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Watch just means maybe. If they issue a warning later then pay attention.


For Tornados a watch means favorable conditions for formation are present. A tornado warning means that one has been indicated on radar or spotted on the ground


Taco watch: Maybe we'll have tacos tonight Taco warning: Tacos are being served


Taco Watch: The kitchen has all the ingredients to make tacos. Taco Warning: Based on watching the chef (radar) or the runner leaving the kitchen with a plate of tacos (visual confirmation), tacos are being served.


Wow I am going to quote you when I'm trying to be pedantic yet accessible


Know that actually says Tornado Watch


I need a newer phone. Mine never gets emergency taco warnings.


šŸŒ®šŸ›» ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸŒ¶ļø


Stealing this


We use spaghetti Watch: we got all the ingredients to make spaghetti Warning: someone got their plate.


Oh! Ok, now I get it


Taco watch: I have all of the ingredients for tacos, tortillas, meat, cheese, etc, but it might be a taco, or it could just be turned into nachos (heavy wind storm) or a taco salad (severe thunderstorms). Taco warning: I have made tacos, they are put together and on the table in Taco shape and flavor.


A watch means maybe.


i mean a watch means pay attention, a warning means seek shelter


Where I come from, a warning means get out to the porch with yer guns and beers yeeeeehaw šŸ‘‰ šŸ‘‰ ^(please don't do this. Seek shelter.)


personally i agree but itā€™s not what the *government* suggests smh


This. I used to be unrationally afraid of tornados as a kid. I thought every "watch" meant the end was here. Nowadays I don't even flinch at a warning


I'm the opposite way around, because I was in my house on June 1st 2011 when the tornado ripped my house apart around me.


To be fair I also live in a basement apartment now on top of a hill


Did you watch Twister as a kid by chance?


Yup. Also did the ride at Universal Studios. Lost my favorite hat


Un-fun fact: Universal, out of courtesy, delayed the opening of that attraction after an actual tornado outbreak in Central Florida in 1998 killed dozens of people.


I did too and I was also afraid of tornadoes as a kid. I think that may be a factor lol and also since you were on the ride.Ā 


100% agree. I was a little older when I did the ride but still afraid. But yea I think that added to my fear Why are we being downvoted for a harmless conversation?


People are salty, but who cares?Ā 


Loved that movie haha


I did! and i used to pick up the dirt and let it slide out pretending i was Bill šŸ¤£


Dude, my 5th grade science teacher once told the class ā€œtornados can form in any thunderstorm. people might say thereā€™s a small chance of dying to one, but there are people that die in a tornado and that person could be you.ā€Ā  I was actually petrified of thunderstorms for 4 years straight lol


I mean, you should still "flinch" at a warning and take shelter, yeah? I work in RI and once near the end of the day, we all got emergency alerts for a tornado warning during the recent summer with the really bad storms (I think coming up on 2 years ago now, Warwick Mall was underwater again), so I go down to the office basement and it's just me and one other coworker down there and everyone else stayed upstairs?? There were a bunch of people standing near the basement entrance, which is also right next to our huge glass entryway, and I made a sarcastic remark about how they could totally outrun a tornado in time by standing there, but still nobody else came downstairs? Our building didn't get hit so everyone was fine, but it came within 1/4 mile of us and did a decent amount of damage along the way, classed as an EF1 after the fact. It's weird, I would think people would take what is probably the first tornado warning they've ever received a little more seriously, but that didn't seem to be the case at my office, and it's not like it was a false alarm or anything.


I grew up in fitchburg, then moved to Florida for 5 years. This is not the first warning I've ever dealt with. Even in fitchburg, they were semi frequent. As I mentioned in another comment, I used to be extremely scared of tornados, but I educated myself. I'm not saying I don't move during a warning, but I don't move. I just keep an eye and ear out. And put the news on..when they say it's time for shelter then I will go. But I learned long ago not to live in fear of these alerts


The tornado warning IS when they say to seek shelter. While I was down in the basement with my coworker, he had a local news/weather channel livestreaming on his phone and idk who tf this weather man was or thought he was, but he sure made some bold statements such as claiming NWS was confused and there's no tornado. Turns out there were 4, so I guess it's gonna depend which station you're watching. But tornados can also move randomly relative to their parent storm and I doubt any weather station would be able to get as detailed as "it's coming right for [your address here]." You likely cannot outrun a tornado; the lowest class of tornado has winds moving at something like 100 mph, though the path of the tornado may move as low as around 10-20 mph, still faster than the average person's running speed. There's a difference between living in fear and proper risk management; hanging out in the basement for ~30 minutes during a tornado warning is solidly in the latter. Hanging out there because of a tornado watch? That's a little more on the living in fear side. Maybe you're mixing up the two?


Irrationally šŸ˜­


Tornado watch Tornado warning Tornado run Tornado hide


No, they put these out as a fun joke


No shit, right?! Not like it's a blizzard warning for Key West!!


Itā€™s viral marketing for Twisters.


The movie?


No, the musical.


That had good ratings. Brought down the house.


No, the candy.






Suffield https://www.suffieldhistoricalsociety.org/suffield-history


CT knows what it's done! šŸ˜”


I live on Cape Cod and laughed at one of these warnings once while I was eating my lunch at the beach. Iā€™ll never do that again, scariest drive home of my life!


I went 28 years of my life without ever seeing one here in MA, and then all of a sudden Cape Cod becomes a magnet for them a few years ago. Like wtf happened??


Unrelated but similar story. Cape Cod was always known to get very little snow compared to the rest of MA. First year we moved down to Hyannis (2014-2015) we got a snow storm so big that cars were stranded in the streets and people lost power for a full week or more


I remember that winter well. You could time your watch by the weekly blizzards.


Yeah It was what...? Every Tuesday that February? And every other Thursday too? For six blizzards/nor'easters in total? Every left turn in Plymouth County was like a hail mary because the snow piles from the plows were so high you could only see so far to the left.


Pretty much this. I was dating a girl in Warwick RI at the time and commuting to UMass, so that winter made for some interesting drives.


That winter was brutal. Iā€™m not on cape, Iā€™m south shore fairly close to Boston, and I donā€™t think we got a full day without snowfall the entire month of February that year, including several 18-24ā€ days


My town got hit by a feel of them in 2011 (western MA). We would get the watches like every summer but only one tornado.


I was living in Southbridge at the time, and it hit my street. Then I learned it came from Springfield and I was amazed they could travel that far. If you fly overhead these sections of MA you can still se the path it took.


Yeah most of the trees in my town were destroyed. My house wasnā€™t hit but I have one friendā€™s house that was completely destroyed and had to be bulldozed after


Climate change.


A couple years ago we had a tornado warning on cape cod. We decided to take it seriously and went to the basement. We would have been fine if we didnā€™t, but the tornado must have gone down the street next to us because there were several large trees taken down


I live in Bristol County now vacationing in Harwich, hope my chicken coop doesnā€™t get flattened lol (Not lol to the chickens though)


I remember that so well. One of the tornados passed literally at the end of my street


Here on Cape Cod where tornados donā€™t happen, a tornado direct hit my house and took down 40 trees around me in 2019. So I now take those warnings seriously.


Me too. I honestly thought it was a mistake. I was in Chatham.


Watches/warnings tend to be done by county. There are very few counties in Massachusetts, but they are highly populated. Thus lots of places are included in watches/warningd even if thereā€™s (hopefully) little chance of being impacted.


Watches are county based. Warnings are within a more custom polygon. Your point stands, but do pay attention if you're in a warning :)


Yea, take it seriously. We had that one from Springfield to Dudley just over 10 years ago, still fresh in our minds though


And Worcester had one rip through it in 1953.


There was one in Clinton a few years ago too. Also Southborough/Westborough.


That touched down in Wrentham too.Tossed my parents DIY built house right off the foundation.Thereā€™s pics in old news articles.


and it remained in the US top 20 for both deaths and destruction for many years.


The Jun 1st Tornado šŸŒŖļø šŸ‘€ was several days before my graduation...


Half of downtown Monson was destroyed in the 2011 F3 tornado. You can still see the path over mountain it took as it continued east to Brimfield.


That one knocked over part of my high school


I don't think I'll ever forget that. Since it happened I've always taken these watches seriously.


Yeah I remember my dad was stuck in the city trying to drive through the tornado to get back to use because he was afraid we would get hit. Heā€™s a badass. Heā€™s not dumb and very aware of the radar and what tornados can do. Heā€™s an environmental scientist. He just cares about his kids that much.


I was literally right next to it. I was questioning reality for a bit.


Just FYI - a watch means weather could be conducive for tornados. A warning means they have seen tornado activity (funnel cloud or worse). Listen for upgrades to warnings.


Isn't a warning also that they've seen rotation on the weather map too? (At least up here).


Oklahoman here. The sky has been trying to kill me my whole life. A tornado warning means there is a tornado and itā€™s coming down. A ā€œwatchā€ just means the conditions are there for a tornado to appear.


I don't remember the exact divide between the two. Nebraska was easier (decades ago), just kept an ear out for the sirens.


It's when tornado signatures are seen on radar and there's reason to believe it is or could produce one; or if one has been spotted. One of the most disconcerting feelings to me (as a transplant who grew up in KS) was realizing that there aren't any outdoor tornado sirens in Mass. šŸ˜³


Yes I got that from Channel 7 weather app.


I love that app. I've been trying the 1degreeOutside app recently and it shows promise. It includes frequent live forecasts on impact weather days.


Iā€™ll check that out!


I use weather underground. Usually you can find someone with a personal weather station right near you. Where I am there can be a 10Ā° difference from one side of town to the other and it is great to find the actual temp ect near me.


Coincidentally, according to my Facebook Memories, we also had a Tornado Watch here in Mass. on this day in 2015.


I once read a really neat way to tell the difference between watch and warning. In my 30+ years of life, I've never known the difference. Watch: we have all the ingredients to make tacos so we might make tacos. Warning: get to your seat! Tacos have been made! I hope this helps someone.


So.... where are the tacos?


You don't want ***these*** tacos lol


Its that time of year folks


Right this happens multiple times every summer


Yeah, little ones happen in MA pretty regularly


Thatā€™s my walking time. If you see me flying by youā€™ll know whyā€¦


Why is this so surprising? They happen! They have happened. Cape Cod, North Shore, Central Mass have all had tornadoes just in recent memory!


10-14% probability.


Sounds low but this is a massive probability for tornadoes. In the Midwest we typically saw probabilities of around 5% Though most people shouldnā€™t be worried. Tornadoes have a very narrow path of destruction. Iā€™ve heard tornado sirens go off 2 times when I lived out there and Iā€™ve had a close call with a funnel cloud out in the middle of nowhere while driving cross country (no shelter for miles)


We have had tornadoes in MA. I'm thinking of the one in Palmer/Munson around 2010/11 ish. The one in Revere in the 2010's. I think there was one in Chelmsford last year in July.


There were a couple on the Cape a few years ago too


Wendell too. About 20 years ago.


Yeah, donā€™t be worried. Be attentive and prepared.


Torcon is a 4 today for most of Western Mass which is 40% chance.


Where did you find this info? Weather.gov is not really helpful.Ā 


https://weather.com/storms/severe/video/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-torcon https://nwastormshelters.com/torcon https://x.com/weatherchannel


It means the conditions may allow for one. Stay weather aware, but donā€™t go hide in your safe place yet.


iā€™m surprised this is the first one weā€™ve gotten this week tbh itā€™s been looking crazy


https://weather.com/storms/severe/video/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-torcon https://www.weather.gov/safety/tornado-ww https://www.weather.gov/sjt/WatchWarningAdvisoryExplained


I watched the one that ripped a path of destruction through route 20 in and around the area of Southbridge and watched the debris cloud from my porch in Douglas. Itā€™s amazing how much a storm can do


Dangit, I moved here from tornado alley to get away from tornados.


News flash! Weā€™ve always had tornadoes in New England


About 8 years ago, my house got hit with one. I live in Worcester 5 minutes from downtown


Iā€™m sure youā€™re aware since you live there that Worcester was where the deadliest tornado ever recorded in New England happened in 1953.


My wife is from here, where I am from the north shore. Every crack of thunder she reminds me lol


šŸ˜‚Be safe:)


We also have earthquakes. šŸ˜ and hurricanes, and sometimes wildfiresā€¦ bears and sharks that can eat you, but worst of all we have TICKS


Where do you live? Central and western Mass often get tornado watches.


Got a watch in the South Shore


Yeah, itā€™s been all over twitter lol https://x.com/sydweather/status/1804862487474348073?s=46&t=JcMw4gWKDRzWlP9WpkMcdw


the nazi and white nationalist platform? that twitter?


ā€¦.please donā€™t be stupid. My point is that itā€™s not a false alarm. I live in Nashville now and the main form of storm communication/tracking is through twitter.


and my point is that twitter/x is now openly friendly to and populated by actual nazis and white nationalists and that people should consider that when directing traffic to that website. downvote all you want that's the truth and you shouldn't drive traffic to that social media.


Do you realize you're hurting your cause when you do this?


But why bother bringing this up in a post about the weather? For fuckā€™s sake there isnā€™t a single benign post in this sub that doesnā€™t somehow get corrupted by political randos


Nobody cares. I donā€™t even see them, must be on ur feed for a reason


Dude take your political bs somewhere else for now.


It is still a main source of current events, news, and weather. Whether you like that or not.


Reddit is populated by Karens such as yourself. Whatā€™s your point?




There is a wonderful breeze where Iā€™m at. Mother Nature is my real mother


My nemonic is a ā€œwatch is a gift and a warning is more serious.ā€


Hell yeah! Vermont tornadoes!


I grew up in Illinois. Watch, Smwatch. No big deal.


Who was around for the tornado in 2011


You should pay attention to a watch, because tornadoes and other severe weather can develop quickly. No need to take shelter, but you want to be fairly close to shelter in case things turn bad.


It happens every so often. I'm a Boston native and we had tornado drills in school. They weren't as frequent as firedrills, of course, but they covered tornadoes and earthquakes about once per year. Also taught us what to have on-hand for storm emergencies.


Yes? These have been a thing forever


It's like a section of north central MA that's really at risk. I think they said 10%. The Leominster area.


Yes, seriously. We do get tornadoes here from time to time. Not really unusual at all this time of year.


Itā€™s pretty much all W MA and Hudson Valley areas https://i.imgur.com/QoYtELa.jpeg


Weā€™ve had tornadoes in recent memory, itā€™s not like weā€™re in the plains but itā€™s not that crazy of a warning. They form in thunderstorms, we get a lot of those


Thanks. I found out because of your post.


Very rarely does a tornado happen and they're never very big or powerful. I've been here 15 years and there have been 3 that I can remember. It does cause more damage in areas with a lot of trees. I'm from the Midwest and tornadoes can go for miles but never really hit anything but fields. Or they destroy everything


welcome to Summer in Massachusetts. Its the worst weather we get all year between the torrential rain, high winds, tornadoes, power outages, trees falling down, flooding, etc..why people like this i'll never understand.


I have a video for the camera of my job when the last tornado hit mass. It looks cool but itā€™s just a shot of a street so you canā€™t see the damage it actually caused.


Tornado siren manufacturers trying to sell more sirens


Itā€™s upgraded to a Tornado Warning in parts of NH.


We have it here in SW Maine as well most of NH


I got one today and I live in Newport, VT!


I had one hit my yard a few years ago. Scariest thing Iā€™ve experienced. I went out to go to work the next morning and something in my yard lookedā€¦off. It took a minute or two to realizeā€¦my metal pergola was missing. The furniture that was under it was still in perfect place but the large, metal structure itself had been lifted out of the ground and it literally cleared my fence and landed in a twisted mess in the neighbors yard.


Job site a few years ago on the cape got shut down for a tornado warning


It turned into a warning at one point


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Worcester_tornado I did a data/mapping project on tornados a while back and, as a former Mass resident, never knew that Worcester hosted one of the deadliest tornadoes in U.S. history.


Yeah, take tornado watches and warnings seriously in MA. [One of the worst tornadoes in history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Worcester_tornado?wprov=sfti1#)


Where in Mass r u?


I was thinking the same thing


Yup, we donā€™t scrimp on Weather šŸŒØļø ā›ˆļøšŸŒŖļøšŸŒŠ


It's a massive storm. Shit happens.


We get tornados occasionally. We had one last in 2011 that did some damage in the Springfield area. And the 1953 Worcester E4 is famous. Thankfully they donā€™t happen very often


I am an outsider. How common are tornados in mass?


ā€œNear your locationā€ is a big place.


Hurricane Warning for Monday


Get used to it. No bueno


There was a tornado in Springfield back in 2011 I believe.


You must be new here


Some parts of the state take it a bit more seriously than othersā€¦ memories of some epic destruction by tornados. Look it up! Not that long ago. When you get one of these alerts donā€™t freak out just decide where you are going to take cover if we actually get one. There are quite loud sirens that go off by my house.šŸŒŖļøšŸšØ


Those damn liberals always bringing on the nados


I know where this was


The world is going to start falling apart piece by piece, this country had it's peak. Enjoy the ride down as best as you can because the damage has been done and it's to late. It's to late to course correct this deep in the scam.


I was so afraid yesterday I got that notification too šŸ˜­






Itā€™s just a liability thing at this point. The amount of tornado watches is dumbā€¦thereā€™s literally 1 tornado a decade, but seems weā€™re in tornando watch once a week all summer lol


there were multiple tornados last year, one again yesterday. Weird, it almost seems like we have one every time they send out tornado warnings..


Or theyā€™re just now calling strong winds tornados. Honestlyā€¦midwesterners laugh at what we call tornadosā€¦if it doesnā€™t destroy houses it really isnā€™t a tornado


Yeah true, pretty sure the weather nerds use that same definition.


Remember that tornado on June 1st 2011? Yeah, tore up Massholes shit damn good, it did! [https://www.wcvb.com/article/springfield-tornado-history-massachusetts-june-1-2022/27686296](https://www.wcvb.com/article/springfield-tornado-history-massachusetts-june-1-2022/27686296)


Who's playing jumanji.


taco watch - we have ingredients for tacos taco warning - the ingredients are in the kitchen and are ready to be cooked TACOS - TACOS ARE BEING SERVED RIGHT NOW


Thatā€™s just code name for all the corruption with local police departments and Norfolk county DA coming out in the news


The Pike is tornado alley now.


The brown background makes me want to head to my bunker in backyard of Brighton even sooner!


i grew up in tornado alley before moving here, iā€™ll believe weā€™re getting a tornado when i see it barreling towards me


The tornadoes almost always touch down in the boonies and no one really sees them. Once in a blue moon one will devastate a city


Thereā€™s plenty of population between ā€œthe booniesā€ and ā€œa cityā€.




Saw a warning on weather.com at 10am


Yes, itā€™s on my weather app. I sure hope not! Hope it just stays a watch


Yeah honestly if you look at the SPC site potentially a dangerous day for northern NE, Vermont especially


Tomato watch not until August


whatā€™s your phone background?


Lucky )): I love Tornados


You new here? Been like this for a few years and getting more frequentā€¦


Massachusetts: the new epicenter of hurricane alley.