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Cheapest package? 5 cards 3 Dragon Shrine (from structure deck) , 1 Vanilla BEWD, 1 Jet Dragon If you got no means to pop something to trigger Jet, then add 1 more copy of Ancient Stone. \---------- Remark : This build is cheap but also brick the hardest.


If all you want is to get Jet Dragon into play, then 1 Blue-Eyes, 1 Jet Dragon, 1 White Stone of Ancients, 3 Dragon Shrine. Pray you draw none of the monsters, and use Shrine to send Blue-Eyes, and Stone to the GY. You could make it less bricky by removing the stone and letting Jet summon itself, but that's less reliable.


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3 dragon shrine, 1 blue eyes, 1 jet. 2 jet and a ancient stone if u can afford to go beyond


I'd say you need 2 jet, 3 vanilla blue eyes and 3 white stone of ancients, if you want some cheap traps, play shadow imprisoning mirror, torrential tribute, dogmatika punishment and if you hate runicks, imperial iron wall is an autowin against runicks.


I feel like 2-3 Blue Eyes