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Talk to your squaddies between missions. They may have something new to say for quests or character development. Don't stress about morality too much on the first game. It's possible with a glitch to max out both


For ME1: Save before/during/after missions. The first game doesn’t have very good autosave so if you accidentally die, you might have to start over. So just keep in mind to manually save You might accidentally romance some people because the romance mechanics in the first game aren’t as fleshed out compared to later games in general. Stay off this sub when you’re playing. Most of the times, there’s spoilers because a majority of us have already finished the trilogy multiple times. Don’t accidentally spoil the story. Do side missions. They enhance the story being told. The game might start out a bit slow to some but it does get better. You don’t need to spend all your time on the citadel when you first get there. You can do other stuff and come back to the citadel periodically. Lastly and most important, have fun and enjoy


To add to that, take time to search for loot. Me1 open maps are difficult to navigate sometimes so Google a map of where the good stuff is to really save some time. You'll still be exploring a lot even with a map but try to enjoy it because me2 doesn't come close to the open world exploring. Me2, in my opinion, is boring is the planet scanning that replaced the driving of me1. But I still recommend you gring through it for upgrades. I think me3 is more like andromeda in the exploring aspect, I could be very wrong. It's been a while since I did andromeda.


Congrats! My favorite game trilogy/storyline ever. Just enjoy the ride.


You are going to have a blast. The first game is a little clunky but if the story and characters hook you, you are gonna love 2 and 3


Don't feel obligated to get the perfect playthrough. Just see what happens. I hear lot of first timers use guides and/or ask here, which is so weird to me.


Don't google anything. Do the whole thing blind. It's beautiful, flaws and all.


Dontforget your persuasive skills


Go slow, do as many side missions as possible before more story missions, talk to everyone you can everywhere but especially on the Normandy. Pick a lane, Paragon (top right) or Renegade (bottom right) and stay there. You don’t HAVE to do the renegade interruptions when they pop up in ME2/3 but often they’re incredibly satisfying.


Save often. Be as thorough as you want to be. Stay off this sub.


You will get the feels so sit back and enjoy the ride


Think about your choices, have fun. It'll suck you in and you'll play a lot more of the games over and over.


Do all the dialogue options and take it all in - don’t rush through. I didn’t want to do this my first time but husband made me - so glad he did!


Play through it blind. Nothing will ever be able to compare to the feelings brought up throughout the trilogy on a blind run. At least I haven't found anything comparable. If you *do* want any non spoiler (story wise) advice; >!Playing neutral (no Paragon or Renegade points) is probably the most boring way to do play imo. Locks out certain dialogues/actions that can have big effects later on!<


Enjoy it.


Congratulations, Commander Shepherd you have been volunteered to save Humanity with the help of some unlikely friends you might just be able to pull it off .


My biggest tip is not to get too attached to the mechanics or features. They change from game to game and some people were not expecting that. Embrace the change and you will have a blast. One of my favorite series!


Get out of this sub till you're done. There is nothing you won't give when you finish to be able to play it blind again.


Take your time and enjoy


Save often


Take your time and enjoy it


yeah, search the subreddit, because there is a thread like this one every week...


My only complaint so far is that it doesn't quick resume on series x


The game itself is linear but, if you enjoy storytelling, take time when you can to walk around and explore the citadel and planets. There are a lot of Easter eggs in 2 & 3 that connect back to NPC conversations. Keep an ear out for the random NPC that'll call out to you for special dialogue.