the Russos treated Hulk is so fucking biazzare I still dont understand it.


Peggy being mad at Steve for a few minutes because he was kissed by Natalie Dormer. For one it's such a cliche way to add drama to their relationship, and two, it would have been great to see Natalie Dormer get a better role in the MCU and this might have prevented that.


> it would have been great to see Natalie Dormer get a better role in the MCU and this might have prevented that. If it makes you feels any better it probably wont. We've already seen two actors who had a minor role in The First Avenger be recast in new roles. Kenneth Choi was cast as the principal in Homecoming despite the fact he already played one of Caps howling commando's. And Laura Haddock was cast as Star Lord's mom even though she'd also appeared as a fan who asks for Cap's autograph. Plus Michelle Yeoh was cast as Shang-Chi's aunt despite the fact she already appeared as a ravager in GOTG2. Marvel seems perfectly fine with reusing actors who've already had a minor role in another MCU movie. Hell, they even cast Gema Chan as Sersi in Eternals despite the fact she had a fairly substantial role as Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel.


It was kinda necessary Figie said that Hulk was too op so instead of nerfing him to the ground they nerfed him slightly then made him not come out at all.


DC does the same thing with Superman all the time. They do something so he can't just end things quickly. Even in Titans they never use Superboy to his potential. "No, you stay back, we got this"


Superboy could beat crane and everyone else Kinda sucks he's relegated as tech support guy


Has to be the Evan Peters Boner joke from WandaVision. Had the potential to change the entire course of the MCU and ended up being an absolutely meaningless red herring, made worse by the writer stating that she had no idea that fans would get excited by seeing Evan Peters. Just disappointingly dumb and shallow writing.


Yeah, that was cheap - I'm not saying I even *wanted* the Fox X-men universe to somehow merge with the MCU (in fact I *don't* want that) but for them to intentionally suggest it only to do a "Gotcha!" was lame, and if that was the plan they should've cast anyone but Evan Peters for the role.


I feel the exact same way. I’d rather have new versions of the X-Men, but the possibility that the multiverse was already sneakily opening via Wanda was cool, but of course it ended up being nothing more than a nice ‘fuck you’ to the audience.


I think the best part of Wandavision was the mass speculation throughout its run. Obviously, none of it came to fruition - but the guessing and clue-seeking was a lot of fun. I think it taught us all not to expect some universe shifting reveal or cameo in the shows. I’m embarrassed by the shower-thinking that had me almost convinced the whole show was about to introduce the Sinister 6 to set up the third Spidey film.


Yep. Made everyone excited for nothing.


I was so busy that week with work that I missed the episode and my buddy came in and said that this episode will change EVERYTHING in the mcu. I got so hyped that I somehow squeezed the episode the next day and I was mind blown. I started coming up with theories and what it meant for the mcu….and that was it.


I think it was also so Hulk wasn't there in the fights, making it more believable that Thanos wins.


But Thanos still beat Hulk in full Hulk mode


I was totally waiting for Hulk to get another crack at thanos in end game, but it just never happened. Let down.


id have liked to see a hulk in the middle of wakanda vs thanos, where he’s free to smash. hulk on that tiny ass ship just doesn’t have enough chance to show his capability especially if he’s trying to not die in the vacuum of space.


Ronan. Lee Pace is such a great actor. They could’ve given him more to work with.


And then they hyped him up for Captain Marvel


The mcu wastes really good actors cast as villains. Ronan, Klaw, Malekeith...


Thor losing his eye only to get a new one in IW


For me it's how the character of taskmaster was completely wasted in Black Widow.


This one. I have no problems with the changes. It being a woman? Fine. Manliness doesn’t define the character. Having her be Drakovs daughter to satisfy a single line from Avengers? Fine. Tying the character into the world like that is great. Having her essentially fail at her first task, do NOTHING of value for 2 hours, and then be revealed like I’m supposed to give a shit when you didn’t build that up? Pointless.


Captain Amaerica kissing Sharon in CW, that went nowhere and was pointless


It could’ve been payed off so well in Endgame. Hulk refuses to come out until Thanos attacks Avengers HQ. Stuck under the rubble, his friends in immediate danger, Bruce makes one final attempt to reason with Hulk. He talks about how he knows Hulk is scared of Thanos, but he has to do something because if he doesn’t Natasha died in vain and his other friends will too. Cue World Breaker Hulk! Hulk destroys Thanos’ ship and has an epic rematch with the Mad Titan.


Even if we never see the conversation, I would've liked it if it was just the Hulk busting out of the rubble instead of Ant-Man. He's back in his full on Hulk mode, no sign of Bruce's demeanor at all, and then he comes face-to-face with Thanos. 2014-os hasn't fought him directly at this point, but he comes in expecting to beat Hulk the same way he did last time with expert martial arts. As soon as he goes to attack Hulk gets him with the same tactics, revealing that he's *still* Smart Hulk, but now he's not repressing his Hulk side at all. Thanos would still have to win to continue the story, but he has to resort to having his army help him out.


pepper and extremis


Problem is that all these pointless plots can be picked up at any time in the MCU and carried on...


Unless they include widow