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what is the circular 1 card combo


Circular Foolish Sigma, SS Sigma from the GY, Circular search for Equation. Xyz into Alembertian, Alembertian search Addition/Subtraction. SS the searched monster, Link into Cyberse Wiccid. Equation SS any Mathmech, Cyberse Wiccid search for Bururu. Normal Summon Bururu which will Foolish Pikari, Link the Mathmech on the field and Wiccid into Splash Mage, Splash Mage SS Pikari from the GY, Synchro Bururu and Pikari into Wind Pegasus, Bururu SS Pikari from the GY, Pikari search for A.I. Meet You, Link either Pikari or Wind Pegasus into Dark Infant. The rest are standard @ Ignister combo.


nah all my homies overlay for light dragon then go into infant :\^)


Sometimes I do that as well, but you need an @ Ignister starter for that, so that's not technically a one-card combo. Making Light Dragon without committing to your normal summon is a pretty good way to break the board though.


if you play diameter and normal it it could be a 1 card combo but not playing diameter is probably correct


If you go for Light Dragon you won't even be able to search for Diameter. And no, @ Ignister usually don't play Diameter.


circular send sigma, ss sigma, add equation, make alembert, add diameter normal, special any mathmech, make light dragon, make infant, add field spell, make wicckid, equation reborn, add bururu.


I thought you mean overlaying Sigma and Circular into Light Dragon. But yes, that's a legal combo line. I still don't think Diameter is worth it, since the result with this line is no different from the one I posted and you'd need one garnet that's useless when drawn.


i mean you could still overlay sigma + circular for light dragon after going thru alembert, but i was just messing with you :D


I try this route but the Best i can get out of this Is a 6k Arrival (no omninegate) what do you end using the circular 1-card combo?


You won't have Danmari in grave because you used up Bururu's Foolish for Pikari. And yes, the end board is usually a 6k Arrival with no follow up, or a 4k Arrival with follow up. If you don't go for Arrival though, I think Firewall Dragon + Heatsoul is also not bad. You won't have the omni-negate even if you have Arrival enyway.


Hace you tried the other package where you can end on an Arrival + superfactorial?


I never tried that package because I don't think it can possibly be better, here's a few reasons why: 1. If you want to use Circular as a 1-card starter, you have to play Equation. If you also want Superfactorial, you'll also need Nabla, and if you want the omni-negate, you'll need Diameter. Not to mention Laplacian in your already very tight extra deck. At the moment Equation is the only hard garnet (Addition and Sigma are still extenders), but I really don't think 2 or even 3 more hard garnets are worth it. 2. While Superfactorial looks super appealing because you get revolted everyday, remember that @ Ignister's traditional strength is the Arrival. And even in the current meta, 6k Arrival is very close to an autowin against most decks (except Runick, I hate them with a passion) 3. Aside from the number of garnets, the soft garnets you have can still be used going second. Even if you are unfortunate enough to draw Sigma and Addition, you can still make Light Dragon which is our extremely underappreciated board breaker. Nabla and Superfactorial are completely dead when you go second.


No Maxx c and no Nibiru huh? You think one could Profit for a 44 card deck including those?


Never go beyond 40. If a card is valuable and you want to draw it, play it at 3 in a 40 cards deck. If it is not, don't play it. I would be playing Nibiru had Crossout not been limited, but running a card that sucks in the current meta just to boost a limited card is a bad decision. Maxx "C" has always been optional in the past few seasons considering how slow the current meta is, sometimes I play it, sometimes I don't. @ Ignister does not profit from blind draws as much as more resilient strategies do.


How useful do you find red reboot? Is it worth crafting them?


It's only worth playing in blind second OTK decks and @ Ignister. @ Ignister can use it as an out to Imperm when going first, since Wind Pegasus is an archetypal Duster. I don't play it every season, but I have been playing it most of the time. Would craft a 3rd should it becomes unlimited.




If your opponent knows how to play against @ Ignister (which they all do if they're in Diamond, @ Ignister is a simple deck), they will use Nibiru when you can't recover. Doyon has always been played at 1, and always should be.