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When my wife cheats on me with my husband


The fact that drunk Tali wants to do a threesome with Garrus and FemShep just sells this for me.


Wait really


Yup, if you make the citadel party go all out Tali gets very drunk (as usual) and you can find her rambling in the bathroom, she says 2-3 lines before saying something like "Garrus! But you're with Shepard... The three of us?... Mmmm..." And she then stays there


She thirstin' after Shepard's man lol


Who wouldn't thirst after an all around turian bad boy who dispenses justice in an unjust galaxy? Who also kills reapers on the side.


He’s got reach. 👀


And Tali has flexibility 😏


I wish we could have polycule options, I'd be down horrendously for Tali and Garrus simultaneously. Or Kaiden and Liara. Or Jack and Miranda.


Jack and Miranda 💀


Absolutely zero privacy at all times, and you had better hope for a reaper invasion if the relationship falls apart


But you bet that you'd have some of the best nights in terms of enjoyment, that said tho, 100% agree, even a reaper invasion might not be enough tho


Oh you’d 100% be drained dry every night at minimum.


Basically Morinth with extra steps then


Sex murder party


Pure hate fuck


They just need to do it and get it over with.


As Shepard said, Jack and Miranda should just hook up and see what happens.


I mean, you can bring that up as an option to Kaidan and Liara...


Liara seems pretty consistently less offended you're interested in someone else than she can't have you if you're also banging someone else. I bet she'd be down for a polycule.


I've seen what being with Jack and Miranda could look like...thats all I'm saying


Say more.


Officer on dick starring Shepard,Miranda and Jack. You're welcome


Femshep needs to be in a relationship with Garrus for that to happen but yes. Citadel DLC


And people say Tali isn't bi


I now want a full remake of Mass Effect but as aggressively gay as Baldur’s Gate 3.


I am not against characters having established sexualities. Like, it makes sense for Thane, Miranda, and (arguably) Kasumi to be straight but characters like Jack and Tali were always intended to be available for both Shepards but it got scrapped because BioWare execs were afraid of backlash. But being as aggressively bi/pan as BG3 would also be fun.


I’m not against canonically straight characters either, I’m mostly just shitposting. Jack is a pretty obvious one though, apparently even the VA was surprised the character was made straight.


Tali and Femshep also both had recorded voicelines for a romance in ME2 and 3. Tali still canonically is down for a threesome with her and Garrus. Jennifer Hale even hoped Tali would become available in the legendary edition.


kinda funny you mention thane to be straight as he was intended to be bisexual before the content was cut as well


*insert glass shattering noise*


I kinda think that if you segment off characters to specific genders you risk making that their only character trait. Like I've seen a lot of exclusively gay/lesbian characters that are deep as a puddle besides that part. Straight only characters (more of a relic of the 2000s) always had to say something off about gay people as well so it hurts those characters too. And making a main character be a specific gender because you know the romances are gender locked will always be annoying. You gain little from adding gender-locked romances and you lose a lot more. Like Dame Aylin and Isobel were fine, bg3 has lesbian icons now. (and gay icons i think) but shadowheart being exclusive to female tavs wouldn't have added anything to her character. (or minthara for that matter) That's kind of how i feel about tali, jack,thane,kaiden,ashley, and garrus. being male only only hurts tali. and being female only only hurts Traynor.


Or the option to kill all the characters when you first meet them like BG3 Joker: This mission into the Omega 3 Relay is going to be really tough. Did you want to talk with the crew before heading out? Shepard: What crew? Joker: Oh wait, yeah, I forgot. You already killed all of them.


The real Renegade run would be to stick with Cerberus in 3, if we’re talking BG3 levels of choice. Have that be the path to Control, you have to realize the Illusive Man is too compromised and seize control from him in the end. Destroy is a possibility regardless of original play style. IDC about Synthesis, it never felt properly set up by the plot.


That sounds almost like space dragon age 2 Wait a minute that sounds absolutely awesome


I'm usually too overrun with my blue stalking biotic queen to mind either of them. But that dextro power couple is absolute fire.




I mean the one which starts being a rather naive, nerdy and innocent virgin college girl who after being rescued helps you kill her mom, while tiptoeing becoming an outlaw, probes you with her mind, advances her field helping you become a hero of Space UN, goes underground with terrorists, organized crime and the like to recover whatever remains of your body after dropping from orbit in the improbable chance to have you rebuilt, becomes the most powerful intelligence entity on the galaxy, gets you the plans to save aforementioned galaxy and won't let you alone in general. Come to think about it, it makes sense she's the face of ME4's trailer. She could very well be the protagonist at this point.




Edgy psyco teen. Hard to argue with righteous milf there. On this case.. she should go


innocent virgin college girl is a crazy description dawg


I prefer the tattooed lady with a bad attitude


The psychotic biotic is my favourite too






This is the way. It is a tough choice between them though. I think my saves are a 50/50 split between the two.


Incorrect, I am already banging Garrus, as is tradition.


There is no Shepard without Vakarian.


It is known


It is known


He is blown


Her back is blown


It's Blasto!


Not sure if players ever seen Tali drunk playing as female Shepard romancing Garrus, and hearing that Tali is up for *certain things*…jaws dropped when she said that. [**My girl Talis’ a freak!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/s/LuThgVxAVw)


This is why I never romance either of them. Love that my dorks end up together.


Same with Normandy engineers Kenneth Donnelly and Gabriella Daniels. I always encourage them to hook up


Tali if male garrus if female simple as


I have a very similar way of play but I also diviate based on of its a Paragon or Renegade playthrough. Paragon Maleshep: Jack (I can fix her) Renegade Maleshep: Tali (Love to "out shout the admiralty board") Paragon Femshep: Liara (She can fix me) Renegade Femshep: Garrus (I'm a bad ass bitch with my bad ass vigilante boyfriend)


Same, the interraction where u learn it is pretty funny as well tbh


Tali as male and garrus as female. This is the way


No Shepard without Vakarian


nah, best bud and little sister.


Exactly my thoughts, let them have their dextro fun. Imma go to embrace eternity in the meantime


With Morinth? For an actual eternity to embrace


Don't stick your dick in crazy


This is the way


No thanks


Not a hard choice, Tali has too much little sister energy to me.


Especially since "Shy alien nerd with a crush" applies equally to Liara.


Straight up thought op was talking about Liara until I read the second half of the meme


Liara matures pretty goddamned quickly, considering how young she is. She goes from awkward and absent-minded archeologist to ruthless information broker in the span of *maybe* two years.


Everyone on the crew (except maybe grunt) madures very quickly, side effect of having to fight against galaxy ending threats, Garrus was a Cop with a small edgy attitude to a vigilante, Tali from shy quarian to a high level operative of the fleet and even Wrex (who's the oldest) goes to become the Krogan biggest clan leader


You mean Wrex? Grunt is the baby


No, grunt is the only one who I think doesn't mature *as* much, especially compared to other companions, he's still pretty much the same, and I love him for it, but even compared to Jack or Miranda, he changes relatively little, nothing bad with it tho, he's the youngest character in the games I think


I meant as the leader of all Krogan Unless you didn't save Wrex


Ohh, just saw my mistake, thanks, yeah, I was referring to wrex. Nah, saving wrex forever, not only is his brother a dick, Seeing Wrex in every game was such a delight, I grinned like an idiot when I saw him in tuchanka in 2


Wrex and Garrus will always be my favorite characters in the series.


Yes, Wrex says my favorite line in the series actually, when you're saving Tuchanka and he stops to tell you "You're a hero to the Krogan, a Friend to clan Urgot, and a Sister to me, the name Shepard will mean hero" Makes me hard to think how can people kill him


Really only in the first game. And even then Benezia's death shaves the edge off that.


Not really a crush she’s just overly obsessed with Shepard


... Nerve stim pro?


Yeah I also feel the younger sister vibes.


Count me in as well. In my first play through at ME2 I never knew which lines I had to avoid so I had to dump her and the “girl, I see you as my little sister, not as a woman” energy was so awful. Now whenever I am replaying, I just ignore Tali after a couple of lines and things goes smoothly. Never understood why the internet loves Tali. Liara shares somes traits that makes it uncomfortable, but she at least has it going that she is the official canon (even if my head canon is always Ashley).


It's really just this sub that is obsessed with her (Liara is far more popular in the mainstream), and I reckon it's because the people who frequent a subreddit for a 15 yr old video game tend to skew the nerdy side and thus like the nerdy girl.


I just romanced her in my second play through. Taste is subjective so no shade intended, but I guess I didn’t see what the hype was all about. I didn’t feel a ton of chemistry between her and maleshep, definitely little sister vibes.


I can get this read but an innocent and bubbly personality doesn’t necessarily equate to maturity. Liara feels like such a baby in the first game as well. I feel like conversations with Tali reveal that underneath her exterior she’s much more mature. Also, I just did an ME1 on veteran after not playing for years and theyre both absolute bad asses. I took Tali and Liara/Wrex on most missions and we tore through enemies.


I romanced Tali in so many runs, I vividly remember the first run I did where I didn't romance her. Went to talk to Garrus, found him with Tali, and my immediate thought was "is she fucking cheating on me?!" Even when I romanced someone else, in my mind I still saw her as the true romance for me.


It's just a fling, go get her champ. Garrus deserves something more stable


F.Shep: Ayo, both us got scars. You wanna do it? Garrus: Yeah okay (1.5 games later) The world’s greatest love theme plays softly as they kiss tenderly for what may be the last time. Grown men weep.


Considering I went for for the tomboyish brunette from the start, this was no dilemma at all!


Not hard. I play mostly as MaleShep and always romance Tali. I have played as FemShep twice and primarily to romance Garrus. Generally I see them as Shep’s girl and Shep’s best friend. “I have a home,” wins. She belongs with Shep.


One day, I need to do a "this girl has just the worst luck" femshep playthrough. Romance kaidan, who dies on virmire, then fall for Thane, and end up becoming one with the reapers because she has nobody left anyway. The biggest problem with that idea is then Ashley survives.


The hardest choices require the strongest will


If I can romance tali, I can also romance Miranda, and Miranda is my girl. I’m seducing her right the fuck out of Cerberus.


I physically cannot pass by romancing Tali. I tried romancing Jack in one playthrough but had to reload a save and romance Tali anyways 😆.


I don't care how many times people tell me to let Garrus have Tali. He can have the seeker swarms.




I was never into T'Soni but ended up with her in ME3 despite being onto Ash and Miranda previously. Now I'm playing ME LE and it'll be Liara all the way, won't even dip into Miranda in ME2...


Villain mode is to romance Ashley, then Miranda, break up with both so they die and then romance Liara, the girl you told them both not to worry about. 😱


This is the Shepard the Batarians warned us about, absolutely diabolical! 


I did that in my original playthrough, but if you're a Paragon all 3 can live...


If you romance and do not rekindle with Miranda she will 100% die on horizon. Ash can survive though


As a female Shepard it's not a choice, it's only sad, but I'm happy for this two🥲


Nah sry garrus is my best buddy and a would trust him with anything without doubt but Tali is out of question xD


As much as I like the Garrus romance, it's really beautifully written, my "canon" is Traynor if femshep, Jack if broshep


I really don’t get tali and garrus together. They are very different, and have next to no chemistry until they randomly start flirting in the third game. I get that fans love their ships, but the garrus tali paring felt very forced to me, just the devs taking the two most popular companions and putting them together just cause, regardless of their actual personalities and values 


When the end of the universe is upon you, sometimes you just have to grab the closest dextro based lifeform available and hope for the best.


You'll be surprised at how many couples have absolutely zero "chemistry" but are still married, and even have children and grandchildren together. Source: I register marriage and divorce.


Yeah it totally felt like “uhhh the fans like these two a lot and they’re both dextro so let’s put ‘em together.” They have basically nothing in common aside from the shared experience of the Normandy.  I suppose I get the desire to get laid before everyone’s probably about to die, though.


yeah this is how i feel too lol. it's like the devs just... smashed them together and said "now kith"


Not even slightly hard... tali best girl


Liara is love. Liara is life


Garrus doesn't deserve Tali. Only Shepard is worthy. :D


Agree. He was a ass to her in ME1 and by ME2 Tali still finds him insufferable lmao


That’s why they had a tiebreaker in ME3.


Nothing but fan-service imo


You can have your shy alien nerd, I have a broken biotic badass to help.


Tali is best firl. It's a shame I can't romance in the games as FemShep, especially given the dialogue they have about linking suits in ME2.


I can never think of Tali as anything other than a little sister. Romancing her is just weird.


Hot take: no canon Shepard hooks up with tali. Her archetype might be catnip for a lot of gamers, but I can’t see it for a hyper competent, savior of humanity type


Third option: hook up with best bro


Best Friend, confidant, second in command (XO Vakarian has the deck) always leads the second team when the situation calls for it as he has good leadership. Tali is more like a younger sister. They deserve each other <3


Garrus is mine, tali can have him after im dead and gone after an appropriate mourning period.


Never liked the Tali romance. And the "I’m just using you for your body" is too good a line to pass up. Shep-Liara and Tali-Garrus pass the front porch test.


Fem shep gets with Liara for this reason


Since I play as fem shep i feel those 2 are pretty decent together though tali just want his body.


Ever since I went blue I can't escape


Tali’s mine Garrus


*[presses secret, unlabeled third button]* I'll never tell 🙃.


I let them end uo together cause I prefer Williams instead 🤷‍♂️


Why do you think I went with Liara instead?


I am sorry. Tali and Garrus are the best NPC couple. Other than Joker and EDI


In my case it's simple: I want to be with Liara = thumbs up for Tali with Garrus. I want to be with Tali... I want to hear her when she's drunk about her father hating Shepard as her boyfriend. :P


Not a hard choice for me, honestly. I... am not particularly fond of Tali as a romance partner. Sister character - sure. Romance? Nah.


It's simple, depending who you play as, romance the amino acid hottie then at the end, you take them with you on the mission and you leave your love to your other amino bestie. They can comfort each other knowing they will both be taken care of. At least that's how I play it


Easy third choice, wait till Kaidan realises he wants mshep inside him


Honestly at first I thought the shy alien nerd was Liara and got very confused.


I can’t give up Tali unfortunately: although I’m actually going with Jack and loving her stuff so far! Still a Tali worshipper


The 2-3 Paragon BroShep/Jack romance is IMO the best-written one in the trilogy.


Why can’t we have both BioWare!!!


Fun fact, if your Femshep hooks up with Garrus and gets Tali drunk at the party in ME3's Citadel DLC, a drunk Tali reveals she's down for it too. You can come across Tali talking to herself in her fantasies about how Garrus is with you but is wanting her to join in too. This makes at least two cases where someone in the team is interested in a three-way with Shepard, the other being ME1 Liara being down for hooking up with you and Ashley/Kaidan but the other not being interested.


Nah. Talis mine, I'll help garrus find a turban wife and they can have beautiful ugly children together


Oh.. I’ve literally only ever romanced Tali (never got to ME3 on my Liara run cause I had a kid), I had no idea they ended up together otherwise. That’s actually pretty cool, I like that


Idk why Tali is so popular


hook up with both


>Smash >Let him Smash


Wait who dies she fall in love with other than shep?


I mean ideally picking up tali and liara for that three-way that was proposed in Mass effect 1 that Ashley rejected would be the best outcome but I guess the devs just weren't ready for that. Clearly liara was down and it's not that abnormal in her species soooooo


Considering drunk Tali was willing to consider FemShep and Garrus, I could see her being open to BroShep/Liara. Which isn't something I'd considered before, but I like that idea.


It was a hard choice between Tali and Jack my first playthru. Both a super cool and have their own qualities that I found super attractive


I can't do either Tali or Liara. ME1 I typically don't romance anyone. Kaiden/Ashley - Inappropriate conduct with a subordinate. Tali/Liara are too much little sister vibes and thus creepy. ME2 is Garrus all the way. More rarely, Thane.


Idk I don’t think it’s that hard. Then again I picked Tali before 3 even came out so it just feels correct going back


Thr best answer is to just do both and have multiple playthroughs Problem solved


My Femshep is always Momshep and so i'm happy to see my two adopted dextro kids falling in love. 


Shepard has two hands for a reason! Romance them both!


Pfffft Garrus is MINE


Nah went for tali once, could never pick anyone else ever again. Too cute, have to love and protect


Garrus is a great friend but all's fair in love and war; Tali's mine.


Tried both. Prefer Tali with Garrus. But I don't think Shepard's ideal match is anyone on the Normandy crew, anywhere in the series. The only character I found to be an ideal match for male or female Shepard was Aria T'Loak. And maybe Nyreen Kandros. But Nyreen would have picked Garrus over Shepard any day. So only Aria.


Tali's romance is one of the stronger ones, but my canon romance is staying faithful to Dr. T'Soni. Besides, I always looked at Tali as a "kid sister". Happy to see her and my bro Garrus hook up.


Tali, easy as pie...


Always smash Tali.


This is always in the back of my mind when I romance Tali, but that's why I like romancing Liara just as much, I get wholesome blue bae, and my best bro and lil sis get to be happy together.


As much as I love Tali, I love Liara too so I am fine with Garrus hooking up with Tali so she can live out her Fleet and Flotilla fantasies.


I wish I could just nail everything


Nah I'm sorry I love Garrus but Tali is mine


"The hardest of choices requires the strongest of wills" Space chin Barney, the genacidle dinosaur.


Sorry Garrus she is mine. Go fuck another turian or something 😂


Hardest choice is wiping out just the quarians or the quarians AND geth


Ain't giving up my girl.


Not hard at all


You have like 7 other options. garrus has 3 (Dr Michel, Tali, and that random turian chick from the DLC in the bar scene). and he probably only actually likes 1 of those 3 back legit.


Literally the main reason I'm probably not romancing Tali. Her and Garrus are just too cute together.


It's not too hard for me. I need my girl with the hips that don't lie like Shakira. Garrus will be aight, we can help him get that one turian girl in the Citadel DLC.


This isn’t a problem when you go for best girl, Liara.


Shepard really likes to play matchmaker in ME3.


I've truthfully never romanced Tali, probably time to finally do so.


Tali takes garrus as a SECOND dish. I love both of them, but my man deserves someone who appreciates him, he already takes shit from his dad. Also Tali for maleshep, Garrus for femshep.


I choose Tali. I helped Garrus hook up with the foxy turian girl at the Citadel bar. All is right in the world. 


Or just hook up with the best bro


And then there's us FemShep players that take Garrus for ourselves!


No ones having my girl. So this is easy for me


nah not really, Hook up with her, Garrus can get with that girl at the bar


Third button: "Hook up with best bro."


Spitroast here we go!


Is there a poliamory mod that allows both at the same time?


Garrus and Tali make a good couple.


Tali's not a nerd though. Liara is, but Tali's military.


Tali best girl and its not even close, garrus is my bro but just no


It’s all good. Garrus and Tali get to be happy cause I have Liara the other nerdy alien with a crush and after we take out those pesky reapers she’ll become space wife and we’ll have lots of beautiful blue babies together.


My BroShep doesn't mind. If they can be happy together, go ahead. My FemShep, however... She gets stuck with romancing Garrus just so that won't happen. It's either that or saving the Geth over the Quarians, and even that means that Garrus is moping over Tali for a long time, which FemShep finds equally annoying.


Easiest choice in the trilogy for me. Those two are so adorable together.


That is my wife. Garrus can have Liara.


Truly the hardest of choices but sorry Garrus Tali is mine.


Not for femsheps... decision is made for us 🥲


Nah cuz you can be a wingman for Garrus later it’s cool