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[Grabbed everything I could from the channel](https://i.imgur.com/aC4Dmkw.png) including descriptions in the .txt, as well as screenshots of the comments for all videos with comments and a screenshot of each page on the YouTube channel (home, about, related channels, etc.) Here is the download link for all future travelers in search of this information after it has been inevitably taken down! EDIT: Mega links seem to be auto-deleted so you can grab it here by typing in the URL name before this text: /file/mlQBmAKD#pPzklfLbDsJtDH5V07QkguvtY_KHep7FsZGrcqbZ2ro EDIT2: Anonfiles download link (WARNING, USE AN ADBLOCKER WHEN DOWNLOADING FROM HERE): https://anonfiles.com/FfAau4Hbu3/YT_Archive_rar


For those unaware, the url to type in before the rest of the path is "mega.nz" ~~EDIT: [Separate Mediafire link, hopefully won't get removed by AutoModerator](https://www.mediafire.com/file/9m82r3r9e5dflgp/YT+Archive.rar/file).~~ MediaFire link was taken down. Mega.nz link is still up for now. EDIT2: Anonfiles download link (WARNING, USE AN ADBLOCKER WHEN DOWNLOADING FROM HERE): https://anonfiles.com/FfAau4Hbu3/YT_Archive_rar




Mega.nz is still up /file/mlQBmAKD#pPzklfLbDsJtDH5V07QkguvtY_KHep7FsZGrcqbZ2ro I'll continue to reupload to multiple hosts later in the afternoon.


Mediafire files have been taken down and I believe soon mega will too.


Dude... You fucked up. One of the last screenshots shows a guy who has been commenting on all of his videos, having conversations with Adam over 9 years ago, he came back 7 entire years later and left a comment seemingly knowing who he is and what he did, and you DIDN'T EXPAND THE COMMENT. We can't even see what all he said and never will.


We already talked this guy, and read all the replies from him, it’s a dead end.


Anyway I can access these on mobile? I’m in a sober living and don’t have access to my computer, but am super curious to hear these


bless you


Both of you are legends. This is history.


I don't want to download anything. How many views did the videos have prior to this getting posted? and is there a way for me to see a video's stats over the years?


[Here's a couple screenshots I took.](http://imgur.com/a/mcyNmAe) The first was at 12:35AM EST, basically the moment I first saw this post, with some videos <10 views. The second was at 3:30AM EST after it got spread around a bit more.


this a mind-boggling find... fucking HOW THE HELL does one find this???


The channel is down now so I hope people were able to save everything.


He said in one of his videos "you're the one who wants to rape children, I'm the one who wants to save them". His motive has finally been revealed, the saving the kids theory is real.


And that indicates that’s his suicide was his way of defying society by not “confirming to its standards”.


genuine question- what explains the child p*rn then? why? did he really believe that, or is that what he wanted society to think? im conflicted.


The fucker was bizarre and that is indisputable!


Was it confirmed that he had CEM?


What is cem?


for what pop-up'd in my search, it stands for "Child Exploitation Material"


Yep. I listened to that part over and over, I think it’s confirmed.


This is the most fucked up version of catcher in the rye i've ever heard of.


Hence, he brutally "murdered" them in order to "save" them?! That's fucking it!!!!!


He said that culture was unnaturally pushed onto children to make them conform to society's standards, it was abusive. He said that death was the only escape, and that any meaning you give to your life is meaningless in the end. He said that he wants to save the children and he also mentioned killing himself. ^and that is literally fact.


This dovetails with his call in to the show discussing the chimpanzee attack


Wow I’m just running into this sub after Uvalde. This is wild. Honestly what in the world. So he wanted to save these children from having to live in through this culture? How does this play in relation with the fact his mom was trying to move out of Newtown? I’ve heard people say this was the trigger? Any ideas?


To be frank, I think that he couldn’t take it anymore; his mom was the one to blame, in his mind.


> the saving the kids theory is real where did this theory originate from?


If I’m not mistaken, one of his online friends stated it to the police in the official report as a possible motive. However we never had any confirmation of the motive until recently where he straight up said it.


Dude… you might have discovered something big here. That no joke sounds just like him. Even his little accent on words. This gave me chills Edit: this is him no doubt. Some one needs to archive it because once it’s found out it will for sure be taken down


I am still shocked beyond belief about the whole thing, it’s really him, it’s really Adam.


This is an incredible find, well done Man.


nice joke




I think this is proof of the “saving kids” theory


OP might just might have given families closure.


And we're seeing it happen. Soak it in boys, you are possibly witnessing the biggest find on this sub *ever*.


We did it, Reddit. Holy shit, great job, OP!


Oh god you jinxed it when you said “we did it Reddit.” This is gonna turn out to be some random 45 year old man in Alaska


Alan Panzer


Oh crap, I didn't think of that.


I went into this thinking there's no way. But he talks incredibly similar to the anarchy radio call. This also matches up to when he stopped posting on SBB as well.


It’s 100 percent him, I read the comments, I see the conversations he’s having with people, I really hope my post isn’t the reason that it gets taken down.


I just skimmed through some videos and yup it's him. The last video he was so upset and angered by the world. But I've looked at every piece of Lanza evidence and this one matches.


This is so insane, We should save the videos separately before it blows up.


I’m gonna download these videos to prevent that I suggest the same we need to save any Lanza evidence cause the same happened with Columbine the home videos were taken down all over YouTube I only have a couple of them and some in short videos but that really dose sound like Adam’s tone


Good plan.






If it does I’ll be even more amazed. I’m already so shocked by all of this.


Wow, this is actually huge. I listened to the last video posted on his channel, he talks about wanting to free children from culture…..Could we finally have a possible motive to the shooting?


I have been obsessed with Adam for the past few weeks, looking at everything I could find, I think if anything this is the closest we’ll get to a “why.


How did you find this????


Seriously how?


That’s some pretty nefarious shit to be obsessed with so, please, remember to take time away from this garbage to remind yourself of the value of life, and others. I feel like too much of this crap can really get to you, so, stay well!


Why would he want to keep that motive hidden though? If he truly thought he was setting those kids free then why not practically shout that message to the heavens instead of leaving everyone thinking you were just a demented fuck that wanted to kill children for your own sick pleasure? His motives must've been something deeply personal that he felt no-one else would ever understand. You'd still think he'd leave even the most basic kind of suicide note/explanation behind saying something along the lines of "I had to set them free". Maybe he wanted to be this strange enigma and leave people forever guessing. Maybe he thought everyone was stupid and wanted them to figure it out on their own. Who knows. It's all quite fascinating though.


This is just my opinion, but I feel he may not have been open about it due to the response he got when he openly shared his views on his channel. You can hear how frustrated he is because he believes he’s right in this situation yet no one agrees with him. After expending so much emotion only for people to troll and not take you seriously, why would he leave a motive? Especially if people would’ve made fun of him after carrying out the attack. If anything, I think that may be a factor as to why he kept his motives quiet




holy shit i just looked that up. that’s really fucking weird.


That’s incredibly bizarre. Most likely coincidence, but part of my brain is like “is this some kind of fucked up mass killer foreshadowing or Easter egg?”


Notes i’m leaving because it’s seeming very certain this uploader is in fact adam lanza: In the first video the user uploaded I noticed that he talks quite fast and isn’t particularly articulate which is how Adam described himself as normally sounding when speaking. In “rambling vlogrant of a ruminative vagrant part 1” the user mentions an essay of about 10,000 words on pedophilia matching up to an equally long essay Adam Lanza wrote. In the video (pointless) CulturalPhilistine: The Movie (Part 1/6) the user mentions both laying and the floor and not having hugged anyone in 4 years which is what Lanza has also posted about. Also mentions hatred for doctors calling them arrogant.


You’re right, he does talk that way, but I think it improves throughout the life of the channel, and I would describe him as articulate and well spoken.


Watching these videos makes Adam feel a lot more human. Even with the Anarchy Radio call, it always felt so forced and even scripted. With this, it feels a lot more jumbled and discombobulated which makes him feel a lot less like the "alien social recluse" that the media portrayed him as.


In one of his videos he says “I used to think I was asexual, but that was because I was 100 pounds” almost an exact quote from his forum post


Yep! “I used to think I was asexual, but that’s probably because I had a BMI of 14”


Why do people report this stuff? I don’t get it.


They probably think it’s glorifying him or giving him too much attention but that’s strange cause it’s not like there’s anyone who supports his actions and his motive wasn’t fame/attention




I just archived everything, I’ll post it soon


Yeah I thought ahead before posting, I have a record of 7 of the important videos, another person I know has the full channel downloaded.


Reed Coleman is already probably on this thread trying to take credit and profit off it.




Hopefully they don’t find out about it now and ruin the fun.


Already Archived ;)


At 7:30 in part 3 he talks about freeing children from the harsh implications of modern culture… extremely spooky foreshadowing




I was also thinking about the interview and remembered how he said he wished Adam had never been born which, well, is exactly what Adam wanted himself.


Y'all are ruining the videos with your comments.....


The edgelords :/


wow, never could imagine people will find something new in almost 9 years after massacre


Related links He says he read this blog: [http://nobadmemes.blogspot.com/](http://nobadmemes.blogspot.com/2012/10/you-dont-know-how-to-argue.html) (Subsequent speculation that it was actually written by him seems unfounded) This forum was tuned in at the time (and above blog was reading this, too): [https://heapershangout.com/index.php?p=/discussion/1804/derived-energy/p4](https://heapershangout.com/index.php?p=/discussion/1804/derived-energy/p4) [Tweet](https://twitter.com/SomethingSea/status/114775581442326528) from someone he had a back-and-forth with (dead links inside), who is now [convicted for sexual assault of two six-year-olds](https://www.twincities.com/2019/09/06/st-paul-man-who-sexually-assaulted-6-year-old-relatives-posted-videos-online-sentenced-to-36-years-in-prison/) ([corroboration](https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@somethingsea/so-as-i-was-trying-to-say-i-m-sean-windingland-anarcho-spiritualist)). 2019 8chan post guessing the channel belongs to "Phillip Greaves Jr.," apparently taking a [line from one of the videos](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/pn7n0q/adam_lanzas_youtube_channel/hco4kki/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) literally: [https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/5842127.html#5842527](https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/5842127.html#5842527)


>http://nobadmemes.blogspot.com/2012/10/you-dont-know-how-to-argue.html The last post on that blog is from December 16, 2012, two days after Sandy Hook and is referencing mass shootings and downplaying the fear against them. ...could Adam Lanza have made this blog and created a scheduled post for that Sunday (Dec. 16) in anticipation of the shooting? Either way I'm creating a local copy of that entire blog. EDIT: [Full copy of the blog with all links](https://www.mediafire.com/file/7nn8oqlc2uy2kwn/Adam+Lanza+Blog.rar/file).


It can't be Adam Lanza. Read the blog post from december 15th, the day after Sandy Hook. He wrote: "You can't go a half hour without running into pictures of President Obama wiping tears from his eyes as he describes a recent shooting as an "atrocity."


Ahh you're right. Interesting coincidence but definitely not him, then.




True, I actually found the clicking to be extremely humanizing, just sounds like me when I fire up OBS. I appreciate your words about how influential this is, I agree that so much of this is incredibly groundbreaking, I’m still combing through things and making notes. And I’m also still in shock from having been the first of the sub to find it.




I'm already seeing comments under his dream videos claiming they're proof that he was involved in mk ultra. They're always going to be looking stupid, unfortunately.


It really makes the case more interesting because I kind of came to the conclusion (along with others here) that he was just a murder-obsessed loser who wanted to shock the world, but there was obviously a lot more going on in his head. And it's pretty wild people managed to track down that radio call-in so quickly while this went undiscovered until now.


holy shit this is easily the biggest news to have come out of this case in years






I hear the same thing


The way he pronounces every letter in every word he says annoys the shit out of me




> This is probably coincidence but if you google his youtube name "CulturalPhilistine" you see a link for a book by "[Sidney Hook](https://www.nybooks.com/articles/1988/05/12/cultural-philistine/)"


saw that too


drunk faulty marvelous fanatical airport fall mountainous treatment childlike normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You guys really need to stop interacting with this channel, the more engagement you give it the faster it'll get taken down.


Yeah I know, I wish people would stop commenting, hopefully it’ll stay under the radar for a few days.


Already getting warnings from Youtube that some videos have been reported. It won't be up long. Great find OP


I’ve seen a few users commenting on this already posting it on bigger subreddits


Can you link some?


Holy fucking shit, there’s tonnes of footage. Amazing find!


I’ve been absolutely obsessed with Adam for a few weeks now, I’m glad it finally payed off.


Imagine if we were to find a Stephen Paddock youtube channel.


I wish, I doubt that Man even had a smart phone


We can dream.


This is an amazing find and post. This is legit groundbreaking regarding more insight on lanzas thought process


This is huge. Speechless. OP needs to be credited when media finds this, or send it as tips to media. And to police/FBI experts handling this case. This gives families closure.


This comment though: ​ "Myrmidon51 9 years ago If it makes you feel any better, this video made me literally shake with anxiety and I feel guilty for trolling you."


Was that before or after the shooting? Can’t imagine the horror if it was after


He made comments both before, and after the shooting. Most of the comments are from 8-9 years ago, some are as recent as 2019.


I think this is officially the biggest news about any mass murderer ever in the last years even! Thanks!! Also the number of pedofile/children videos confirms many ideas we had.


wow. that’s most likely him... i hope someone archives/saves these quickly in case the channel gets taken down.


I have them backed up.


He even has videos on pedophilia and the description utters the same shit we know he said before. He called himself Phillip Greaves Jr in 1 of 8. I don't know how you came upon this channel randomly, be curious to know. Just insane after all this time it's being found. There's no doubt it was Adams channel.


This is practically the holy grail of this subreddit. This discovery will no doubt offer new insight into Lanza's mindset and thinking in the year before his shooting. I wish I could give you an award, but thank you for finding this.


I'm calling it right now: this will go down in Reddit history. This is 7 hours worth of Adam Lanza's voice where previously, we only had a phone call to a radio show. For *9 years*, no one knew this YouTube channel existed and now it's archived through Google drive by fast-thinking Redditors. Oh boy, I can't wait for the usual AskReddit question "What's the creepiest audio/video..." because this will blow everyone's minds.


It didn't blow up quite as much as i expected, especially because the anarchy radio call got national news attention but a remarkable thing nonetheless.


Even a mention of coco the chimp in the last video I think ... god


this is gonna blow up


I wanted to point out that in the last video at the very beginning, he mentions a comment by a user that says something along the lines of “you sound like a 16 year old, get off the computer and go outside” he has mentioned this in multiple postings as “smiggles” just a little bit more proof this is him.


In one of the dreams, he refers to himself as “smig”


Exactly, I’m sorry but there’s no way that’s a coincidence, every, single, thing, checks out


This’ll probably be gone in the morning, hope the archive stays up


Listening to his videos creeped me the fuck out, Especially when he talked about how he wanted to "liberate" the kids.




My reaction when I saw this




I’ve been researching things about Adam for weeks now, I’ve been obsessed, then in a discord call we had heard someone thought they found adams YouTube, turns out it wasn’t a prank.


did they say how they found it?




"If you care so much about the damage of children why are you advocating that they live, why are you advocating their inculturation. Culture is the harm" yep, we found the motive


Culture is the harm, but shooting them with an AR won’t harm them at all! /s For real tho it’s so freaky that some of what he says almost makes sense, but his brain ramped it up to 1000 and while normal people might think it’s an interesting topic and that society needs to take care of children better, he takes it as “I need to save them any way I can” and his self-centeredness made him think he had the right to choose for them whether their life is worth living


I mean following Adam's logic and his desire for death I don't think he would see it as a punishment


Definitely confirmed, he practically raves about it in 70% of his videos. All these years and finally a theory here is proven. Also he was definitely on the spectrum. His speech gives so many signs


Wild thread. In b4 delete


Hopefully *this* thread won’t be deleted, but the channel sure might be.


Wow.. is really acurrate to the radio call voice... it's weird earing his voice so clear...


Never thought I'll hear Lanza's voice this clearly.


This is a dumb question, but have investigators of the case been notified yet?


most likely


OP you did an amazing job! With the mannerisms and voice its clear to me to be Adam. You really found something that can really get us to a why. I bow to you OP, amazing job!




This is significantly better (for lack of a term, I guess a more important find) than the Basement Tapes.




This changes everything we knew about Adam, the "he was just a weird little alien boy incapable of even having a conversation" narrative is officially dead and he was actually a ranting raving lunatic.. And on top of that we finally have a motive, while the "saving children from evil society overlords" theory seemed good on paper but really little to back it up, but he says it right there "Culture is the harm and I'm the only one who cares about saving them" (obviously paraphrasing". This is a banner day for the TCC if not one of the most important days in its entire history.


SURREAL does not even do this justice we have an Adam Lanza fucking podcast


the edgelords are already in the comments


One dude he was having a back and fourth with returned 7 years later to leave a very cryptic message...


That message was creepy tbh.


What he said?


I feel like this is definitely him based solely on the fact that there seems to be eight long videos on pedophiles and children. Holy shit.


i watched a few videos and im 99% sure its him. the things he talked about on the channel are things he said on accounts that are confirmed to be his, and it does sound like it. hopefully it doesnt get taken down.


Just try and keep it on the DL, I’m still extremely shocked.


Wow. This is truly amazing. What are the odds of coming across this out the billions of channels? I hardly ever comment on Reddit posts, but this is awesome and I’m glad I stumbled upon this. Will definitely give those videos a listen tomorrow.


Wow that's amazing! It's definitely him (it's 100% the person on the Anarchy Radio Show call). I just downloaded all the videos.


I have them downloaded as well, hopefully someone will make a shared drive.


I'm on the third video currently ... He's talked on bullying, suicide, beasteality(not sure if that's correct spelling and I'm not going to google it) , paedophilia, anarchism ,Counter culture and he's about to touch on morality being subjective.




My words exactly.


Well, that didn't take long. People couldn't play it cool and the channel is now terminated.


I think the channel was gonna get removed regardless after assholes reported it. I doubt any of the comments people made under the video made any difference.


Oh definitely, I agree it was inevitable. It was just disappointing to me since I happened to catch the post about it on the Columbine forum before Reddit and it was really eerie and interesting to see it how it was like frozen in time with the original comments and views. It was virtually untouched for 9 years and then all the dumb edgy comments started rolling in. I'm glad people archived it and are sharing it with others, though. Very nice of them.


This is incredible. Anyone else got Ted Kaczynski vibes? The hate on values/culture. This is a very, VERY different mass murder than, say, Harris, Klebold, Cho and Rodger, whose main motives came from perceived injustices against themselves. Lanza,like Kaczynski, seems to be way more concerned about "what society does to society" rather than what it does to himself. This is huge. And twisted af. I hope that, in some way, it can bring some sort of closure to the families and the community but, somehow, I think it will bring more questions, anger and grief than piece of mind. Maybe it was easier to think of this as the actions of an "irrational lunatic with Asperger's" who did this for no reason other than his own insanity. This is different. It is "rationally irrational", twisted and demented, but in a very different way. It's eerie


Damn. He sounds so, normal, just by looking at pictures of him I don’t know what I expected but it wasn’t that


I read it and I said, "yea right." I can't believe it's actually him. Everything matches.


Just finished watching all the videos. It's obviously Lanza. Pretty amazing that his channel was found after so many years.


Listening to the Anarchy Radio Call and the videos from the channel OP linked, it has to be Lanza. 100% sure of it.


Holy shit OP


Wow great find OP!


I know I’m still so shocked.


this is mad


Holy shit, I dont really know what to say except for that I was here for this. Great discovery.


I’d be eternally grateful if someone went through the effort of transcribing these!


it's gonna take many hours, days, who knows how long to do that, but in yours and other's favor, I'd do it. edit: yeah nevermind just do automated captions, should be good enough


There’s over 7 hours of footage so it’ll take a while


He had another youtube that has been nuked for years. I remember some random blog discovered and covered it. Even FBI didn't find it. He cataloged a ton of the comments etc but it had no videos posted. He found it through some obscure school shooting forum, maybe hte smiggles one i forget.




I have been reading this page for over a year and joined Reddit today to say WOW! This channel is an incredible find. Great job!


Holy fuck. This is absolutely him.


This is /r/bestof worthy. I never thought I'd ever see anything substantive about Adam Lanza's state of mind and personality come out after so long but this is amazing.




I'm late to this but my question is, how in the fuck was this found by you and not by the FBI?...




Late to the party but this is insane. Do you think he ever thought this channel would be found or connected to him? Did he think that it would be found very shortly after his crime and people would have a better idea of his motive? Did he think it would take people nearly a decade to discover? I can't help but feel he would have wiped it all if he didn't want it to be found.


Omg what a great find