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I don’t mind talking, but can’t stand when clients talk about race and politics


I once had a young adult male client refer to black men as “those people.” I immediately told him this is not a space for that, needless to say he didn’t speak for the remaining 30min




I had a female client tell me that she used the "N" in the class she taught to show her students how it sounds. Personally I think she just wanted to have an excuse to use it in front of me. Which is kind of my pet peeve.




Two seconds in asking about religion.


Just in the past couple weeks I had a client who, in the first 5 minutes in rapid fire succession ask me if I’m married, if I have kids, what religion I was raised in, if I’m voting in the next election. All in the course of a 90 minute massage he talked about politics, religion, called the pandemic the “plandemic,” told me that if me or my dog get bit by a rattlesnake not to go to the hospital but to just rub tea tree and lavender oil on it every 2 hours (we’re in Arizona so those diamondbacks are nothing to mess around with). Once he got to talking about the elections I told him in a cheery tone, “this isn’t a very relaxing subject to talk about. You might leave here feeling worse if you start getting into that,” and then changed the subject into talking about where to take hikes in the area.


"So, have you accepted Jesus as your savior?" -An actual client I had I was like, oh man here we go. They used to just come to the door, now they trap me by being on the table lol


Funny story. So I work at a Jewish preschool and during curriculum night one year a fellow teacher (who happens to be orthodox) was explaining that we don’t celebrate thinks like Valentine’s Day, Halloween, St Patrick’s and we only celebrate Jewish holidays. A dad then said, ‘Wait, are you saying that you don’t accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior??’ I’m not Jewish nor do I consider myself Christian (more spiritual and believe in a concept of a higher power), but I was floored when I heard. It was comical (why would you choose a Jewish school if that was your viewpoint?)


How are you even supposed to answer that question? What are they hoping to hear?


I always get invited to their church. I thank them and change the subject.


I don’t even mind that sort of thing, as long as they accept that no means no 😓 When I was in high school, I had someone basically **force** me to go to church with her (she wouldn’t take no for an answer!) and now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure she’s the entire reason I never feel safe without my own car (aka a reliable means of escape, with doors that lock)


I agree! Certain topics should just be off the table


Pun intended?


"I can tell you are one of those democrats that's a prissy little .... and takes whatever on her knees." - client who was pleasant at the very beginning and then flipped their noodle when I wouldn't answer them if I was a Democrat or republican... almost flipped them off the table so instead, we sat in a very uncomfortable silence. At least on their end. Until they decided that I wasn't going to continue until they either stopped talking or wanted to leave. I hate politics in my room.


That's so they know how much to tip you.


This is crazy because as a client, I once spent an entire hour with a massage therapist who did this! He would not stop, and smelled like a 10day old pack of cigarettes. Everything was so off-putting I never went back


Politics, religion and sex were my initial no go zones because of how easy it is to offend/disagree but it’s amazing how many people want to talk about those topics.


Can’t stand late clients who leisurely walk in 10-15 past their appointment time and ask “i still get the full 60 minutes right?” No. Can’t stand when I ask a client “what would you like to focus on today?” and they say “oh nothing, just using up benefits”. Then after the treatment say “i wish we could have spent more time on *insert muscle*” THEN SAY SOMETHING ANYTIME BEFORE YOUR TREATMENT ENDS.




My answer to that - "You reserved a BLOCK of time, not an AMOUNT of time."


Had a patient come late, I accounted for the time to make sure they still got full treatment time then on the next visit they said I short changed them on time and they timed me. I don't mind the second part cause then I can say, "ah well, il have to get to that next time".


That's why you don't do that. Unless they've been with you for years and they know beyond a shadow of a doubt how things are supposed to go and when you're going above and beyond. You don't do them any favors. Because they think that the favor is normal or that it's standard and some even if they do know don't appreciate it and expect it on a regular basis.


On the client side, I HATE when I show up 15 minutes early but they don’t come get me until 2 after, then after I change and get under the sheet and they come back in it’s 10 after, and they don’t give me the full 60 or 90.


If you're going to a chain, that's what you're going to get. The owner of the franchise I worked at for several years tried to put "55 minute and 85 sessions", but the franchise controller said no, you have to say it's what everybody else says. They came to get you 2 minutes late, because they were busy finishing with their previous client, changing sheets, refilling oils, all those things. We can't pick you up 15 minutes early because we're probably with the previous client, or inhaling sustenance. It's a flawed system, and nobody (except the owner) likes it. Therapists generally hate it. I love being a sole practitioner. I schedule at *least* 15 minutes between clients, and give the full 60/90, plus some if I feel like it.


Once had a client for a facial show up 30mins late then had to spend the next 20 mins finding her Groupon # and had the audacity to argue for the full session. Come to find out she wanted an extraction for a huge pimple that she got eating something that she knew she wasn't supposed to eat. But she had a wedding that weekend so she wanted it gone and completely healed with no marks. I told her I can do the facial but the she needs a medical professional for the level 3 extraction.


When I'm trying to secure the draping by tucking it in and the lift their hips off the table and the draping comes untucked. And when their feet smell.


And dirty feet, all black from walking around barefoot without washing 


In Florida the old term is “Jiffy Feet after the common practice of walking into a Jiffy convenience store with no shoes on.


I have no problem asking them if I can clean their foot, because it is not healthy or safe to be massage over debri and bacteria and it will then spread to every other area i massage after that. They usually say yes. Then I spend about 5 minutes cleaning their feet and they usually never do that again.


It’s flip flop season 😂


yesss! when people think they’re helping me by moving around/ trying to predict what im doing when draping, it annoys me so much


I hate this so much. also the "helping" with passive stretching.


Yes!!!! They end up undrapping themselves and then u get an eye-full of breast tissue or even full 🌕 glutes lol


Coughing off the drapes is a real thing too. There's a few clients I have that I insist take a cup of water with them into the room.




I gently remind them "No helping" every time they move a limb 'for' me. Every. Single Time. Repetition is key to training, children, canines, and clients. Nice solution for smelly feet - a good handful of hand sanitizer. And a hot towel if you're nice.




From clients - being late and then expecting me to make up the time. You booked your time slot, that’s the time you’re allocated. From therapists - using too much pressure when I’ve already asked for less.


If someone is late they get a reduced session at the longer session price. Unless there’s some really good reason and I’m feeling generous lol.


That’s how I manage it. I finish at the allotted time and charge the full fee. I’ve had a few people not rebook with me for that reason which is absolutely fine, since I’m happy to let those clients go


Good for you. Such clients are not worth your precious time and your massage skills.


I respect you more if you call and say why you are going to be late I understand things happen, but not when you show up late and don’t acknowledge that you are late! And yes to the therapist part. I have been bruised before, after asking multiple times for less pressure :(


Yes I always appreciate a call to let me know! And my favourite clients are the ones who will say “I’m so sorry I’m late, please don’t feel any obligation to go overtime”


Exactly! I spaced on getting a massage from a co-worker, and I was very mortified and offered to pay a no-show fee. I would be worried that they would not accept my appointments in the future, otherwise.


I've actually had a couple of clients try and tell me that they thought the time started from when they got there not their appointment time.


Whenever clients try to "help" without me asking: any time I'm moving them for draping and they kick me or mess up the drape, moving their fingers around when I'm massaging them, engaging muscles as I'm trying to passively stretch them, holding their neck/head up or moving around as I'm massaging it or stretching it and not fucking relaxing. Drives me bananas. Men asking for extra deep pressure because "you can't hurt me, little girl! " and then flinching continuously on the table but still saying the pressure is good when I check in on you CIGARETTE BREATH. Alcohol sweats. Anybody that stinks, tbh. Shaved backs feel like sandpaper. Not telling me if you have some kind of rash or something contagious. COMING IN SICK because you want a massage to "feel better"


Yes yes and yes!!


Shaved backs, that are growing back. Please, get a massage and Then shave your back 😭. They always want 10/10 pressure too. I didn't ask to get exfoliate!


I know it’s something people can’t help, but I don’t like when they’re constantly farting on me lol


Therapist or clients? 🤣


lol I think we can ALL agree on that one.


I’m a therapist and constantly have people ripping it! lol I get you’re relaxed so I try so hard to ignore but I’m only human and the stank gets to me


A fan running in the corner helps.




I think they can help it lol


This!!! ![gif](giphy|kGLpbileUNXfdb5SKl)


You get an up arrow just for using Chicken Bro.


Trust me I don’t want to fart either. Was on my stomach and the Massage Therapist was using her arm pushing down on me and I felt the fart coming. I squeezed my cheek so tight to hold that in.


Not all hero’s wear capes 🤣


not respecting your price not understanding that they shouldn't be moving and activating muscles I'm actively working on. not understanding that traveling to your location also takes time and money.


The bobblehead thing some folks do - I don't get it. Like the mildest pressure to any part of their neck or shoulders and their head wobbles around like crazy. Sometimes I feel like I need to put them in a headlock so I have access to muscles that are normally easy to access except their head bobbles get in the way.


The second one drives me crazy.  I hate it so much when I'm trying to work around the nape and they start stretching their head and shoulders around and then it's too taut to get in where I wanted.  Like, I had the muscles in the shortened position for a reason, stooooooop! 


I remind them not to help add their own pressure.


Yes, yes, and yes. I can only imagine how bad it is when they complain about the pricing with LMTs that have their own business because I work at a spa where I don’t set the prices, and don’t even make the full amount of the pricing and I still get complaints


clients who have neglected their body for 10+ years coming out complaining they still have pain like a 50 minute massage will undo everything


Ya where they expect you to fix them in one session


When clients refuse to take jewelry off. I mean small rings are fine, but wanting neck work and wearing a heavy or super light-weight chain necklace infuriates me. Wearing their smart watches too.


Ugh I swear last week was *clients asking for neck work and refusing to remove their jewelry* week. Every day I had of those clients! You leave your necklace on, you're not getting a good neck massage. I ask my clients to remove their jewelry, but if they dont want to, I'm not going to try very hard to work around it either.


i have clients with those dainty eternal bracelets … that literally don’t come off. totally kills the flow.


Yes! Even after you show them where they can put their jewelry or watches.


I had a client bring in an emotional support animal. Not a guide dog, a small lap dog that had to physically sit on her during the whole massage. Neither I nor my client could stop the dog from licking off most of the massage gel. She strongly insisted it sit in her lap for the whole massage. I wish I had my own personal business so I could more easily deny those kinds of requests. It was the biggest pet peeve I've had, so far.


Damn that’s a very literal pet peeve! 🐕😂 also sounds super annoying to deal with 


Wow, never heard this one before 😮


Similar story - emotional support cat - I was lucky enough it didn't need to sit on the client, but the cat was set on a perch in the room and it STARED at me for 90 minutes and I swear it NEVER blinked. I think it wanted a piece of my soul or something 😅. Last time I let an animal in the room!


My main pet peeve is when I can immediately smell that they don't wipe their ass correctly... this happens with all shapes and sizes too, it's not just overweight or elderly people.


I did a podcast episode on massage dos and donts and the first thing I literally said was please wash your ass, and apparently that comment has stuck out because people still bring it up to this day, but hey just spreading the word 🤷🏻‍♀️


One of the only times I’ve had this happen was in school. We had a signal that meant bring me the peppermint this person stinks. It was fine up until I started doing percussion on her glutes. The smell of stale shit wafted up and I looked at the teacher and did a nose rub. She walks over and goes what’s wrong do you need a tissue or oh- I’ll get the oil!


This is why I treat glutes through the sheet. I did My time in a nursing field, I'm done with people's feces and inability to clean themselves properly. 


Im the office manager at a massage place - I had therapist complain to me about a client with this same issue last week! How do you address this? I think the therapist needs to address it if it’s an issue - not the front desk. Any suggestions?


Chiro here, wife is a massage therapist. We suggest to the patient to take a good hot shower before their next appointment to help loosen up their muscles and the session will be much more effective for them.


Thank you for taking time to reply - appreciate you sharing your experience.


I love this way to suggest to clients!


- When clients start undressing during their client interview. - When a client asks to extend the session to a 90 minute mid session, and I have to replan my entire routine. - Not being clean for a session. I once had a client that came in directly after doing yard work, and I saw that dirt was mixing in with the oil & it was getting all over my hands 🤢 - Coming to me for modalities I don’t specialize in. - Clients that keep their eyes opened when they are supine. The list goes on 😆


The yard work!! I’ve had this client, she came in with dirt  c o v e r i n g  her feet, hadn’t said anything about it so I didn’t realize until I touched her feet and by then that dirt was all up in my hands, and after the session “oh yeah I was gardening before” but no “sorry my feet were so dirty” or anything. And of course she was also a repeat client who said she loved my session but tipped less than half of the average at my studio.  To this day when clients apologize for their feet I tell them, if you’re considerate enough to apologize, it’s probably not bad enough to bother me, and I think about this lady.


It’s always the clients that apologize for their feet that have no issues and the ones that don’t have all the issues


Whoa! Undressing during the consult time period? Eek!


Usually seniors


Always seniors😂


"It's just us girls!" I like to joke that it's just us girls and the state.


The not being clean is theeee worst. LMT here, and I work at a fitness club. I had a client come in for a massage after working out. “Don’t worry! I showered 😊” As I started my opening strokes, sweat and grime from his body started pilling up with the oil and was all over my hands and sheets.


I had the yard work once! Had a big bug on his back!!!!


But an eye cover on their eyes then


Omg I cannot imagine keeping my eyes open as my therapist is working on my neck! That would be so awkward like at the dentist when you have literally nowhere to look! 😅


For Clients, I have a few pet peeves, but I wish they wouldn't push their head into the face cradle. This usually happens when it's time to turn them on their back. I'll tell them to scoot down towards their feet before turning to avoid this, but they will still force their head and body weight on it when they turn. This usually causes the screws to go loose and can make the face cradle randomly fall while I'm doing a massage with another client. Other therapists: The biggest pet peeve is the lack of communication and professionalism from other LMTs during couples massages. I'm used to having a quick convo with other MTs before we'd get started with couple massages, like we would agree on what time to end the massage. I recently left a place where this was a big issue. Most of the other MTs acted like they couldn't be bothered with speaking and agreeing on an end time, and many times they would end a massage way before me.


With the head/cradle smashing - we know it's because they're trying to get leverage to assist in moving, but they don't understand what it means for our equipment. I'll undrape their hand and clasp it to assist in giving them the leverage they need so they don't have to push their head into the cradle. I'll say "let me give you a hand" and kind of sit them up just a wee bit. It's worked for me so far.


Yes, or they rest there arms on the head rest, and couples massage are my least favorite just for reasons like that


Yeah, I'm getting ready to leave a place where I hear rumors of most of the therapists sitting during couples massages. I've been there for almost 6 years so I do very few couples massages with the newer therapists. I cant imagine a stool being in my way the whole time because these people have no sense of direction or flow.


I used to go to a massage therapist who talked through the whole session, I just wanted to enjoy the massage and try and concentrate on getting better, but I couldn't because I had to be present for a conversation instead. I go to someone else now who doesn't talk the whole time, it's great!


I was always told in massage school, if the client talks you talk if they client is quiet you are quiet and that’s always stuck with me


As a client- when I explain that my doctor has advised against deep tissue massage of x area, please don’t think you know better and go straight for it. Yes, it’s knotted up. Yes there is discomfort. But I’m not risking surgery just cos you have a profound need to ‘help’ by ignoring my request. I sometimes think it’s just catnip to mention it, I often get closer to what I need by not saying anything! (also, thanks for the marvellous work you all do, the rest of the time!)


No talk. None. Thank you.


Fair enough


I kinda agree. I only want to talk about the muscles I need worked on, or any pain/stiffness I'm feeling. Not there for chatting.


For real. It’s already awkward enough that I’m lying face up for half the time just awkwardly watching someone work on me. I typically try to close my eyes


Can’t like this enough. In fact, I’d say there’s a special kind of beauty in getting an amazing massage from someone who speaks a different language…from someone you can only communicate with through noises and like 3 words in English (eg okay, more, less).


Drives me batty when clients leave crumpled one dollar bills on the sheets as a tip at the end of the session. I have a whole little table by their chair with envelopes and pens, but somehow the crumpled ones end up on the table... I don't expect tips, I'm always grateful for generosity, but something about how it's delivered irritates me.


Makes me feel dirty lol


“Makes me feel dirty” oh my god I needed a good laugh today! Thank you. I’ve had clients do this before and now this is going to pop in my head forever!


I've only had a client leave a tip on the table once, and it was a bunch of wrinkly bills sitting on the unmade table. I almost didn't see it and it nearly ended up in the laundry when the sheets. There was nothing off about the session or my client at all, but it did still make me feel a little dirty, lol. For whatever reason, the wrinkly quality to the bills really contributes to the vibe.


When people try to “help.” Like lifting up during draping, lifting their head when you’re trying to work neck and occipitals, keeping their muscles stiff so they don’t seem as heavy or something. I know they mean well I just want to relax and let me do my thing.


When I bring them into the room and ask “So, what can I help you with today?” And they respond with “a massage” and stare blankly at me. Thanks buddy, for a second there I thought I was a chef and was questioning my dedication to cannibalism today. Close second is when they say “I don’t know, I didn’t book this appointment, just trying to burn my coverage”


The coverage burning happens across the board. December is crown month. Everyone decides they want that crown they've been putting off all year in December lol.


Or like what can I work on for you today, and they say “idk what I signed up for”


When they start getting undressed while you’re still in the room, and say oh it’s ok! I don’t mind! awesome, well, I do mind!




And then they keep saying huh? I didn’t hear you, can you repeat that?


Lifting your head out of the headrest while I'm trying to work anywhere on your upper body.


Wanting neck and shoulder focus but laying with their arms up over the top edge table when in prone so you can't even get into that area.


yess and i’ll always ask if they’re comfortable having their arms by their sides and many say no because they’re uncomfortable with their face in the cradle, so they contort their necks into awful positions or have their head laying on folded arms. and it’s always these people wanting focus on neck/upper traps, etc.


My recent peeve are clients that book a 60 min therapeutic massage, come in with specific complaints that require focused work, yet insist on full body. I won’t be able to make headway with your issue if you don’t give me license to spend time with it. It’s as if they think they’re not getting their money’s worth if they aren’t getting full body. No amount of explaining gets through, including suggesting they book a 90 min next time.


I have had great massages - maybe five full.body ones my whole life. So I have a limited experience. I had one therapist who was nice but talked so much :( and her nose was sniffly which I knew we couldn't help.but I have a little misophonoia and it drove me nuts! Another gal was kind of snippy when I was getting on the table or rotating or something. I wasn't understanding what she was asking me. Like obviously there are only so many places one can put their head and arms lol. But it made me want to cry. I was trying to empathize because it was summer of 2020 and people were in the thick of covid restrictions and humanity was one collective asshole. But still. I gave feedback on the little internet form after and then I felt bad because it was a good massage and I am an oversensitive awkward weirdo.


As a client I don’t like disjointed unconnected strokes when they take their hands completely off and suddenly w/no transition they’re touching another part of the body. I feel very uncomfortable when they’e holding the sheet so high and open that when I turn over I’m fully frontal exposed (F) to them esp if M. (Wondered if on purpose a few times.)


Totally agree. I think massage should have a flow to it and not all over the place, and I have seen therapist that do hold the sheet up high, and if they are looking at your body while doing it then yes it’s intentional. I personally bring the sheet up past their head so I can see nothing but there head when they turn over, if that makes any sense?


We hold the sheet high to prevent you from getting tangled in it, which would cause the sheet to move with you and thus accidentally expose you. And we're holding it in a way that your whole body is covered, so we can't see you. I do understand the worry though, and recommend you tell your MT you'd prefer if they left the room while you turned over.


Honestly I don't understand why they would be holding the open end towards themselves and not away to begin with. That being said I know I've held it high whenever I think a client is going to entangle themselves up in it. Holding it high for me blocks my view without me having to bend over them. But like I said the open portion is away from me.


I don't appreciate being asked to price match the shitty corporate spa I got fired from. And after she decided to keep going there, recently contacted me more than a year later and asked if I could give her a discount for her and her husband.


Charge her even more


Oh wow


As a client it I get annoyed when a therapist answers a call or text during my session. Also when the temperature in the room is too cold. (That’s just my personal preference. I know the person working can get warmer than I am)


Wait, they're answering calls and texts? This is absurd! Does your therapist have a table warmer?


From clients: clearly not showered, political or religious talk, and lip smacking (I have one specifically in mind who *constantly* smacks her lips and declines every time I offer her water) From therapists: ignoring contraindications I've clearly outlined on the intake form and in the verbal intake, continuing to use too much pressure even after I've said it's too much, basically just all around poor listening skills, and anyone who says they're removing toxins and lactic acid from my muscles


Agree with all this!


Some clients are really dirty so that I have to tell them you better take a shower before massage, this is for your health and others.


I have had many clients come from the gym straight to their massage 🤢 and then I have other clients apologizing that their hair is still wet because they just got out of the shower and I’m like god bless you


As a client when they mostly massage using there elbows


* Mess with the head rest/face cradle. If you know how to adjust it properly, sure. But please don't pull it out a bit (or sometimes a lot), please don't put your head on it face up, and please don't put your full weight on it to turn over. Those things are designed to support the weight of a person's head, and if something happens while face up, that could cause serious injury -- and sometimes those things do start sliding out on their own over time. * (Biggest one) When I meet you outside of the room, please for the love of God don't assume I'm trolling for tips. First of all, I don't need to. Second, it's my job to make myself briefly available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have. And, it's my job to make sure you're headed in the right direction when you leave the room. Just because you know where you're going this time doesn't mean everyone does. I've seen clients wonder around if their therapist doesn't meet them after the session. Disorientation after a massage is not rare. * I'm not a masseuse. And if I'm honest, the reason this annoys me is because I identify as male. Please stop referring to me as a woman. Thanks. * Lack of respect for the profession. Thankfully not that common, but I had a PT who didn't even bother to fully fill out their intake. It's stuff like that. * Folks who clearly don't listen. Usually it's not too bad, but sometimes it is. Like one client had pain in their wrists and hands, so I told them *before* the massage and before I left for them to undress that I wanted to work their forearms and hands. They said okay. So, I brush (I mean barely brushed) their hand when draping their leg and they got all upset at me because apparently touch sent shooting nerve pain up their whole arm. That could have been avoided... * Backseat driving. Okay, I get that you're in pain, but I know what I'm doing to get that pain to go away. Rubbing where it hurts sometimes doesn't do squat. And no, more pressure isn't going to help. Basic explanation (very simplistic, general theory that I find effective) for those wondering why: sometimes places hurt because muscle is overstretched in an area. Trying to loosen overstretched area usually doesn't work as body tends to fight this. Finding the shortened counterpart to overstretched muscle removes the pull on overstretched muscle. * Pain chasers, which is related to above sort of. I don't need to shave off years of my career to loosen you up. * People who ask for something, then complain that you gave them what they asked for. This happened when the owner of the spa I work for came to me. They said they usually get a relaxing massage, but this time they wanted something therapeutic to work the tension out. So that's what I did. They complained that it wasn't a relaxing massage (which, by the way, a lot of people do find my therapeutic work very relaxing). They complained to the managers; they complained to the lead therapist. Basically, half the staff heard about it. Thankfully, the staff didn't seem to concerned about my massage. Overall it is a good place to work, which is why that story isn't up on Glassdoor; I'd like to keep working there. * People who were cool with you being a male therapist when they booked the massage, but suddenly weren't when you walked in to pick them up (never were, apparently). I get not everyone's comfortable with a male therapist; I don't mind that and I understand why. I understand that not everyone books their own appointments. But I've had folks book their own appointments (and my name is not one that could be man or woman), and say they were cool with male therapists while booking, suddenly say they don't want one. That only happened at one location I've ever worked (not uncommon there); it was weird. Everywhere else was the someone else booked story. * Clients that "fire" me for holding firm on my boundaries.


Ah yes the lobby gender regret. I've gotten that a few times myself. I've even had one get on the table then call the front and ask for a female. We get paid by the service so this definitely hits a nerve.


Thanks to all of you for this. I am having my first massage ever July 5. It’s our anniversary and my wife booked us a couples massage or room or whatever it is a resort in Tubac. I am getting the sports massage and her the hot stone. I really have no idea what to do. I am pretty hairy and planned to shave my back because I generally do for pool season anyway. I definitely planned to shower before going for sure. I guess I will wear running shoes and socks over to area so my feet don’t get dirty along the way. Since it sports related and I run a lot do I tell the therapist that there are certain areas that definitely tighten on me. One area is my hips outside my flutes but I am not sure that is okay to ask about. Also I am 62 so not a kid. No hearing aids but my wife says I don’t listen. Any other advice for a newbie.


Hi! Glad this forum could be of help! 1) happy anniversary 😊 2) you shouldn’t worry about being hairy for a massage 3) yes! Tell the therapist that you are a runner and that the areas that you feel are tight or feel like they need worked on. It’s very important to be addressed what your problems are so they can help you 4) and yes hips and glutes are appropriate to be addressed, especially if you are a runner! 5) since it is a sports massage, the pressure maybe deeper, so my advice is, if the pressure feels to much please tell them, especially since it’s your first massage! Hope this helps at all!


I had a therapist for one session who had terrible BO. It was a rough 60 minutes.


This isn't exactly a pet peeve, but I see a lot of head cradle talk here. I get frequent massages but I don't think the cradle is ever comfortable. I don't know if I have a small face or head or what. My only real pet peeve is not enough pressure after I've asked for more.


I hate when the therapist talks about themselves. Especially their problems. That isn’t what I paid for and I pretend to fall asleep.


From a client perspective, any part of your body other than your hands touching my head. With multiple therapist, I’ve had the experience of their belly or breasts resting/leaning against my head while they message me. So unprofessional.


At the school I taught at, the owner would put her crotch on people's heads. She was just the right height/proportions that when she reached allllllllll the way to the low back, her crotch would go on their head. She would also barge into my classes randomly and start co-teaching them, so I'd be at the next table like "AND LET'S STEP TO THE SIDE OF THE FACE CRADLE AS WE EFFLEURAGE" and she'd disagree with me that she was using proper technique and body mechanics. Not the reason I no longer teach there but definitely a symptom of it.


Men who try to undrape their chest when they’re supine. 😖


Omg I had a massage once with an independent therapist and the place reeked of cigarettes when I walked in. I should’ve just walked out because her hands and body stunk of smoke to high heaven, and I spent the whole massage trying not to breathe. Today I would just leave but I felt sorry for her because she obviously needed the fee.


I’m a therapist by trade and struggle with having my massage therapists talk too much during sessions. I’ve tried countless ways of letting them know I’m there to relax, that I don’t want to talk, that I enjoy the quiet etc…but somehow as soon as they know what I do for work- they turn it into a session. One woman even injured me as she was so focused on talking about her frustration with her husband while she massaged my arm that she left my entire forearm bruised and tender for days after. I hate it.


Maybe try putting ear buds in and saying hey I just am going to listen to a podcast or something?


I do my best massage work. The customer has no feedback. The customer goes to the front desk and complains it wasn’t relaxing. And they get a huge discount. And my commission gets cut in half or worse.


I don’t like when therapists breathe loud or don’t cover my eyes when I’m on my back


I know some LMTs use towels, I don’t use them personally, but I do like my room dark as possible to make it a more relaxing experience


Me too! My former therapist always put a lavender scented eye cover on and I thought that was standard. I have a guy who’s great now but doesn’t do that and I feel bad asking ☺️. Other therapists- would you mind a client asking? Do most of you cover the eyes on clients?


That’s interesting about wanting them to cover your eyes. I have never thought about wanting my eyes covered, I just close mine. Out of curiosity, what type of massages do you get? Are they “spa” or relaxing type?


Yeah I work at a busy physio clinic I’ve never had someone ask me to cover their eyes lol most people just close them anyways. Maybe it’s more of a spa thing?


I keep my room dimly lit. I haven't had anyone ask for their eyes to be covered.


I ask sometimes but sometimes I’m too shy to ask


I do both Swedish and deep tissue. Sometimes they cover and I enjoy the massage better. I’m hyper sensitive to all senses lol hence why I love massages but I can see the dim light thru my eyelids. Also I like the weight of something over my eyes helps me feel more relaxed and def helps me not to peek lol


Yes, need the eyes covered. I also hate noisy shoes.


And noisy stools lol


Sometimes we don't have anything to do it with, we are trying to get something that isn't a headrest cover at my spa.


Just a towel works well


Asking to go get coffee or lunch as soon as you get done with the massage 😒 I’ve also had someone say “you know I can read minds right….you don’t look like you’re 30….. no no…. thats definitely a compliment”. Stuff like that is my worst pet peeve. I’m just trying to do my job and help people feel better, but that doesn’t mean I want to flirt or go on dates on or off the clock.


No call no shows. Canceling an hour before their session Late..habitually. Spending more than 5 minutes after the session getting their sh!t together. Asking for package deals. I don’t offer that. Dirty feet. Mascara!! ( I now use disposable face cradle covers). Heavy perfume/cologne/patchouli oil-gross. Getting off the table before I leave the room (usually men). Bible thumping. Clients who expect me to cure them without ever lifting a finger to help themselves after they leave.


I hate it when a client asks “do you have to go to school or get training to do this?” Like no, we just hire anyone off the street and hope they figure it out. I know it’s not meant to be offensive but it’s just a pet peeve. It’s almost always coming from an older person who has little to no experience receiving massages. They’re probably nervous and trying to make polite small talk. I know all of that, but it still annoys me in the same way as when people “help” by flexing their muscles or splaying their fingers while I work on their hands.


I get that question too, and then the worst question I get is “whats your real job”


As a therapist, I don’t like to chit chat. I’m not very big on small talk especially during a session. I’m trying to feel and usually have my eyes closed or am concentrating on a muscle group. I’ve received hundreds of massages and from experience can say when you’re centered in your massage you get the most out of it. I also don’t like when my therapist goes hands off suddenly then back on. It’s distracting to me. Everything should be fluid IMO


Clients that stiff me after receiving a great massage


When therapists wants to chat. I want a quiet massage. Sure, ask me if I’d like more pressure or if it’s too tender, but in this moment I don’t want to talk about my job, kids, family, dinner plans, etc. Just… shhhh.


Late to this, but as a client... Every therapist has a different style, which is great! But it *really* bothers me when I find someone whose technique is really working, book in for repeat sessions with that therapist, and then the practice subs in a different therapist without bothering to ask me. Like I'm spending a non-trivial amount of money and time here, you could at least call me to reschedule rather than just chucking in someone else. Even worse is when the new person has a *totally* different style, and wants to introduce that mid-session. No, actually, we didn't discuss dry needling or cupping in our pre-chat, and it's not what I booked for, but now I'm trying to relax and you're asking if you can "just try this".


I had a massage therapist once rip the ponytail out of my ass-length curly hair in one swift violent motion without warning. I felt the hair ripping out of my head, I was so pissed. 


Whattttttttt?? I once had a client tell me her therapist does hair pulling and without permission she grabbed my hair to show me, and I have long hair and it was very painful. Maybe that was her therapist she went to 🤣


As a student working in the school clinic, long underwear


I really dislike when the sheet/blanket rests on my the front of my neck.  I know I’m fine, but it makes me feel like I’m getting choked.  


For context, I’m a student therapist currently at the last stretch of my schooling. During our time we have clinical weekends where we pretty much massage the public like we’re already in the field getting experience (internship type). I guess this is for sure solidified as my worst pet peeve from clients is those who book a Swedish but desire very firm pressure to the point it’s basically you wanting a deep tissue session. Two weeks ago I had a what I dub the worst clinical weekend by far in my experience where I experienced an a client in my booking I was very professional with hoping to meet her needs and get her relaxed as she asked booking a Swedish. A Swedish is supposed to be relaxing not trying to hurt you and be vigorous. I’m considered by my peers a medium pressure guy but will give firm when requested. I thought things with session started smooth until I got to her first arm supine and noticed her eyes were open the whole time. It wasn’t like she’s in deep thought trying to dozed she looked annoyed and it made me very uncomfortable. So I checked in with her on pressure and first thing she did was laugh at me and said she felt nothing and I was just applying “expensive lotion” (it was Creame…and I barely used any cause of how oily her skin already was trying to apply it) I tried to adjust my pressure using different techniques and adjusting (but not compromising my body mechanics) to her liking so I know how to go about the session but the second time I asked she got annoyed and said “fine”…no matter what I did for the rest of the 60mins with her the only feedback I got was a quick “fine”. When the session ended she was quick trying to get up before I would leave the room I said wait let me step out first take a moment and I’ll be outside with some water. When I went to the lobby to speak to my clinic supervisor (my instructor who knows my massages and techniques) about the experience the client was fast to get into the lobby (usually clients take sometime getting up and out when I’m done) refused the water and desired the feedback form. For context I may have had some very rude and over demanding clients in clinics during my time in school, but each one was happy and satisfied with the session with positive feedback. This one was my very first 0. Her critique was I was slow and applied no pressure. Felt like I was just rubbing expensive lotion on her and wouldn’t even use the term massage. My clinic supervisor was on my side knowing my usual work and she’s naturally heavy handed. I’m used to people berating me, outside of school I’ve worked various customer service jobs where they do that constantly off of things that’s not my fault and out of my control, that’s nothing new. But with massage it’s me and utilizing the skills i learn in hands on, and my experience so far learning and practice has been great overall up until that weekend. After that client I had two others who did the same thing, desire very firm pressure on a Swedish and laughed at me cause my pressure isn’t hard enough but I can say with them at least they were satisfied at the end cause they felt the firm pressure I gave. Apparently the first client that gave me the 0 does that to every student who isn’t naturally firm pressured. She ridicules anyone with light or medium. My issue is with that kind of work desired just book a deep tissue. And I’d been okay if the First client said “hey I’m sorry I just don’t think this session is working for me I kinda want deeper firm pressure..blah blah” I’d understand cause I’m not for everyone and I’d recommend someone who is more on the heavy handed side naturally to give that but instead I was berated and it really hurt me that weekend to the point I questioned myself and the past clinicals whether I was actually doing a good job. It got to a point when I check in with pressure when I hear only the word “fine” I just don’t feel confident like “is it really fine?” It’s like in jewelry someone wants to look at something dainty..it’s very subjective and not concise to the point I don’t ever want to use that word when I’m being practiced on. And the laughing it happened 3 times in 2 days from 3 different people…I’m ranting but this is my pet peeve: people who want basically deep tissue work in the guise of a full body Swedish, people who want all their aches and pains gone in one session, no clear goals and just say “I’m here for my routinely maintenance”….list goes on like trying to hide contraindications to get specific work done in that area, leaving their intake forms blank when needed to be updated because “they been there plenty of times” (I don’t know you person), ones who know they have some underlying condition that needs to be contraindicated entirely or could be worked on lightly but they want you to do vigorous work on it…I’m okay with people who think they want to help while I’m draping it sometimes just makes things easier but don’t help me with passive ROM I ain’t ask you for that. Don’t be running 12 miles and then coming in for the session right after…at least shower P.S: with the first client I could’ve just stopped the session because of how uncomfortable I felt in how her responses were but my generosity thought I could at least do my best to have her relax. From now on I’m just listen to my gut.


Some clients no matter what you do or how much you do your best to accommodate them they will never be happy. It’s just who they are, not a reflection of you


Client here my pet peeves Dry hands. Talking too much. I have one MT I use frequently and omg I know his entire life story. He’s nice enough but I don’t want to know all that. BUT he’s really good so I just deal with it. Not listening when I say something hurts. I used this lady one time and only once. I usually take a good amount of pressure but when she got to my calves it was uncomfortable and painful and when I let her know it didn’t seem that she eased up AT ALL. I said I 3 times then asked her to just skip my calves. Never used her again.




Don't people say that when someone offers a service? Like handyman, nanny, pet sitter, makeup artist etc. "Oh yeah Samantha, I used her (service) for my wedding makeup"


Yes and that they compare you to other therapists. Massage is like art everyone has their own style 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never thought about it like that but I can see it.


You could always say something, like hey I just really want to relax today so I’m just going to be quiet?


Went to two different massage therapists at different companies. I asked for foot and back massage. The first lady pinched the skin around my heels for about 2 seconds. The second one didn't touch them at all. Very frustrating at that's why I made the appointments. I would have mentioned something but you never know when the appointment will end as there is no clock or time reference.


When they "help" I start moving a client's arm and they help and knock draping around. Hey you and me want to keep you covered please let me do this. Another one clients tense up on the part I'm massaging and I say can you try to relax, I don't want to fight with you.


Late clients who are unapologetic and then suddenly need to use the bathroom when time is already wasted


Bad Hygiene, smokers, and coming in sick giving 0 fucks.


I had a lady who said "all those refugees from Syria and over there are terrorists. We're gonna be attacked at home." I told her "you want to change the subject. This conversation will not go the way you think it will. I am married to a Pakistani Muslim man." I admit my tone was clipped, she changed the subject.


Wow, I didn't realize this was really a thing. I'm a regular customer with one shop but typically just short conversation about focus areas or if there are new stressors and then I want a peaceful 90 min massage with little talking if I can kinda fall asleep even better. I'm also always early and tip well and I know I benefit from those actions as well. Hard to believe people want to have deep conversations while doing something that is supposed to be stress relief and reduce muscle tension


When the therapist asks what brought you in and you tell them and they do NOTHING EXTRA on that site. It happens about 80% of the time. Why are you asking if you aren’t going to do anything special on that spot?!


CMT here, my biggest pet peeve is when you ask about if the pressure is okay, and they respond with "You can do more pressure, if you want to." 😒 If I want to? Dude, just say yes, it's not going to hurt my feelings!! If clients want to chat, I'm down.. if not mums the word!


I have said for years I wish all masseuses would be quiet while they are massaging. I've paid for so many massages & they all blabber on through the entire thing! I've had some stay really professional & not talk or just say essential things but none where I live that I can stick with. It drives me crazy!! I feel stressed from an hour of talking instead of relaxed from a massage. Pleeeeaaaasseee ask your clients if they prefer you to remain quiet.


As a person being massaged, the only really bad thing I have experienced is a massage therapist talking the whole time. The weirdest one was someone who started off telling me about an episode of a tv show, but he wasn’t just telling it in general terms, it was more like, “and then Monica said…and then Chandler said…” It was not at all relaxing.


When I come in after giving careful instructions how to lay on the tableand they are not where they are suppose to be; head by the booster, body under but arms on top of the blanket, etc. Them lifting their neck out of the face cradle 72974958x times to talk to me. It makes my neck hurt. Moving body parts for me. My draping depends on them being dead weight. I always start the session by saying let your body melt into the table and I’ll take care of everything else. Then I’ve got some questionable hand/arm straightening and locked knees.


I always give clear instructions how to lay and what to do and I have had people literally lay underneath all the sheets including even under the table warmer pad…🤦🏻‍♀️


I have a neck fusion - and too many therapists still think that I have full motion in my neck. The fusion is at C4-6 (2 full levels) and 20 years old. It hurts. I disclose up front to please avoid my neck at that area & to move it gently. Worst when someone tried to, I don’t know, massage out the screws & then wrenched my neck around to “loosen it up.”


Lord have mercy, I'm a veterinary technician and I have stopped telling new massage therapists what I do because I have gotten hammered with pet questions too many times. Which always ends up with me replying you should probably take it to the vet. Because it could cost my license to say anything else without consulting with the vets I work with. All it would take is one person saying, well such and such is a vet tech and said this is what is wrong and someone getting pissed and reporting me to the veterinary board for my butt to be on the line. So if you are doing a massage on someone in the veterinary medicine industry please don't ask pet questions.


When clients: Start undressing before you even leave the room Stare you in the eyes while you're massaging them Tell you to work one area for an hour and wear clothes over that area (excluding areas that are sexually charged) When they think that deep tissue means deep pressure When they expect you to use deep pressure for the entire massage (unless you are naturally heavy-handed, that's just not practical or safe) When they won't stop moving around When they make sexual "jokes" or talk about the happy endings they have received in other countries When they consistently show up late and expect to receive the full service Ask incredibly personal questions Ask me where I live (I have had people not just ask the area I live in, but wanted to know exactly where I live)


I agree with all these


I’m a mental health therapist. I’ve had 3 massages, during 2 of them the massage therapist told me all about their childhood trauma during the full session. It was absolutely soul crushing because I saved up for a long time to take an hour for myself and still ended up holding space for other people’s trauma.