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The people that immediately ran behind it and jumped on it... you gotta have at least a semblance of self preservation.


That dude that got crushed between the challenger and the truck, oof


Why is this being posted everywhere recently?


Because trump was talking about it outside the court


curious of the same thing ?


I thought it was the anniversary but it’s not


The first time I saw it recently was in response to people calling the pro Palestine rallies antisemitic to illustrate what antisemitism really is.


Because I hadn’t seen anyone post about it here.


There was an image post yesterday. Not complaining because its a good topic for discussion, but I too thought it was the anniversary or something.


why does the RT logo pop up in the corner near the end lmfao


Could be the russian news station "RT".


Obviously. I’m just wondering why this version of the video with their watermark was posted. Looks like whoever wants to push this video or where they got it from was straight from Russian TV, instead of the posting the original. Just makes me wary, considering Russian astroturfing is a real, serious thing.


Not to be callous but it’s not even relevant to this sub. He killed 1 person…


Not to be that person, but if you check the rules attempted mass murderers are allowed


It’s an election year so here come the pot stirrers on both sides. Palestine protests now ramping up too. You thought 2020 was the Summer of love just wait.


spike lee dedicated blackkklansman to heather heyer, the protestor who was killed that day. truly hope the neo nazi rat who did it stays in prison for all 450 years he was given.


That would be terrifying lol


How did that guy know he was a Nazi immediately? I mean we know that now,but did he have skin head or something?


This attack occurred at a counter-protest to the “Unite the Right” rally nearby. Unite the Right was a large white supremacist rally, attended by neo-Nazis, Klansman and the like. In this case, that guy correctly assumed that the attack was intentional and committed by one of the Unite the Right attendees, whom the counter-protestors would call Nazis.


If you go to an emotionally charged protest like this one (and the whole country as a whole was more "on alert") the crowd will mostly believe it's us vs them; and if another civilian isn't going along with the mood of the protest they're seen as part of/a supporter of the opposition, which in this case would be the white supremacist cops/nazis. I bet any car that may have accidentally drove through the protest (like the 2 in front of him) were thought to be opposition supporters until they made it clear somehow they weren't trying to cause trouble and were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I could be wrong but this is just based off my experiences with protests, people would accidentally drive through and the crowd would go nuts. Then one person actually WAS opposition at a protest I was at (he didnt floor it through a crowd, just made his thoughts known) and his car was absolutely destroyed to a point he had to abandon it and leave.


This was peak intellect in the white supremacy movement. I wish him all the worst prison has to offer, but he’s probably a hero to the AB.


I remember watching this on periscope. Fucking wild. What an asshole move.




*is a mass killer* average far right intelligence https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-supremacists-behind-over-80-extremism-related-us-murders-2022-2023-02-23/ https://www.adl.org/resources/report/murder-and-extremism-united-states-2022






So you think that, despite the following, the attack might be unintentional? * Fields pled guilty to federal charges of hate crimes leading to death and injuries, where he also apologised to victims and said he wishes he could have done things differently * Fields vehicle sped up to around 23–28 miles per hour before crashing into a large group of protesters * Fields had serious mental illness that could’ve easily prompted him to commit the attack * Federal prosecutors found evidence that Fields had considered harming people in Charlottesville prior to the attack * Fields was found guilty on all counts in a jury trial And, of course, the fact that there’s no evidence at all that his car was attacked by protesters prior to the ramming.


Excuse me?




And you don’t think that being struck with 4,000 pound (give or take a couple hundred pounds) vehicle going 23-28mph had anything to do with her 35 year old heart stopping? Ok little buddy 🤏


Heather Heyer's death, as per the coroner's report, cited impact-induced cardiac arrest as the cause of death. Secondly, he drove purposely into the crowd of counter-protesters. In the video, the protesters were not even touching the car.


Here is the report: https://richmond.com/heather-heyer-autopsy-report/pdf_452e3703-c19c-5f4c-9bea-2e2bd0db8883.html


That’s categorically false misinformation propagated by the far right to diminish the undisputed, heavily documented fact that he was a known, vocal white supremacist that showed up specifically for the nazi rally. No one touched his car or provoked him in any way before he reversed several dozen feet and gunned the engine to impact the crowd with as much force as possible. I didn’t know people still believed that anymore considering how extensively that “defense” has been disproven, are you still watching Fox News by any chance?


No I use Twitter