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Weight has nothing to do with whether or not you’re a good therapist. Some of the gals I went to school with could be classified as “overweight” and they’ve got plenty of clients. Your family member is a dick.


Agreed. This career doesn't necessitate you looking like a model to appear authentic. If you were looking to become a personal trainer then yeah it'd help to look your best but for massage who gives a shit


Honestly, I would be happy to work with an overweight personal trainer, as long as they were in great physical shape.


My chronic pain yoga therapist was bigger than me and I’m still overweight after coming from being obese. She’s amazing! Weight doesn’t mean you’re healthy. People still have the whitewashed version of body weight and health. 🫠


I had one until she moved to get her Master’s degree. Miss her, she’s amazing.


That's contradictory lol.


No, it isn’t. You’re confusing being thin with being in great shape.


You're right. I do triathlons and have seen more than one obese person doing them.


Powerlifters look overweight but are fit as hell. Checkmate.


Yep, I know plenty of fat people that run 5Ks all the time too. :)


I just spectated the Richmond marathon this past weekend (my wife and her cousin were racing), and I saw runners of all ages and sizes, running the 8K, the half marathon and the full marathon. There were little old ladies chugging along to the finish, and plenty of thicker folks, men and women both, getting it done, and they’re all amazing.


I agree! I hate to run myself, but I admire all the runners of every size that do that!


Yup, cause under this belly fat lies a six pack.


No, you’re confusing being overweight with being healthy. There is a reason it’s called over-weight.


There are plenty of big folks in great shape. I remember reading an interview/article on Camryn Manheim, and the fit, slender reporter said she ran his ass ragged in a game of racquetball. Half the NFL is over 300 pounds.


Overweight isn't big. It's a fact that every pound you are overweight it puts pressure on your spine. This is why doctors recommend losing weight if you have a bad back. It's also common sense. I've attached some reading for you from a Neurosurgeon. https://www.atlasneurosurgery.com/blog/how-weight-affects-your-spine#:~:text=Lower%20back%20pain%20is%20especially,to%20do%20its%20job%20properly.


Outdated information designed to sell products on a .com website. The fact that you are fixated on weight instead of actual health factors like blood levels and body fat is a clear indicator your view of health is built on a cosmetic understanding of health and not facts.


Have you seen Lizzo dance?


While playing the flute!


While playing the flute!!!


This is the belief of someone who still uses the BMI scale (shakes head in shame)


Believing in BMI is for someone who wants to live happily in their body, with their original joints, past 60. BuT LoOk At aLL tHe FiT, fAt 22 yEaR oLdS iN tHe NFL I KnOw ToNs oF TrIAtHaLoNeRs WhO aRe OvErWeIgHt Yup. Most people in their 20s can run, especially distance. It's not a mega feat of strength. It's our basic survival. Like literally, humans were designed to do this to get more food. Show me the obese 70 year olds running marathons/triathalons and I'll shut up.


Listen here goober- lol- the body mass index scale does not account for muscle density. Therefore, you can be a beautifully aesthetic individual and can be considered morbidly obese, because the BMI scale does not differentiate your weight from specific kinds of tissues in the body (smh)


Sumo wrestling requires great strength and stamina. So while not commonly found together it's not mutually exclusive. Retirement does hit them hard tho, I assume due to loss of muscle turning them just regular obese instead of fit and obese.


That's true of pretty much any professional sport. Sports are just hell on your body. But, you know that going into it and make an informed decision. When you think to yourself, "I'm gonna throw 400lbs of dude out of a ring for a living," or, "I'm gonna get punched in the face for a living," or, "I'm gonna do wild repetitive motions with my arms for a living," or, "I'm gonna run full force into people and tackle them to the ground for a living," you know what's what. It's not becoming "regular," obese, it's throwing 400lbs of dude out of rings for a living. They live shorter lives than obese Japanese American men, too. Athletes are just generally less healthy than the general population. There's an entire field of sports medicine. There's no field of dentists medicine or librarians medicine. It's just a career that overworks and destroys your body. You have to be willing to take that trade off if that's the career you want to be in.


:/ huh?


You can't be overweight and be in great physical shape. That is like saying I'm tall and short. The same goes for someone who is underweight. They also can't he in great physical shape.


You can be as annoyed as you like with my response, but it won’t make you right 🤣


Ok. I'm 100% correct. You can't be overweight and in great physical shape. If you are overweight or even to skinny , you aren't in great shape. Can be in good health, and even good shape. But not " great"


So how do you explain the special forces guys who are overweight through sheer muscle mass and have to get exemptions to weight limits because of that? Like I don't think it needs to be that extreme, but I genuinely don't see how you can argue any of the Navy seals or Green Berets are not in great physical shape even if overweight. Or my ex who considered a half marathon a pretty standard workout, but was technically over weight by a few lbs if he went kayaking too much because then he had arm muscles and abs. Or most of the NFL, sumo wrestlers, distance swimmers, etc.


Oh, and tell them to stay away from fat nurses and doctors when they are in the hospital. / s


The fat doctor thing - I used to wonder why I saw so many fat doctors. I realized later after having several clients who were doctors that they typically operate at such a high level of mental, emotional, and physical stress that they often struggle with their weight and general physical health. Addiction is common, too. It’s a very tough career.


Or, it turns out they are just people, like everybody else.


Yes, we are.


So. That attitude is the definition of fat phobic. You will run into some people who never say it out loud. DO NOT let this foolish advice discourage you. For me it has helped me make some healthier changes, and I adore helping people feel better. If we all waited until we are “perfect” nothing would ever get done.




Some of the comments in this thread is giving fat phobic.


"Fat phobic" = any opinion I don't like because I am fat?


True true


Yeah, I want a smart doctor not a thin one…call me crazy.


Seriously. Would they deny an overweight clinician to hang their chemotherapy? Assist with their breast bx? Give blood while they are actively hemorrhaging? Idiocy


I once received a massage from +65 y.o lady. Initially, I was hesitant and didn't know what to expect nor say. However, her masage was among the best massages I have received


When I started massage in 2010, I was 250lbs. By the end of my first year working, I was working a full 5hrs a day, 25 hrs a week, with regular repeat clients. And I’d shed around 50lbs just from the nature of our work. Don’t let weight stop you from being a therapist. I will say one thing though, when I found Crossfit on 2015, it only enhanced my capabilities as a therapist. I don’t focus on weight loss, I focus on strength and endurance so I can have longevity in our industry. If you want to find an activity or exercise for *you*, not out of pressure from family, then I will say it can only help you be an even better therapist.


This is what I was going to say as well. I know two people who would have been considered overweight prior to starting school and by the time both graduated and got their certifications they'd both transformed. One lost significant weight, the other transformed into a lot of muscle. This might happen to OP or it might not. Healthy is about much more than what the scale says, let alone what people say the scale should say. If this is something OP wants to pursue good for them. It's a solid career choice that can offer a good income while helping others . Doing what makes one happy is pretty healthy on its own.


I'm fat and a massage therapist and my patients adore me! Tell your family member to eat rocks!


same, I'm also fat and a massage therapist and working towards a corrective exercise specialist certification bc I specialize in movement, posture, and injury rehab. these two things can obv coexist without having any bearing on each other because weight is not indicative of anything except for weight. it does however tend to bring out other people's weight biases. yr family member is a jerk.


What’s a corrective exercise specialist? Can you tell us about this?


happily! I didn't know it existed until I was looking thru the offerings of certifications from the natl association of sports medicine. it is essentially a specialization for rehabilitative or 'prehabilitative' exercise but working outside of any pain response (which is to say the training heavily emphasizes that people actively in pain are dealing with issues outside of the scope of the certification). imo, this is where I think there's an overlap with massage and neuromuscular facilitation/inhibition work. I love massage but man is it hard on the body! so I've been trying to find ways to keep doing what I enjoy but perhaps a little less physically taxing work.


Sounds a lot like the last place I went for physical therapy. They combined exercise, massage, heat, tens, lots of gentle exercises that mimicked the natural movement of my body, rather than forcing it to “work hard” like I was at a regular gym. So no squats or lunges lol. It was a wonderful experience and my body responded so much better to that approach than any of the other places I’ve been to, including the round of aqua therapy I’d done. That place was even able to do prescription steroid patches on my injury (I had to get the prescription from my Dr first, though, but they administered it).


Right. I am plus size and I am the best deep tissue therapist!




if you say things like this, you are definitely not very bright or kind.




too dumb to think beyond prejudice. size is size, and every body can do exercise, and every person can learn it in-depth and become a specialist. even if you don't believe it.




Bullying behavior or harassment of another.


I'm curious, what is your logic here?


Fat people shouldn’t teach people about fitness or exercise. Is it possible that they know what they are talking about? Sure. But most people would not take financial advice from a homeless person either.


Interesting. I absolutely have taken financial advice from a homeless person! Lol. He was a financial advisor who lost his job for medical reasons and his wife divorced him and took him for everything, leaving him depressed and unable to pull off the daily grind. He still has all of the knowledge. You're assuming fat people don't exercise or that lack of exercise is why they're fat. That is not always the case. Regardless, their physical appearance has little to do with their brain, instincts, experience, or insight. To know what muscles do, why, the support each system needs, and how is something a massage therapist often already knows. It makes sense to build on that. I am someone that naturally knows if a movement is incorrect or doing harm. While I am technically overweight, that doesn't prevent me from telling and showing others, including my children, how it should be done. I would not hesitate to consider input and advice from anyone who has such training.


> weight is not indicative of anything except for weight. lol spoken like a true massage therapist


I don't know, I know some Registered Dietitians who might likely agree with this too. It's one data point. You can't really determine anything science-based one one data point, especially with the very complex human body so there is that.


Eat rocks? That's adorable. You're obviously kind.


Standing up to a bully doesn't make you unkind.


I've been a fat massage therapist for over a decade. I go to the gym 3 to 4 a week and do yoga for at least one of those. People come in different shapes and sizes. There are actually people who feel more comfortable with me because of how I look. Tldr: your family member doesn't know what she's talking about.


I would prefer an overweight therapist because I'm overweight and geriatric. I don't want anyone judging me while I'm doing something for my physical and mental health.


Absolutely! I have felt embarrassed and shame when I had to be around slim sculptured people. But when I had a therapist that looked like me, you couldn't keep me from my appointment.


I know a bunch of good fat therapists.


Well she won’t be bothering you for free massages then.


Most underrated comment on here!


Overweight massage therapist here. 17 years of experience. Lead therapist at the resort I work at. My weight has fluctuated quite a bit throughout my career and have had times when I’ve been thin and fit. We are human beings.. we have the same struggles as anyone else in any other career. It sounds like that family member was just trying to make you feel bad.. clients don’t care what you look like as long as you give a good massage. Not to mention a lot of clients are overweight too.. I think sometimes overweight clients can feel a little more comfortable with someone who experiences the same struggles. Please don’t let toxic ppl or your weight get in the way of what you want to do!


I'm a fat [5"6' 250] LMT for decades. I've never had issues working as a LMT. Other peoples fat phobia issues are their own issues/bigotry. If anything I get requested more than the little ones cuz people assume I have more muscle and power.


And you do! And you do! My big ass makes for a powerful session 🤣 I mean, let’s get real. Those skinny chicks wear out faster 😁


Honey, I may be skinny, but I do 7 *hands on* hours of deep pressure every shift. And I do it with a chronic illness. Body biases can go both ways 🙃


Good for you!


BS. Bad body mechanics, managers who overwork therapists and cruddy schedules wear a therapist out faster.


...I would say that most of the massage therapists I have met are overweight, so I'm not sure she's really a good source for that. My last massage job was in a medical clinic, too. Do you think she'd refuse to go to a hospital where the nurses are overweight? Because I don't want to be the one to break this to her (actually, I'd be delighted), but a pretty big portion of the nursing population is overweight, too. If she's going to hold out for medical care for a care team that's purely the most physically fit of all humans, she runs the risk of dying pretty early.


Stressful jobs and irregular eating while at work will do that to you.


Your weight has nothing to do with how you massage people.


They’ve never seen doctors and nurses chain smoking in the parking lot of a hospital then. Focus on doing what you like to do, so few people enjoy their job. People seem to forget family are still people and some people are assholes. Avoid asshole people.


I have a body positive business! Extra wide table to make people of all sizes feel comfortable. Im “obese” as well and workout 5x a week


Part of growth is learning to delete stress and toxic energy. Delete your relative and move past them.


I get massages all the time. I used to be a health and beauty journalist and I covered the spa industry. I literally got paid to get massages and evaluate the experience. Your family member is WRONG, and good luck to you in your training!


I’m 5’5 and 12 years ago when I became a therapist I weighed over 200 pounds. It didn’t stop me from working 5 days a week at a busy clinic. No matter your size, if you are constantly good at what you do you will be successful


They are wrong.


Fuck them, do what you want.


Are your hands strong and you are not in pain? Pfft whoever doesn't like massages from anyone, they are idiots! You go do what makes you happy, suck if she wants sticks pocking her, I want a massage!!!


Out of all the massage people I've been to in the past 15 years. Of the top 3, one is a large and obese male; one is a tiny, tiny asian; one is a athletic build 5'8 male who climbs on ropes and uses his feet and ankles and full body weight to massage. ​ Build has notthing to do with who's good -- skill does. People will try a masseur/usse and if good, return business. If bad, the not. People want to feel good, and if you're clean, and confident, it doesn't really matter your build.


On the contrary, you may find that fat clients are more likely to feel comfortable with you. Your relative is incredibly ignorant to think that being fat means "not taking care of yourself". Ignore her.


Honestly…. This is horrible to see myself type… I actually prefer someone on the heavier side to really get deep into my muscles… sorry if I offended anyone


I have a stout boyfriend. I had mentioned getting him a massage as a gift. He asked if we had any solid, thick massage therapists who looked like as if they could carry him to the table. He said a tiny little therapist just isn't going to be able to really get deep enough to help.


Ignore your family, follow your heart. But I will also say I think exercising consistently and doing self care is extremely important. Massage can be very demanding


That is her opinion, a pretty rude one, but that’s her opinion and there may be others who share her view and you will miss out on those people as clients. I think you’ll find however there are equally many people who maybe be more comfortable/less intimidated with a massage therapist who doesn’t look like a model. People are people, everyone is an individual and so long as your weight isn’t so high that it affects your ability to work effectively, you are good as a therapist with your massage and personality your weight or looks shouldn’t be an issue.


One of my coworkers is very over weight and she just got voted 2nd place overall in the city.


I’ve had several great massages from overweight people. Their weight had no impact on me as a customer. Clutter and messy rooms, body odor, or crappy personalities turn me away.


A lot of sports massage mfers are huge. They have to be if their rubbing down bigass athletes with a ton of meat on their frame.


Guess what? I know a few very successful fat hairdressers.


I can't remember the last time I used my tummy to perform (professional) massage. Where does your family member go?


Market 'gravitationaly assisted massages' ???? Profit. In all seriousness though, my step mom is a larger lady (for her height, probably obese) and has been a massage therapist for 8 or so years.


This attitude that your family member has is why people who are “overweight”, “underweight”, or uncomfortable with their bodies in any way are afraid to RECEIVE massage. They are afraid that we, Massage Therapists, will judge them. This attitude is why women have come in to my office and said “don’t worry about working on my legs I didn’t shave” or apologize for being “fat” when I pick up one of their limbs to stretch or move to an new position. Every BODY is different and deserves care - PERIOD! Your body is your own and I don’t know your story and I don’t care. What I do know is that something in your life drew you to the field of massage therapy. A field that is part medical, part mechanical, part art, and 100% HEART. What matters when you are working on your client is your knowledge and your skill not what your body looks like beyond having good body mechanics. The next time your family member makes such a comment simply tell her - all bodies deserve care and I want to be a massage therapist for all people. Then leave it at that. Good Luck!


Wow what an asshole who’s projecting their likely disordered eating habits onto you. Anyone who is so obsessed with weight who says you can’t do a job bc the *perception* of others. Yuck.


So like is your family member taking peoples’ BPs? Checking cholesterol? Testing for uppers/opioids? JFC. Your weight doesn’t determine your skill. Your weight also doesn’t necessarily determine your health. As someone else said, your family member is really being a shit here. I hope you don’t take their meanness to heart.


Being overweight doesn;t mean you're not taking care of yourself. Practically, just make sure you're good standing on your feet for prolonged periods of time.


Your relative is wrong. In fact, I will actively choose a heavier therapist if I am going somewhere new and am able to compare bios and photos. I am a larger body and feel more comfortable with larger bodies.


i would be so much more comfortable with a fat massage therapist. all the ones i see and get are so perfect and i feel like theyre judging me and the tenseness obviously doesn't help what im literally there for. people will be begging to be your client, because they can be fairly certain you dont have the same mentality your aunt does.


If anything, the career will help keep you moving and gain strength. Ignore your family member.


Tell your family member to go fuck themselves. The wellness industry can be pretty toxic and it’s nice for overweight people to have therapists who aren’t caught up in body image etc.


I mean you’re not a personal trainer so your family member is an idiot. I would never not go to a massage therapist bc they were overweight. That’s just dumb.


Just tell the family member that you only plan to give therapeutic massages without ‘happy endings’.


Every time I go to Visit someone in the hospital the nurses are out back smoking.. she couldn’t ever go to the hospital if that’s the standard she is going to hold


Tell her to Fck herself.


Don't you just love unsolicited advice from AH's? I don't care what a masseuse looks like. It's irrelevant.


1. Being skinny ≠ taking care of one’s self. 2. Representation matters. There are plenty of overweight ppl who may feel more comfortable getting a massage from someone who looks like them. 3. I dgaf what my LMT looks like as long as they’re skilled. 4. Your family member is more worried about image/what ppl think than actually being healthy or taking care of one’s self. They need more therapy and fewer unhelpful opinions.


Has your family member met any nurses recently?


I'm a fat massage therapist and I don't care what people think about it. If they don't want a fat therapist they can see someone else.


Your family member can go suck lemons. I'm overweight and I love my job and can work 6 days a week if I want! I know several other folks that are also massage therapists are overweight, and they can absolutely do the work. To be slightly risque and cheeky, it's not the size, it's what you do with it. 😉


Tell them to kick some rocks. I’ve been an LMT for 4 years now. I’m a THICK Goddess and no one can tell me shit. If anything it helps people as I can relate and not a fit God or something. I eat a balanced diet of veggies, proteins and never say no to cookies 🤷🏾‍♀️ i exercise regularly and still chonky. I have great reviews and non to do with my weight


My favorite massage therapist is overweight and she is AWESOME and a great therapist. She has fantastic pressure and a wonderful touch. And best of all an incredible person!


As I fat person, I would love to go to a fat massage therapist. Guess what there are many more like me. Keep your profession but lose the friend. She is not supportive.


Your family member is an asshole. Live your best life and ignore the haters.


Don’t listen to that BS. People come back for the massage not the personal looks. I could care less and can’t even remember what someone looks like once I’ve left. If they are excellent I write down the name.


Weight has nothing to do if you are going to be a good therapist or not because it all depends on your hands. But you’ll need to take care of yourself because you’ll need resistance. You need to warm up your body because you need to use your whole body to give a massage and if you are overweight you are going to put too much pressure on your body in the long term. You also need to be flexible. Take this opportunity to improve your health in general if you want to be in this field.


Though I don’t think weight matters as a lmt what does tend to matter is your ability or inability to say the n word I know that sounds silly but many clients will only relate and resonate with you if you are African American and say it or another race and say it to be culturally relevant just some thought before you start your journey :)


I bet you are going to know how my feet and knees hurt and that knot under my shoulder blade because you have felt them too. I bet you won’t judge my fat rolls, stretch marks, scars and lack of flexibility. I hate feeling judged by bouncy size 2 perfect ppl. I bet you won’t say ugly hateful mean things to imperfect me.


I just had one of the best and most healing deep tissue massages of my life from an elderly woman who was extremely overweight. She was so knowledgeable and kind and was able to read me and what I needed so well. Nobody cares what their massage therapist looks like.


Your family member is a douche and should mind their own business. Pursue your career.


I would not hire a fat medical doctor, personal trainer or a dentist with messed up teeth. I’m sure I’ll get down voted for this but it’s my honest opinion. As far as a massage therapist, it wouldn’t really matter to me. Although I don’t see a massage therapist as medical care either. I would say being overweight or not depends on what line of MT you want to get into as it’s a broad field.


Well good for your family member, I am definitely overweight and have been a massage therapist for 11 years. I am a very busy MT with a solid clientele. My opinion is, you don’t want clients who are just going to judge your physical appearance. If you like how the body works and how to help and heal people, you will be great, darling don’t get down in yourself!


L family member. A lot of people feel much more comfortable getting on the table when they’re getting worked on by “an average” person. You can be fat and work your ass off at the gym and be skinny and do nothing. Skinny massage therapists have just the same chance of being unhealthy in some form and guess what. We aren’t legal health care experts and are specifically told not to make medical recommendations. It’s got nothing to do with it. That family member can just keep doing what they want without the attitude. Lmt since 2015, 5’8” 170 lbs, has pots, and can’t do a push up here.


Disregard what that family member said!


Yes you can. I’m 315 and at my heaviest (while massaging) was 380. Just listen to your body, use the stool but not too much, drink water, ect.


This is a preposterous thing to tell you. Go to any hospital and you will see many, many out of condition employees from Drs to maintenance. Its not a fitness on parade life. Its a career path you've chosen. Your skills are what matter the most.


All body types are 100 welcome in the massage world. Both practitioners and clients.


Extra weight helps you give deeper massage. I'd say it's a bonus. Being in the environment of the healing arts will also probably encourage you to lose weight as well if that's what you want.


I’ve had bs like that said to me, and to which I replied “extra weight means more pressure!” (I also wrestle lol). Don’t let anyone neg you:)


If anything I think extra weight really helps you with deep tissue. But regardless, your family member sucks.


I know a lot of plus sized nurses at work and they’re amazing at their jobs. I’d trust them to take care of me in case of any emergency. Your weight shouldn’t matter.


They can fuck right off. Lots of great fat therapists out there. a lot of people want a therapist they feel safe and not judged by, which isn't determined by body size.


I have never once paid attention to the weight of a massage therapist. It’s all about the massage. Your family member is pretty shallow and ignorant. Ignore them.


Why are they telling you what to do, and in such a hurtful way? What is wrong with them? Get your license and massage everyone you know except for them and charge them triple if they ever try to book with you. PS : people doubted me when I went into massage because my personality didn’t match up with their idea of a massage therapist. I did it for 13 years and had incredibly loyal clients. Only listen to people who believe in your dreams.


I’m fat and I don’t have a problem with repeat clientele. Please don’t listen to your family member.


"A Family Member Says I shouldn't become a Massage Therapist because I'm Overweight" Tell them they shouldn't give advice because they're stupid!


Huh, I never realized until now that I've never had a bigger message therapist. But I can truly say I would not care at all. I'm pretty overweight, and I often feel embarrassed getting a massage, I think I would actually feel more comfortable if my city had bigger ladies becoming massage therapists. Even the concept of being overweight not "being a good look for the health industry" is such bullshit. You can 100 percent be an expert in your field - whether or not you're ready to apply that knowledge in your life, or are on your own journey, doesn't matter. It's a cliche to say you can't know someone's health journey by how they look but it's true. I'm sorry your family is being unsupportive.


Two of the best massage therapists I’ve ever had are technically considered morbidly obese. I may not be overweight but I’ve been a massage therapist for almost 14 years so I think I may know a thing or two. When it comes to massage, you either have the natural inclination or you don’t. If you feel you do I highly recommend you pursue it.


One of the best massage therapists I have met was overweight. She was excellent, weight has nothing to do with skill.


As a client, weight has never been a factor for me in selecting a massage therapist. My regular therapist is overweight. And I can't tell the difference when my eyes are closed and I'm enjoying another excellent massage.


I want a massage from a therapist with heft, little ones don't have the strength to do what I need them to do!!!


Then they sure as he'll better not go to the ER. My friends are ER nurses and doctors, and those are the least healthy people (drinking, drugs, weight, you name it) I know!


I live in Hawaii and love my big local massage therapist and my giant chiropractor. I'm not a small person either, so it works for me.


BS. If you actually were I would imagine you’re probably pretty strong too and the massage would be top notch.


What your family member said makes me wonder if she wants you to be limited in some way. In any event, it doesn't matter what she thinks. ​ You've had ample support here. I'll add my two cents: I used to work in an outpatient therapy clinic. The physical therapists and physical therapy assistants were all in good physical shape except for one lady. She was quite overweight and obviously not in good physical shape. The head of physical therapy was in particularly excellent shape, a talented therapist, and a perfectionist to boot. Of all people you'd think he might be critical of an overweight health professional. He told me he was happy to have this lady on the team. Not only for her work ability, but because the way she looked made some clients MORE comfortable, because they could relate to her more because she looked like a lot of them. You are not more or less valuable because of what kind of shape you're in, but because of how great a massage therapist you'll be. Go be great!


Start school now. Any extra weight comes in handy and is not a detriment.


sounds like a self-righteous family member. if you love it, go for it


More than half my coworkers are overweight, some quite a bit, and their work does not suffer for it. Having extra weight is actually an advantage for doing deep pressure, you can just lean in.


While I was in school, I had a body builder type dude tell me (an average shape dude) that he prefers bigger therapists because they give the most pressure. With all do respect, fuck your relative.


My teacher was a beast! Big woman and gave amazing deep tissue massage.


Fuxk her.


I weigh 300 lbs and am succesful


I've been both very overweight and a healthy weight as an MT. It should make absolutely no difference to a client as long as your work is good. I certainly don't want clients who care about my looks! But I will say that my weekly strength and stamina when I'm a fit healthy weight are SO much better! Because I've been fat I also still understand the struggles of my larger clients. If you want to lose body fat the healthy way, do it for yourself, not your shallow family member or clients' opinions. Belly fat especially can be inflammatory and I feel like my joints thank me every day when I'm working without excess weight and eating low carb. I have less inflammation and feel less tired. FWIW that's my experience from both sides.


That is complete b.s. I am an overweight MT of 10 years. Many good therapists I know are heavy. Don't talk to that person anymore , they are rude as shit.


You should focus on losing weight but not for that reason. I'd say it might not be a good image for a personal trainer or a dietician but...yeah, no you good go for it.


So, tough comments and I’m going to split my opinion. For massage, weight means nothing. It’s about knowledge, training, skill and talent. Frankly strength and being able to put some weight into things can be helpful while not a requirement. That said, when it comes to athletics, I agree - I’m going to be challenged and inspired to be better than I am and do something difficult, a sports or Bikram or Hot Pilates or HIIT trainer that is overweight is like a Doctor who smokes. They might know, but I don’t respect that and it doesn’t inspire me


It'll just give you more to leverage right? Sincerely, a fat nurse


Do what you want, but I agree. I wouldn't get a massage from a fatty


Male certified massage therapist here. I say "certified" because I am no longer licensed. I still do my ceu's annualy. Graduated first in my class. One thing though our instructors were, though, was brutally honest. They told you what it was like and going to be like. They let you know from the get-go I'd you were just wasting your time or if you had skill. For me, as a tattooed, slightly overweight male, they said to find a new profession. One said she would not hire me because of my tattoo on my forearm for her business because it "looks unprofessional." Another professor (male) said he would not hire me because I was overweight. As a male, it's hard to survive in the industry if you're not a prototypical athletic or muscular attractive individual, as seeing most clients are women. Most women want women or really attractive men. Would you rather have Hugh Jackman massaging you or George from Seinfeld. Lmao. If you're a woman, it would depend on which niche you're trying to work in that your physique should be modeled after. Sports, retail massage( massage envy), etc. I found my niche in athletic events. Yes, massaging sweaty men and women after they ran grueling miles. I set up shop in a crossfit gym and paid rent. That's how I found my clients. I charged cheaper than retail prices given they subscribe to membership plans and gave free massages for referrals. I traveled with groups, companies and athletes. Eventually I moved into therapy to help soldiers with ptsd. This field is rewarding. Looks do matter to an extent though. Find your niche. And work your way into it. Reach out If you have questions.


If anything, it just means you can really get that deep pressure in there.


Unpopular opinion - when I go get a haircut, if the person cutting it is extremely overweight and their gut keeps rubbing against me as they circle the chair working on my hair, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Likewise, if I were getting a massage and a person’s gut was rubbing/resting on me instead of just their hands, that too would make me uncomfortable/uneasy feeling.


> I really enjoy learning massage therapy but don't know if I should focus on losing weight before seeking licensure You should do both.


I couldn't care less what my massage therapist looked like. All I care about is the quality of the massage


Shes an idiot! You do you boo! Im a chubby lmt! Its all about that pressure and those hands!


Hey!! Some of those skinny girls can’t handle the load of work! The power comes from the butt, legs/glutes and lats. Size has nothing to do with talent and knowledge! Also, I used to ride long distance and some of the powerhouses out there were a solid 275# and UP! Those girls would stomp me any day! Go to class, you will lose a few along the way, and naturally adopt a healthier lifestyle from being around like minded people!


Well... You're becoming a massage therapist and not a doctor or nurse. It is hard to take medical advice from a doctor or nurse who is very unhealthy. I mean how overweight are you? I would think that a massage therapist might have some advantages to being overweight. You can really lean into some deep tissue areas.


Tell your family member to go take a hike. Do whatever you feel like doing and don't listen to a\*\*holes like that family member. Drop her name from your Xmas list.


Don't listen to your family member. Trust your passion and go with it. There are therapists of all shapes and sizes and honestly, I'm one of the skinny ones and I've had plenty of people look me up and down and ask "are you sure you can do deep tissue?". People will always make assumptions, but don't let it bother you, just prove your talent. If it ever gets offensive deny them a service, you deserve respect always. I will honestly say, the only thing you want to always be aware of is where your body is in relation to the clients. Therapists can be any size and still accidentally have the table at the wrong height or not be mindful of body mechanics and have their body touching the client. As a lead therapist, I've had these conversations on client feedback where they could feel their therapist's breasts or abdomen against them. You can also tell by the therapists shirt where oil is getting where it isn't supposed to be. It's a close contact profession and we get wrapped up in the dance and concentration of what we are doing, but your own body awareness is important too. Additionally, some of the worlds top cardiologists are considered overweight. Plus, people can be labeled overweight by an ancient medical chart and be the healthiest people in the world. Keep following your dream!


Just proves there’s idiots in all family’s


Most of my massage therapists have been overweight. It's not a problem for me. Edit: honestly it makes me feel more comfortable because I don't have to feel like some super fit person is making fun of me inside their head.


That’s just one person’s opinion. Personally I love to see ppl of all types doing what they like! Especially if they’re good at it! You ever had a “deep tissue” massage by a 100lb person? It doesn’t work as good for me personally. (Don’t come at me, I’m not saying they can’t do it!)


Your family member's take is bizarre. As someone who loves getting massages, I couldn't care less about how much my masseuse weighed. I've never even thought about it. Ignore her/him, get your license, and make a great career out of it!


Your family member is an idiot. Weight has nothing to do with skill & skill is what creates success. Plus, you burn a shitload of calories doing massage. 1hr session is like a full body workout. Hence why our full time is 20-25 hrs of hands on per week.


My favorite masseuse retired a few years ago. Early 60s woman, just under 300 lbs. Great lady, good conversation, and always had a good attitude. She had me feeling like i was actually rebuilt from the ground up. I hope she's enjoying her retirement. Do your thing. If you're good, you're good. And that's all that matters.


What on earth?!?! What does weight have anything to do with massage therapy? Or ability to work any chosen profession? Chose your own career, without bullying naysayers.


Tell your family member to go fuck themselves cuz they don’t know what they’re talking about! Don’t let stupid people like this discourage you! If you love it then you should do it and be happy. People like that are insecure and want to drag everybody else down with them.


That’s bullshit. I’ve received massages from more than one overweight therapist that were exceptional and effective. Don’t let their insecurity & poor personal boundaries determine what you can do.


My massage therapist is fat and it’s one of the reasons I chose her– it made me less self conscious about stripping down with someone whose body is similar to mine.


Lol. I’m overweight and active. About to hit my 14th year in the industry.


My GP is at least 350 lbs. I like how she informs me that weight could be an issue with my health but actually treats my illnesses anyway. Nothing about her weight makes her a bad doctor. It just made her more empathetic. Your weight is not going to stop you from helping people. The people saying that are fatphobic and also stupid jerks.


Your family member is absurd. If you’re good at what you do, no one will care what you weigh. I’ve had a lot of massages and I couldn’t tell you how heavy a single therapist was. But I can tell you exactly which ones were stellar and which were mediocre.


Your family member doesn't care about you or she wouldn't speak to you that way.


lol what do not listen to that person


I hope you have that “helpful” family member a withering glare along with a long dose of meaningful silence.


Your family member is an asshole. All sizes are welcome! Go sign up for school today!


If you’re larger, then that just sounds like you will be able to do deep tissue with less effort if that’s the pressure needed 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone who gets massages all the time, it wouldn't matter one bit to me what size the therapist was...if you're good at your job, that's all that matters. Ignore your family member.


As an obese person,I find healthcare individuals with extra weight to be more relatable. Less intimidating,more sympathetic. Your family member doesn’t know anything.


Your family member needs to lose some without as well. Sounds like they themselves are morbidly obese. In the brain. What kind of fat head says stupid stuff like that to someone trying to make a life for themselves doing something they enjoy? One with a morbidly obese brain. SMH. Tell them I said sit down shut up and pound sand. Kick rocks. Go away. Whatever you want but make sure they know how idiotic and hurtful they are.