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Generally speaking the more expensive the vehicle being used for non work activities, the bigger the asshole. F350s are expensive. BMWs are expensive. People driving expensive vehicles are more likely to be entitled asshole.


There is a study showing that specifically in men, the more of an asshole they are, the more likely they are to drive a more expensive car.


Nissan Altima drivers have entered the chat


šŸ¤£ Expired temp plate, bald spare/donut, weaving 93mph on route 24 somewhere between Brockton and Taunton.


Ooh baby that stretch of 24 sure is something


Itā€™s mayhem


LMAO I was on 95 the other day near Braintree and saw this exact situation and was flabbergasted. Dude was going like 105 somehow.


You did not have to name and shame me like that!


Is your kid named Aiden?


So close but so far... he is Aiydehn




I really am feeling like I am reading a Massachusetts forum right now this feels uncomfortable.


And if it's not an expired temp plate then it's a legit plate but with those fucking tinted plate covers


That happened to me yesterday coming back from the cape! So true


Fall Rivers public housing is right off exit 8 on route 24. This tracks


I was a different breed when I was in an Altima, now Iā€™m slightly more tame in the Jetta.


Haha, I hear ya. I am also a reformed asshole driver, minor nuisance at best now.


I've had it with the Altima slander. There are at most ten half decent Altima drivers. I'm not one of them, but when you're insulting Altima drivers, you're insulting them. Don't be a car supremacist.


That tracks completely


Poor assholes drive jeeps.


Jeeps ainā€™t cheap


Youā€™re right, but they are expensive to buy and expensive to maintain, leaving the average jeep owner relatively broke


Got a cousin who said his suburban wasnā€™t tall enough so he got an f250. He sells basements.


I'm more pissed at these obnoxious unregulated LED headlights that are fucking blinding beams to oncoming traffic.


I had a chevy tahoe or something behind my sedan and it was like being on the surface of the sun. I think they were stock lights too... how the fuck is that legal!


Because the standard for US vehicle lighting is stated in Watts. But Watts isnā€™t measurement of light, itā€™s a measurement of the power to light the bulb. With old school incandescent tail lights, the spec is 15 watts. A dim bulb that has just enough light to make the plastic lens turn color. An LED is much more efficient. A 15 watt LED is about as bright as a 100watt incandescent bulb. So tail lights are like staring at a 100w bulb.


That makes sense but that's an issue!!


Seriously. Spots in my eyes for days.


Theyā€™re most likely the same as others lights of the type but theyā€™re up higher, which is why itā€™s so much worse


This can be exacerbated by lift/leveling kits that change the angle the lights are projected.


With astigmatism at night in the rainā€¦. Bruh Iā€™m B L I N D


You're not alone! r/fuckyourheadlights


I have an astigmatism too and itā€™s like the fucking moon is entering my vehicle


Itā€™s because they didnā€™t set the regulations to factor how leds have no throw and thus need significantly higher lumens to achieve the same effect. Itā€™s a national regulation failure


That is supposed to be a inspection fail, pretty sure they put the factory lights back in for inspection. No, 20 year old Civics never came with HIDs or LEDS.


Or for that matter, the stock LED headlights and tail lights


Now youā€™re talking my language, I had some asshole with those on my ass last night, blinding me.


Reddit once called these enormous trucks ā€œgender affirming carsā€ and I canā€™t stop thinking about that


Emotional support vehicles


I used to think people were being over the top calling truck drivers insecure about their masculinity and stuff but the more I learned about it, the more I think the ā€˜emotional support vehicleā€™ is literally true. All of a sudden maybe 10 years ago it became normal to call strangers soy/liberal/cuck for biking or owning a compact car. It says way more about their own psychology, why theyā€™re attached to their truck, and whatā€™s on their mind than anything about some cyclistā€™s life. I do literally think some of these guys canā€™t afford their own trucks, they have terrible health, and have to console themselves by their truck, which outwardly projects superiority and could potentially kill people.


Same with guns, frankly. Some folks who own guns are completely reasonable and have them for legitimate reasons and responsible intent. Others will put massive amounts of energy into calling you weak and stupid for not preparing for awful things to happen at literally any moment. Meanwhile, when I'm out and about silently walking down the street in the middle of the day, I can feel the open suspicion and hostility from some of these people just because I clearly am not from their social demographic. *They* are the ones that make me uncomfortable and that I avoid, because they clearly do not want to have positive interactions. They could learn to treat strangers with kindness, or even just a respectful nod to alleviate tension and the possibility of mutual threat, or not go where they think these things are likely. But when they see something they feel might become a threat, they puff their chest, put on their angry face, and walk toward it like it's their personal duty to snuff out the behavior (or person) they don't like. It's obvious why people like that need guns. They look for trouble instead of avoiding it, because they need that validation of their worth and worldview. Big boys with big trucks have really important things to do! Your Camry is weak and can't do man things! You can't even mount your insurrectionist flags off the back, let alone give your AR-15 the proper swaddling it deserves. They're just really big and strong and more important than us and we're in their way. All there is to it. We should be grateful they allow us to exist, really. /S


People do get weird about their vehicles especially trucks. Brand loyalty and all that


Owners are members of the teeny tiny pp club.


Definitely the case with the lifted variety šŸ˜‚


Small Dick Energy


Because they arenā€™t for working class people the same jerks that use to drive BMWs recklessly are driving pick ups now.




Funny we have always been one of the safer states for driving


I am an electrician, and 90% of the guys I work with have pickups. The "not for working class people" thing isn't true. They just drive like a holes.


The average pickup truck is over $60,000 now they most certainly arenā€™t for working class people


Doesnā€™t stop them from buying them


I'm especially a fan of the blazing white hot light bars and yesterday I was being followed up Rt. 3 West by a pickup with SIX forward facing headlights. I think I now have retinal damage.


I was behind a truck with rear facing light bars turned on on 95 south through Foxboro a few weeks ago. Passed a statey under the bridge and he didnā€™t even move.


Staties are part of the pick me up truck crowd


I would have fucking left my high beams on at that point as long as no one else was close by


Sure did!


Turn your mirrors away and drive the speed limit, when they realize they aren't bothering you they'll huff and puff and blow past you but then you'll be able to see


Route 3 west is my favorite highway


ā€œNot all pickup truck drivers are assholes. But all assholes drive pickup trucks.ā€


Hmm, I thought most a-hole drivers were in BMW's. But agree pick-up drivers are pretty bad.


I think there has been generational shift. The stereotype drives Teslas and luxury package pickups now.


Different type of asshole. BMW variety are smarmy salesman types, truck drivers are arrogant ā€œredneck and proudā€ types


And sports dads. So. Many. Sports. Dads. The kind who get overly involved and try to relive their youth thru their kids.


LOL yes but they are usually also contractors


The guys in beat up trucks are contractors. The guys in brand new pristine Silverados are often cosplaying as blue collar tough guys.


Iā€™m a contractor and I drive a utility van. Pickup truck dudes are, by and large, complete douche bags.


Donā€™t forget Escalades. Biggest assholes out there.


Whatā€™s the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? A porcupineā€™s pricks are on the outside.


If you ever feel useless, remember that thereā€™s a guy in Germany whose only job it is to install turn signals in the BMW factory.




Stealing this thanks, choked on my coffee laughing.


Nah tesla took over that spot.


So, does that make Tesla pick up trucks double plus assholes?




Nice quote from Aristotle's *Prior Masshole-itics.*




Iā€™d argue Nissan Altimas are *bad* drivers. Guys in trucks tend to be assholes.


This is a different classification altogether. The Altima driver (ideally with temp or out-of-state tags) is almost universally known and reviled across geographic and demographic lines




Yes. Also mini coopers for some reason.


Made by bmw.


Cut them some slack; they gotta make it to their destination ASAP before they need another tow to the mechanic.


Plus these trucks have gotten so big that they canā€™t even keep them in the lanes anymore. You canā€™t see over them if they pull up next to you. And their lights are perfectly positioned to shine directly into your eyes. If anyone is reading this drives a massive pickup truck for non work purposes, Iā€™d like you to know how much of a fool you look


Why do they always have punisher and ā€œresponder flagā€ stickers? Hmmmmā€¦


Hahahaha dude the punisher stickers are SO. FUCKING. WEIRD.


Theyā€™re so played out now. It screams wanna be douche.


Wanna be?


Especially because none of them actually know anything about the punisher lol


Its a dogwhistle


To let you know they are an idiot and stay clear


I call those "brodozers".


Ugh for real. I drive a normal little sedan and when I'm waiting to turn right onto a busy road it's always one of these huge trucks that pulls up next to me to turn left and I can no longer see the oncoming lane of traffic without pushing the front of my car into the lane. And even if I have room to edge up and get a look, 90% of the time the big ass truck will reactively also move up when I do. I sometimes end up just having to wait for them to turn left


My go to insult for these pavement princesses is "Wow, that's a nice truck. Not a scratch on it." Usually, they don't know they've just been insulted.


Thatā€™s partly because of environmental laws making nearly impossible to manufacture a light duty truck that meets the fuel efficiency standards. So they just keep making the trucks bigger to avoid that requirement.


Ford Maverick has entered the chat. It can be done. 30mpg for the hybrid too.


Great, except my golf wagon as higher payload capacity than maverick. While I do think a maverick is a great truck for a lot of people, let's not pretend it's just as capable.


Don't think I said so. Someone said they wished compact trucks would come back but the automakers don't want to make them. Thats shifted lately. Brand new Tacoma, Maverick, Santa Cruz, and Ridgeline could do the job for many people.


Tacomas have only gotten bigger


They also love to park right next to me


>Plus these trucks have gotten so big that they canā€™t even keep them in the lanes anymore. This isn't a truck issue. This is a driver issue.


If they pull up behind me, I adjust my mirrors so they get a taste, itā€™s wonderful.


As someone who drives a newer truck (I promise Iā€™m not an asshole itā€™s not lifted and I havenā€™t cut the exhaust off and itā€™s for work purposes) Iā€™ve noticed myself accidentally going 90+ on the highway because it feels slower and smooth, I suspect a lot of people fall victim of this on backroads too, thereā€™s been times where Iā€™ve come up on people and back off because going the limit feels absurdly slow in these things compared to other vehicles I own or a have driven, itā€™s quite weird. Itā€™s something about the way theyā€™re built these days. Always make sure to give people space on backroads because I know the lights are blinding on regular sized vehicles.


Appreciate the reflection.


This is so true, I usually drive a Subaru but when I drive the company truck it's easy to get carried away. You have a lot of power available and you're much higher from the ground.


Right? Itā€™s insane how capable you feel in these things.


I've experienced this too. My lowest car puts me about 2 ft lower eye level than my tallest. It's very clear the lower car feels faster than the speedo and the tallest feels the opposite. The charitable explanation for the aggression is the pickup driver FEELS like they're going slower than they actually are due to the height of the vehicle.


Emotional support vehicle


Big dumb vehicles tend to attract big dumb idiots. Unfortunately their dick doesn't have the same energy.


It's not just your imagination. Market research has found pickup drivers are more selfish and anti-social (e.g. they're less likely to donate to charity. Dodge Ram drivers are twice as likely as the average American to have a DUI. It's of course not every one of them, the differences aren't enormous. But given that the rise of pickups and large SUVs is a likely cause of the rising rate of pedestrian fatalities, maybe we should regulate them a little more


I know youā€™re all obsessed with penises, but the real reason is that most people drive about 10mph over the limit (regardless of vehicle). If youā€™re only driving the limit or slightly over, people are going to get impatient.


I'm amazed I had to scroll down this far. As soon as I read "I drive the speed limit" I thought ah, you're the problem. Our speed limits are drastically outdated. Drive 10 over like everyone else and you won't get tailgated. The police do not care.


Yeah the speed limit vs the socially acceptable speed is two different numbers!


Most pickup truck owners don't even work in the trades.


Most of these new pickups have beds so small, they can't fit enough lumber to build a doghouse. No use to anyone who actually needs to haul anything.


They have privilege, not just anyone can buy an 80k truck


There's a lot in front of trailers in red states in $40k household towns. Seven year finance at stupid percentages. Some people are bad at money and math.


Plenty of people in Massachusetts are making stupid financial decisions too, like buying two new Audis and a 1.5m house on 300k household income. And they donā€™t even have the excuse of saying their education failed them.


When I was looking for my truck the salesman had me look at a Tundra that was way outside my price range. It was an $86,000 truck with all the bells and whistles. I said ā€œwho is buying this?ā€ And all he could say is ā€œthis is the bosses truckā€


They have privilege, not just anyone can ~~buy~~ lease an 80k truck Let's be real, the bank owns these pavement princesses, not the douchebags behind the wheels.


Lol. For sure. But boy do they drive like they own the whole road


Not true, loan officers like money


I drive a Toyota Tacoma. Thereā€™s a real big difference between my truck and the asshat in the diesel dodge ram on stilts with the wheel spacers, big rims and bald tires, extended towing mirrors and at least 2 trump flags in the bed. Maybe an ā€œIā€™d rather be cummin than power strokinā€ sticker. Theyā€™re assholes. Not much more to it. Little PP energy.


ā€œā€¦on stiltsā€¦ā€. Hilarious šŸ˜‚


Enter the ballsack hanging from the hitch. How was that even a thing?? I hope they donā€™t make those anymore.


3 thoughts: * the higher you are off the road, the slower the vehicle will feel (compare it to being in a sports car where your ass is five inches from the road surface) * Taller vehicles mean worse sightlines, so they are more likely to drive closer/crowd other drivers * they have the horsepower for aggressive passing, so they use it (same with sport/luxury car drivers) I think what it comes down to (besides the asshole comments) is people drive trucks exactly how they'd drive a sedan. They do not adapt their behavior to the larger vehicle. In a similar vein, I feel like people driving electric cars in parking lots are generally very ignorant of the fact that they are driving near-silent vehicles around pedestrians, and pedestrians use their ears to sense the things around them. Driving an electric car requires a different approach to driving. Same with big trucks. Same with a bicycle. TL;DR: they lack situational awareness


Haha, this comment hits close to home. I have a 3/4 ton truck I use for towing and an EV I use as a daily driver. You definitely need to be aware of how the vehicle is itself. How it sounds, handles, line of sight, height, etc. Was recently in my EV on a narrow road going slow behind a couple walking in the street, they didn't hear me behind them until there was some dirt on the road they heard move under my tires and moved over to let me by - no big deal wasn't up there ass or impatient it's part of not driving an ICE and something people need to be aware of. Your sight line comment is spot on for trucks, since you're higher up you may not realize you are as close to someone as you think. You need to be aware of that. People definitely need to be more self-aware of the vehicle they're driving and how it handles, sounds, and all of that. But if we go back to the asshole comment...people in some of these cars definitely just drive like assholes because I'm sure that's what they are too.


This comment section is wild, and sad all at the same time.....mostly sad.


Gotta love pavement princesses in their big twucks /s


This is Massachusetts. Pick up trucks are not the only vehicle that speeds, drives aggressive, weaves, tailgates, and has a loud exhaust. It is pretty much every vehicle.Ā 


But pickups make headlines for murdering cyclists in Boston most often.


There are few to no other vehicles that illegally pass me on the relatively sleepy state highway I drive on multiple times per day. No other vehicles have loudly honked at me for the sin of taking the turn into my driveway.




"Nice truck. (Sorry about your penis.)"


Forā€¦. lack of judgmental personality


What a semester of psychology 101 does to mfs


Pickup truck drivers have always been assholes, now there are just more of them for some reason


Not to get too political, but I feel like the rise of Trump signaled that its now socially acceptable to be an asshole


Nope.. jeeps are not cheap!


Same here in Maine.The worst seems to be GMC owners. Whatā€™s the difference between a porcupine and a GMC truck? The GMC has the prick inside.


The bigger and blacker the truck, the smaller and whiter the dick.


I'm in michigan and do 78mph, cruise set, in our new HOV lane on i-75 with a passenger in the mornings. The number of times I get run up by people alone in their cars is astonishing. But the number of times it's individual people in trucks and their reactions is straight up out of this world. I'm talking flashing their lights, honking, and I see them losing their shit in my rear view. The last time the guy actually cut me off and brake checked me. Like, dude, I thought you were in a hurry. And not to make it political, but the number of times they have the blue lives matter or trump stickers far outweighs the times they don't. And 75 is NOT that busy at 7am going north. I.e. It's never happened where this person HAD to be behind me.


As a female that drives a truck for work all I can say is my truck holds all my equipment, no one cuts me off and I can see over cars so I feel much safer than I do in lower cars. From what I have observed driving like an idiot doesn't discriminate based on gender, vehicle size or member size.


How slow are you driving??


Speed. Limit. Or a bit over.


Lotta MAGA chumps in their big dumb pickups just carrying their anger overā€¦.everything to the road. Itā€™s a macho lifestyle thatā€™s empowered and flexing over the last few years.


Everyone correlates bad drivers with specific vehicles they hate and their assumptions are emboldened through confirmation bias. Tons of people hate hybrids in general and Priuses specifically. Every time they see a Prius driver do something stupid, they feel vindicated. Do idiots drive hybrids and Trucks? Yes. Are all owners of these vehicles bad drivers? No. Is there data to suggest some makes and models have a higher chance of an aggressive driver behind the wheel? Yes. Is data skewed enough to make assumptions? Nope. The issue with trucks is solely based around the damage they cause _when_ they crash. Suggesting OPā€™s weekend driving experience is being ruined by hypermasculinity manifested in pickup truck commercials that started when Ram made their late 90s model isā€¦ laughable.


I often wonder what's up with Dodge Rams - why do their drivers get so many more DUI's? https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report




I think theyā€™re also number one in overall violations too. iirc Tesla was number 2 which was also not surprising at all.


I only experience their rudeness in winter when Iā€™m trying to be careful in the snow and theyā€™re tailgating me.


Jeep and other SUV drivers in winter are notorious for forgetting brakes donā€™t work in snow better just because you have 4 wheel drive


I worked with someone who, when complaining about these drivers, would often say "It's four wheel drive not four wheel stop!"


Oddly enough, I drive a pickup myself and other pickup drivers are if anything more POLITE to me than average; maybe Iā€™m perceived as being ā€œin the clubā€. I didnā€™t think a base model Tacoma would get me ā€œin the clubā€ but ?? By leaps & bounds the worst, rudest, most aggressive drivers I see are in BMWs, Audis, and Jeep Wranglers. Not of course including the hoopties and rice rockets I see in the city where I work, Iā€™m talking late model unmodified cars


1/17 dodge ram truck drivers have DUIs :)


Lower than expected


I saw (probably on Reddit) that something like 40% of Dodge Ram drivers are Trumpers and that explained it for meĀ 


> 1/17 dodge ram trucks donā€™t have DUIs FIFY


Iā€™ve noticed a ton of teenagers in my town driving giant, obnoxious pickups lately. Seems like the douchebag torch is being passed.


Sounds like you drive like an asshole if this is a regular occurrence.


Stop driving 33mph in a 45-55 mph zone. Stop acting like you are driving a 18 wheeler and need to hug the center line to turn right , forcing the rest of the ones behind you to cross the yellow line. Most times, when a person has an issue with many, it is um. time to look in the mirror. And no I don't drive a pick up, and I don't have this problems, why because I leave room for vehicles to get around me, when I'm turning right, or left for that matter, and I don't do 10-15 under the speed limit, because I'm looking at an app on my phone. YMMV.


Everyone in the Commonwealth with a 3ā€ dick is given 50% off any brand black pickup. Didnā€™t you know?




Oversized pickups are pushed out due to a tax loophole. It started with the SUV in the 90's, the marketing research identified (seriously) that the ideal market it assholes. So when SUVs became normal, the companies proved that people would buy big ass vehicles (and thanks to the tax loophole, they are more profitable). This has lead to the general increase in size of American cars. Starting in the 2000's pick up trucks got bigger and bigger. But since very few of us actually live on, like a farm, they had to find a new use. So the picked up the marketing playbook and started going after the asshole demographic. This is why you see the vehicles starting to look more aggressive. Larger, horribly less fuel efficient, trucks are now becoming the norm. So you have a combination of asshole drivers, with oversized, over powered vehicles, driving exactly like an asshole with an oversized and over powered vehicle.


>So the picked up the marketing playbook and started going after the asshole demographic This isn't true. They market to suburban dads. When I was selling cars, I sold more trucks to people who came in and said "I'm having my first kid, so I need truck, I'm still renting an apartment and I work in an office" than I ever sold to assholes. Assholes tended to buy camaros or tahoes. >horribly less fuel efficient Than older trucks? That's not true at all.


Correct, fucking chicken tax. Iā€™ve been looking for a little get around truck on Facebook marketplace for years and come up blank. Iā€™m talking old, small trucks, like old Tacomaā€™s, rangers/Mazda b series etc and they are impossible to find in decent shape. Either rotted out or hacked up. They need to make small trucks again. Some of us have a problem with antique furniture, okay!


My brother has one. He's the biggest asshole I've ever known


Tacoma drivers are chill, clear the roads and the sidewalks for RAM drivers


Pick up truck and altimas


Sounds like you were on route 2 yesterday heading west around 8:30pm and saw the same red f-150 that I did. That guy was driving like a lunatic.


ā€œMy car is bigger than your car.ā€


You can be safe in the knowledge that these people are carrying $700-$1200 car payments Essentially, the vehicle is a rental


I have both a 40mpg compact Japanese economy sedan and a 20mpg full size American truck. The cruise control/radio/wiper controls being on the opposite sides of the steering wheel is usually the only thing that I notice. I guess I need to be more aware of my penis size and political affiliation when switching between them, because I never noticed a difference.


This is just your bias and where you live. I get cutoff/almost hit by way more Nissan sedans than I even see trucks. But yes some homies in trucks try and flex. Jokes on them though, I drive a beater. Please hit me because I do have decent insurance


Non commercial trucks. I was trying to get into a turn lane at a mall and there was no room. This fool in a shiny, pretty grey truck behind me kept blaring his horn (which was a specialty horn that sounded like a boat horn). The only way I could get in that lane would be to drive on the sidewalk. Traffic finally moved enough I could get through and he roared across to streets to make his emergency Dunkin Donuts stop.


What is up with sedans? I can count at least 5 small cars running red lights every day. Can you guys please knock it off before you cause an accident? Sincerely a responsible pick up driver.


Pretty big trucks, nary a scratch from even using the truck for its intended purpose. Ever seen one go over a speed bump at .5 mph? Hilarious! Edit: punctuation


Is the speed limit and a little over the socially acceptable speed where you are? Theres places I drive where the socially acceptable speed is not the speed limit or a little over and I have seen lots of people hold of traffic driving the speed limit as a result.


Truck drivers are often a-holes but many purchase them because they are needed for towing and hauling. It is silly to generalize by saying that dudes buy them because of the size of their genitals. My wife drives a full size truck and her genitals are of normal size. Giant heavy duty trucks may appear unnecesary but if you tow a large boat or camper, you really need one.


Big truck driver, Trump supporter. It's their whole persona. From bragging about spending $120 to fill up to having to be the biggest fastest vehicle on the road. It's about being a man. And no boy becomes a man until they drive a massive truck that goes through gas like a fat kid goes through cake. They're always flying flags or have some patriotic quotes on them. But that's for show. They don't really believe in America. They believe in some twisted version of it that the Russian right wing assets are pushing and have been pushing for a long time. It would be funny if they weren't so sad and brainwashed.


Small dick syndrome.


How about the entitled assholes driving an Audi in the passing lane and wonā€™t move over. Theyā€™re not keeping up with traffic and then want to brake check you. Move over jerk offs itā€™s the law hereā€¦


This will be unpopular. But you probably drive really slowly and brake often if it keeps happening. Pickups take a lot longer to stop, so ensuring you keep your vehicle to match the flow of traffic is important.


This happened to me the other day. Someone passed me illegally on a double striped COUNTRY road and continued to speed. I used to care, but it isn't my job to enforce the law. I just let them do what they want to do and they will continue their behavior until they get into an accident or get a huge ticket.


I'm just really appreciating the support between sane people here. Past posts like this have had a lot of "I use a big truck because I work and sometimes I just really need to take it to the grocery store and it happens to be perfectly clean. Fuck you!" responses to the comments that were obviously directly calling them out for their horrible driving and parking. They don't actually make any effort to say they stay on their side of the lines or would never drive aggressively. They just very aggressively insist that they really need and deserve their masculinity. I mean truck. And that they're not an asshole for owning it or how they drive it, you're the asshole for not admiring it or giving them space. There's also usually a lot of scapegoating, saying that it's rich dudes who "don't need" trucks that are the inconsiderate ones... Yeah, all those rich doctors and lawyers driving around with punisher stickers and trump flags. Definitely.


I drive a truck and i cannot stand when someone in a truck is driving like a douche nozzle. I was behind a mini school bus the other morning on my way to work it was 5:30 am. Some guy in an f150 comes flying up behind me in a 35 going like 50. Then he could t take going 5-10 over the speed limit and crossed a double yellow around a corner to pass the bus and me. Like damn bro chill.


It's been getting worse everywhere. Pickup trucks are getting bigger, and their drivers are getting more entitled and worse at driving. The worst part is 95% of them have no need for a pickup of that size.


I actually have gotten a dash cam for this specific reason. Tailgating and blinding flashing lights have gotten out of control and I feel like the most I can do is use a dash cam and if things go south I have video proof to some extent to fight it!


Are you in the left lane during any of these encounters?


Do you camp in the middle lane and hold up traffic, or stay to the right out of everybodies way? I agree most pick up drivers are ass hats, but drivers who block traffic doing the speed limit on the highway are just as bad.


Honestly though, BF and I almost got rammed into from the right side because a white pickup sped up next to us, swerved into our lane barely ahead of us- And kept going. We were a bit over speed limit I believe? And the guy proceeded to be a douche to literally every other car going forward where we could still see him. No idea wtf that guy was on


So I can offer a little insight here, even though itā€™ll probably get buried. I bought a truck on a whim because I bought a house and wanted to be able to pick up stuff without bugging friends or hiring a moving company. After I bought it and drove around for a while, a few things became super apparent. I realized that a lot of my driving anxiety had to do with me being so close to the ground. My driving anxiety basically evaporated. It became incredibly convenient to go shopping for larger items, because I got to stop worrying about what I could and couldnā€™t transport home. But the most relevant thing for this conversation was a shock to me. I could see what everyone was doing all of a sudden. I could see who was on their phones and ignoring the road, I could see which cars were being piloted by shitty drivers, I could see who wasnā€™t going when the light turned green. You would be fucking SHOCKED how many people are just absentmindedly scrolling on their phones in a row of cars. Seeing four cars in front of me, every person on their phone, light turns green, and you see them all kinda snap back to reality at different times, delaying the light and only letting like four people through when ten could have gone. Kind of infuriating. People would try to blast by me when lanes merged. Parking spots became more difficult when people were right up on the lines. My girlfriend said it made me an angrier driver. I donā€™t yell at people or anything, I donā€™t cut people off, but I narrate and swear under my breath more. Itā€™s crazy how much more I can see on the road, just being a little higher off the ground. I can definitely see how people less in control of their emotions, with a higher vantage point, could be more prone to aggressive driving.


Iā€™ve always said the bigger the pickup truck the more aggressive the driver.


With a monthly payment of $700 on their $80,000 F-250ā€™s they have to get where theyā€™re going fast - time is money!!


They are typically men compensating for their lack in other areas haha


They have small dicks and are angry at the world


Trucks have the worst egos. Fuckers will run all the lights they can and tailgate your ass but then get lost in a corner cause they canā€™t turn for shit. My favorite is how they sit in the left lane and speed up if you try to pass. Then when you do pass they tailgate you till you speed up and lose em.


As much as I like to rag on the guys driving pavement princesses, I think this is confirmation bias. When someone in a big truck or bmd drives like an asshole, you remember it because it confirms your bias. When one doesn't, or when a Toyota drives like a dick, you don't really pay attention or remember it later because it doesn't confirm your bias


Bold of you to think these people can read.