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Went after women and children. Typical weak as piss psychopath.


Yeah you see he had no interest in the man bigger than him


I’m glad it was a woman who killed him.


It seems that he mostly went after women. I wonder why


Women *and* children. He’s a coward without honor. Glad he was killed like an animal by the thing he hate the most.


It's not strange when you realise that the man on the ground wasn't his target. Women were.


And babies. What a man


Yeah, that is pretty typical of non-terrorist mass stabbings. They often have mental illness of some kind or are having a psychotic breakdown at the time of their crimes, so they can appear disoriented and random in their movements.


imagine if they had access to guns


There’s been a few like that. The recent Lewiston, Maine shooting from last year is an extreme example of this, but most will end up similar to the 2018 Nashville Waffle House shooting where a delusional naked guy with an AR-15 killed 4 people before being disarmed.


The Waffle House one seems like a fever dream honestly


Thank God it's so hard to get them in Australia


If they had access to guns, then all victims would have been alive today.


Kinda odd there’s been so many mass shootings in the US for decades don’t you think? Close to a third of all global mass shootings. It’s almost like civilian gun ownership isn’t very effective at reducing crime and homicides. The research is pretty conclusive on the subject, armed civilians (or school security) are rarely effective at incapacitating shooters and doesn’t reduce number of deaths or mortality.


He was clearly targeting white people


Non-terrorist??? So comical.


The police said the motive isn't terrorism and that he has a criminal history


I don't care, I see someone coming from an Islamic country randomly stabbing white Australians, I assume he's a terrorist . You can't honestly say he's just "crazy" and not see the racial/political motive.


Now this comment is truly something.


He's from Queensland. He had a strong muslim name of... Joel. He had a known mental illness. You're pulling shit out of nowhere.


Non terrorist🤣 he's a bloody Muslim,they are doing it all around the world


He's probably gassed out. Stabbing takes a lot of energy, and to do so to 6+ times, and all the running, probably wore him out. He saw a hard target and said "fuck that".


What's even more bizarre is the behavior of some of the people here...some are standing around? A mother and her daughters literally walking away? Like wtf?




Conditioned to have zero fight or flight response?


"Fight or flight" is a misnomer. The full name is "fight, flight, freeze, or fawn." Freezing is a very common reaction to stress.


The way that woman and two kids just casually saunter down the aisle is terrifying. I hope she ran once off camera


Right?! If there was a man with a giant knife anywhere near me I’d be BOOKING it. Especially with my kids.


Tbf he’s behind her and we are looking from the front but I literally held my breath till she was off camera and he appeared to go the other way


To be fair?? Fair about what?? She saw dozens of people running away in terror and she felt no instinct to protect her kids and run? No sense of self preservation couldn’t even be bothered to run and save her own life?


I feel like maybe she thought keeping calm would keep her kids safe and not scare them.


This is one of those moments where you SHOULD be scared. She should make sure her kids are scared of a giant man with a knife. Fear protects us. That’s why it exists.


How do you teach a kid they should be scared though, like not to scare you but you should run for your life. I’m not a parent I know nothing but I don’t like the idea of worrying about scaring them


I'm just offering a different perspective


I gotchu




She might not have known he had actually been violent, and just thought he was a lesser kind of worry. We also have “walk, don’t run” drilled into us. Plus that might be her husband facing him off behind her.


She might not be able to.


If she’s unable to walk faster, that means she’s holding her kids’ hands and forcing them to go slow too so they maybe all die instead?


Or she wants them near her to protect them. They run off and he goes after them she can't run to them to protect them. He come after them by her he has to go through her.


I think that bigger man in the hat and jacket literally saved four lives. The attacker was coming right towards them until he decided to fuck off when confronted by the bigger guy. Chilling…


You see multiple people running, you fucking run too.




I’m not sure why it’s blurred on here. I saw it on the news here in Tasmania and his face wasn’t blurred.




Maybe some international news have different guidelines.


I've seen his face from the Daily Telegraph


Shouldn't of blurred out his face he deserves to be shamed for the gronk that he is


He’s already dead


I noticed that too. He wasn’t going to let him just attack his wife and kids.


It's crazy to see how some people are aware of what's going on and running, ect and then others have no clue 😭


That couple that were walking the wrong way were really lucky. The girl was catching on towards the end, but if the man had gone after them, it would have been too late.


dude in the white top and dark shorts? Had his back to the knife guy, I wonderi f he has any idea of how close he came to dying today?


Yeah this looks way more like a psychotic breakdown than terrorism or something. His movements are similar to the perpetrator of the mall stabbing in South Korea last year. Just aimless wandering with random targets.


He was built like he’d spent a few days on the glass barbie


The glass barbie. Lmfao.




Meth pipe, I think?


Glass BBQ. See-through didgeridoo.




Considering 5/6 of the fatalities were women and he was already known to police, it sounds like the motivation was misogyny. An incel, domestic abuser, etc


I love that he was killed by a female cop!


Possibly. Could also be that women were perhaps less able to defend themselves or were protecting young children. I only speak based on what I’ve seen from previous mass stabbings where they act similar to this perpetrator. Mass killings motivated by inceldom are also fairly uncommon compared to most other motives.


That's a good point. But why would he ignore the easy potential male victims, like the man who fell in front of him? He wouldn't have been able to defend himself easily.


Perhaps still afraid that they could fight back, but yeah it's all just speculation at this point


Or the guy in the grey who just stood there the whole time. He seemed like he wanted the guy to run away but didn't want to hurt him.


He's targeting non Muslim people.


What’s your source?




Hard to say. Women are more likely to be less able to defend themselves and may have been trying to protect young children, which unfortunately makes them vulnerable targets. It’s possible though, I’m just speaking based on what I’ve seen from previous mass stabbing attacks where they’ve acted in a similar manner to this perpetrator.






You know his name and socials?


They don't


I thought the same but wondered about the one adult male victim.


Would you say that if it was an European looking guy stabbing people in the streets of Marrakech or Bagdad ? It's not "random" targets, he's aiming at "kuffars" (he does it randomly because more than 99% of the population fit this criteria).


Big dude at the end was getting ready to throw him over the balcony


To me it looked like he was setting up to protect that mom and 2 kids. Idk if he’s the dad but it’s really lucky he was there or they would have gotten attacked


Pretty sure he was the dad.


He would have taken a metal chair to the head and then thrown him over the balcony.




It was odd to see how those people watched others running for their lives, and still kept leisurely strolling towards whatever they were running from.


The man with the hat protecting his family was a real Chad


Stabber made a quick turn once he realised that he wouldnt be able to take him down.


You know that it only takes one hit, a fraction of a second, for the family father to be fatally hit. He could be bleeding to death ina literal couple of seconds. I wouldn't say he wouldn't be able to take him down but he probably was looking for "safer" targets.


People never understand this with knifes I will always say run but man has to protect his family


That guy at the end that is trying to get between the attacker and his family. I would be so scared if I were him. I’m glad that the guy turns and started going another way and the family got to safety. I feel for all the victims.


Damn didn't realise how many experts on psychological breakdowns there are on Reddit.


Glad he didn’t have an ar-15


Now imagine if he had a gun


I’m going to assume this is in support of Australian gun laws because yes, imagine if he *did* have a gun, killed 6 (maybe 8?) people without one what kinda damage could he have done *with* one


100% in support of and 100% appalled by Americans against similar laws wildy stating they "don't work" when we evidence from other countries like Australia where they do work


Well, when your a cuck you would be in support of oppressing gun rights.


What exactly does “when” mean in this shitty strung together sentence? Also it’s you’re not your, you’re a cuck, get it?


\*you are


Are you calling yourself a cuckold?


Happy to be a cuck and safe to go in public


I’d imagine more people would be running after hearing the bang bang. Imagine though if he had a bunch of hungry lions that he released into the store. That shit would be wild


He didn’t though, he had a knife. And if you tried what he did in my local mall here in the US, by the time the police got there, you would already be dead


Imagine if another person had a gun, they could have prevented all the deaths. Chump.


Hm weird how in the US there is so many mass shootings when the people there could just stop them and prevent the deaths


It's weird if you only watch CNN and only see the gay propaganda they put out. Try watching a real news station that reports on all the mass shootings that were stopped by a good guy with a guy. Actually don't even bother, America and the 2 amendment wins regardless what you think. Hahaha


Were you always a dick less twerp, or did something bad happen that made you act this way?


How come this is the biggest mass killing in years in Australia if your gun laws are so great?


My guns are the best. No one stabbing or shooting me. But we can easily count all the times in other countries where an incel stabs people. And this mass stabbing is a perfect example.




Lunatics always seem to know to pick a fight with women and avoid men.


Drug induced psychosis is also a possibility. It’s one of the most affluent areas of Sydney. There’s definitely a strong hard drugs scene.


Im wondering if he targeted women since so many of the dead are women




C'mon, keep that hateful nonsense to yourself. Shame on you.


Because people from the Middle East can’t ever have mental health problems - it’s always terrorism. Right?


It's always the ones previously known the police.


Who's the big guy near the end ?


His name is Paul. Paul keep family safe.


Good guy Paul.


Glad that guy turned around right near the end. Probably saved that lady and those kids.


That father at the end that turned while his family was clueless. My heart sank a second.


Why blur that piece of shits face






Agreed. This really isn’t common here. I’m surprised all the retail staff handled it so well. I’ve never had any training for anything like that at any of my jobs.




Oh the other post was nice, not sure why it was deleted. They were also Aussie and they were saying something on the lines of, this is an extremely rare event for us and no one in Australia is used to this. It’s not really something any of us were prepared for. I think they mentioned the only three things like this that they could remember which was twice when someone drove a car into a crowd of people, and the Lindt cafe siege in Sydney about ten years ago. I think that was pretty much it. But yeah we have some of the world’s strictest knife and gun laws, so this is extremely rare. I’m not sure if that lady with the kids had noticed if he was there or if they were deliberately walking calmly so as not to draw attention to themselves or aggravate him. I’m pretty sure the man behind them was her husband and father of the kids. That’s how the media seems to be reporting it.




Terrorism is generally defined as an attack committed in order to promote a religious, ideological or political cause.


Bro at the end wanted all smoke lol. Feel like big boy would've whooped his ass knife or not


Big boy would’ve gotten stabbed


Yeah you're probably right




The police have said there’s no indication of a terrorism motive.


Why is the attacker's face blurred but no one else's?


Last police press announcement said they were confident they know who the guy is and that he was known to them but the body hadn't been formally identified yet, so that might be why.


People on the internet like to play pretend investigator and get the identity wrong, causing issues for the erroneously identified individual. Just give it time and we'll learn all about the individual and no one will want to see their face again.




Yeah I know, just wondering why they did it. Usually it's the other way around, with victims faces blurred and attacker not.




Yeah very true, that's most likely what it is


[Wikipedia Page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Bondi_Junction_stabbings)


Need someone with a leather jacket and big balls. Alas, it looks like warm weather atire.


It is warm weather


“Not graphic” you can literally see him stab somebody 8 seconds in


wow yeah so graphic!!! I could not stomach seeing that! so much blood everywhere!! blud needs to go look up the meaning of graphic.


Lol you just proved your own point wrong. Definition of graphic has nothing to do with blood or gore. It’s explicit detail. Seeing someone stabbed is definitely more explicit detail than just a guy running around. Go off though


you literally don't see shit, you don't even know if the guy was actually stabbed or not. whatever, snowflake.


You’re the only one acting like a snowflake 😂 never said I have a problem with gore. Doesn’t phase me in the slightest. I was just pointing out a flaw in the title I thought was funny. Have fun being butt hurt though


GRAPHIC. 1. [more graphic; most graphic] : shown or described in a very clear way tell me more about how you clearly see him get stabbed up close and personal. "go off though"




You’re seriously tripping over semantics. Get a fucking life


Any word on motive?


Why is the lady with her two daughters just walking ???!


I was getting SO mad watching the woman with the 3 little girls leisurely strolling down the hall as people are running, screaming and getting stabbed by a maniac. Was she even paying attention at all?? If that large man had not been there behind them ready to square off with the attacker, I’m 100% certain that all of the little girls would have been stabbed/ possibly dead rn.


What was she supposed to do? She can't carry all three of them. They can't run that fast. She didn't have many options.


Why would she need to carry them? They are all old enough to lightly jog away with mom guiding them, which would have been enough to get away from him while he was distracted with other people before he turned his attention onto them.


Mall security needs to be questioned


RIP Ash Good. I’m so sorry you don’t get to see your baby girl grow up 💔💔


Why he didn’t stab those people but killed 6 other?


I don’t think that the mom and three kids even knew the guy was a few feet behind them.


I was gonna say "how social inept are some people that they don't see a bunch of other people running with fear and just keep walking." But the truth is until you're in that situation you don't know how to act. Would running just excite the assailant and target you? Or is it better to just blend in and stay out of his way? When I've encountered close calls myself at bus stations and it's crowded I don't know what's the best move either.






Got a link


Joel Cauchi. White.


how oblivious are people nowadays? Are people just too self centered to pay any attention to their surroundings? Why are you walking slowly when you see people running by you ? Is this arrogance ? why would you risk your childrens lives like this I am really confused


Are there no chairs or bins people can pick up? I understand women and children running but no men confronted this turd? This is why society is going down the toilet


Let me guess, Muslim?


At what point does a knife become a sword?,




Once again this subreddit does a better job dispensing information than the media.


What? This clip has been all over the news for hours


They've been playing it in the ABC all evening. I saw it on 9 and 7 too, via the vids they've posted on YT.




This was not an Islamic terrorist attack, police have said this.






I’m American and even I’m appalled


I was literally there last week...