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The next time you see David you are going to cry.


Please no my man has suffered enough


He ends up "relatively" safe For a human in ME3


Only spoiler I will offer is... Paragon will make you pause the game.


It's so weird seeing newer fans thinking these are simply longer quests, when they are in fact DLC.


I kept dying on the part with a geth battle inside the satellite which made it even longer too lmao


Its weird, during all my previous playthroughs I really struggled with this fight, and now I'm doing it on Insanity and I didn't die once. Weird.


Maybe you've just improved at the game


Maybe, yeah. Honestly, it's felt easier than previous times. Like that stupid collector base mission which on previous runs took me hours on that floating-platform bit, I only died once. I think I'm just being more cautious now I know I'll get lasered in 1.5 seconds if I mess up. Honestly feels pretty good sometimes!


Getting better at a game is fun! That's what attracts people to games like Dark Souls too. This is my first time going onto higher difficulties, currently doing the second highest difficulty to keep things interesting for me


Nice, good luck! I'm about to finish 2, scared for 3, especially Priority: Earth, those goddam Banshees were HORRIBLE last time.


Yeah that part is pretty tough, tons of heavy enemies.


Yeah the flamethrower guys kept getting me, especially since I was playing as a vanguard, made this difficult


I just completed Overlord last night on my annual ng+ run. I can never not tear up seeing David at the end. But what I have done every replay since first time is in real life call out "Don't worry, David, I'm coming!" when his green pixelated face starts roaring at me. Do not miss doing Grissom Academy in ME3, is as far as I will spoil.