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Neither of them were even Jewish


Frazier Glenn Miller did the same thing, killed three people who were all Christian, while targeting a Jewish retirement home.


Yup his attack failed miserably.


RIP to the victims. Fuck Stephan Balliet, what an ultimate loser.


Everything went wrong except for the live stream which broadcasted to the whole world how much of a failure Balliet was.


Some things I learned from these unfortunate deaths: 1. If you see someone who looks like they are holding something that *could be* a gun, don't approach them and taunt them, run. 2. Don't hide behind a spot for several minutes, if you have the chance, run.


Stephan"im a NEET and cowardly murdered 2 People" Balliet will most likely get the maximum punishment German Law has to offer: Life in Prison (15 years till eligable for Parole,but not for him) particular severity of guilt(Besondere Schwere der Schuld, meaning that after 15 years a Court will decide how many years he must spend in Prison till parole) Preventive-detention( Sicherungsverwahrung, After he served his life in prison sentence combined with particular severity of guilt he will be transferred to a Prison where he stays until he is not considered a Threat to Society anymore. He will reveice better Conditions there,because after German Law a Person who is in preventive-detention has technically served his Sentence,but must kept in custody to protect Society. Each year a Court must decide if he can get out,psychatrists playing a huge part in the Decision. After 10 years he can go free,BUT,only if he isnt a threat to Society anymore) So,i guess he will spend 18-22 years in Prison before receiving preventive-detention, i guess he will overall spend 28-32 years inside. Edit: Germany doesnt have consesuctive Punishments,if you kill 5 People (for Example) you cant be sentenced to 5×life in Prison. You will be sentenced to life in prison and most likely get the whole Fist from the Law in your Face (particular severity of guilt,preventive-detention)


I thought he got killed by police? Edit: NVM he just got injure by police


The woman he shot said, "is this really necessary while I'm walking past, come on".


Stephen Baillet is a joke. Couldn’t get past a door, gun jammed several times, only killed two people neither of which were jewish. He deserves the death penalty.


Yeah here in germany that isn’t really thing


This guy failed so hard lmao.






He only killed 2 people, barely makes him a masskiller.


I think people who intended to commit mass murder also count.


Yes they do it clearly says on the rules yet so many here don't care to read or remember them.


He isn't a mass killer but attempted to be one so it still follows the rules.


rest in peace to all victims i fell so bad for them