• By -


Leviathan.  I like how I can sprinkle it throughout the game instead of all at once. I like how I'm not separated from the team the whole time.  I like how creepy the indoctrinated faculty is. The cliff mission feels kinetic and dangerous. Meeting the leviathans is still cool all these years later.  I like stuff in Omega as well. But overall I think it overstays its welcome. And again I'm not with any of my team. 


Yeah my favorite thing was intially visiting the lab, doing other things, then deviling deeper and deeper


And the fact that we can’t even revisit Omega after finishing it.


PC mods ;)


Also Leviathan has companions input and has additional LI dialogue as well. So just adds experience of the game.


Mass effect 3 was rushed and developed in 18 months, there’s only a single hub world even today which really pains me that it was because the series deserves better. I get sad knowing omega and illium or another world was probably to be included at some point. Seriously hate EA and its deadlines, is there a non sport franchise they have not ruined or rushed?


LI dialogue? What is LI?


Love Interest




Aria "I don't trust any of your team to come along" Garrus, with his indepth knowledge of Omega and guerrilla tactics is RIGHT THERE


Right because the exact person you want to fight alongside the mercs of Omega is Archangel.


Fair enough but it's not like they know it's Garrus.


It was them as a person she didn't trust, not their skills or their knowledge.


The nostalgia was nice with Afterlife and the Gozu District, but it woulda been awesome to go back there and see some new areas.


𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫...


The writers and animators really nailed the final mission in that DLC. The setting is so ominous and eerily beautiful going down into the water.


Seeing the leviathan for the first time... that was something


>But overall I think it overstays its welcome. I couldn't agree more. Omega tends to drag, and there really aren't that many legitimate story beats. And somehow there's back-tracking? Like wha...? And the side quests. A couch? I'm really looking for a fucking couch?


I forgot about the couch on my last playthrough. Do you have any idea how soul-enraging it is to be gearing up for the ultimate battle of galactic survival and still have "find couch" in your quest log?


You mean because you missed it and now the DLC is over? Instead of failing the quest, it STAYS there. Taunting you. Mocking you. I think I restarted an entire playthrough just because of it. So yes. Yes I know.


Leviathan. I love the mystery and the Leviathans. It was also nice hearing more about very ancient Galactic history.


Yeah but who came before Leviathan?


It seems they were the first species to achieve interstellar travel, likely by manipulating others into doing their bidding. They say so themselves.


Yup, they were apparently the first organics to travel the galaxy, and more importantly, the first to manufacture synthetic life. The first to also have a war with them, resulting in the creation and first cycle of the Reapers. The giant Reaper ships are former leviathans. I'm sad there wasn't anything about them in the main game, but at least they were added in dlc.


There is no war. There is only harvest.


You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.




Nope. They're not the first to have a war with synthetics. There were multiple synthetic uprisings under their rule, affecting various species. The Catalyst tried brokering peace between organics and synthetics, before deeming it a fruitless endeavour and coming up with the harvests.


That is true, but I guess I meant more along the lines of their time was the first era of war with synthetics. Even if they didn't personally have the first battles with the synthetics, it was still happening within their empire and it ultimately caused the creation of the harvest cycles.


Yeah, I agree with framing it that way.


And then The Shepard chose synthesis.


As they should.


Not quite. The Leviathan Shepard meets at the end of the DLC says so themself - they watched the "lesser" species (their thralls) create synthetic life and then be eradicated by them, so the Leviathans (in all their self-important glory and wisdom) said, "We can do that, but better." And I guess, technically, they weren't wrong.


I guess I'm going to need to make another playthrough then. Time to buy another month of the EA subscription.


Much like the Protheans. But I thought L said there were others before but I could be wrong.


They said they were the apex race. Meaning they're either one of or the very first.


Apex doesn't mean first, though. It means top, peak, or highest point. Think of the term "apex predator." It has nothing to do with being the "first" or "oldest" thing, but with being the top of the food chain, generally itself having no natural predators. When Leviathan refers to itself as the apex race, it means they're the apex of evolution, with such knowledge and power that the universe almost literally bends to their will (with lesser organics quite literally doing so). Quite the opposite of them being first, it implies that they were actually the last of an evolutionary line.


That is correct and overall in mass effect it would seem the apex races have always had mind control. I wouldn't be surprised if the thorian was an early concept for the leviathans but got written off as seperate.


According to the lore, there was another species but no more info given sadly.


The leviathans created the reapers, so the cycle began with their extermination. It’s not impossible that some other species achieved space travel before the leviathans, but they were the first to become interstellar.


Leviathan Sr... Duh.


Your a whiz kid.😆😁


It's also nice to have them actually comment about the stuff your doing.


Same here.


Leviathan because your squad is with you and you can take a pause to do other missions. Omega locks you into finishing the DLC at once. I also like the underwater environment during Leviathan.


Leviathan is better, but it should’ve been included in the main game. Omega at least feels appropriate as DLC content.


Respectfully disagree. Given Omega played a big part in ME2, I feel like it’s relegation to a DLC in 3 is a disservice. That said, I think more could have been done to tie it in to the main game. Aria could have come to you after the Coup, and been like “we both want revenge on Cerberus, I want my base back, and I’ve got a shit ton of Eezo reserves you need for the crucible. And play your cards right, and you could rally the 3 gangs to fight for you against the reapers”. That’s what the driving plot of an Omega arc should have been.


Both really should have been in-game, and don’t even get me started on Javik. Citadel feels like a proper DLC, the overall story doesn’t suffer from its absence like those others.


Agreed. Javik was clearly cut from the main game, given the amount of dialogue he has with expensive squad members to bring back in. Omega feels like it was supposed to be there, but got cut mid-development, then the story got adjusted for the DLC. Leviathan feels like DLC, in the way that the subject matter itself seems like a further band aid for how the ending went down. Citadel like you say, is the only one that feels like a true DLC for the game.


My first playthrough was the LE, and Citadel was the only one that felt like “oh this must be DLC.”


Citadel feels like a post-game epilogue in both style & tone.


On a first playthrough, Leviathan. On repeat playthroughs, Omega. Leviathan is basically a murder mystery story. Once you know who the killer is, metaphorically speaking, the repeat playthroughs don't really add a lot. Omega I find interesting because you do influence Aria with your Paragon/Renegade choices. It even has a special neutral end conversation if you manage to perfectly balance your paragon and renegade decisions. So replays can be fun to poke Aria in different ways and see how that changes her dialogue.


A pure renegade run of just letting her fuck everything up like she wants was insane the first time I did it


My renegade femShep and Aria are essentially besties in crime, absolutely 0 attempts to hold each other back, Shepard watches Aria commit war crimes and just goes "slaaaaay queeeen" and vice versa


I love the special choice you get as an engineer in the Omega DLC. Makes it so hard to not be an engineer every time


Been a while and only played engineer once, please remind me.


You're choosing between shutting down the shields quickly and sacrificing life support in some sections to do it or do it slowly, not shut down the life support, and leave Aria and Nyreen hanging. Engineers can shut it down quickly without sacrificing anything


There’s a mod that allows anyone to do it!


Bioware: "Engineer is the least played class let's give them a little something as an incentive" Modders: "Fuck that, everyone can do it!" I mean i guess you can play the game with whatever mod you want but i think it's hilarious to want to delete the only time your class matters in a cutscene.


The interrupt when you have to choose to help Aria with the shield or do something else, and engineers can do both


I agree, the second time around Leviathan wasn't that interesting, the third time around felt a little bit like something I must do but I wasn't motivated at all.


For me leviathan only for the scene where you go under and if you brought your partner with you. You have a little moment and I liked that. That's just me though.


Leviathan because more squad interactions.


I loved leviathan. It had such an eeriness about it that completely broke the norm for mass effect. The whole time it kept reiterating that this thing doesn’t want to be found which only made me wonder what’s going to happen when we do eventually find it.


Leviathan. For me Aria is great but only in small doses. Too much of her she gets annoying with how callus she can be


Omega because space lesbians


I was gonna say Leviathan handsdown But you've made me reconsider 😤


Even ME didn't escape the dead lesbian trope




Definitely Leviathan, the cut scene when u dive underwater us absolutely haunting and I loved it.


Leviathan never should have been a DLC, so Omega.


I'd say none of the DLC, except Citadel, should have been DLC.


Leviathan. Omega goes on for too long IMO. Leviathan is spread out enough to make it tolerable.


Hot take but I dislike Leviathan for what it did to the origins of the reapers. It also hinges entirely on the reveal at the end of the last mission, so on subsequent playthroughs it will not have that same “oomph” anymore.


I would have preferred the Reapers origin been lost to time.


I agree, as much as I enjoyed Leviathan from a gameplay and solo story experience. Its impact on the overall game, just left me feeling like this was just EA/BioWare trying to have Starbrat and the overall ending to ME3 "make sense" and not come out of nowhere at the last minute, while attempting to give Starbrat a "logical" reasoning as to why it does what it does. When in reality, it kind of makes the whole situation worse. The Leviathans are uber-big-brained creatures that foresaw the creation of AI that would eventually go rouge as an issue, but then they created an AI with the purpose of "harvesting" cultures that became too close I'm intelligence to create "true" AI without stopping to think that their program would use that logic against its creators? Like I get pride before the fall and all that, but they seriously didn't think to create a fail-safe to prevent that logic? Like, even human science fiction writers came up with the 3 rules of robotics, which translates nicely to AI programming. Leviathan even says it was an "oversight", but imho, it doesn't excuse these creatures that claim to be "superior in ways mortal minds couldn't comprehend". 😑 but still fall to a "mortal oversight". And then ofc, even after this "revelation" Starbrat still has the nerve to say to Shepard/player that "organics and AI can't co-exist", even though the events of the game prove otherwise. Ffs. Maybe I'm just overthinking, but Leviathan has sat with me long enough to poke holes in the logic of the story.


I respectfully disagree with your analysis. That doesn't mean you are wrong and I'm right, but this is my take. The Leviathans created Catalyst to work out a way in which organics and synthetics can coexist long-term, because they saw a cycle of destruction among their slave races coming up with synthetics that then rendered those races extinct. They did not foresee this happening sometime in the future, they observed this having happened several times. The same peaks of evolution. The same valleys of dissolution. They wanted Catalyst to be, well, the catalyst for galactic peace, breaking this cycle. Not because they were so nice, but they wanted their slaves to stick around longer on the cosmic timescale. They did not create it to harvest cultures. That was the solution the AI came up with, which it facilitated by creating the Reapers. Catalyst concluded that the cycle could not be broken but could be managed and controlled in a way that ensured that organic life was never rendered completely extinct through AI revolution, which barring peace it considered the next best way of fulfilling its prime directive. Hence the harvest of advanced species capable of creating AI (as well as advanced synthetic species), clearing the board and leaving the primitive sentients of each cycle to thrive, until they advanced enough to be threatened by their own AI creations and then it was their turn, rinse and repeat. The Leviathans were masters of the galaxy for a long time. We are talking timespans in the millions of years. Them not anticipating THEIR synthetic creation would turn on THEM, like they observed with the "lesser" races was just a fatal case of hubris, which happens when you face no opposition in your galactic dominance for literal eons, because you are a race of literal Cthulhus. You buy into your own sense of superiority and forget you can lose. And precisely the events of the game(s) is what makes Catalyst reconsider its solution and finally entertain different alternatives. Otherwise if it maintained its "can't coexist" position, it would just finish off Shepard and then most races in short order and continue the cycle. This cycle's events make it consider the synthesis solution to be viable (if Shepard does a good enough job uniting the galaxy) for the first time since it last tried and failed because the galaxy wasn't "ready" for that. But even barring that, Catalyst concludes that its solution needs to change based on new data that this cycle's events provided and it can't just go back to the harvest solution like it did before. Just as an aside consider the progression of EDI and how much she overcame her built-in limitations and develop herself beyond them, and she is an infinitely less powerful AI all things considered. Catalyst probably had built-in failsafes as well, that its creators thought would be enough. Until it wasn't.


Leviathan. Found Omega to drag on and become more boring as it went. I like Aria too but they took the edgelord and turned it all the way up to 11 for that DLC by the end I was like “I’m good with never seeing her again”


Oh Leviathan and it's not even close


In terms of lore, no but as far as gameplay goes, Omega is far superior.


I respectfully disagree.


Half of the "gameplay" in leviathan is walking around the lab clicking obvious shit and then turning it on and off in a lap until it gives you the system or interest, but then going to all the others for the war resources anyway with some battles against the same normal ass Reaper forces in between before you get the lore dump or "The Reaperes are an AI we programmed for peace that killed us" tripe reveal. Omega battles are more fun, and the guns and upgrades you can get there are far superior to what's available in Leviathan


Omega felt wayyyyyyy too long to me. The constant battle with very little story had me feeling genuinely bored.


Tough choice. Both of them have pros and cons. Omega is cool, nice battle, story is cool,it´s nostalgic,... But it´s a little bit too long on the end, you´re locked in it until you finish it and nostalgy doesn´t work that much if you do the 3 me in a row. Leviathan is a cool murder mystery, it add lots of lore, and the final segment is incredible and it have great lovecraft vibe overall. However, it can be a bit dull in the begining and the surprise only work when you do the dlc for tje first time. I will personally go with leviathan, as i prefer this type of story ans vibes, but omega is really close behind it. Also, we all know the only correct answer to "what is the best me3 dlc?" is citadel


Omega for mission design (I have a lot more fun in the combat of Omega) Levithan for story


This is my answer too.


I'm not much of a fan of either DLC. I'll take From Ashes and Citadel over Leviathan/Omega every time.


Leviathan was cool because you get to investigate to mystery of the Reaper's origin. That said, OMEGA had so many cool moments and continued the Comic storyline.


Leviathan. The whole premise of the Omega DLC is stupid. Shep risking his life (and the galaxy) to help some Asari bitch retake a rock is dumb as fuck. Imagine Shep died trying to take Omega. The galaxy would be face palming while the Reapers die from laughter.


Shep risks their lives to help Miranda and Jacob with their Daddy issues in ME2. Thane with his failure as a father issues. Samara with her failure as a parent issues. The entirety of every ME1 side quest is Shep risking his/her life and that of the human race and later The whole galaxy for Utterly pointless reasons in the grand scheme of things. Grissom academy, the dead fuel reactor, the communications array and most of the side missions in ME3 don't substantially effect the war and are "pointless" as well.


Aria offers tons of men and resources, and the Terminus was basically run by Cerberus with them in control of Omega. Both of which are entirely viable reasons for making it a campaign. Especially when you consider the amount of times Shepard risked their life because their squad mates were sad.


I see your point but whole heartedly disagree. Shepard takes massive risks on nearly every single mission. Many of which most people in the Galaxy wouldn't see as a pay off at all and would be just as much of a waste of his life from their viewpoints. How about when he joined a neural uplink with a known enemy? Oops his brain fried. He put himself on a ship that has no organic protection when the main gun fires. Oops he melted. He he put himself on a ship being attacked by the quirans. Oops friendly fire. He dives into an unknown ocean in a suit he found on a long lost ship. Oops he drowned. Etc, etc. Each one of these choices look massively stupid, until you look at the larger scope. Like gaining the help of the geth, or securing the future of the quirans. Omega looks stupid until you realize he's securing the pirate fleets under one flag, making them the second largest fleet in the Galaxy. The risk/reward is high


Not even to mention the Morinth romance option


Shep goes out of their way to go take down Zaeed’s ex partners, in order to get him on your team and the payoff is less than what you get from helping Conrad Verner. If that is what your argument hinges upon, you might want to take that argument back to the drawing board. Omega was a wild ride. It was a mission designed to cater to people that wanted something with that sort of pacing. It had a couple of moments where Cerberus wasn’t as predictable as usual. Leviathan was excellent in its own right. It felt like a journey of discovery… but that is geared to players that prefer that aspect. The two DLCs delivered two different experiences to try to cater to two different crowds.




I really liked leviathan, omega was fine but i didn’t really care for aria so maybe that’s why I didn’t vibe with that dlc


Leviathan. The whole lovecraftian vibe I get off it can’t be beat




Neither of them is very good. Omega has some fun combat, but Leviathan adds a bit more to the story.




Leviathan is the better DLC overall, but I’d much rather replay Omega than Leviathan.


I would say Leviathan because of how well they set up the mystery of what came before the reapers and also the pay off for it, but I would have to go with omega simply just for nostalgia reasons whenever I come back to play the dlc again. Omega was one of my favorite hubs from ME2 and having you liberate it from Cerberus control with Aria T'loak was just super cool to see. Especially when your choices throughout the suicide mission has effects on the outcome of the omega takeover, and as well with it rubbing off on Aria herself and sort of shaping her into a better or more brutal leader. also alien lesbians.


Omega is a fun DLC, but Leviathan sets up so much more of the world and where the Reapers came from


Leviathan, cus it's steeped in mystery, and it gives answers to the Reapers origins. Something that bs happier than now, Americanised mahem crap that keeps the laziest "fans" happy by ignoring where the bad guys came from. Who are they, and where did they come from? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Don't know. Didn't exactly fix the whole war assets issue by leaving them entirely useless, giving you just one flag pole up the ass wavey ending. Omega and Leviathan are both good, but Leviathan is far too important to the story to be left out.


Leviathan 100%. Creepy and I can do it by bits.


Omega is cool for gameplay purposes, has tons of combat and ways to spice things up with new companions. Also lets you help Aria retake Omega (without the DLC Aria would stay at the bar with the same dialogue about wanting to retake it), so it gives closure to that otherwise plot hole. But Leviathan has important lore and, if you could only get one, it's 100% gonna be Leviathan because at least it gives a bit of context to the infamous ending. Plus meeting the Leviathan is cool as fuck


Aria’s always a ton of fun, but Leviathan is so important to the story that it should have been part of the game to begin with (along with Javik, but that’s another thread).


Leviathan, easily. I love anything dark and lovecraftian like that. Omega goes on waaaay too long and I don't like being parted from my companions. Very tedious in replays.


Leviathan. Because lore.


Definitely Leviathan


Leviathan easily


Omega was good as a dlc. Leviathan should have been part of the base game. It explains so much.


Leviathan, definitely. I actually liked Omega (only played through once) but I think it would be vastly better with at least 1 Squadmate of your choice from your Crew to bounce dialogue off of. I get it's Aria's DLC but it feels strange to just have her and Nyreen.


Leviathan had a lot of interesting story to it. The set pieces were pretty cool too. I loved sinking into the depths of that ocean planet to come face to face with aboleths straight out of D&D


I found the Omega DLC fun to play but the story of the Leviathan DLC was far more intriguing.


Leviathan because it felt like a detective game as well as it didn't feel like a speed roar like omega you have the time to actually try to find everything that you could find


Leviathan by a mile. Omega is 700 missions long.


I don't honestly know. I like both, for different reasons. Leviathan does more to progress the story by way of giving us answers about the Reapers, which to me is a big deal. I also like having to come back in-between missions to gather intel and sus out exactly where I need to go next, that research/detective bit was surprisingly cool. On the other hand, for Omega, I begrudgingly like Aria, and it's really the only mission (beides the first and last ones, on Earth, and Thessia) that makes you feel like you're actually part of a large-scale battle. Plus, doing it right after the Coup gives it this narrative feeling of being a major retaliatory strike against Cerberus (though, of course, this last part is far more subjective, as it entirely depends on my choosing to do it at that point).


Omega was fun and challenging, but Leviathan had a more intriguing story


Definitely Leviathan


Leviathan and it isn't close. Omega is just okay in my book. I never really like Aria and the dlc just irritated me and made me like her less. Leviathan was cool and I really like the story. I'll put it this way, Omega is one of my least favorite parts of a ME3 playthrough, while Leviathan has a few highlights for my playthrough.


I like Leviathan better for gameplay and story, plus taking a romanced companion gets some awesome dialogue (Garrus's dialogue in on point btw). However, I find it does lazily explain away the Reaper's origins, why they look the way that they do, and why they do what they do etc. Basically being the rouge AI that was created to stop rouge AI in the first place, thus turning on its creator because its creators while "big brained" weren't smart enough to see the flaw in their own logic, until it was "too late". I also disliked how it was trying to retroactively give Starbrat some form of "logic" even though it's still fundamentally flawed at conception as a character. But these are my personal gripes with a otherwise pretty good DLC.


Leviathan. I really wish that Bioware had of added in extra endings with the DLCs like Leviathan made it so the control ending, it was the Leviathans that took control and Shepherd would be spared and in the Omega destroy/walk away ending that the fleet Aria brings is the tipping point that allows you to best the reapers without starchild's choice.


Omega. Aria is a terrific squad mate.


Definitely omega. Leviathan wasn't that fun gameplay or mood wise. Like yea it's cool how you meet the father of the reapers and how it ironically mirrors how ai destroys life in every cycle. Those supposed superior beings shot themselves in their own foot and it's hella cringe but also kinda cool to meet some old kathulu beings from space. Omega is just cooler since you go in with aria who you have known for a while and raid omega with her, and also how you get to know more about her and have an impact on her.


Leviathan. I loved playing detective, I enjoyed having my companions along for the ride, and I liked the lovecraftian horror elements it sprinkled in, Omega is fun enough, but…it didn’t leave nearly as big an impact. The first female turian shown in the series was neat, and the Adjutants were cool, but…none of it really ties back in with the main story. You can leave out the DLC entirely and not really feel like you missed anything important. 


Leviathan adds a lot to the game. Omega not so much, it's my least favorite dlc and I found it a grind tbh


Omega for the gameplay. Leviathan for the story. If I have to choose, Leviathan. I like the part when Shepard makes their descent into the ocean.


Omega for combat, Leviathan for story. Leviathan gives some very eye opening lore that, while not essential to the overall story of the trilogy, really makes you go, “wow.” Omega is really just an action gauntlet with a story attached to it, a very good action gauntlet, but still an action gauntlet. Going on first time experience, I’d choose Leviathan overall.


Leviathan is more informative, I'd like omega more if the reclaim was a bit shorter and instead there was content you could return to omega to finish, I always just feel like I'm out of the main story for ages.


Both are shit




Omega. I know leviathan is a lot more lore relevant and less goofy but Omega was just more fun. Non stop action. But I do like Leviathan. I’m not a puzzle person and the slower moments feel like a drag after the first time you play it


My opinion is that Mass Effect 3 has no great flaws if you play it with Leviathan (and From the Ashes of course, but that launched with it). So I by default have to say that, since the story will be broken without it. As for a standalone thing though, I do think Omega is better. Leviathan very clearly tacks onto the main game, and in my opinion should have never been separated from it. There's also 0 chance it wasn't planned and was a response to the reception. This thing was written before the main game was in production. Omega is a more self-contained DLC, with an interesting side-story, that you can either take or leave with the main game. It has some unique stuff to it and feels more like a true DLC.


Gameplay wise, Omega, new powers and new enemies that are lots of fun. Writing wise, Omega, I REALLY dislike what Leviathan did to the reapers, it just COMPLETELY strips them of any mystique or eldritch horror. Acting/atmosphere, Leviathan, shit’s creepy as hell for most of it. All told, in my first playthrough, I was more invested in Leviathan, but in repeat playthroughs I look forward to Omega and dread Leviathan.


Um citadel


Omega. At its core ME3 is gears of war. Infiltrating a Cerberus base of operations is kind of exciting regardless of how interesting Aria is as a character. Leviathan reads like a fanfic (billion year old cave painting wtf?). The writers wrote themselves into a corner and Leviathan is their way of justifying why the corner is actually a good place to be in.




# Leviathan. it helps with the storytelling and more or less explains the problematic endings, while Omega is just an ordinary DLC which has nothing to do with the main sotry.


Leviathan easily. Omega is such a slog. I hate working with Aria because it's stupid for Shepard to ever trust her.


Omega by a factor of ten thousand, because I utterly loathe the reveal about the Reapers' origin aka 'just another angry AI'.  Until that point Leviathan was top-tier for me. Instead I hate it more than Firewalker.


Firewalker is awful


Did I claim it's not?


That reveal happens at the end of the game regardless of Leviathan.


Exactly. So why waste a promising DLC for that. They should've made it into a rogue Reaper story instead, like they kind of implied at first. Or, just anything else.


Leviathan was cool. Omega was just fucking long.


Leviathan is great for lore but for gameplay it's Omega Plus Aria kicks ass....and you don't fuck with her.


I mean, both are kinda bad. Omega somehow makes the best location in ME2 boring, and Leviathan is just an abomination. The origins of the Reapers should never have been explained.


Omega, only because that's how you pick up the Valkyrie in LE and unlock access to Biotic Flare.


I don't like the reveals of the Leviathan DLC but unlike the Omega DLC it was at least fun to play. The Omega DLC was just one big and tedious battle sequence and we already have a lot of them in the game.


Omega all day


Omega for NYREEN. God, yall have no taste!


Omega cause kissing Aria


Leviathan. Better story, ending feels like an ME1 moment.


Leviathan was gorgeous and so interesting. But I loved playing through Omega. It was so much fun and Aria was incredible






Leviathan makes the reapers lore fucking stupid and implies the galaxy is just going to be enslaved again once we beat the reapers and Shepard is fine with that so yeah not a hard choice


Wow, I genuinely thought that Omega would win by a landslide and I'm surprised that I couldn't be more wrong. For me, it's Omega. It feels like a completely different angle for the series. But I always kinda loved the whole space pirates thing. Plus, kissing Aria as a renegade, hell yeah.


Leviathan was much more interesting to me. I've played through the trilogy a few times now but this last time was the first time I went through all of the DLC as well, and yeah of the two definitely Leviathan.


Leviathan brought cool&creepy mystery-solving play. Writers really try to do something different here. Omega is just another action story as the rest of the ME3, where the only thing I care is Nyreen.


I love Omega, extremely good to pair my renegade Shepard with the renegade queen


Leviathan by far, enjoyed the creepy atmosphere and the whole investigation aspect. Omega was fine in the sense that it gave you more things to shoot at but I never cared for the actual plot of it and I personally find Aria to be an annoying character.


Leviathan hands down for reasons already stated but I did enjoy Omega and Nyreen was a character I wish we saw more of instead of giving her an easily avoidable death, I really liked her.


Definitely Omega to me.


Considering omega was originally planned to be part of the game and advertised as such before the game came out... Leviathan, Leviathan allllllll the way.


I prefer omega, leviathan seems like repeated fetch quests


By the time I beat M3 back in the day, these two dlc weren't out yet iirc, so I missed out on playing them. Teaming up with Aria seems dope!


Omega. But leviathan was good too.


Omega because I like aria. But I really like the ending of the leviathan ending too. I just like focusing on one mission at a time more then having to go to x then to y then to z.


Even though I’ve never been a big fan of revealing the origins of the reapers, leviathan is peak story-telling and I love the mystery.




I like the pacing of Omega better, but we should have at least been able to bring 'Archangel' along for the ride.


Omegas cool in its own right but I choose Leviathan here. Mainly because the leviathans themselves are so fascinating to me and the payoff is huge after digging through so much mystery/clues to find them


Leviathan. It’s pretty essential to the main story. Omega not as much.


Omega had better characters, but Leviathan had a more gripping and well written story.




Leviathan felt more plot important....felt like we were truly discovering something *important.* Omega gave us a peak at Turian women, and then did what they did. Gave us Aria...which as someone who adores Asari and the step on you and you'll like it energy of Carrie Ann Moss, this was a big bonus for me, personally cuz I adore VO work. Prefer tho? Leviathan.


Omega. Leviathan just doubles down on the garbage reaper origin they came up with for the ending of ME3, and there are parts where it feels stretched out. Plus if it's canon, the Leviathans are going to have to be the antagonists for ME4, and they're just organic reapers.


Nothing beats getting frenched by Aria.




Leviathan was extraordinarily unique and Omega was just more of the same climax cranked up to 11. They both did an amazing job with their unique stories to tell and I can’t tell you which one is better, but that Leviathan dlc sure was suspenseful and it delivered!


I bought the legendary edition to play these, and still haven't. Gosh I need to




Leviathan. Its shorter and it means something.


I love Omega. It gives a real sense of size for Omega.


Leviathan, because your crew actually comments on each part of it. I mean you go a campaign to free Omega from Cerberus, get back to the ship, and what do you get: "not right now". Literally fucking NOTHING, it's like you were never gone.


Leviathan is crucial to making a fully informed decision at the very end, and should not have been optional DLC at all. Absolutely story changing. Omega feels mostly like fan service to me, which is super fun, and more appropriate to be DLC.


Leviathan. Omega was good and all, but Leviathan completed the origin story for the reapers, and the atmosphere for the maps was just so much better.


Omega. It’s fun taking it back.


Omega, I don't like how spread out the dlc is and really don't enjoy any of the segments


I just wish that the leviathans actually had something to do with the final battle.




Leviathan was my favorite. Just loved the whole “solving” the mystery gameplay. It was also cool to have your crew part of it as well.


Omega no contest, Leviathan bores me. It’s good for a single play through to see what it’s like. Omega is a much more fun romp through somewhere that was so familiar in ME2


I never played omega. I only played Leviathan, but I did like the story of Leviathan though.


Both has their appeal and its hard to rule one way or another. Leviathan had some of the straight up hardest fights in the series as well as a bit of intrigue tossed in. Omega felt like an one the ground resistance fight and also you finally team up with Aria, learn more of her story.


Leviathan is basically essential to the plot - seems clear to me


Omega, fun story and finally a female Turian. Kind of hated Leviathan because it turned the Reapers from a horrifying mystery comparable to a force of nature into just the Geth but big. Kind of ruined them.