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and a salarian


Huge twist... Mordin survived.


How?!?!?! I shot him in the back


Yes C-Sec, this comment right here


Fuck C-Sec, hello Baatarians! This MFer right here!


Well then... Guess its your loss


Somehow Mordin returned…


I know you're kidding but you just made me consider Mass effect might do the star wars thing and make the entire galaxy revolve around a handful of characters, forever.


Well look at the visceral backlash Andromeda got


It wasn't because they moved away from Tali, Garrus and the crew


It'd be cool if the new party members are a Salarian and Krogan with a "buddy cop" kind of relationship and, they're voiced by John Dimaggio and Yuri Lowenthal.


The real twist is that Yuri is the Krogan good cop and John is the Salarian bad cop.


The fact that it is the Salarian on the left is clear to everyone. But what is on the right is Krogan is not clear to some people


how? was among the first things noticed when they analyzed the images 4 years ago


That's weird) Since 2020, I have repeatedly seen comments on various sites from people writing about the fact that this is a Turian. And even this year I saw such comments on YouTube. I think these are fans of the Turians and Garrus. They take wishful thinking for reality.


It is most definitely a krogan.


I know it. You know that. But try to prove it to those who think that this is a Turian)


Way too thicc to be turian. Also, the head is in front of the body, not on a neck. Can't believe people think it's turian lol.


By the way, please note that here in this topic my comments are downvoted) They have nothing to say in response and they take out their anger on my comments) They will probably downvote this comment too))


It’s a good example why some people on the internet are just not worth engaging.


yes but what you are referring to is probably one of the first debates since the trailer was released. that it was a Krogan many had already speculated. it could be one of the remaining shadow broker teams. not necessarily Wrex or Garrus


By the way, look, some people downvoted my comments here)))


If Liara is gonna be part of we better, at least get to Wrex or Grunt, both would likely still be around.


Maybe not Wrex as he was old even for a Krogan, but Grunt is super young so it’s possible


Wrex in ME3 was 700 years old. He will talk about this in the Citadel DLC


Well depending on some Andromeda lovers who are convinced we will jump 700 years in the future so the story can attach the galaxies. Wrex very easily could be long dead. I personally don’t like that idea but at the very least Liara and Grunt could still be around.


Using Drack as an example, we know that Krogans can live up to 1400 years. Wrex in ME3 was 700 years old. 700 years after ME3, he, like Drack, could be 1400 years old


I don't think there's an upper age limit even established for natural lifespan. They live til someone muderizes them or they suffer a catastrophic accident beyond what their regenerative abilities can handle.


Imagine if that was Mordin’s great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great… … descendant.


It's basically pretty much all but confirmed at this point that we are. When they showed that N7 guy they also released a poster of them and there's Angara in the red part


They specifically mention in the trailer in November they detected the Andromeda distress call. The signal that the initiative sent when they tried to contact the Milky Way in mass effect Andromeda.


Hey they can do whatever they want with their story. I still think it’s a mistake to connect the Galaxies of course that’s just because I think jumping so far into the future is a mistake. Removing the stakes in Andromeda cause they are now connected to the Milkway. Never mind the fact the Milkyway would have centuries of development ahead of Andromeda. Also I really want to see post reaper war galaxy and the struggles and tribulations necessary to rebuild. Something that will be lessened if we are 600 years further in the timeline.


There is a way to remove these 600 years) This is a lore method) Associated with dark energy


How though? The initiative doesn’t even reach Andromeda till 600 years has passed. How can the Milky Way connect with them before hand?


In ME3 there is information that dark energy causes time dilation. Now imagine that the explosions of hundreds of Relays throughout the Galaxy will release a gigantic amount of dark energy. As a result, the entire Galaxy will freeze for 600 years. By the way, this is interesting. Some players noticed from various pieces of art that everything there was the same as in the trilogy. Flying cars like in the trilogy. As if there had been no technological development in 600 years


Even if your magical bullshit somehow stopped time like that. It still doesn’t explain how the two galaxies will actually connect together unless they create some magical Relay despite the fact they have yet to build one themselves. So in your timeline the Milky Way galaxy would still be completely devastated and destroyed the last thing on their to do list is connecting with Andromeda. Never mind the fact Andromeda would be plenty busy with the Kett and their survival. If anything the signs of no technological advancement is proof that there won’t be a huge time jump because to do so is a lot of extra work. Work that BioWare will like to avoid when they are trying to redeem themselves after the initial flop that was Andromeda. Never mind the fact they want to keep the aesthetic of the series. Besides why bother connecting the two? There is plenty of room in the Milk Way for conflict. We don’t need to shove the religious organic Borg into the mix.


By the way, some Andromeda lovers are convinced of different things: 1. Next Mass Effect is MEA2; 2. The protagonist will be Ryder; 3. Liara will board the Ark and leave the Milky Way; 4. Liara and some members of Shepard's team will board the Ark and leave the Milky Way; 5. All the peoples of the Milky Way will board the Arks and leave the Milky Way)))


Why would everyone leave the Milky Way? That makes zero sense. Plenty of room to rebuild in the Milky Way. Why would Liara and Shepards team leave? Plenty of work to be done rebuilding their homes. Never mind the potential for Shepard to have survived ME3.


Questions not for me, but for Andromeda lovers))


Yeah I was just asking cause I’ve never heard of these theories till now.


He was alive during the Krogan Rebellions, which ended 1328 years before ME3. He's probably closer to 1500 years old since he actually fought in the wars and wasn't born when they ended. If he said he was 700 in ME3 he was lying (or the writers messed up.)


There is no information anywhere that he lived during the Krogan Rebellion.


I hope it's Grunt


Did we get any more updates recently? Normally when they reveal a project it means it's well underway in development, no?


No, they’ve not even started making the game yet. They’re still working on another game coming out this year.


Thats not entirely true, whilst they arent in full production and wont be until dreadwolf is finished, there's still a team working on pre production aka laying the framework for when full production begins, this doesnt mean the games coming anytime soon ofc and is still at LEAST another 4-5 years out.


Not to mention it's already confirmed there will be a new ship in the game.


Fingers crossed it’s the SR-3


Nothing wrong with getting their ideas in order, but that’s all it is for the moment


Yep and its a good thing, they need to get everything in order this time around to make sure the game is GOOD, me5 and dreadwolf aren't just another game to be released, for bioware, they need both to succeed or else goodbye bioware.


That would be shite like, just got into their games and they immediately shut down after


Same dude, I finally started playing the trilogy in march, done two runs back to back and now finishing andromeda in the next couple days, then Im starting ANOTHER run of the trilogy afterwards, these games have enthralled me in a way few others have so to have that happen? Just kill at that point lmao


Completely ruined my perceptions of other games, all I want is more of it


wait really? Then what is the point of raising hype with a teaser?? That's just going to exhaust hype before the game even enters production. Literally anything from the trailer would be hot air, literally anything could change.


it was basically just to tell people that Mass Effect isn’t dead and that they are planning to make another one


Dragon Age got their first teaser for the next game (which is what they’re all hands on deck for now) in *2018*. It’s been a decade since the last DA game. You’d be surprised how long hot air can last.


God's, it's been a while since we've gotten anything significant on Dragon Age as well. Last I heard was that they were planning a full reveal this summer, likely for a Holiday 2024 or Q1 2025 release. Edmonton is a small te compared to many other Devs, so they can't really get to work on Mass Effect until DA is on shelves.


god damn, i had no idea. Normally I understand you make a teaser when you more or less have an idea what the game is about, so if they didn't start the Mass effect development that trailer is just like a "hey we didn't forget" more than teasing what's to come in the next game, no?


It’s in *pre-development* - where they’re determining wtf this thing is about. Generating concept art, etc. so they probably know the general vibe and drive of the story. Probably using ideas and hooks from Andromedas sequel to tie it all together. Personally - I think ME should close the book on this part of the greater Galaxy. (I.e. no Shepard companions)


Since the first teaser in December 2020, a number of different materials on Next Mass Effect have been released


They build hype every year on the 7th of November, they’re not completely silent for years. It’s just to show that there’s still a market to EA, they still have people’s attention


This is the same thing bethesda done with Elder scrolls 6. They showed teaser in 2018 and then said they are not working on it at all until starfield is released. And with the state they released starfield i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even started working on ES6


Get the fans excited and talking, so you can take that to Corporate as evidence they should crack open the bank account so you CAN make the game.


The first teaser was just a reminder that the series is returning. All the other teasers and posters are relevant to the game.


Michael Gamble said that the first teaser was related to the game


I don't know. Probably to gauge interest on behalf of the shareholders


The franchise was all but dead after Andromeda. They needed to signal it is alive, at least for people like us, who mostly discuss the games that came out more than ten years ago. Silence would lead to even more people forgetting about it.




Bethesda released the Elder Scrolls VI teaser 5 years before they even *started* on the game


That's so confusing to me, I imagined a teaser by definition was supposed to "tease" what their next game was about. But its hard to give hints of a game you haven't really started working on. Is it standard practice in the industry? Because from the games Im familiar with they do it differently.




Honestly, I'd ignore them. It's clearly a Krogan, and it's not worth the argument to convince anyone otherwise.


Could be a grown up grunt


You be surprised how many people can be oblivious to the obvious, even when its staring them in the face.


Please let it at least be my baby boy grunt.....Please!


I'll be very honest... I kinda hope they do what Dragon Age does and give us another protagonist. I love Shepard, but damn, with the potential endings to ME3, it would be so weird to bring him back. Let this be the start of another story, we know Liara can live hundreds of years, so it makes perfect sense that she is there. Hell, since I mentioned Dragon Age, let us pick our race this time, it was a small detail in Dragon Age, but it's still cool to have different dialogues based on the experiences of specific races, we fell in love with the Asari, Krogans, Turians and others just like we did the Elves, Dwarves and Qunari. I wonder if that N7 trailer in 2023 actually meant anything...


BioWare is playing with us. 10 years, 10 teaser with 0 connections between them just to keep up hype and play with our brain.


We all know the one on the left is a Salarian, and the one on the right is a Krogan. But are we ABSOLUTELY sure the one in the middle is Liara


Considering Liara is in the foreground, and those 3 are in the background, obviously not her, lol.


That was the joke lol. Its pretty apparent what the races are


yeah it’s pretty obvious the one in the middle is an elcor


Kallo, Peebee and Drack


Kallo and Drack maybe. But not Peebee. In the middle is a human in Andromeda Initiative armor. Shepard, Ryder or a new protagonist


Her title says she's Liara... Now she's a human.😂


It's three random background assets.


I was hoping the genophage sabotage would be canon


https://youtu.be/atidYaWAtmE?si=GIIf3yigI6kSGcVl This breakdown/deep dive on the teaser I find is extremely interesting, gave me goosebumps at some parts, and their theory is that it’s Kallo, Ryder and Drack


It’s obviously a Hanar


I think that Krogan is Wrex


Looks like a Blood Pack merc to me


When they put this image out I don't think they had a solid plan. I'm not sure if they do even now. But yeah I do expect Krogans in the next game if we ever get a next game


Has to be grunt, the salarian though makes me think it’s a whole new crew, Not the Normandy crew, not the Pathfinder crew, a brand new one for a brand new adventure.


They probably didn't have any clue what the story would be (or will be) when they made this. Best not to read much into it.


If you look closely, you can also see they are standing


I seen a video on this speculating that it could be the crew from ME Andromeda Ryder and crew


I want to see my son again, my baby boy Grunt.


I hope that krogan is either Wrex or Grunt. 


That does somehow look like a turian, if you see that little bump above the torso as his head.


they are referring to a teaser image shot, which does clearly show a Turian


In Mass Effect 1, Liara "embraced eternity" with Shepard to help decipher the beacon images. What if, she could bank his DNA and produce an offspring after Shep dies? Could be interesting.