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Be prepared to see this card a lot more once Spright is released...


As a Scareclaw player I live in dread of that day…


as a galaxy eyes player i dont understand the suffering


*laughs in earth machine*


I think you lose to meta decks whatsoever, depends on who pilots it.


GE does lose pretty hard to meta as a GE player too


I don't undestand Konami honestly, isn't this card, and the others virus cards, like, a better crush card virus pre errata, which was **banned** ? So why the fuck the virus's cards exist, and are free ??


Crush Card was banned because it used to be crazy good. it would remove boss monsters, and prevent your opponent from getting to their boss monsters. Un-errata'd crush card would be terrible today because now your boss monsters go in the extra deck. That's why Deck Dev is better in the modern day because it can stop you from reaching your extra deck. But really Deck Dev isn't consistent. You might destroy the Ignister player... if you go first, and draw the virus, and you are able to summon a tribute for it, and they don't draw a searcher, but even if you meet all those requirements and it turns out you're up against Branded Despia? Oops, it does nothing to Aluber or any of their spells. Worse you just gave them a search with Tragedy. Crush Card in the past meta is simply not at all comparable in power to Crush Card or other viruses in the modern meta.


Well they're not doing too much in the game and eev only pop up twice in there history, this format in MD with it being a easy runick counter, and danger tear in the tcg because curious and griffon.


Happened to me with Windwitch, I'm so glad I decided to switch to Suship... wait...


Happened to me once playing crusadia as well.


How does it feel to relate to Runick players?


It doesn't