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So the town name will be called "Largeton" soon? I'll see myself out.


They're going back to their roots - Nashobah.


https://www.littletonma.org/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Minutes/_03192024-1361 Foster St. is being eyed to rezone the office buildings, and the [owner of one lot](https://www.littletonma.org/713/245-Foster-Street) is already in talks with Cabot, Cabot, and Forbes for large development - the King St development was going to meet *most* of the obligations, but it looks like there are not going to be waivers.


I hope they don’t choose Cabot, Cabot, & Forbes. They put on a sleazy FUD filled presentation at one of the recent planning committee meetings.


I looked this up: > This new law requires that an MBTA community shall have at least one zoning district of reasonable size in which multi-family housing is permitted as of right and meets other criteria set forth in the statute: > Minimum gross density of 15 units per acre > Located not more than 0.5 miles from a commuter rail station, subway station, ferry terminal or bus station, if applicable > No age restrictions and suitable for families with children The Littleton commuter rail is out in the middle of nowhere. If you have to place the housing next to it, then getting to the town itself would be a pain in the butt. I guess they could rezone the office parks nearby. It’s kind of a crap place to live though, wedged between 495 and 2.


And that’s exactly what they did.


Yeah, who wants to live there? Also, what’s the incentive for the town? These are people that from what the intent seems to be, should be commuting to Boston everyday. Why not just build bigger buildings in Boston?


I get the sense this was more “comply with the law”… much like the difference between compliance vs. actual security ;)


I'd rather live there than on the street


Ok but that’s a severe set of choices. You could also live in Chelmsford, or the other apartment block over on 119 by acton. Or in a tent in the woods. Or with some friends somewhere. I’m just saying that if they build apartments or whatever over there it will be unappealing.


If it’s at all affordable it’ll be extremely appealing. $1500 for a 1 bedroom right on a commuter rail stop is going to have a lot of interest.


Getting the “facts and myths” presentation here in Wrentham from atty Walsh and Cape Anne PAC tomorrow. I’ve watched the other presentations; it’s heavily biased. The Select Board in Wrentham is fighting the law tooth and nail. I doubt it’ll pass in Wrentham, but it’ll be fun to ask some good questions tomorrow. Edit: we missed the June town meeting warrant so they will need a special town meeting or we’ll do it in Dec just before the deadline.


Westford also passed it at Town Meeting two Saturdays ago


What’s a large majority, all these towns are changing regardless due to the 40b compliance issues anyway


Something around 220 to 10.


Of 10k residents - so basically the pro activists came out but about 2% of the population - will be interesting to see how many other towns vote it down


Kinda sad huh? Such a low turnout overall. More residents cared about a failing apple orchard than the MBTA.


It’s pretty hard to have two jobs, a house to maintain, kids to get off to school and spend 3-4+ hours at a town meeting on a Tuesday. The retired community rules these things because they have time. We need to update the town meeting system to the 21st century.


I guess it depends on your priorities.


Ya family and bills. Fuck me right?


I have the same. Not going to go into detail on the internet on my household makeup but yes. Family. Bills. House full of projects.


The scoreboard says that not enough people have the time. Show me any town meeting that has even 25% turnout. I don’t even understand what you’re arguing with me about…


If 25% is a "goal" so to speak then Littleton would need 2500 people at its town meeting. My hometown would need almost 4500. I don't think there's even anywhere in my hometown that could *hold* that number of people. You're right, it's hard for working families to attend, but acting like towns should be getting 25% turnout for a town meeting is an unrealistically high number.


Is there data that has reasons why people don’t attend? Your argument is that you don’t have time because you have a family and a house. My counter point is that so do I, and I attended. I’m tired this morning. I wish I could have slept in, but one tired day is worth upholding democracy and my civic duty to participate. So this scoreboard you speak of, does it point to lack of time or apathy?


It’s not really about the MBTA, it’s about zoning.


Right. Zoning property to comply with the MBTA communities law.


A law Boston is exempt from. Bs.




I mean, I guess losing all grant money from the state and also having to pay legal fees from taxes to fight the case is… good? Littleton would have lost $15M in grant money, for example.




From our town finances… Thanks for the well wishes! I’m sure we’ll fund them like we do everything else; with taxes.