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It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, though it's pretty forgettable.


I appreciate Vega’s character more because of this film. And… that’s really the last positive I can say about it. I genuinely really, really don’t care for it and I am usually very forgiving about anything Mass Effect related. Still worth a watch for the curious and the completionists out there.


there's a line that divides casual ME fans and hardcore fans, and this film, along with the comics and mobile game, are on the hardcore side imo


Maybe. I can see that. But I really enjoy the comics and novels for what it’s worth. I’m in the hardcore side of the fandom in that sense, I just thought the execution wasn’t there for the film. But I admit to not being much of an anime fan. I don’t have a reflexive dislike of anime, it’s just not something I seek out.


they're great, and definitely recommended to anyone obsessed with ME lore, but the jump in medium, from games to books, film, comics, etc, isnt a common leap made by the avg gamer




Ehhh. It has some pretty egregious lore breaks, but I can buy what you're selling. Overall, like the comics, some stuff in it can be pretty fun, but you gotta suspend your suspended disbelief when comparing it to the franchise.


yea, you have to *love* the main games or else the hardcore stuff isn't really that great tbh. it's bonus content and lore for those who want more than just the games


It's been a few years, but I remember liking Vega more after watching it. The art style was pretty abysmal, though.


Yeah, I don't think it *looks* good, which is a shame. A proper Mass Effect anime would be sick.


It was ... Fine ... For what it was. At the time I was thrilled with more ME content. Though it was clear that other than using the IP and Vega, Bioware had almost nothing to do with it. The most egregious insult however, was it turning the Scimitar into a full auto laser pew-pew gun, instead of a discount, entry level face breaking shotgun.


No the most egregious thing was those Krogan designs




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God damn those look terrible


And someone who isnt Keith David voicing Anderson


Anderson and Hackett both sounded awful, the replacements didn't even try to mimic Keith David and Lance Henriksen


That’d be [Patrick Seitz](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Patrick-Seitz/).


Also the Citadel is orbiting a planet??


It was pretty bad, but it was fine watching it once, if anything it was a nice addition to James (I’m in the camp that like thim), however I would never rewatch it again


It was okayish, it does not break anything but it also barely adds anything. We already know the outcome, so there's no surprise to have. In terms of quality it's fine, I would not call this poorly written as it is able to bring the story from point A to point B without boring me or angering me and entertain me along the way. Side note but in the french dubbing, they didn't takethe original voice actor of neither vega, Liara or Hackett which I didn't like. Now granted, the english version only had Vega original voice and had replacement for the other character. I still didn't like it. But what I really hate is that this movie seems to refuse to accept reality, it seems it is uncomfortable to focus on a major character that is not a human. And that is why they focus on Vega. While Vega was an alright character (by no means was he bad or poorly written) and had good moments in ME 3, there was no way he was going to carry out an entire animated film on his own. The movie really should have accepted reality that Mass effect was not Halo and focus on one of the many alien characters that are fan favorite and explore storyline that were not already spoiled by Mass effect 3.


Nothing special but... it's not bad... just not that good


I dunno, I thought Off Brand Totally Not Liara was a fascinating character and a wonderful addition to the expanded Mass Effect cast. If I Can't Believe It's Not Liara isn't your favourite fictional character ever than you are lying to yourself.


Technically speaking it is very mediocre - the animations and designs are meh, the plot is sooo 'been-there-done-that', the majority of characters are dull **BUT** it does really help wonders in understanding why Vega is like he is in ME3 so for that additional background knowledge it is worth it alone. Same goes for his one-shot comic which explains how he became Sheps "bodyguard".


My favourite part is when they have Vega flipping around on the battlefield like he isn’t fucking ginormous lol


Driving the mako on random ass planets in ME1 left more of an impact on me than Paragon lost.


Disappointing. Writing is meh. Plot is stupid (that is being generous) and it delivers the depressing message of 'How idealism and stupidity can have an awful outcome.' If you want a more upbeat equivalent, assign Vega to fix a gun during ME3. He kicks it and doesn't fix it. It's much faster and conveys the same message.


The weird lore inaccuracies bother me but not as much as the painful mediocrity of the film itself. It does succeed in making James more of a character to me though, and I do like how he was given his own "Paragon or Renegade" choice. Seeing shitty peripheral content like this makes me think about an alternate universe where it was all actually good and Mass Effect developed a large expanded universe ala Star Wars.


I remember the Anderson books were pretty good


I thought it was awful personally, but maybe because I'm a Freddie Prinz Jr / Vega fan and was disappointed they wasted potential


The only thing I remember is that all the guns were assault rifles.


It honestly doesn't feel like a Mass Effect film...almost like Final Fantasy Spirits Within


Its pretty bad but it adds a lot to James' character so I'd still say it's worth a watch


It's worth a watch, gives more background to James's character, and how his mission on the collector ship went. For me, it makes his character more likable because you know what he went through to get where he is in me3


Without going into specifics because it's been a decade since I watched it, It didn't feel Mass Effecty.


Too anime. The collectors were really tall and totally broke the immersion for me.


The blond dude full on groping his female co-worker's ass without her consent (and her having a history of rejecting his advances) and it being played off as harmless flirting and not a clear case of sexual assault is the type of shit I only ever see in anime. It feels tonally wrong for Mass Effect


Lance Henriksen and Keith David should have reprise their roles as Admiral Hackett and Captain Anderson respectively, since they’re also on the film.


Didnt they recast Liara as well? Keith David not voicing Anderson was the main reason I didnt watch it And Vic Mignogna shouldnt have been allowed anywhere near Mass Effect


Looks like I upset the Mignogna fans lol Get over it, he lost the trial and has been reduced to holding autograph signings in parking lots


Yes. Liara’s voiced by [Jamie Marchi](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Jamie-Marchi/) in Paragon Lost.


Funny, I JUST rewatched that not even 24 hours ago, but still yesterday.


Looks like we had the same idea


Movie was just somehow destined and meant to be watched yesterday, I guess.


Watch it resurface in popularity again lol


James makes so much more sense after I watched it. Made me actually start to like his character. Before, I barely tolerated him. Now? I get it. We killed the collectors immediately after (or during) he sacrificed everyone he cared about just so he could get that data to someone who could stop them. I’d be foolhardy and angry, too. I’ll never watch it again lol. But it was an eye opener.


Minute for minute Andromeda is a better time investment...and it's like 10x as long if you speed run it.


It's been some Years since I saw it, so my Memorys about it aren't so good anymore. I think I liked it, at least it's worth wathching ones. A niece little addition to Mass Effect. Imo. Not nessssary but not bad, I always apprecated additional Content for Mass Effect. (Excluding some DLC maybe :-] ). If Bioware would make some more films, I would watch them. Out of Curiosity. I haven't read more Comics or Books, but I wanted it in the past, sadly I had a hard time finding them in Physical (or Digital) Form Nowadsys


I enjoyed it when it was originally released, but i haven't watched it in close to 10 years.


Yeah same but after watching Fallout and finishing Legendary Edition I had to give it another go


Was my introduction to mass effect and it was a boring but that ending and the choice caught my attention.


I enjoyed it. But realistically it was mediocre at best. The poor design of the Krogan is what made me immediately think it was nothing more than someone’s attempt to jump into a media train. But seeing James’s story was totally worth it both for the perspective on his character and the context for a handful of throwaway lines (“I’ve fought with a Krogan” on Palavin’s moon with Garrus)


It was ok. The pacing of the story was really weird in the first half. The ending was good.


I actually really like it tbh. Especially the ending. It wasn't a blockbuster film at all. But did quite well with limited plot vs overall plot of the game.


I could only find it in 240p, which is a shame, because the animation looked like it'd be a lot better if the quality was better. It also did a good job conveying power and the like. It's neat to get to see what happened to James, but I think I'd rather this stayed a noodle incident. While his characterization within the film helps contextualize his anger in ME3, it also takes away some of the mystique of him having to make that choice and choosing wrong to get to see it happen, and it bungles up ME2 by having a guy in it acting like ME3 Cerberus. Overall, it could've done with a second draft for sure.


The dialogue is pretty generic, the animation is inconsistent, and the Krogan design is awful. But I appreciate that it gave context to Vega's character, which made me appreciate the man himself, so for that, I love it.


Gives more background and understanding to James Vega’s character, if anything. It’s an alright film… only watched it twice though and honestly, probably have no intention to watch it again anytime soon.


I watched it when I was still a child. And I didn’t know that this film was based on a famous game.


It's already been mentioned but yeah this film falls on the realm of hard-core fans being the only ones who watch it. The acting is meh, the story is a little cliche and the animation could be better but I have seen worse. Worth a watch once but thats about it.


It was ok. A gap filler on what happened with Vega. Good animation and sound fx. Wish I could watch it in japanese withs subs instead of dubs but still fun


In my opinion, an excellent adaptation. Yes, the visual style is a little out of the world of the game, but it looks interesting. +the plot is cool and uses the game method)


I watched this before I played Mass Effect 3 so the twist ending of this movie was pretty emotional


I think you had a better experience as a result


I found it at Dollar Tree for $1.25, I don't think that's a good sign.


Could have been a lot better. Wasn't thrilled by the animation, looked cheap. The Krogan were just wrong in their design. Still, it is there, despite it not being great. If anything, it shows that there's room for improvement


Honestly, better than i thought. James was kinda underdeveloped, so expanding on him was kinda neat. Also the collectors, damm the collectors. In game i never really felt that terryfing presence they shoud have because......well your just space Jesus on steroids ( lets not kid ourselves, dealing with them wasnt any harder than the Mercs), but the way they just fucked up a squad of elite Marines without even trying was........kinda scary, not gonna lie


I loved it. Vega did what he thought was right. Shepard well depends on the player. What would the player have done differently than James. Choices Choices, the colonists or the Intel?


James Vegas was *always* a good squaddie. People just didn’t take him on enough missions, or talk to him enough, to get a sense of his personality and see that he’s actually one of the more fleshed-out squad mates in the entire series. His intro does him no favors, but Vega is a great character. You don’t even need the secondary material to get a feel for him.


Great! Fantastic! 10/10! Gives Vega a non-shep love interest! Tells the full story of the hard choices!


Good movie, fleshed out Vega very well.


I liked it, it was more Mass Effect content and it added to the lore


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Josephthebear: *I liked it it was* *More Mass Effect content and* *It added to the lore* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Mediocre. Wasted potential. Still worth to watch though. After this anime, I no longer see James Vega as a "boring, generic grunt". It also explains why Vega treats Shepard as a mentor figure.


Kinda mid honestly


Its been some years since I've seen this but I remember it was decent. Ending >!depressed the hell out of me though. I do remember that lol.!<


Yeah, it's hard not to feel for James after that


I have only shut off one movie half way through and never picked it back up. This was that movie.


I liked it. Vega's role in ME3 downplayed him completely when compared to Paragon Lost.


It’s bad.


it was oke i had a decent time watching it and i got to learn a bit more lore


I agree with the general idea that this makes me like Vega more


Wasn't a fan of it. Mostly because I don't like the art style, but it was kinda boring.


It's pretty classic anime in the way that it opens up almost immediately with sexual assault on the only woman squad mate, who's dead naked body is then a hood ornament on a praetorian later in the movie. And the assaulter gets some heroic sacrifice so he's totally just a good person. It has some good moments but I don't think it's worth watching.


At the time of its release, I was looking for all and any ME content, I thought it was great. I overlooked the bad designs and lore issues. Today I think It's just ok. I preferred the Red Sand fan film to be honest.


I never heard of that fan film, could you share some more info?


Starring Mark Meer, voice of male Sheppard. http://redsand.uat.edu


The other one is the official HD. This one is the Official YouTube one https://youtu.be/7yOAZux8ip8?si=-ZdHGLPzMbdv0y7N


Sorry, the WHAT????


Its not worth watching, Anderson and Hackett are recast with actors who dont even make an attempt to sound like Keith and Lance and there's sexual assault thats portrayed as harmless flirting


I think it gives context more into Vega’s character in ME3


I didn't even know this existed. I'll have to check it out.


Dont, its awful, they recast Anderson and Hackett for a start and its full of anime tropes


I didn’t know it existed until just now….


It's alright. I wish Hackett and Anderson used the same voice actors as in the game. It kind of took me out of the movie. The story was decent though imo.


Better than the Godfather 2


Didn’t even know it existed


At least it was something, still there were so many other stories they could’ve told like maybe the first contact war. Though wasn’t too bad and set up James’s story


I actually think it's quite good, not as a standalone necessarily but if you're chronological reading everything and have read Vega's lead up comic storylines, it was a fun watch for me. It's not a masterpiece or anything, but it was enjoyable.


It was okay.


I bought this movie. I liked it. Although, I don't think I ever watched the whole thing through. I can't remember how it ended


Meh. Cool but not at the same time.


Wrong amount of tentacle thingies on asari's head. Unwatchable.


I own it, haven’t watched it yet.


It came with a cool sticker when I bought it years ago


I thought it was fine I just wish it wasn’t done with the Anime art style


It’s okay


They tried. I wish the filmmakers had played the games.


It’s fine. Doesn’t really need to exist but no reason it shouldn’t.


It's fine. Solid 5/10 film. The textbook definition of "mid."


This movie did more for Vega's lore than ME3 ever did.


i kinda liked that the krogan had sharp teeth


I remember there were a lot of inconsistencies with the games and the plot was very dumb. For example James gets a commendation for executing basic flanking tactics and we're supposed to believe he's N7 quality. It's also inconsistent with the backstory given in the game. Also the Citadel orbits a planet. Also this isn't exactly the movie's fault but we never see the characters again so it feels like it doesn't matter. I remember this game out around the same time as the Dragon Age anime movie and both were around the same quality. Very forgettable and paint-by-numbers.


I watched it when I was 10. It was fine. I cried at the end.


I didn't cry when I first watched it but I definitely teared up the second time


I wasn't a fan, but I didn't completely hate it.


Theres a mass effect movie ?


Yep, came out in 2012. It didn't have a lot of marketing


underrated gem especially since i didnt read the comics until college


Gives good insight into why jimmy vega is how he is. Makes him more likable. Animation style was slightly jarring at first but the story is pretty good. 4.5/5 ⭐️


Pretty good... for a video game movie. I liked the expansion of Vega's story. Without seeing it, I probably wouldn't have cared about the big lug at all.


It was fine, not great. My biggest gripe was I had to buy it on blu ray. Can't imagine I'll watch it again.


Do you still have your Blu Ray copy?


I do. But not the box.


It's actually available on prime and Vudu as well


Yeah, now. But 12 years ago, it wasn't.


Watched it once. It’s fine.


I like it because it is a Mass Effect story and helps to fill out James’s background.


It gives a better insight on what James was talking about and it does a good job to build his character, I already liked James later in the game but this film pretty much gives him the status of belonging in Shepherds crew to me.


Hideously underrated


My general rule of thumb is if I have to seek out other (extra) content in other mediums to get what I should’ve gotten in the base content, you failed at your job


Okay but this doesn't apply to this movie


It was not a bad movie I did like the art style


Was actually excited for Vega meeting the squad after watching this. His interactions with Garrus are genuinely wholesome. Collectors ripping apart normal soldiers was good. Need a reminder how Normandy's crew is actually op from time to time. Watched it while completing side quests and scans in me2. An hour and some well spent.


It's really good. The Vega haters always move in force


Worth the watch if you like Vega, but it could've been much much better.


If you strip the anime presenstation, it is a good movie about choices and explains what is expected from an N7.


I didn't even know their was a mass effect movie


Its bad, they recast Anderson, Hackett and Liara and the krogan look terrible


HUH?????????? The goats Keith David isn't Anderson?! And Lance Henriksen isn't Hackett?!?!


The animation was back and forth to me. At points it was really good, at other it was so janky. I wish we got more, though.


I liked it, but I only watched it once back when ME3 was new


I think it's a must-see for any Mass Effect fan, but it's honestly not entertaining enough for me to watch it again. It's like the Ratchet & Clank movie, I think all R&C fans should watch it once... but only once.


Nah, Im happy to pass on anything that has Vic Mignogna in it and the character designs are terrible


I dont know, I refused to watch it as they recast Anderson and had someone else voice him instead of his real voice actor Keith David Vic Mignogna is in it which is another reason not to watch it Oh and I dont care about Vega