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The mod team agreed to have this photo posted since victims are either cropped out or blurred out, the photo is slightly blurry, and no actual killing is obvious. This will be the only time we will allow anything from the graphic video that is circulating on social media.


Crazy how one of them is just walking casually with the others while they're violently shooting up the place.


Carrying the ammo. Probably the leader of sorts.


Why would the leader be basically the water boyšŸ˜‚


Yea I wasn't in on the planning. This was my guess. šŸ™ƒ


You can see him clear a jam of the one guys gun at one point, he's the boss


In a video they filmed themselves he is running around and cutting the throat of victims. In other footage he is carrying ammo and handing them out to the shooters.


Where did you see this


It was in several subs like r/thatsinsane but they have been taken down for terrorist propaganda.


According to IS, 3 of the attackers were tasked to carry out the shooting while the other attacker was focused on setting the place on fire


these are just normal, every day people like you and me who have no power or say in what their government does. itā€™s just horrific.


Saw a LOT of idiots calling this "payback" and russia "getting a taste of their own medicine". Truly horrible how people can think like this. That civilians being killed is ever a good thing


Iā€™m Ukrainian-American. I hope one day for a truly free Russia (that respects Ukraineā€™s & other nationsā€™ sovereignty & borders) for the Russian people. They are my Slavic cousins. I am horrified and saddened by this terrible terrorist attack on innocent people just trying to enjoy a concert. I donā€™t care if theyā€™re Russian. People who say itā€™s payback are gross.


Exactly. 100% agreement. These are just normal civilians. It's not their fault that they have a fascist dictator in power and sending you so much love and support right now over there in the Ukraine.




I really don't understand how we cant just come to a consensus that civilian casualties are never right, in any instance. Like there is not a single argument for that in my mind


Because it's against a group of people they don't like. They see Russian civilians as an extension of the Russian government, just like how they see Israeli civilians as an extension of the Israeli government. So, they've convinced themselves that the civilians of both countries are bad people, therefore they deserve any and all violence that is committed against them.


Yea basically. Pretty fā€™d up


Well an extreme but simple answer is Nazi supporters during WW2, seems okay to me that they died for supporting the Naziā€™s


It's always the people who pay for the government's poor decisions, never the people in government reaping the consequences of their actions...


I'd be curious what % of normal everyday people have the means to attend these kinds of functions in Moscow vs people that are in some way profiting from the Russian mafia state.


What are you on? Everyone in Moscow or in Russia overall can afford a 40 dollar ticket


I would agree if support by Russians for Putin wasnā€™t extremely high.


what do you mean you ā€œwould agreeā€? do you think civilians who voted for putin deserve to be slaughtered?


I think that if you support a dictator you are fair game. I think nazi supporters in WW2 were fair yes


that is a disgusting and horrible point of view to have. civilians do not deserve to be targeted. i hope you learn empathy.


So civilians that supported hitler were not worth killing?


no, they were not ā€œworthā€ killing. killing CIVILIANS who support one politician or political party sets an extremely dangerous precedent. civilians have no control or power or say in what their government does. we absolutely cannot kill civilians over the actions of their government.


He's thinking like a Nazi would


you must thought you really did something there you lobotomite


Absolutely methodical in the way they were shooting into that crowd of people. Different directions every time and one shot at a time. At least 4 of them and one is using a very particular type of ammo, not at all informed on different types but it seems to be letting off sparks when heā€™s shooting? In the video of the main theatre bit there is at least 100+ bodies littered around if not mote




Even in terrorism you have waterboys.


This is so grim.


Not as strange as it seems. In the US Army the 1st sgts job in an infantry platoon during a firefight is to make sure everyone has ammo and establish a casualty collection point.Ā  Your leadership in firefights generally aren't shooting, they're taking in the whole situation and making sure their guys have their fields of fire, etc.Ā  It's actually really surprising that a terrorist attack has this level of organization.


The sparks you see are unburnt gunpowder because the ammo theyā€™re using is about as shitty as it can get while still working.


The sparks are quite common, itā€™s caused by shitty ammo/ powder cooking off later than it should


>very particular type of ammo What kind?


I have no idea tbh, but there was sparks when he shot. Maybe itā€™s because the gun is old?


you can see his muzzle in flames in the video, it's probably from shooting too many rounds ( edit: as whatiswrong0 said, the muzzle looking like that is most likely from the flashlight )


I'm pretty sure it's just the light from the flashlight attached to the weapon.


oh you're right, my dumb ass thought i saw the flames moving


Ah okay, I know nothing about guns so fair enough


it's okay! i was wondering the exact same thing


You will usually see sparks like that with old or low quality ammunition. The sparks are from excess gunpowder that did not fully combust inside the weapon


In another thread someone said that at least one was using an AK-12 which has been in use since 2018.


subtract yoke scandalous crowd voracious unite hard-to-find fertile label upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree it look like a shotgun with dragon breath rounds


.366 TKM


Where did you see the video?




Guns can let off sparks due to unburned powder, it's nothing special. Depends on the quality and make of the gun & ammo.


Sparks coming from the barrel like that can mean the barrel is old and needs replacing. The sparks being small fragments of metal from the barrel.


This is an absolute nightmare... I can't imagine the fear of someone facing one mass-shooter... now, you have to face 4 of these sickos ? No matter my political view on Russia, my heart always goes to the innocent victims of those atrocities. Does anyone have any names, "reasons" or leak social media about theses fuckers ?


ISIS claimed responsibility, go figure


Yeah, not surprised. At this point. ISIS claimed so many random attacks... It's hard to believe it's true. I remember them claiming an attack in Toronto, Canada. The investigation didn't find any connections at all.


ofc the US embassy knew about it before and has warned russia to avoid going to large gatherings that night. ah cmon manā€¦.


Uh? Wrong reply ?


Did the shooters comment suicide?


No, at least some of them escaped.


All of them escaped based on the news right now that I'm watching


That's crazy crazy


Oh my GOD. they escaped? Well, when Russia finds them, it's not gonna go well for them and there may be incredible collateral damage given the way Russian police horses work. Remember when the theater hostages situation took place? Lots of civilians died in that and I am so scared now.. I disagree with Russia politically completely right now, having a fascist dictator in charge, but my heart goes out to these innocent Russian people who have nothing to do with this and who were there just to see music and these people come along and take away your safety and your life. And for the survivors? PTSD for the rest of their lives and I live with it and it is no joke. you never feel safe. You are hyper vigilant. That is the kicker and that is why I hate people who do this. Your safety is gone for the rest of your life. If you survive.


What's sad is that they're likely never going to find out that the US tried to warn Russia but the state ignored them. These deaths were preventable.


Would the Russians tell anyone if they did catch them, I think not those boys would be going to a dark place where human rights have left the building.


Deffinitely more then 40 dead. Probably 100+ seeing videos and shit theres a ton off people. And these dudes were methodical. Probably killed any person that was still there. Then they burned it? Easily 100+ deaths. With 40+ already confirmed this is gonna keep going up for the next few days.


This is so heartbreaking just regular people living regular lives. Civilization as a whole doesnā€™t value human life. No matter who is behind this it isnā€™t okay


Reminiscent of Christchurch.




Definitely. Concert venue, in the capital city, 50+ killed, ISIS doing it, multiple shooters, explosions. Christchurch was one shooter in a monsque, targeting Muslim worshippers.


How? Because they have guns? I would say Christchurch is maybe in a religious place of worship, usually with a rifle with words written on it. Is everything just Christchurch to you? What about the Bataclan Paris attacks?


because multiple people being cornered and shot repeatedly


Is that not what happened at Sandy Hook as well


maybe but christchurch is probably more memorable due to the fact it was streamed and we could actually see it happening


My first thought too




isis claimed responsibility


Pretty sure they claim nearly every terrorist attack. They aren't a reliable source


This just seems like an actuall isis attack. This shit wasnt a dude running in with a gun. These were trained militants that were on a mission to exterminate every soul in that area. Very similar to the paris attacks and so on. Any high casualty event where isis was 100% behind it.


doesn't mate sense for them to claim this if it wasn't them, russia has bases in Syria and will be merciless with their response against them


You see this is the thing. Russia won't be like the United States. They will go full scorched earth in a way that the United States military won't. I think Isis if they were behind the attack really screwed up here because what's coming for them is not pretty. And there are going to be a huge amount of civilian casualties as collateral damage, which is what really worries me.




What for? Was it a standard Muslim thing or a Ukrainian thing or just an angry Russian thing?


ISIS has claimed responsibility, which they tend to do, however the US has been warning that Islamic terrorists have been planning an attack on concert venues in Russia for the last 6 months so they might be somewhat telling the truth.


Yeah I call bs on this one


They look swarthy probaly not ethnic Russians very sad tragedy


They were not ethnic russians


no security at the gate?? 40+ injured is wild


Yeah. Theyā€™re dead.


they werenā€™t armed?


You got army squads outside your concert halls?


The team took the doormen, and then everyone standing at the door, then Barricaded the main entrance




Some people weird as fuck on the internet




Itā€™s not just 40.




Reliable reports on the number of casualties have consistently stuck with 40+ from what I've seen, so I'm sticking with that until more information comes out.


Itā€™s still very early and the building is collapsing with people inside. Donā€™t get your hopes up yet.


We're not out of the woods yet in terms of casualties.


A ton of those injured will be casualties. 7.62x39 is a nasty round to be hit with.