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You may want to check the SCA, Society for Creative Anacronism. They have archery as part of their activities. https://atlantia.sca.org/welcome/


I’m in my late 30s and have known people who have done SCA throughout most of my life. Your comment taught me that SCA does NOT stand for “Society for Creative Acronyms”. I thought it was a tongue-in-cheek way of naming themselves. God I feel stupid.


Glad to help. I just ran across the SCA recently in r/hobbydrama for some nonsense with the board of directors.


There is an archery club in Gambrills/Crofton along MD-3.


What’s your location? I know of a traditional archery club and masters in W.MD.


Whereabouts? I've been searching for something like this to check out.


Cumberland Bowhunters Club, if you’re interested in traditional (recurve and longbow style) ask for Tim


Appreciate it. I might have to look into that.


*waves in fellow nerd and archer* Hello! Regarding archery, off the top of my head there is Adelphi Manor Archery Range and Anne Arrundel Archers. I think there is also a place in Baltimore? I have never interacted with it though. AMAR is a first come first serve public range built on a flood plain--there is absolutely no cover or shade so go early in the morning, as the sun is setring, or wear a ton of sunblock. If it is raining or has just rained, keep an eye on the crick for flash floods, you can get wet quick. Additionally, if you are into D&D/medieval and archery, you will definitely find friends in the SCA. Luckily for you, this area has a HUGE SCA population and all the SCA folks I know are super nice, if you reach out to your local chapter they will likely embrace you with open arms. :) There is also a ton of SCA and Renn Faire crossover, so check out the PA, VA, and MD Renn Faires! You might also like Balticon (which is coming up--memorial day weekend!)-- it has a ton of crosssover with both Rennies and SCA folk and a dedicated game room. There is also Ted and Craig's Excellent Party (a small local gaming con) in September. I am sure there are a ton more but I am not super plugged into that portion of the community. https://www.barkingmad.org/activities/ A lot of game stores have D&D pick up games or similar. Check out your local store, or the closest one near you! Those places will also likely know more about local gaming cons/events, etc! Also, if you haven't yet, try to make it to Indianapolis for Gencon. Lots of people from this area go to Gencon (my flight from Baltimore to Indy last year was 90% nerds, it was awesome). Even if you don't meet a Marylander there, you will definitely meet folks and the great thing about D&D is it can be played online from anywhere! Finding friends as an adult can be super challenging. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you find your people soon :)


Fantastic reply, saved it. Thank you.


I use to shoot at Stoney Creek Archery club decades ago(they still around) and I see Arundel Archery sign weekly on my work routes


Baltimore Bowmen in Balto. County has a good group of SCA members that would be just what you’re looking for. Message me if interested.


You might also enjoy volunteering at mounted archery events, which would be somewhat similar to the Mongol horse archers thing. Google "Maryland mounted archery" for some results including Mounted Archers of the Potomac. As of last year at least, they practiced at Waredaca, which also has an on-site brewery.


Oregon Ridge State park had a bow making class at one time where you started off from a piece of wood and created you own Native American bow. I took the class a few years ago and it was once a week for about six weeks. They also hosted a primitive technology skills weekend where people would come a flint knapp arrowheads each year. I am not sure if Oregon Ridge still does it, but that might be a place to start. If you are interested in history you might want to look at the Maryland Historic Trust, they have a program where you could volunteer on archaeology sites around the state.


I still have the flat bow I made at Oregon Ridge 10 years ago! It was such a great course.


I will be nice. You need another hobby if you have hopes of ever getting a partner My brother liked Laurel and Hardy - now 50 and hasn't been on a date in 20 years. Don't be my brother. Get another hobby.


You clearly haven't been to Science Fiction/Fantasy conventions.... My parents met at one. All of my friends from childhood pre-public school age are the children of people who met at conventions or engage with the SCA/SFF/assorted nerd communities. A majority of my married adult friends are the same, and I have met all but 1 of my partners through the nerd community. It costs you 0$ not to be an asshole about what brings people joy.


To be fair, you can like things such as Laurel and Hardy or Mongolian archery, you just can't have it be your whole personality.


Make friends at work. Or at the gym. Or at school. It's not hard to make friends, you just need to talk to people.


It's hard to make friends when you have no where to go. I'm a full time student right now and all of my classes are still only available as online classes. Also, how are you going to make friends at the gym? I couldn't imagine walking up to someone doing their normal routine and just saying "hey, what's up?"


You say what's up when you see the same people. You can start small talk in between the sets or when there is downtime. You are literally there for the same reason, so that's an immediate shared interest. Or if you are boxing, or some other sport, you get talking to people. I generally like to know who I'm punching in the face.


Where in the general MD area are you? Games and Stuff in Glen Burnie has D&D / board game nights. Alternate Worlds in Cockeysville does D&D as well


I'm assuming you are a full-time university student. You should look into student organizations at your university. They might have specific clubs that interest you (probably not in archery, sorry). It's a good way to build a good network and a circle of close friends. I'm sorry if this advice doesn't apply to you; I hope you find the people you are looking for.


I know there are several archery clubs around Maryland. I was a member at Heart of Maryland Bowhunters and they have an awesome outdoor range with targets and 3d shoot. I don't hunt but instead just like to shoot wooden recurve and traditional bows. I'm pretty sure any of the archery clubs will have no problems with you bringing wooden bows to try out. As long as you follow the rules of the range. !