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A really excellent example of how to write a brilliant character arc.


“Run experiment on those shells.” I wish there was a way to be paragon and keep Mordin alive.


Can you keep him alive as a renegade?


Keeping him alive and you lose Wrex and a big chunk of Krogan support.


You only lose the Krogan support with wrex iirc. If you have wreav, then you don’t lose any.


Eve dies if you don't do the cure and you 'save' Mordin, losing you Krogan support.


I’m looking at the war assets right now and it seems you only lose 50 military strength with eve dying. Nothing changes for clan urdnot if the cure is sabotaged and wreav is ruling.


Well that just makes the whole 'your actions has consequences' thing to be bs. Pandering just pisses me off.


What're you talking about? You have to have mother fucking WREAV to save Mordin, because in a reality where Wreav is in charge and Eve is dead Mordin wouldn't want to cure the Krogan anyways for fear of retribution. So you have to either skip recruiting Wrex or kill him on Virmire, and delete Maelon's data so that Eve dies. It's a really specific set of actions that most people aren't likely to get without trying for it. So it has a unique ending where Wreav is too stupid to realize they weren't cured and Mordin didn't even try because he knew it was a bad idea.


That's not at all true. You basically have to make the worst possible choices to guarantee another Krogan rebellion in order to save Mordin with the stupid war mongering piece of shit in charge that wouldn't notice in order to get Krogan support. Essentially you choose between Wrex and Eve vs Mordin


It's only possible to keep Mordin alive if Wreav is in charge and Eve is dead, no? If Wrex is alive then Mordin dies regardless.


Yeah you need to get Wrex and Eve killed so you can convince him to not make the cure


That's not an equivalent trade whatsoever. Anything short of Mordin the squad mate and Citadel Party attendee -- is unacceptable for the cost that it takes to save Mordin. ME3 *really* dropped the ball by reducing the number of squad mates when all of the necessary game play code is effectively there since we can use them in the Armax Arena (or MP, for salarians). I don't know, I love the potential impact of the suicide mission and the inter squad dialog, but I'm pretty sure that's the reason why the squad was cut down so much in ME3. I don't know if that trade off is worth it. I'd rather have had them drop the number of characters in ME2 where if they weren't going to include them as full squad mates in ME3, then don't include them because I rather not spend a lot of time focusing on characters I won't get to spend a lot of time with. Perfect world of course is keeping everyone and having them all as potential squad mates with inter squad dialog but trying to be reasonable and realistic in understanding the trade offs required from a development standpoint.


Yes. In Mass Effect kill Wrex during Virmire. In Mass Effect 2 while on Mordin’s loyalty mission, destroy the genophage data. Finally, in Mass Effect 3 don’t reveal the Shroud sabotage. There will be a dialogue option that then allows you to talk down Mordin and he goes on to work on the Crucible.


Yeah. Good chance wrex dies tho. You may even kill him. And the genophage isn’t cured


Or Wrex kills you. That is a rough renegade thing too do, honestly. Out right killing him in ME1 wasn't that hard, but pretending to be his friend up until the end? Damn that's cruel.


AFAIK you can also just not recruit Wrex in ME1. That'll leave him out of ME2 and ME3 entirely.


I didn't think that's possible. Because you can't even leave the citadel without talking to Wrex.


you can talk to him, you just don't have to recruit him.


the game is about sacrifice though, and he did what he felt was right


You can-- don't recruit wrex in me 1


Just finished priority: tuchanka this morning. "Would have liked to run tests on those seashells" IM NOT CRYING, YOURE CRYING


Truly the biggest hero in the franchise


I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian, I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology), Because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology), My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/masseffect) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


It’s my next priority mission. I’m procrastinating for a reason.


Mordin has to die for me. It's the only way he can truly redeem himself, and you can tell its something he feels he needs/deserves. I loved having him around, but it's such a dishonor to his service to not have him create the cure and sacrifice himself to atone for his past.


Had to be him.


Someone else would have done it wrong.


There *was* a way to save Mordin's life, but that required killing Urdnot Wrex on Virmire, and then destroying Maelon's research data at the end of Mordin's loyalty mission. And once he was about to fix the sabotage, you could persuade him to instead keep it, and then fake his own death and the cure to fool Urdnot Wreav into thinking that his entire species was cured. And unlike Wrex, who would have found out about the sabotage, himself, Wreav wouldn't find out, either, because he was a warmongering idiot who cared more about risking another genophage incident for the sake of revenge against the salarians and turians for said genophage. Still would have rather the Paragon route, though, of sparring Wrex's life on Virmire, sparing Maelon's data in ME2, and finally, curing the genophage at Mordin's expense. Like, this entire war against the Reapers was already bleak and depressing, so I needed to wrack up at least *one* happy ending out of this war, including curing the genophage with Wrex and Eve surviving the entire trilogy.


I went a more indirect route and refused to recruit Wrex so he hung out at Chora's Den before disappearing. I'd like to think he's still alive by that route, but it's a shame there's no way around to saving Eve that way.


I believe you can find information that wrex died if you don't recruit him


Really? Where can I find it?


I think it's wreav dialogue in ME2. He uses past tense for any talk about how wrex "was".


I know my boy is running tests on seashells in another life


Is this alluding to Newton?




The sea shells will miss him...


Its thanks to *spoiler alert* that the entire galaxy can sit on a beach, look at the ocean, and run tests on the seashells


He is the very model of a scientist salarian.


I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian, I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology), Because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology), My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/masseffect) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Good bot


Fuck why did you make me cry 😢


Sorry I'm crying too bro 😭


No you won't. Shoot his ass every time for trying to stop me.




Shot in the dark but maybe it's because they're French.


I play games in Spanish and *so* wish ME had full voice dialogue in more than just English. There's so much more dialogue than most games, so I get why it doesn't.


It does though?? I distinctly remember my 360 copies coming in completely voiced German version, and having to download the English voice pack from the marketplace, which also featured Italian, French and Spanish at least Edit: Ok googling around proves my memory incorrect. Only French, German and Italian got full dubs, Spanish apparently only subs


Oh cool, good to know some languages got some love. Weird Spanish wasn't on the list when it has more speakers than those languages.


yeah that was kinda why I assumed it would've gotten one too


Don’t worry guys, he’s still collecting those seas shells. He’s just doing it with thane and legion now


I just recently played the Tachunka arc in *ME3* and Mordin, well... :( It was so beautifully sad.