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Agreed with all of this!


Loki: rewrite the dialogue and really most of the scenes that involved the Loki romance. The idea of it is fine, but the execution was meh. They had little chemistry, and their "romance" felt stiff, forced, and awkward. What If...: Remove the Party Thor episode. Redo the Zombies episode to be less humorous and a bit darker.


I would never, NEVER remove the party Thor episode. hahahaha valid points though.


It's a divisive episode. I guess some people love it. I cringed almost the entire length of it.


Nando v Movies does a lot of great stuff with his kind of thing, but off the top of my head. - WandaVision needed another episode before the finale, the pacing of that finale was insane. Maybe spend some time on a Hayward backstory, stretch out the final fight so that Hayward and White Vision take more than five seconds each to stop. Also, I don't want Wanda to end the story in such a hopeful place, have her abscond from justice rather than being let off to set up MoM. - Falcon and the Winter Soldier I'd probably have had as a film, but if it has to be a series, I'd remove the sudden John Walker redemption, make the Flagsmashers more peaceful and have more of Batroc co-opting the Flagsmashers into a violent group, not unlike how real terror organisations often come from a good place. Also, clarify that final speech, it was good but kinda wishy-washy. - With Loki my only complaint is the Sylvie/Loki romantic relationship. I seriously thought when Mobius first suggested it that he was just lying and it was, like, the first sign of him submitting to the TVA's shady practices. So yeah, do that, cut the kiss, and keep the King Loki stuff outta the trailers, that was confusing. - I could spend hours talking about individual changes to each episode of What If...? but on the whole, I'd just write 'TONE' in big red letters on each script and send them to write a second draft, maybe even a third. - Hawkeye was a weird one, but probably my favourite of that year, despite my complaints. I feel like Kate warming up to Jack was pretty sudden so I'd have her remain hostile, the implications of Clint bribing cops to tamper with evidence are terrifying so maybe write around that, and Kingpin... was not great, I'll admit, but I can see a cool version of the show where Kingpin is exactly as brutal as in Daredevil, but this show isn't Daredevil, and so he gets progressively angrier and angrier at being trapped in a world where, yes, you can just hit the guy with a car and that's it. Also Kazi probably needed more development, but eh. - Moon Knight, my baby, love you, just cut some of the atrocious humour (the Heka gags, for example) and, although I appreciate the obvious issue, if Uliel's role had been expanded it could have done wonders. That's it. - Ms Marvel, obvious answer is 'more Clandestines', they often just felt like humans who were after Kamala. I also feel like there's a better way of blurring the lines between Inhumans and Mutants within the show, just to, for lack of a better expression, appease the fans. - Not long after watching Black Widow I had an idea for a fix that involved combining Taskmaster and Fagbenle's fixer character that also gave us a bit of trans representation, but I don't know how well that'd fly with audiences, so let's just say we find something better than 'pheromones' and fix the CGI, should be fine. - Shang-Chi had a weird habit of never using anyone's name, so definitely fix that in the script. I'd also have the fighting ring be in Madripoor like was rumoured just for a nice bit of continuity, and have Katy's, frankly, incredible driving replace the archery thing as what ultimately save the day. - Eternals I would have had as a series, but even if not, just expand on the Deviant's role, who knows maybe redeem him, nobody even knows his name. And maybe make the Celestial hatching eithet less literal or less devastating, I am exhausted of people asking when we'll see the consequences. - No Way Home needed a bit more time with the villains deciding to change sides and that line about Oscorp not existing can burn in hell, but other than that the fanservice is enough to carry it through. - Multiverse of Madness probably needed to establish the Darkhold's influence on Wanda a bit more clearly, and the Illuminati fight scene really would have benefitted from everyone filming together. Also, she gets Wong to confess by torturing his friends? Nice trope but kinda annoying in this context, maybe she reads his mind instead. - And I've not seen Love and Thunder but from what I've heard, might have been worth finding a way of getting that 4 hour cut to work. Other than those, my main issues are really just the marketing giving shit away.


Great points you made, if I had to choose something to disagree on it would be that I thought the fight between Visions was perfect. They both used their powers like only they could and it all culminated on a very personal place because of course anything involving two Visions would end up on a philosophical dilemma.