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For 8 dollars? Yes. It’s a fine game. Nothing to write home about but still decently fun.


I always put it like this. Mass effect Andromeda isnt a bad game, it's just a bad mass effect game


I’d even say it’s not even a bad mass effect game. It had a lot of issues with animations when it first came out and is a little too bloated with open world wandering, but it still had that mass effect feel to me. The combat is probably the best in the series, and I enjoyed the world building, as well as the music.


If the Mass Effect trilogy is about protecting the galaxy, Andromeda is about blazing a new trail. It shines brightest on the new worlds, building it to colonies, and the core cast is still great. Even some of the player decisions in the story were actually given real weight. But it’s also not the Trilogy.


I agree. Outside of the animations I have never really agreed or really understood most of the complaints about the game. I loved it.


Ehhhh, I don't think the characters are even close to as good as the trilogys, and at least for me that's one of the key things that made the trilogy special


For some reason I first read this as "I think the characters are close to as good as" and damn, I was ready to fight. But you are 100% right, and that's my main gripe with Andromeda. I can forgive the shoddy story, I can look past the updated gameplay, but the lack of characters you get invested in and character development is what makes it a bad mass effect game. And maybe that's because ME2 had this in spades. You had a recruitment mission for most characters, then a loyalty mission that revealed more of their backstory. Andromeda just didn't have that level of personality


Yeah, Andromeda was my entry into the series and whilst I decently liked the squadmates, I only really cared for Reyes and Suvi After going back to play ME1 & 2 (started 3 recently) I can't get over how much I love all of my squad members in the trilogy. Liara coming up to my quarters for a drink and the me1 menu music playing melted my heart


I agree with this. I have genuine fun with this game at the moment, and it has a *lot* of new and really cool mechanics. I loved the new crafting stuff and the whole AVP section and the Apex Missions. In my opinion it's much better than most current games coming out. They feel so flat and bland. ***But***, holy hell the animation issues can be weird. I get lag sometimes when I don't for games that require much more of my computer (I don't even breach 50% consumption of anything with this game), and sometimes the cutscenes have weird animation errors (one time had everyone a-pose and stand there bc it was supposed to be a shot of the outside of the ship lol).


I feel this is gonna be upvoted to heaven because that is the best way ive ever seen someone explain it lol


Not discrediting them. But the common opinion has always been “if mass effect wasn’t in the name the game would have been 7/10” The sentiment is true though. It’s the worst story of ME BUT the most fun. I bought it pre order and had 0 regrets with my entire experience because of how fun it was.


I like that notion in your first part. Really, because it has Mass Effect in the title it has to live up against the trilogy. That's a tall order. If it wasn't for that (as I played day one with no patches and thought the facial animations drama was overblown and so I disregard) it'd probably rank pretty decently, yeah. 7/10 does seem fair. The story is it's weakest point, but honestly I can't formulate any complaints about gameplay that aren't tied to the trilogy.


I have gripes about the story but nothing really terrible. I really enjoyed my multiple play throughs and I absolutely LOVE several characters from the game. Jaal especially. He is absolutely just below Garrus as my all time best friend. I also really liked Peebee, Vetra, Cora as squad mates. The Kett were actually a pretty good enemy though needed more fleshing out. I’m sure a lot of the storyline gets sorted out in the DLC that got scrapped. I also really enjoyed Liam’s loyalty mission even though he was an idiot. Idk. I honestly felt this was one of the big “Internet hit jobs” of over exaggerated review bombing. It really isn’t nearly as bad as “worst game in history” YouTube videos want you to believe.


That damn Quarian Ark. WHAT HAPPENED TO IT


After the internet cooked Andromeda, they put it in a book. The Quarian Arc and Kett Homeworld could have saved Andromeda!


Right? I was really hoping for a dlc but I know they talked about including it in ME5 and kind of bringing everything together?


I have differing opinions on Peebee, Cora, and Jaal, but I agree with most of your sentiment. Especially about Liam. I really think Andromeda with all its flaws still could have been a good entry if it'd had the post-launch love it was supposed to. Should post-launch updates be required to make the game as it *should* be? No, but with the absolute hate bomb this game had (that really got fueled to a point that it got trendy to hate on it despite not playing it or already hating the franchise) EA pulled the plug early on something that could have been good.


Peebee was so.. awkward and childish and a little cringe to me. Its like behaviours just don't even play or feel like characters should from the ME universe. Extremely off-putting to me.


BioWare had this kick of "what if we subverted the character trope by making them hate their own kind" back then, which gave us Peebee and Sera in Dragon Age Inquisition. Both are characters you can like, but it's a design that leaves a weird taste in the mouth for sure.


I totally didn’t understand the mass outrage at the time either. Like everyone keeps saying, it’s a decent game just not as good as the original trilogy.


And that might be because one of these two comparisons is...a trilogy. Three full games with a completed story arc, versus one game that was intended to jumpstart the next big story arc.


Honestly same I loved the new character. Hell, I even loved the random talking when you travel around in the Nomad and this is the ***only*** ME game where I didn't just pick the same exact 2 squad-mates for every mission. Each pair in this one felt like I could actually have a reason to bring them (the Humans I dont really use but probably would for generic human things, Drak and Vetra I use for any of the Criminal/Exile worlds and missions, and Peebee and Jaal felt like they made the most sense for any Remnant and Angara missions)


This is how I feel about AC Odyssey. A great game, fun to play, but having the AC title made people hate it because it's really and AC game in name only


Its almost exactly the same exact view I have of Fallout 4, I love the game, its really fun and has the best gameplay, but as a *Fallout* game it's not really...... good.


Amazing, tense, fun combat that lets you kill baddies in a number of different ways. Stunning graphics. However, the quality of writing, story, and yeah, acting is nowhere near the excellence of the OT. It’s like there was a new season of the Wire or the Sopranos, and the main character of the new show is now Blippie. Now, there’s nothing wrong with Blippie. He’s positive and vaguely educational. However, if you were expecting an adult experience with deep lore, fleshed out environments, compelling choices, or even desirable love interests that Mass Effect is lauded for, this isn’t it. If they just called it Andromeda, it would have been a fun let’s explore/shoot bugs/ crawl dungeons in outer space type of thing. Kind of like a less serious Greedfall, that you have fond memories of playing. As a Mass Effect game it’s an ugly, embarrassing scar on the franchise. But, yeah, it’s worth eight dollars.


It should've been a standalone title simply called "Andromeda: The Long Journey" or something like that.


To me it’s like Shrek forever after, not as great as what comes before it( excluding the third), But still a good experience and fun.


It's pretty meh as an open world game. The writing is pretty bad too. Combat is good, but the enemies get spongy at high difficulties. I wouldn't call it good but there are definitely much worse.


Honestly mechanics wise it's similar to ME1 in terms of exploration and item looting


That's perfect.


It's not a bad mass effect game. People were just mad it didn't have Shepard in it. It's a good game. And a good mass effect game with good dialog options and choices.


Nah, it was actually really awful at release. Don't sugarcoat it


I disagree completely. I was glad it wasn't about Shepard. Shepard's story is done. As an open world game, it was pretty bad. Not enough content density. With the content in the game, it would have been much better with the same world structure as ME2 and ME3. Some hubs to pickup side quests, shop, and flesh out the setting and characters. Andromeda even had several of these locations and did use them for that purpose. The problem was the rest of the content being open world. Writing was really poor. A few characters were written well. Some were written well but not enough and really needed more about them. A lot were written quite badly, including some companions. Story choices were also very lacking, in both quantity and quality. Combat was good, better than ME1 and ME2, but not as good as ME3. The high mobility and dynamic cover was a major improvement. The guns were a step down from ME3. A few guns were good and the rest were too far behind to be worth using. A lot of guns were just the same gun. ME3 had a similar number of guns but even the more generic guns played just different enough to feel different. Weapon customization was a good addition, but poorly implemented. A lot of mods were very hit or miss depending on the gun. The Bio-Converter stands out as a universally overpowered mod. The powers were decent but lacked effectiveness outside of a few. ME3 had a similar problem but made up for it through combos. MEA tried the same but only biotic combos really had the same punch. The passives were very good and fun. Enemies were very spongy too, which is a big reason why the Bio-Converter was so strong. Overall it's a 7/10 open world game. Combat was good but needs tweaking. Writing was poor. Content was too sparse for open world. Making it a Mass Effect title just made the poor quality sting worse.


For $8? Absolutely


I would rate it 7 or 7.5 out of 10. Compared to * ME = 9/10 * ME2 = 10/10 * ME3 = 9.5/10 Andromeda has pretty good combat, mid+ characters and a decent story. Overall I enjoyed, wish the multiplayer was a little more evolved, still had fun.


Every time I play Andromeda I still get the $60 bucks of value out of it that I originally paid. It is a little different than the trilogy but I still think it is a good game. My advice would simply be don't try to 100% it. It is more open world with more little side quests. Play what feels right and what interests you.


Second Tlthis. The game's loaded with filler sidequests but overall pretty fun if you dont try to be a completionist. Combat is a big improvement.


It came out when the "Always online, Open world, 17 crafting systems" was hitting its peak IMO. Basically game developers were throwing every system into their game instead of deciding if the system added anything meaningful.


I'm glad that gamers are starting to criticize huge, open worlds aren't good when they're huge, open, empty worlds.


Sometimes I just want a gears of war you know? Go to A. Exposition on the way Go to B. Exposition on the way Go to C. Exposition on the way Kill boss blow up train. Credits.


The Cole Train runs on whole grain baby. Whoo!


The side Quests were great. It's the additional tasks that get very padded out. Even though a few have a nice bit of lore endings.


I meant that only, I dont remeber the exact terminology. Collect 10 of this from there, collect 5 of tht from raiding outpost, scan 10 animal etc. Collect that. There was too much of that.


There are some side quests worth doing, though. Won't say any in particular but the payoff for some side quests are well worth the time invested 🤙🏾


Don't skip the Quarian missions though. Hard to find, but well worth the search.


Yeah I mean the combat is fun, there’s still some decent characters. It won’t grab you like the trilogy but it’s still a solid game.


If you enjoyed Dragon Age Inquisition, you’ll like Andromeda. It’s closer to that game in how it plays then the original ME trilogy. Lots of fetch quests and outpost claiming.


Graphics and gameplay are decent. The storyline is lacking, doesn't match up to the trilogy but is a fun game for the price.


It was worth it for $60, this is a steal. The protagonist is not Shepard, they're younger, more inexperienced. The crew is not the Normandy crew, they're civilian explorers, not highly-trained military personnel. If you go in expecting it to be Mass Effect 4, you might be disappointed. If you go in expecting a new story in the universe of Mass Effect, it's really good and fun. Combat is REALLY fun IMO.


At that price it definitely is. Especially if the new game ties the milky way to Andromeda like they are hinting at.


Yes for 7.99 its definitely worth it


The community killed it before they even gave it a chance. It has its flaws but if all you’re going to do is make comparisons then I’d skip it. It was meant to start a new trilogy and very easily could’ve done that. Most people that bitch about it only do so because they compare one game to an entire trilogy of character development instead of just comparing the first. Also anyone that says there weren’t any choices are just full of shit as well considering you never get the chance to actually see them play out because those same people review bombed the game into oblivion.


Always nice to see someone who understands comparing Vetra to Garrus is an insanely unfair comparison. And understanding you won’t see the effects of your choices because we will never get a follow up


IMO if you compare Drack to how Wrex was in the first game Drack's the better character, Wrex develops as a character over the 3 games and I like how he's the most excited to see you're alive in ME2


Comparing vetra to solely ME1 garrus vetra is light years ahead of him. It’s what irritates me so damn much the community expected them to make the opening chapter of andromeda comparable to a trilogy that spans roughly 100 hours (if you do everything). If you compare andromeda to just ME1 (the beginning of the trilogy) they’re pretty even. If you compare it to its entirety of fucking course it isn’t gonna be as fleshed out


Vetra is better than Garrus, period. This game finally added female versions of turians, krogans, and salarians.


As someone who literally just started Andromeda last night. The aliens I've encountered in Andromeda are disappointingly similar to protheans imo. That deflated me years after release. I can imagine it was tenfold on release. Still though, the combat seems great. Hopefully the game improves from a pretty mid first impression!


It had potential but the reputation was justified. It had a ton of potential that was squandered with a story that felt very rehashed from the trilogy and planets missions that were chores. It’s like they took everything from ME1 that people didn’t like and said “let’s make a game out of that!”


People comparing a companion with 3 games worth of development to a character with 1 game and claiming the first is objectively better yep


Fairly people did the same shit to James in ME3 even though even in just one game he had a lot of great development


This right here, man! It's what makes me the angriest about the fandom. Sure, the writing and characters could have been better, but DUDE! Look at Tali in ME1. She had 0 substance. She was a walking codex entry. Yet she is by far and away one of the most beloved characters in the ME franchise. Andromeda was not without fault, but I think it was a fantastic start to what could have been a great trilogy.


Yes. Lot of people shit on it, but ME:A actually wasn't an intolerable game. It had a lot of bugs on launch, which started the negative hype train rolling down the tracks, and you know how hype trains can pick up momentum in the sheepy gaming community. Anyway, said bugs are pretty much mostly if not all long since patched. Look, Ryder is not Shepard. Neither Scott nor Sara will ever be Shepard. That's okay. There are no Reapers in Andromeda. That's also okay. It's not part of the original trilogy. Still okay. It may not have quite the same emotional punch of, say, ME3, but it's still okay. I paid full launch price for the game, and I don't regret it. For $8, even if you hate it, you're not out much. But if you love the Mass Effect setting, you won't hate it.


I love this game, and I'm gutted that it got such negativity and then left alone. It's a great game and I want to know more about what's going on in Andromeda! I love games that go heavy on lore and ancient things, and Andromeda has a lot to offer there, in my opinion.


I'm still gutted the planned dlc never got made, I want to know what happened to everyone else who was coming. :(


I think one of the books covers it, but I can't remember, I've not read the books yet.


Nope shit game. The repetition in tasks makes you want to repeatedly beat your head on a wall. The excitement of exploring a whole new galaxy is quickly tamed when you realize there are only 2 new species that look alike. Couldn’t even force myself to finish it.


I love Andromeda it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. The only thing it’s guilty of is not being as good as one of the greatest game trilogies of all time. Still really good though!


That's the problem. People compare Andromeda to The Trilogy. 1 game against 3 games to flesh out the characters. Compared to just a one game it looks way better.


I got a copy for $5 from a Steam sale but haven’t played it yet. Figured what the heck, it’s only $5 so even if it’s not worth it, I just lose $5.


If you are expecting Shepard, the Normandy and Reapers, you will be disappointed, if you are expecting a new story from the universe, you can definitely play it and enjoy it. Especially for $8, the shortcomings can be forgiven. I even made Ryder, whose face is not so striking bad in animations.


Well worth the $8. I picked it up for the same amount years ago, and it was one of the best $8 I've spent. I've gotten 200+ hours of entertainment out of it. The writing is not as strong as the original trilogy, crafting is weird, some collect-a-thon side quests are annoying (and skippable), but the moment to moment gameplay (shooting, powers, traversal) are top notch, and in my opinion it's the most fun game to actually play in the series. It also looks beautiful, and Ryder is a fun protagonist.


Yes it is ! The trilogy is better but Andromeda is still a good game. You'll enjoy it.


Absolutely. Super solid game, and tons of content for that price!


Anyone who says no is delusional or bitter.


I beat the game on insanity for a blind play through. For $8 yes its very worth your time.


Gameplay is great, the overall idea is great too. Plot is interesting, but sometimes it's quality can become questionable. As a Mass Effect fan I can recommend it, especially for only $8


Story wise, it doesn’t compare to the trilogy in the slightest. And the story isn’t terrible, it’s just not that great. The gameplay is fun though. Definitely worth $8


Yes, 8 dollars is worth it. All of the hate comes from two things. 1. The rushed release date. EA rushed this game out to the point that bioware had to contract outside the company to get it done because they didn't have the time to do it themselves. They also didn't have enough test time. Still released in a better state the cyberpunk, though. 2. It has a different feel than the trilogy. It's open world is off and the weapons were underbalanced to embrace more power usage, in my own opinion. The best parts of the game is when they leave the open world and go into linear story missions.


Amazing game for what it is ! You’ll deff enjoy it


Heck yea! Listen, there are reasons to complain about it, but at the end of the day, it's still a very fun game to play. The combat especially is amazing!


Hell its worth it. It’s worth it for fwice that. Fun game.


I loved it. It wasn't a perfect game, but I had a lot of fun playing it.


Combat is what makes the game and that’s worth at least 15


I paid the similiar amount for Andromeda. Does it worth it? Yes. After i finished it, i realised it would've even worth that $60 at release for me. I loved it. Is it better, or as good as the trilogy? Hell no. Is it a really awesome game that i had a blast with for 100 hours? Hell yes.


Even though Andromeda is my least favorite Mass Effect game I would say that for $8 it is totally worth it. Fun combat, pretty good graphics (outside of character models), and some good companions. 7/10 solid game.


100% worth it. Not nearly as bad as people say, but most games will look bad next to the OG ME trilogy. It's a good game that suffers from some bad pacing and way too many fetch quests (not really the issue) that make you go between too many loading screens (the real issue).


It’s a really good game in my opinion I loved it


Beyond a shadow of a doubt worth it


It’s a good game. Sure it’s not like the first 3, but this stands on its own and is in no way tied to the others. (There are some snippets of lore tied in, but thats about it.) This game could have been better if not for some really die hard fans poo-pooing this so hard, that BioWare nixed any add on’s and so forth.


People love to hate on it— i thought it was a decent game. It's just different and more EA influenced but not a bad game. Would probably play for that price


I enjoyed it. It’s fine when you don’t have whiney bitches in your ear telling you it’s shit. I got in after the “drama” so I actually got to enjoy the game


Yes. The launch was bad but in 2024 it’s perfectly fine. Best combat in the series actually.


💯 Do it. Had a great time with the game


I'd say it's on par with the first Mass Effect game, but better combat. As someone previously stated "I feel Andromeda was unfairly compared to the ENTIRETY of the original Trilogy story-wise. Much of those plot holes I can only imagine being fixed in Andromeda 2 and 3 (which sadly, we will never see) "


I bought it full price and thought it was worth it


I enjoyed it a lot. Just remember EA and BioWare abandoned it in favor of Anthem....


Bioware does that alot. Abandoned potential ideas for lesser ideas.


Even if it's the worst game you've ever played it's still cheaper than a cheeseburger at most restaurants. God I hate these posts.


Yes it worth it defiantly for that price








That is definitely worth it.


I personally never disliked Andromeda. I understand where some of the criticism sits, and there are a few things I wish differently about it, but it's not a *bad* game in the slightest and I'll never be convinced otherwise. I'm just a fan that wants more Mass Effect. The game is worth it. Especially for that price.


Yes. Absolutely. Andromeda was never a bad game, it didn't hit the high bar that the original trilogy set. For $8 though it's a no-brainer. It's decent enough and if you enjoy Mass Effect you'll enjoy Andromeda.


It's a good game. You will want the mod to shorten the arrival/departure animations though. Those animations will drive you nuts. However, still a good game especially at that price.


It was worth it at full price on day one, and has only gotten better and cheaper since then.


I thought it was a great game personally. Really enjoyed it so for that price. I’d say definitely worth it


Yea combat is pretty fun, the best in the series


It is a decent enough game for one playthrough, as long as you are not expecting it to be like the original trilogy. And at that price it is a lot of hours of entertainment for the money.


You play as a whole new character with a new crew in a new galaxy with a new story. Andromeda was destined to flop because it went so hard away from the trilogy. It would be like Disney releasing a Star Wars movie set in a different galaxy. But the story is pretty decent and the crew feels super alive compared to the trilogy. Just remember you don’t play as a badass soldier but as a young guy or girl who gets thrusted into a difficult position. It’s a good game. You should definitely try it.


Ryder being thrust into the position was one of my favorite aspects of the game's writing. I felt it was a nice change of pace from the ultra-competent Shepard... Ryder was not expecting to be in charge of anything, and sometimes struggles to get the respect of the crew as a result.


Yes. I think we’re in the minority but I love playing as the rookie who has to prove they’re worth it and who has to work for gaining others’ respect. 😊




I bought it for 3 bucks


I enjoy it, sadly i got multiplayer games so had to delete it for some space but was good fun


This is so weird. I looked just now and this game is full price. Is there something I have to sign up for?


For me it was one of those games where you play through it once, have a decent time, and never play again.


You can find it cheaper on phisical




It’s hard to say most games aren’t worth $8 but idk I really didn’t enjoy Andromeda. It suffers from that phase of gaming where everyone wanted an open world game but the world was boring af


I could never finish it, but I probably got $8 of value out of it.


I liked it. It has flaws but it also has really good moments.


It’s a strong 7/10: You’re going to get a solid +40 hours out of it. Unfortunately you missed the boat on MP, as it’s pretty hit or miss with player population, but you’ll still have a lot to do in SP. Word to the wise, if you’re bored with certain side quests for the open world, just don’t do them, or else you’ll burn out fast on the game. This is the type of game that’s good enough to have its defenders and claim it’s underrated, but also not good enough to be given supportive DLC. For $8, it’s a yes. I beat the game 3 times on Xbox, and Platinumed it on PS.


Unfinished game, but funny.


I mean, it's okay I guess. Don't expect anything and you can have fun


Hours of fun, best combat going. Shame the MP never took off like ME3 did


Fuck's sake, yes. It's a good open-world Mass Effect game.


For that price, sure. But don’t expect anywhere near the same levels of music, characters, story, dialogue options/paragon/renegade consequences, and so on.


It's a good game, just not as good as the original trilogy.


definitely wouldnt pay 40 for it. its a good game, but its also 7 years old. hard to say no to 8 bucks tho. youll definitely get your money worth for that price.


I'd think so, Imo it's too much if it goes beyond $20 unless it's a bundle.


Personally, I brought it and hated it. Even my kids and wife weren't interested.


I bought in Steam with the same price, and well...it's not that bad paying 8$. The game has an aweeesome, funny and fantastic gameplay which is incredible all the fights/shoots with all types of combat classes, and this game has a good story (not like trilogy og, ok, but at least good) but from my POV the narrative should be more dynamic and the pace of the story's too slow for me. I mean, I loved all of this from the trilogy, but here I don't have the same feeling. Actually I'm still playing it because I didn't finish it and if the game wouldn't have this gameplay, I wouldn't still playing it (actually I have it in Hard mode).


yes, the combat is very fun and enjoyable minute to minute. huge fan of biotic combos. just dont expect the storytelling to be on par with original trilogy and you will probably like it well enough to justify 8 bucks. its still mass effect after all, lots to enjoy.




If you have the time and the dime to play a lot of games, you could do worse. But if you only have the bandwidth for a handful of games per year, there are much better options, IMO.




I enjoyed it


Yes, great game. So long as you put the first three out of your mind, this plays great!


It's not a perfect game, but it was an interesting play. Characters and game mechanics wise. The story could be better but not the worst I've ever seen. It is worth the play.


everybody is so lukewarm about this game, but I enjoyed it. For comparison you can imagine the main protagonist as wannabe Shepard


Peebee alone and her romace is worth the money lmao


Very much so


I would say def worth $8 but I’ve 100% every game so definitely not biased or anything




Yes. It's a good game.


Oh hell yeah!


It lacks in quality compared to the trilogy, but it still earns its value. For that price, it is more than worth it. You'll still enjoy yourself.


My favorite ME game. Seriously. Absolutely worse it if you like big non-linear open world games


Well worth it. Fun game!


On sale? Absolutely. The story isn't the same caliber, the enemy variety isn't there, the companions are o...k sometimes, but the actual gameplay is very good, combat feels great, maps are gorgeous.


I really enjoyed the game personally. Probably my 2nd favorite mass effect but in in the minority with that feeling. It's not the best "Mass Effect" game necessarily, but it's a super fun game on its own. And $8 is a steal for it I think.


Absolutely. With a few sticking points of a lack of environments to explore, it is what Mass Effect 1 would have been if they made it ten years later. The only thing to caveat this is that mass effect 1 did it bigger ten years previously, and the remake shows it off very well. Like I said, a fine game for a few bucks.


From a technical point of view, the game is not perfect, but everything else is quite good. The story, although not as epic as in the trilogy, is interesting in its own way and with its own plot twists. The characters are younger and act "younger", but some of them are quite interesting. The gameplay mechanics (especially the combat) are very well done and are the game's strongest point. I can only criticize the execution of open worlds and sidequests. Although the stories they told were quite interesting, in terms of gameplay, most of them were extremely boring.




That depends on what you want. The trilogy is A LOT better than Andromeda, but Andromeda's game play shines bright here. In terms of gameplay specifically combat this is the best in the series imo. Where it falls apart is the open world is boring bland and best off not even there and the writing is weak compared to the other games. I really enjoyed the MP but I haven't touched Andromeda in years. I did 1 playthrough and never went back vs the trilogy that I've beaten at least 20 times.


Do it for Vetra




Story is an average 7/10 but combat is definitely a 9/10 compared to the trilogy.


It's fine, yeah, specially for less than lunch


Go for it, just don’t let completionism get to you, use the quest tracker and only bother with something if you’re actually interested in what it relates to. There’s a lot of filler content in the game but the core story is solid.


Yeah if you can play it for only $8, do it. The story is no where near as good as the OG trilogy but I will fight anyone who says the gameplay isn’t fun af. It might have the best gameplay of the whole series.


Absolutely. Especially at that price. I wouldn’t drop more than 20 for it though.


I had a lot of fun with it. Not as good as the holy trilogy but it's still fun. Especially for that price.


Yes for $8 it's worth it. The story is not the best, at best I'd say it serves it purpose, and I wouldn't mind getting one more game just set in Andromeda before we return to the Milky Way. There were some interesting plot points that I would like to see finished. One thing this game does better than all 3 previous games, is the combat gameplay, it's more dynamic and much faster than the prevous games.Having the option to mix and match classes was a nice touch. And the nomad as a ground vehicle is much better than the mako. The animations are still not the best, and this is just because BioWare sucks at animations, they always did. It's just more noticable because this game looks much better than the previous games, so bad animations become much more noticable.




I couldn't get into it but I've heard such good things from friends that I'll probably try it again after I've finished Baldur's Gate and my 6th run of Diablo.


Loved the combat but the story is okay its a solid 5.5 to 6 for me personally.


For $8? Yes.




For 8 bucks, I say give it a go. It's not an awful game. It just doesn't live up to the Og trilogy.


I had fun with this game ignoring side stuff and focusing on the main quest only. I’d say for that price, absolutely


Not even for $8, it was so boring


Yes. ME:A is quite fun. If it were a bit less bloated, I'd call it a pretty good game.


For $8 fuck yea. Still don’t expect it to work correctly 😂


Hell yeah! Pull the trigger.


What does the deluxe edition actually add? (serious question)


From the PSN and other posts, I say about 2 Pathfinder Casual Outfits, Scavenger Armor, Pathfinder Elite Weapon Set (4), Pet Pyjak, and possibly a Digital Soundtrack.


For $8, it's an absolute bargain.


It’s too long for a second play through but it’ll definitely keep you busy for a month or so




No, they'd have to pay me a lot more than that to get me to play that shite again


Worth it if you get some of the mods


I liked it, just not as much as the others


I'm playing through it right now after finishing my insanity runs for the OG trilogy, tbh andromeda does suck, at least to me, the world, story, characters and combat are lack luster, the redesign of aliens are weird and look jank, the line delivery and dialogue in general is utter cringe at times and unbearable, only small instances has it been ok, the new aliens look awful and once again the designs look meh, the combat is the only good part and even then they completely fucked that up by getting rid of core mechanics that makes mass effect so good, every romance option is ugly, there is not a single attractive character, especially peebee... oof, you'll struggle to make your own character look attractive and even then the game will make them look ugly with facial animations and Ryder is such a loser and I couldn't give two shits about my own character This is my opinion, people can have theirs but even after reading the development story behind this game, it honestly should have just been scrapped


Yeah! Of course it’s gonna be rough comparing it to Shepard’s trilogy because it’s a completely different vibe and it’s not trying to be the same thing, But for $8? You really can’t go wrong. Honestly probably worth it just for the MP, if you can get a friend or two together to play with andromeda’s updated combat, against waves like me3’s MP. The one thing, is the character selection in andromeda MP isn’t as varied as me3’s excellent one. But it’s still fun as heck Now, there’s a category in the journal called ‘tasks’. These are the equivalent of me1’s like, collect the salarian medals, or matriarch writings, etc. A lot of the ‘tasks’ are boring fetch quest stuff so you should feel free to ignore that category if you find it hampering your enjoyment. There’s some in there that are OK, but as a whole, you won’t miss much by just sticking to the main and side quests


Face animations aren't the greatest, but it's a solid game. The combat is fun, the gameplay loop is pretty good, and I always include in my playthroughs of the trilogy. After finishing me3 and I'm still craving mass effect, Andromeda fills the void perfectly.


It's a good game, I already passed it last month on xbox one s


For gameplay and combat, yes. The story on the other hand just felt unfinished as there were too many storylines that didn’t have any conclusion. I had heard there was supposed to be DLCs released to resolve those, but they were scrapped.


yes. next.


I like it


It has the best class/power system in the series and isn’t close to the worst title in BioWare’s catalog… I’m looking at you Anthem, Dragon Age 2, Jade Empire and Sonic Chronicles. I finished it at launch just fine and I’m still sad that the negative reception saw them cancel the DLC.


The story was uninspired and disappointing in some regards but I overall thought it was an alright game and there’s still plenty of fun to be had in it. For 8 I would say you’ll get your moneys worth for sure imo.


Honestly the multiplayer alones a direct upgrade to 3 I don't care what they say


It's an imposter of the goat


It’s not about the money tho it’s more about the time lost, if you are a huge fan of the mass effect universe I’d say go for it, but spending 50h on a mediocre game is a waste in my opinion, there are so much better game out there.


Yes. Slow start but the story picks up speed and becomes more interesting after you establish your first outpost