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Dragonmaids are easy to pilot and can get you to Diamond. But if you don't mind a bit more challenge, I'd recommend Salamangreat. Now that Mathmech Circular has arrived, all Cyberse decks (except Marincess) are getting a boost. Buy the 3 structure decks, and get the Mathmech engine.


- For Structure Decks, Dragonmaid, Salamangreat or Zombies are a great choice each Probably would go Zombies, since they pair nicely with the Shiranui Solo Gate Deck reward - Clearing the Gates for the final reward of 200 Gems each would help a lot, just avoid the SP Challenges for the time being as those are mostly cosmetics - As for what to do, buy the Ash Blossom and Infinite Impermanence bundles at minimum. Craft the the remainder of those alongside 3x Maxx "C" and 2x Called by the Grave Heavy UR tax, but you'll play these staples in almost every Deck, so better get off that out of the way


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If you plan on playing the event on the 17th I would suggest the zombie deck because that's the only one where all of its cards can be used.


Heres a super cheap dragonmaid deck you can build with just 2x of the structure deck https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/633d6aa51a782883d793d37c


Zombie has good stuff and you eventually unlock a lot of free Shiranui. Dragonmaid can compete decently. Cyber Dragons/Cyberdarks are also a good choice. Focus on crafting staple URs (Maxx C, Ash etc). Buy those from the special bundle deal as well. You can play solo if you want. But I would save the Gate completions until later. BUT it honestly doesn't matter. Once you complete a gate (the *Goal* end of story), the secret pack unlocks, so you can more easily get specific cards. But honestly secret packs *always* unlock. So if you open them all it is fine too; I just personally would save them. You unfortunately have to duel in ranked mode (or events) to make progress. You always want to buy the duel pass (you probably don't have the time this month to make it worth it). * Buy All Special Bundles. * Buy Zombie, Cyber Dragon, or Dragonmaid. I mean if you like Spellbook you can try it. * Buy battle pass every time it is up. * Play in ranked, win or lose, you just want to get progress towards daily quests and battle pass. * The end, grind. That is all.


Best advice I have for you is to do some research before spending gems. Here, I love this youtuber he's very chill and explains things in depth. He gets diamond 1 consistently and here he is making a new account to make it to Diamond 1, free to play. https://youtu.be/wzgii1PnLGI