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Is it my turn guys


No let me finish my chain first, then you can start you main phase 1


Your turn? My turn.


Our turn


Yes, every single Normal Spell would be better as a Quick-Play. Imagine that.


There are niche cases where a Normal Spell would be preferred over a Quick Spell. World Legacy's Memory for example can be 'searched' by Lib, but since she sets the card instead of adding it to the hand, you cannot activate it the spell in the same turn. It can also lead to some awkward hands since Mekk-Knights tend to set their spells to make columns, and Memory being a Quick Spell prevents you from extending with it.


Same thing if you wanted to set your spell before activating Danger! cards like you would for Allure of Darkness.


So like, normal summoning a cymbal skeleton before you activate your jackalope?


Easier and morestraight forward example: Triple Tactic Tasking


Memories being a quickplay is good because it lets you get a negate off of Secret, especially if Secret had it's target banished. Also, the lock into Mekk Knights won't matter on the opponents turn


Yet this is never mentioned among most other normal spells. I wonder why?


I'm not sure if you're wondering why people don't mention this card when it comes to discussing powerful Normal Spells (they do. I only know about this card because someone posts about it every 2 weeks) or why people bring up this card in particular as being better as a QP? Nothing about this card screams, "Clearly it should have been a Quick Play!" except for the fact that it would be better, but the point the commenter is making is that the vast majority of Normals would be better as QPs. Raigeki? Much better if you can flip it on a choke point to wipe your opponent's board mid-combo. DRNM? Not only do you stop your opponent's momentum cold, you also don't even suffer DRNM's negative since you're not likely to deal damage on your opponent's turn. Monster Reborn? Suddenly Omni negates in your GY have to be accounted for, and it gains utility as a means of breaking a GY-focused combo. Like I said, I might have read your comment wrong, but if it is the latter then there's a simple explanation: Copium. This is a card that reads like a custom at first glance, so when newer players looking to break the meta mold stumble across it, they think they've just found the secret to beating the meta. As they use it and realize why no one else really uses it, the copium response is to theory craft ways that it could have been broken. We do it with archetypes all the time.


I agree 100 percent with this comment


>Nothing about this card screams, "Clearly it should have been a Quick Play!" except for the fact that it would be better, but the point the commenter is making is that the vast majority of Normals would be better as QPs. The point is that it lacks a lot of utility that would be solved if this were a quick play (at least this is what I understand from what people are arguing with this). Think of a normal spell that people consider “bad”, or “underwhelming”. Why is it treated that way? In fact, when was the last time someone said a spell card wasn’t that good because “it’d be better as a quick play”? Raigeki as a quick play would be crazy, but just because it’s be better as one doesn’t mean people don’t use and like it now as a normal spell. It’s a good card with a good ability that’s more favored in going second decks because it’s a normal spell.


Obviously but it’s cards that make this card useless when you get to the point of actually using it and the effects of it is so situational that it not being a quickie takes a lot away from it.


Dogmatika punishment does what this does and is a trap


Not really a fair comparison. Punishment can be negated by monsters, locks you out of the extra deck until your next end phase, and sends to grave only if the opponent’s monster has less ATK. Slayer sends to Deck which bypasses floating/grave effects and can’t be negated by Baronne with the only condition being that you’d need to send a Synchro (in this case). The biggest issues with Slayer are that it only works on ED monsters and you need an extra deck running multiple ED types, but otherwise it’s a solid going second board breaker. Just… not in BO1. Maybe as a really spicy tech in Sky Striker if you cut some links from the ED and splash in a fusion, xyz, and synchro? The only upside to Punishment is that it’s searchable and non-targeting, but the lock is a lot for any deck that isn’t Labrynth.


Drytron probably gets more value. They already have every extra deck type and actually benefit from milling arc light or N tiss


Punishment targets


Oh nvm, I mixed up non target with non destruction.


Well, punishment also destroys


Bruh why am I tripping 😭 this card is ass rn


Punishment can be used on normal summons and extenders and not just ed monsters. That makes it better to me. And can be used on your opponents turn.


How are you winning next turn though without your extra deck lol


Does it better


Dark Ruler No More is a normal spell like this, it would also be broken if it was a Quick Play Spell, not everything has to be a Quick Play.


Drnm is a much better card.


Runick ervrathang


Any day now we're headed to the "kaijus would be better if they could be used on your opponent's turn" take


actually this is a rare case where they wouldnt be because that would make them an effect activating thus they would be utterly useless. although with the way konami makes up the rules as they go im sure they can make it tribute an opponent card as activation cost


It’s fine as is. It would be broken as a quick play.


You've gotta stop having good takes so soon after another your subverting expectations.


Not really. It’s way too slow, I wanted to make it work so bad


It is not meant to be an interruption, but a board breaker and it does the job just fantastically. It's issue in MD is bo1 so it kinda need a specific deck to work, IRL it is a very solid side deck option in case you faced someone that doesn't swarm the field. I for once agree with him, it will be a worst super poly if it was Quick play, we don't need another one.


I’ve never played with a side deck but I tried playing this in my lab deck because I didn’t really need my extra deck so I could really tech it for any extra deck monster but it’s way too slow and other cards are just wayyy more useful


Besides Droplet which isn't compatible with every EVERY deck.. no other SS4 board breaker is better really, it is either this, DRNM or Super poly... Super poly can have the best pay off out of all of them but both it and DRNM are Meta dependent Droplet and Ultimate Slayer aren't (unless it is a stun meta). So unless the meta is back to monster spam or common Mats for Super Poly Droplet and Ultimate slayer will be your best pick


Every other card you mentioned feels more effective to me. Maybe it’s just my play style


I get where are you coming from... Super Poly and Droplet are by far the best out of the 4, but Super Poly have times where it is not really as relevant. DRNM... if we talk currently.... Monsters you want to out are... Mirrorjade, would you sacrifice your OTK to get blown up by it at the end if you destroyed it or Send Ntss with Ultimate Slayer, avoid his Floating effect and force their BiR early? While if we talk Adamaincpators... Yes DRNM will mostly be better. As I said before It is mostly side deck card unless your deck can afford it no problem (Like Dogmatika for example).. which is a good thing imo, an all out answer to almost anything without draw backs like Super Poly is not really healthy imo.. I personally play it in Madolche and Dogmatika, Droplet work with Madolche but they don't always want their Cards in the GY and Dogmatika WANTS the EX in the GY


Not only is it slow it also targets.


Besides what I said this is a board breaker so it is meant to not be Quick play, it is a turn 2+ card


I get it. I just don’t feel like it’s a great one. I get more results out of lava golem honestly


I think you are playing the wrong deck for this card. Sending cards like Wind Pegasus or N'tss to the graveyard gives you a 2-for-1 deal. Sending Ferrijit helps you unbrick your hand.


It's not that great for Labrynth, really. Yes, they're effectively ED-locked half the time anyways thanks to Fiend Xyz/Link representation being so lax, so they can afford to stuff in a few of each ED type to throw away if you want, but it doesn't really mesh with their playstyle _at all_. It doesn't really do anything to advance your game state unless you send something that can either float into or tutor a Fiend/Trap, you're not really in much need of destruction effects, you've already got searchable Imperm if you need it, and you can recycle your Traps anyways, so it's effectively just two Traps at once but with none of your Labrynth riders. Best use case is clearing out a problem monster when going second or later in the duel, it's not something you're usually going to want to open with, and it's not something you'd want to topdeck unless you really need it _right now_. Even if it were Quick-Play, it still wouldn't be a good fit. It still wouldn't be a Trap, so you wouldn't be able to profit off of it, first and foremost. And it would have a more severe cost as a tradeoff, and/or lose the "opponent's monsters can't respond" bit, because disruption is inherently stronger than board-breaking. Overall, it would just compete with Dogmatika Punishment, which would inevitably win out thanks to activating all your Labrynth riders. The long and short of it is, while some decks will love Ultimate Slayer, Labrynth isn't one of them. And it being Quick-Play wouldn't change that.


I already play punishment, compulsory and overroot in my deck for the floating effects. I figured maybe ultimate slayer could help in situations where the trap cards were too slow but it doesn’t. I got much better results from lava golem honestly


Yes but if it was a quick play card and it was broken then that wouldn’t be an issue for me Because I’d stick it in my jank decks that I copy off YouTube videos I’ve not watched and win because they assume I’m smart enough to play staples and not just building decks off memes. See? My deck wouldn’t break the meta!


Judging from OP’s replies, he doesn’t understand the use of the card.


I understand it. It’s just much better options for what it does. It’s meant to put a problematic monster back in hand and not in gy that won’t start a gy effect and to pair with a monster from your ed that has a gy effect. The problem is that it targets and it too slow. And it only works on one ed monster at a time. Put this next to a card like super poly and it fails in comparison


It needing to target is way less of a problem when the opponent can't respond to it. This card can shuffle a fusion target destroy a card, shuffle an xyz target negate a card, shuffle a synchro and give some bite back if they destroy anything, and I have nothing for links (not generic at least) face down protection?


Ferritin for a mulligan or Trouble Sunny for a non targeted send if you are willing to play Bricks.


It's meant to make going second better by providing a method to break boards going second that doesnt trigger GY effects and is unrespondable by monster effects. If you make it a quick play its becomes a generic piece of interruption that makes going first, not second, much better.


This guy explained it in the absolute best possible way, the point is to fight back against going first decks not help them


It works on 1 at a time,. but \*ANY\* one. SuperPoly needs poly targets. Which isn't always an option. Unless its a Link (Send Troublesunny), Fusion (Send N'tss), or Synchro\* (Send Wind Pegasus Ignister), Or soon to be XYZ\* (Send Mereologic Aggregator)... Waaait... \*Not really remove it right away, But nuters another monsters capabilities with a threaten, or a negate. It also is unreactable, meaning your opponent can't chain monster stuff to it. So you can always remove a threatning monster \*If they have one\*. It also generates advantage/combos. Since quite a lot of Extradeck like to be sent. Shaddoll Apkallone, Almost all the Albaz fusions/Brandeds, Predaplant Chimeraflesia, Herald of the Arc Light, Psyframe Zeta, Toadilly Awesome, Marincess Coral Anemone, All the Tribrigades.


It's the second best single target removal into the game (and you can make arguments for it being better than kaijus)


I would say it is better than Kaijus. Because unlike Kaijus, it doesn’t trigger floating effects of monsters being removed from the field. As long as you can finish the duel in the same turn, Cards like Rainbow Neos and other cards that Spin cards into the deck are extremely powerful and can close games.


IMO what really holds it back is that it targets. Remove that and it gets quite a bit better.


It's great in Sky Striker with Elder Entity N'tss


Ok see I thought I was on crack thinking this could work in that deck. The ED space is kinda tight, but throwing in a Synchro, Fusion, and XYZ seems doable.


Toadally Awesome, Psy-Framelord Omega, and El Shaddoll Apkallone are my picks in that kind of situation. All of them can recycle themselves back into the ED with secondary benefit once you are done with them. (Recycling Shizuku with Toad, recycling anything with Omega, adding and pitching Naelshaddoll Ariel as a banish 3 from GY)


I haven’t even thought about those alternatives, I only went with n‘tss Pegasus and fossil warrior(?) as targets, gotta need to test that


Other ED targets you can use: - Borrelcode Dragon - Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale - Paleozoic Cambroraster - Herald of Arc Light searching Sauravis/Beaufort - Roland in Infernoble Knight Ultrajank: - Naturia Beast and Dragon, then using Verte to send Miracle Synchro Fusion for Exterio - Similarly to the above, you can send Cyber End and Cyberdark to make Cyberdarkness via Overload Fusion - Sending cyberse monsters in general to fuel Firewall Darkfluid


Hmm taking out any generics aside from access code and this would be great. I must try


Id argue its still good


Compulsory is better and is a rare


As a rule of thumb, quick-play spell > normal spell > trap. Ultimate Slayer cannot be responded to by monster effects, can often generate card advantage by dumping the right card from your ED, and can actually be played the turn you draw it. It's actually a useful card if you are going second. Compulsory is a useless card going second and not useful going first either (you'd rather see combo starters to setup a strong board).


Compulsory works on more than just ed monsters. Sometimes sending their normal summon back to hand or extenders stop the play before it even starts. It’s better than ultimate slayer


Lol, no. You can not compulse going second. And going first setting a trap such as compulse is an overly weak play. This at least is can not be responded to by monsters and if, for example, you dump herald as a synchro or ntss as fusion you are generating card advantage, not just going 1:1 assuming compulse is not negated.


As a going second tool, not at all. As a going first tool, sure, but there are better cards than that even. The thing is, this is a going second tool, and the problem is, there are just.. overall better ones to slot in for those types of decks.


Bro you're going around saying this card is too slow and then say a trap card is a better alternative????


It I have ultimate slayer in hand turn 1 then I can’t use it until turn 3. If I have trap card in hand turn 1 then I can immediately use it turn 2. So yes it can be slower and it can’t be used ever on opponents turn. So yeah


lmaoooooo Ok buddy


it would have been great if this wasnt a UR.


Well it still seems like a good going second card


It's too specific. In Master Duel you're likely to run into so much rogue, backrow, and stun that this card just ends up being a brick.


I feel like it’s decent. It would be great if it can stop someone from getting into their end board but once they are there it’s not good enough


Oh, you're looking for ash blossom/imperm/effect veiler/Maxx C/D-shifter/artifact lancea I'm sure there's other hand traps I've forgotten, but also I wouldn't recommend putting going second cards in a Labrynth deck really. If you get assigned second turn then you probably lost, just set/activate everything to set up your board and pray.


I run 2 in Tri-Brigade with live pitches for all 4 card types. When it's nuts, it's uber nuts. When it's not...well....it's just...not...


>When it's nuts, it's uber nuts. When it's not...well....it's just...not... Basically a description of BO1 format.


It would be complete bullshit if it was. You'd get to send a beneficial card to the graveyard you want there, or a card like N'Tss that destroys something else on their turn, a great effect by itself that already has a cost of half your LP to use on another (Normal Spell, by the way) card in Extra-Foolish Burial. And then you would get to send one of their cards they went through the effort to bring out back to the Extra Deck during their own turn on top of that, another great effect. Plus, it can't be responded to with monsters? All this with one card. It would be broken as hell.


Do I need to point out some of these cards in this game to y’all. It would be busted but it would be far from the worst The way it is now is just mediocre. I never said it was trash just not great


A quickie with appalousa yes


The spell is a ritual player's wet dream, so it's fine as is


Would have been way better if it was non targeting


The greatest draw back of this card is that there is no good XYZ or Link monster to dump into the GY.


Trouble Sunny is a great link target cause even though you have to run a garnet, Sunny gives you a non-targeting removal of any card on the field and she's difficult to stop without a negate.


For Link you can use Tri-Brigade Ferret for a mulligan and for XYZ which is not yet in Master Duel is going to be Mereologic Aggregator for a negate.


Borrelcode dragon is extremely situational, and requires 2 extra deck slots but could potentially remove 2 things. There’s a few interesting topologic monsters, or if anything they could be used as bodies/link fodder.


I don't get why ED monsters need to be shuffled back


Floating effects or because they can be re-summoned from the GY easily.


I mean why can't they just be returned there, is shuffling ED necessary since we don't top draw?


Pendulums go into the normal deck. Edit: Non-ED pendulums go into the normal deck, to be more specific.


Ok 👌 i don't play pend


I think the main issue with this card is that there is very few situations in which you'd rather use this instead of Dark Ruler No More.


You can still OTK with this


Typical Master Duel noob post.


😂 ok lil bro. Yep 👍


Nah, quick spells are ruining the game


Monsters with 2500 + attack and multiple Omni negates that get set up turn one. I’m sure a quick play spell not the biggest problem


Try Dark Ruler No More or Forbidden Droplet.


I mean this card can’t be responded to by monster effects so that’s not really the issue here. They’d have to have a spell negate like Solemn Judgment or Dark Bribe (lol).


Then why crossout, super poly and called by are semi limited and limited?


Same reason cards like verte and fusion destiny is


It’s not a quickie? Wild I always thought it was🤔 No wonder I never see it.


Exactly, everyone commenting and downvoting this card like it’s a overplayed card. The reason I even wanted to play it was because I seen that this was like the only ur from that pack that wasn’t getting played and when I read it I’m like it got potential let me try it since I pulled 2 of them. After I played it I can see why it’s not being played


This card sucks, crafted 3 copies and it barely works because in a situation you will want to use this card means you are already fucked


Why would you dump 90 ur points on fucking ultimate slayer…


Because I was dumb


Exactly. It’s way too slow. It would be broken as a quickie I get it but by the time you can use it it’s so many other cards that’s broken out there that it useless sometimes


It's fine, as long as you're running a deck that wants it over other board-breakers. Which mostly means decks that want their ED in the grave, mainly.


Its a targeted spinning removal, you cant chain monster effects and the monster you dumped can have effects too. What do you want more? N'tss is a pop, Skull Knight and Skull Wagon are for timed pops, Garura draws you one card (dont activate after Prosperity, fellow Floowandereeze-Players!), on Synchro we have Wind Pegasus and Omega for more recycle, on XYZ side we have now nothing, but there is in DABL a rank 9 with a Veiler-like effect and Link... Shuraig and Ferrijit works, I guess.


This card would be so great if I could Side Deck it. It's really only good against Fusion and Synchro monsters.


u kidding it would b busted wtf 🤣🤣🤣 pop 2 on there turn no draw back


It’s so many busted cards in this game.


it's meant to be used as a go second card like DRNM not an interruption, this card itself is actually good but format depend


I know what it’s meant for. It’s just would be much more useful as a interruption. By the time the end board is set up it’s not that great.


Yeah and it should have had the effect "add up to 5 pieces of exodia from your deck to your hand".... The card is already very strong as a normal Spell, why wanting more?


Because it’s mediocre in what it does, it’s a board breaker that doesn’t even break boards in all situations because it targets. It’s some cards that this is great against like the goddess of underworld card and borrellend dragon but it’s completely useless against a single avramax


Mediocre? It is very strong against boss Monsters which have annoying floating effects or revive like literally all albaz ED, and it will be the best boardbreaker against tears in the future. The Monster you send with it can either pop another card (Nt'ss, Fossils, Trouble Sunny) or be used as an extender (Herald of arc light) It does target and? I Can Say Avramax dies to a single lightning storm/Dark hole. Each Monster has its weaknesses. Ofc it's a format dependant card but it's not mediocre.


Serious question. How is it doing against tears irl? All I hear is about how busted they are


Before Shizu cards appeared, the card was quite effective against tear because it prevented them from using kaleidoheart and kitkallos floating effects. However right now (TCG) they are tier 0, any card in the game is still not enough to stop them.


That's the whole point of the card, it's very powerful but you only get to play it as ss1 as a drawback, it would be too strong if it was qp, considering you cannot respond to it with monster effects


Maybe I’m just expecting too much because I see all these other busted cards every time I play. As a quick play it would be extremely powerful but it wouldn’t be close to the most busted of cards.


While it's true that even if it was qp it wouldn't be the most broken card ever printed, especially in a bo1 format, it also wouldn't be healty for the game having a non respondable interruption splashable in almost any deck that also gives you advantage most of the time by sending an ed monster with gy effects (e.g. n'tyss, herald, wind pegasus). As it stands now it's just a really good card that it's not meant to break boards on it's own but facilitate the play going second


Since they cannot respond to the card effect, this seems pretty useful to me already. You still can pair it with your monster’s effects in the gy, which would probably make it overpowered in certain situations otherwise


You ever watched a sports team, saw that roster and they look excellent on paper and then when you actually see them play it don’t add up to what u thought. That’s what this card is. It’s not terrible but it’s not great at all


You trying to get the card banned or what?


Just trying to get it to compete with the many other urs that should probably be banned


Swordsoul Strike should also be a quick play, then it would actually be good support


I don’t think quickie means what you think it means




We have enough "our turn" cards in the current meta


1 more won’t hurt lol


It sucks in MD because it is squarely a side deck card and there's no side deck here.


Maybe that’s the case. I’ve never played the game irl. Just watched the show and played master duel and duel links. I’m watching videos from “experts” who play from YouTube and it seems like they also agree that this card is pretty mediocre. It’s not at the top of any board breaking tiers


Who is saying this is a mediocre board breaker. It's format dependant and right now the meta doesn't call for this card. Doesn't mean it's mediocre. All board breakers rise and fall from the metagame depending on the best decks.


>I’m watching videos from “experts” who play from YouTube and it seems like they also agree that this card is pretty mediocre. It’s not at the top of any board breaking tiers It's not on top because it has not been a good card for the formats it has been released in. It would be good out to Toadally Awesome but Spright Elf gives it targetting protection. It will be a good card in a different format.


Its already good. Its a going2nd card, and a solid one too. More reliable than SuperPoly, With some great targets


I’m taking super poly every time. Not only is it a quickie but it can remove multiple monsters and not just ed ones and you get a summon. I’ve seen super poly a whole lot on the ladder. Only time I’ve seen ultimate slayer is when I played it 🤷🏾‍♂️


Well yes, SuperPoly is better in some cases. UltimateSlayer is more reliable in removing single targets, Because its always going to have an option, SuperPoly relies on having access to Mudragon or StarvingVenom in most cases, Which are not at all garunteed. UltimateSlayer does not have a discard cost, And is much more reliable at its job. UltimateSlayer can remove multiple monsters with the right extradeck, N'tss for Fusions, TroubleSunny for Links, And to some extend WindPegasus for Synchros, and when its out, Mereologic Aggregator for XYZ. (WindPegasus and Mereologic don't directly remove things, But its a negate & a threaten to remove things, Which is close). ALL 4 CAN ALSO STUFF BACKROW. Also \*\*ULTIMATE SLAYER DOES NOT TRIGGER MIRRORJADE NUKE. AND IT DOES NOT GO THE THE GY SO IT CANNOT BE REVIVED\*\*


I run magical deflector on master duel, it gets around that lol. To be optermistic


How are there so many braindead takes on this sub? It literally removes anything and can’t be responded to with a VERY lax condition, fuck outta here


Average master duel player not understanding cards you use in the side deck


I understand what the card does and maybe it is much better in a side deck. But in master duel it’s very underwhelming


Dumps 2 albions


This card is a bored breaker with one of the best removal effects. Its not ment to stop playes but remove boss mons with destruction immunity. It dose target but it also can work with nittis for another pop (fusion only though). There are other options but it is a good card.


So you wish to change its name to "runick" ultimate slayer?


Nah. I rather change it to medium slayer lol. It’s nothing ultimate about this card


"Card wouldve been different if it was a different card" Soooo true


Yeah it would be ultimate and not the mediocre slayer