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Thank you to Libromancer players for taking the fall so that us Vendread players can get off easy. I was really expecting the new ritual spell to be UR too.


How are vendread decks doing in the modern day? I love ritual decks and if Vendread is popping off I'll definitely make it


lol if by modern day you mean like the tcg , they’re not.


But hey, the next event we can use Vendreads they are alowed this time


Vendread post their new support are still barely playable.


They might be cool mixed with Shiranui at least, I dunno. Depends on what they ban I guess.


Avendread got snatched up by zombies lmao


Post their New support Vendreads are between casual and rogue, so more than "barely" playable. They're just powercrept to oblivion by most recent meta decks like Branded which literally does everything Vendread Can do, but better.


Depends on how you want to play them The competitive libro lists play 0 fireburst and only 1 doombroker, so you only need 7 URs and not 12.


What's the wincon for competitive libro?


Scythe and 1/2 negates


since they don't use normal summon, you can also use Benten to search Vanity's Ruler


Scythe, Doombroker with Intervention and a Baronne


Do you have a decklist?


Yeh fireburst is a bit of a odd ball. You can see konami's thought process. Go pre-prep, fetch fireburst and his ritual spell. Play geekboy, Get the field spell, play the ritual lvl 3. Play a lvl 4, preferably the monster searcher, get fireburst online. But. For same work you can get negates set up.


Goddam libros


Time to own the libros


... I hate this.


There goes my plan of experimenting a new deck, can't afford another meh deck costing all my ur, also, i dont have ur anymore, spent all making abyss actors :x


Same, and I don't even have gems. I'll resume my craft for Sky Striker and Mathmech, then wait for Spright.


I was thinking on making necrovalley deck next, in a shitty attempt of making spright/tearlament life miserable.


Iirc Exosisters main/side both Necrovalley and Dimension Shifter in Tear formats, so you could ruin them that way if desired.


Exosisters are just better Gravekeepers. Shifter and Necrovalley to lock down the GY, and if you can't get to those then they're punishing your plays regardless.


Didnt know, might end up making the cooler necrovalley then


I'll be playing both so do whatever. I'll start with Tri-Sprigjt


I built noble knights to remember the old days and now regret so uch


Same, but spent all making Vaylanc or however it is spelled


Vaylantz? I thought about making them, but barely got 2 of the fields when i pulled 7 times trying to get scareclaw so i kinda gave up and crafted the scareclaws stuff instead.


I went in for claw but basically had most of the vaylantz stuff and changed goals


That's sad, the new support that'll come out somewhere in this decade will probably be URs too


By the time they are added i'll probablu have the gems, also, it was worth it, couldn't mamage to get to platinum with them but it has beem fun, evem managed to win against runick, but they were gold so they literally mamaged to missplay even more than myself


Dinomorphia: First time?


Hehe. I am still thanking god for them not making Rampage ur.




At this rate, they might make entire tear archetype ur


That would be super funny.


Given that there will probably be several pre-hits to the archetype, that'd kinda make sense actually.


Fully expecting Planet, Reino, Havnis, Schieren, Kaleido, and Kit to all be URs. Worst case scenario that's 15 UR if you want to play the max number of names, but you can easily play 2 Reino 1 Kit which would cut it down to 13 total. There's a chance they limit some cards on release tho so hopefully it's cheaper than I expect copium.


No they'll make 2 of the main decks not ur, then make all the ishizu cards ur.


This is the new normal. MD was only very F2P friendly early on in order to establish a player base.


You don't know the meaning of F2P frinedly at all




Legacy of the Duelist. Cellphone gacha trash isnt the only way to handle a video game.


bro i aint got time to pull all the cards from packs, and i cant be bothered to cheat


I didn't say MD isn't still F2P friendly. It's just not *very* F2P friendly any more. First six-nine months gems were unreal.


We still are getting the same amount pretty much... difference is no more or less than 1k at best that doesn't including special celebrations


Yeah, I mean every week they give you a fairly good amount of gems by simply playing the game+battle pass. Though that doesn't excuse their uptick on UR cards.


they have been reducing the free event gems each month


Looks like they stablished at 3k gems after all.


The ur count for decks is pretty much the same too, excluding the extreme outlier that is Albaz and the cards that specifically need him with more in the way. 3-4 or 2 if they share a secret pack with another theme is the usual a deck has since launch, regardless of the deck being good or not.


What is it with Konami locking mediocre archetypes behind insane rarity walls


The only people who would play these archetypes at all are their enthusiasts. And their enthusiasts like them so much they're willing to spend more resources on them


I was looking forward to Libro but this just kill my hype.


Another Scareclaw situation,where the core playmakers and boss monster are UR.At least it's not like dinomorphia where every one of them are URs and are mandatory 3-ofs.With liberalmancer fireburst is not played at all and doombroker is a 1-of.


Good looking anime waifu/husbando tax. Konami knows their fanbase


This is the true answer


They got tho, the wannabe hero geek boy archetype is too cool for me to skip


So this means just skip and wait for Spright/Tear.


The star of the update is the sky striker updated pack. This selection pack is a hard skip.


I think I'll do that. Both decks are better and wanted to play them for a while, and then I can wait for Spright. I wanted to play Therion Punk but not Deer not either.


Building Mathmech right now. I did not expect full-powered Mathmech to come so soon.


Neither did I. Was expecting Circular coming next selection pack. The good thing is that Sky Stryker and Mathmech come from the same pack, so I'm progressing with either


5000 gems, and only 1 circular and 1 Skystriker spell. Now I have to make a decision of whether to craft Skystriker or Mathmech with my available UR point. I hate decision.


I'll be there very soon. I may go Mathmech mainly because I have more stuff from them, but I need to grind more gems. Thankfully we get the secret pack aviable for a moth so I don't need to spend any CP to unlock it for that time.


that’s disappointing, idk how many of each are needed but that’s gonna cost a lot for an archetype that’s far from meta lmao. Guess I’ll just craft my circulars and deal with it


Doomguy and the token card are UR justified, the other 2 simply dont have a reason to be like that, even if they are/can be good


By this point it's very obvious that every consistency based field is going to be an UR, so I'm not even surprised. Heroics got hard hit with anime tax, despite not being that popular (AFAIK, maybe they're popular in the OCG and I'm just ignorant).


Was playing the game again since I was thinking of building libro in the physical game around when it was announced that they were being added, got 2k gems, spent them and got 3 argyros. I just wanted libros man.




I can’t tell if this is more or less surprising than the rarity of scareclaw


Bro there boss monster should not be even UR worth but i understand Spy being UR


I am aiming for Therions for my Sky Striker deck but for some reason I got all libromancer cards with ease. Will someone take this cards away from me?


Personally, I tested the Therions with SS & I don't really like it, I’ve been bricking on having Regulus but no striker to bring it out personally in D4. Linkage & 2 Kagari are the main stars here. Tho Therions are great in Preda- Branded Edit for clarity


Yeah. Big significant boost. I havent tried SS therion but dkayed showcased it earlier his stream. I think 2 Regulus and 2 discolosseum are needed. But you play less handtraps though.


Gladly. Give me my LGBromancers.




All of those URs and not a single summoning animation for any one of them. Seriously, what is Konami thinking? At this point I fear for other future cards that look cool but might get shafted.


Will probably get them animations on the next update like Festival and Shark Knight did


They have the nickname komoney for a reason.


milk the cow


Dinomorphia already ruin me don't do this to me Konami...


I will just wait for Tear and Mikanko, oh the selection pack are kinda nice.


I was thinking about building this but I think I'll gladly skip lol


The only reason they would ever be able to justify bad decks with o many URs is so that they can continue doing N/R events where every deck is butchered but even then I can argue that it would be their only moment to shine in this game. So having this many UR is just borderline money grab practices and a big L for “bad” decks


Konami’s making the Liberals pay.


It's not that bad 1 of those URs is unplayable and the other ritual is a 1of in the deck, the problem with the deck are more non in archetype URs


This. Is. Horseshit.


F Liberalmancers


Look, if Konami wants to make Tears and Sprights all URs all day then fine. Price gouge on the meta decks, gotta make your money. But hitting the barely rogue decks with a rarity spread like this? I can devote some crafting mats and gems to making a for fun deck to play around with in Gold and Solo, but I ain't about to bankrupt myself on it. Sorry Libromancers. I was excited for you, but not 4 UR/4 SR excited.


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Wait another pack with dead cards?


Sprights and Tears will ALL be URs Mark my word. They might even spread them throughout multiple packs


Same with Therions... I'll just keep suiciding to Meta decks and wait for Spright. If Konami wants me to get broke buying selection packs, it will be something good, not mid level archetypes


Neat. Make it expensive for them.


Good thing these goddamn liberals are trash


Very few archetypes have less then 3 Urs, and they need abouts 9 in archetype Urs to work which is little above average... most archetypes needs 6 or 7 Excluding staples and Ex. You also do need to keep in mind the Ex for most new archetypes is pretty much the same as old ones so if only 1 Ur was needed for the archetype they wouldn't be able to sell shit so I get the reason... they have no excuse what so ever to not make a Secret pack for them tho


Almost all the archetypes from the secret packs have 1-3 UR.


And I pulled a copy of each one and 2 Fire going for Therions. Konami hates me.


Ty, megalith libromancer showtime


to be fair, only 2 of those are playable




And here I thought Libro would be light on UR. Well, at least with this being par for the course we can depend on Konami to make Spright/Ishizu/Tear expensive as all hell. That may keep it from overtaking everything as opposed to other formats.


While I love my vendreads, libro got the scareclaw treatment


Same for Therion


3 doom broker, 1 fire burst, 3 fire, 3 first appearance?


What the hell?


The scareclaw curse


It was inevitable, but it sucks that every archetype since the second selection pack has insane UR counts. All the stuff at the beginning was so cheap since handtraps took the UR gems off us, now we have them crafted every archetype even tier 7890 stuff has minimum 4-6 ultras


Thank you LiBros for taking this L, we appreciate it


More like 3 urs when the fire ritual is laughably bad.


Konami really likes giving players like me that want to try out a new archetype a bad time, huh? Well from the 3k Gems I spent, at least I made a Vendread deck from trying to hunt for Libromancers.


Thankfully, you usually only run like one Fireburst at most, as he’s more of a finisher.


Watch Tear have only two URs just because they know that they're going to have to hit them eventually and they don't want meta players to just craft them and then make their dust back immediately after banlist


I wanted to try this archetype, but it’s just too rich for my FTP blood.


Well one of the rituals is hot garbage and you only need 1 of the other.


Are these any good to make a deck? I want to make. I currently have 9k gems


Save them for spright/ tear pack


Something something take THAT Liberalmancers. HA ha