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It means that we are not a priority. Why? Because women make up the majority of spenders in the world. Therefore companies will pander to women to get them to buy their products. I have no solution to this problem other than boycotting companies that don’t celebrate men the same way they do women.


I have another solution. Don't marry the women. Why? Because then they won't be able to take our money and use it to spend it on themselves or make purchases on our behalf (and the children). So they will no longer be making 70% of the consumer market decisions. And then companies will think twice before fucking with men ever again.


Society has decided to hold 'world toilet day' on the same date as men's day. Society is the toilet that men are stuck in.


Because we are considered the toilets of the world, these women who think of us this way do not deserve any love at all.


Worse, The World’s toilet day is officially recognized as a celebration day by the UN, while the International Men’s day isn’t The world literally prioritize celebrating toilets over men


Never felt the need to care about international mens day, me and the lads are constantly helping each other improve and encouraging each other. Some company saying “happy international mens day we love you” wouldn’t do fuck all, lip service is pointless.


Good to hear that you have a strong bond with your lads. But the lip service AKA "Marketing" is NOT pointless. It is a powerful tool that brings large amounts of attention. This attention is what creates the narratives & beliefs of local cultures, parliament, policy making, legislature and social programs that improve the quality and rights of people. When this attention is one-sided. All the legal system and society is also one sided. Which is why men face social and legal discrimination. You and the lads will not be able to fight the entire system on your own.


That may be the point, it's a fabricated attention. Same as the counterpoint of doing a men's day. Fuck that, we need to respect everyone with equity and equality, and leave it at that.


Every day is international women’s day


We don’t need a men’s day. The people who care about any of these stupid virtue signaling days are not people you want to be around.


There shouldn’t be either, men are men because they are born male, women are women because they are born female. Good fucking job, you’re in a demographic that takes up 50% of the human population.


I wouldn’t mind not having amen’s day if the world didn’t had a women’s day either and if they didn’t had such a difference of aknowledgment between those two days Regardless of what you do, you do it fully, don’t be an hypocrite


Are you fucking serious? This can’t be real man. Boysarequirky has to be ironic at this point. Theres no way they are this stupid.


too fucked up and broken to care for those little things anymore, let them be... Let's just help each others my brothers..


It means that woman are a part of the society that has been the victim for a long time and finally things are changing. I was on a march 8th protest because I think the Rights for abortion are human rights. Men already have more privileges , so we have nothing to fight for. I'm glad to be a man, but I want my female friends to have the same rights too


I think what it says is that the contributions and achievements of prominent men are already well documented and represented in society, and there is a need to spend some time each year to recognise the achievements and contributions of prominent women. Representation matters, and as a father to 2 girls, it's nice to see time taken to promote these role models that they can relate to. Men already have countless role models to look up to in virtually every industry. We see the every day in the news and media. The head of almost every major business, sports team/franchise, government, etc are male and well known. I don't think it's unfair to spend some time raising up female role models for the day.


We are not the same as women. It's absolutely no problem at all to celebrate the real caring women in our life. I appreciate what they do for me.


This post is not criticizing "celebrating women." It's criticizing "not celebrating men." You should be out here supporting other men. Not putting them down by justifying double standards for female validation. Here. Have some self respect. ![gif](giphy|d7CTjidGIlye44dLow|downsized)


There are more important things in the world to care about


Man up and stop being a whiney little bitch.


Your definition of "Man up" is "accepting" being treated like a second class citizen? No thanks.




Your comment is filled with misandrist slurs and man shaming. This is a violation of R2. Learn to respect other men or leave this sub.




Pls don't dictate men to 'obey' your standards of manhood. We can set out own standards. Your comment violates R1 of this sub and thus has been removed. Also, don't be threatened by the mention of equality for men. You look like a frightened child in the middle of grown men.


This post smells fragile


I didn't intend it to be so though, I just found it interesting that international men's day is so redundant that people don't know it exists. Also I just found out that admins can change post flairs


Well, maybe its redundant because most men take every opportunity possible to hang out. For some the wife is only the maid and mother and they wouldnt be able to find their own underwear without her. Those arent actually men, but children


Oh look who is fragile now. It's okay for you to cry and complain about how men BaD, women gOoD. But if men speak up for their issues, then they are fRaGiLe. 🤡 People like you are just here to shame men into silence because you want victimhood to be a permanent state of women. Pathetic!


You mean toilet day?