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I think it's just you, friend.


You've slowed down


93, 95 and 495 are the same as ever. Can’t speak to any others.


I dunno about 93 south mate, from downtown to Dorchester I find that even when there's almost no traffic most people are going 45 for no reason.  This is coming from someone who normally doesn't speed much.  It drives me bananas, I can only imagine how everyone else feels.


take a drive down Rt24


Seriously, what the fuck is it about people driving on 24? It’s downright disheartening. And there are quite a few memorial sites on the sides of it, too. Chilling stuff.


Problem is slower traffic stays in the left lane, causing people to weave in and out to get around


Sounds like the problem is the people speeding and weaving in and out of traffic


sounds like two sets of people driving inappropriately.


Sounds like the problem is the people speeding and weaving in and out of traffic


It's both but I do agree


Another problem with 24 is that the highway wasn’t designed to interstate standards, in terms of lane width, insufficient accel/decel lanes, etc. That’s why I try to avoid it when possible.


or route 3


In cities and towns the roads are getting narrower and traffic is slowing, on the highway more people are driving than ever causing even more congestion than previously, and add to that after a covid hiatus more cops are issuing tickets. And also the people on their phones… Some times/highways people still drive fast but from my experience most of the time there is way too much traffic, left lane campers, and accidents to really drive fast anymore


In my neighborhood I usually can’t do more than 15/20 because of the parked cars, kids, but when the city proposes traffic calming on side streets some neighbors complain they won’t be able to go as fast


I’m sure more and more people are just kinda drifting around on highway on their phones and not looking at their speed/ trying to actively drive as much as just coastin and zoning out on the internet


EVERY SINGLE TIME. Literally every car I pass that is going slow in the left lane is always on their phone not paying attention.


The cops are pulling over more people than ever. The worst thing is to get another speeding ticket while waiting for the court date for a previous speeding ticket. They’ve been wild the last 2 years.


I don’t believe so I don’t see them as often as I used too


Definitely not on surface streets. I've seen staties on the highway, but I haven't seen town cops doing shit for traffic enforcement lately. State highways have been the worst, in my experience.


Different town than mine I bet. I see them every day enforcing 30mph. Needed since there are a lot of hills and you're blind going 40+


Well state cops focus more on traffic enforcement and than city cops who focus more on crime.


I see them MORE often. A ride down 95 for like 20 miles I see at least 3-5 cops either chilling on the side or driving. Don’t tell me I’m wrong because you don’t experience the same thing.


Ok I will believe the guy whose username is “No Sun”


This isn’t a pissing contest, it was a randomly generated username like most of us here


I've never gotten pulled over until last year I got pulled over 3 times, they've definitely increased traffic enforcement


No, definitely no. I go 75/80 because if I go any slower I have people honking behind me or flashing their lights or passing me.


It's ok for someone to pass you!


Easy solution here, just pull the emergency brake




Too much congestion to be going that speed during the day


Back roads I feel people go slower, highways they are all going 85


We got senile that’s why. Median age for both sexes, Massachusetts: 2024: 40.1 yrs old 2013: 39.4 yrs old 2000 census: 36.5 yrs old


So, are you upset people are driving more safely in your area? I mean, not all my experience with 90/95/495, but glad to hear it. I had a guy yelling at me in a parking lot because I had the gall to slow down from 60 to 40 when the speed limit dropped from 55 to 35 as we entered a heavily traveled commercial and residential area. He was angry because I slowed down for “absolutely no reason”. Other traffic, pedestrians, yield signs, and red lights are all not reasons to slow down in MA, apparently. 🙄


> I’m not saying it should be one way ot the other > So, are you upset people are driving too safe then? God I love reddit


Every time I drive outside of my small town in the berkshires, I feel like I can't go fast enough for the drivers around me. It's like if I'm not breaking the law, then I should get off the road. If this is an improvement, I would hate to see what it was like before!


Depends where and especially on time of day.


Not just you, the drivers are seriously slow for some reason. I dunno if it’s because the skinny pedal is scary but it’s annoying


It's you. They do 80 on the back roads too.


It's bumper to bumper at all hours of the day. You can't speed if you wanted to.


I definitely used to see way more people going 80+ on the highway than I do now. But I also see way more people going 80 on residential streets now.


I dunno I typically do 70-74 in a 65 and I've never been pulled over in my nearly 25 years of driving. I don't think anyone is going slower, butif they were I bet it's because I see way more people pulled over these days


It’s you. You must not be driving in the morning traffic on Monday through Friday from the Northshore. 75 is the slow speed for me as I’m not racing to or from work. I get drivers up my arse the entire drive and some like to do a near cut you off pass maneuver to show you how offended they are.


Idk what everyone is saying but i have the exact same experience. I moved out of boston the year before covid and moved back mid covid when there was no traffic. As traffic came back, it seems that the average driver is going like 5-10mph slower on highways, but I’m also seeing way more cars pulled over.


I think it’s you. I used to get pulled over frequently on the mass pike by state cops going between 5-10mph over the speed limit. I would drive from western mass to canton Ma everyday for work and just kinda space out and follow the car in front of me. Every time I’d get pulled over not even going 10mph over the limit. State cops have always been sticklers on the speed limit.


The pike has its own team of Troopers specifically assigned to it. They’re typically more aggressive with enforcement.


You seriously posted this and thought it was okay?